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Phenol sulfotransferase (PST) catalyzes the sulfate conjugation of catecholamines and phenol and catechol drugs. The human blood platelet contains a thermolabile (TL) form of PST that catalyzes the sulfate conjugation of dopamine and other monoamines and a thermostable (TS) form that catalyzes the sulfate conjugation of micromolar concentrations of phenol and p-nitrophenol. Experiments were performed to determine whether the brain contains forms of PST analogous to the TL and TS forms found in the human platelet, and to determine whether there are regional variations in human brain PST activity. We found that the human brain contains at least two forms of PST, forms that are similar to the platelet TS and TL forms of the enzyme with respect to substrate specificity, apparent Km constants, thermal stability, and sensitivity to inhibitors. Optimal conditions were determined for the measurement of these two activities in brain homogenates. The stability of PST activities in the human brain after death was determined in five samples of cerebral cortex that were obtained during clinically indicated neurosurgical procedures. An average of 76 +/- 8% and 80 +/- 9% (mean +/- SEM) of the basal TL and TS PST activities, respectively, remained in these five samples of cerebral cortex after 8 h of storage under simulated post-mortem conditions. Six human brains were then obtained less that 8 h after death from patients who had no neurological disease prior to death. The mean activities of the TL and TS forms of PST were measured in 17 different regions of the six brains. If the pituitary was excluded from consideration, TL and TS PST activities both varied approximately fivefold among these regions, and both activities were highest in cerebral cortex. However, the average TS activity in the anterior pituitary, a tissue of non-neural origin embryologically, was 6.5-fold greater than the highest average TS PST activity found in cerebral cortex.  相似文献   
Human C4 displays a structural polymorphism which is consistent with there being two closely linked genetic loci coding for this protein. These give rise to two C4 isotypes, designated C4A and C4B, which can be distinguished by charge and apparent m.w. differences in their respective alpha-chains and by the presence or absence of the Chido/Rodgers blood group antigens. Previous qualitative studies of C4 immune hemolysis activity in whole plasma had suggested that the C4B isotype was functionally more active. By using purified C4A and C4B isolated from individual donors known serologically to possess only one of the C4 isotypes, we examined the molecular basis for the differences in their respective hemolytic activities. It was found that the C4B:C4A hemolytic activity ratio was approximately 4:1. This fourfold difference could not be accounted for by a commensurate difference in the cleavage rate of the two isotypes by C1s by differences in the kinetics of assembly or intrinsic decay of the respective C3 convertase enzymes, or by differences in the rate of isotypic C4b cleavage by factor I in the presence of C4bp . However, the fourfold greater deposition efficiency of nascent C4b of the C4B isotype onto the surface of C1-bearing sheep erythrocytes quantitatively accounted for the observed difference in immune hemolysis function. It was further found that the thioester bond of nascent C4b of the C4A isotype preferentially transacylates onto amino group nucleophiles, whereas in the C4B isotype, acylation of hydroxyl groups is strongly preferred. Thus, the difference in immune hemolysis activity between the two C4 isotypes does not necessarily indicate an impairment of function in C4A; it may merely be a reflection of the relative abundance at the surface of a C1-bearing target of hydroxyl and amino groups capable of being acyl acceptors for nascent C4b. Finally, we also present evidence showing that the apparent m.w. difference between the alpha-chains of the C4A and C4B isotypes is not due to differences in protein glycosylation.  相似文献   
The genes for alpha-fetoprotein and albumin arose by duplication of an ancestral gene that contained three genetic domains. These domains were generated by the triplication of a primordial genetic domain composed of five exons or subdomains. That the primordial domain itself arose by amplification of a simpler sequence is suggested by nucleotide sequence homologies among the subdomains of the mouse alpha-fetoprotein gene. A detailed analysis of these homologies reveals that each of the five subdomain families contains remnants of a 27-base-long repeat from which the entire alpha-fetoprotein coding sequence has been assembled. A consensus sequence for the 27 nucleotide repeat is derived, and the positions of the repeats within each subdomain are described. A model is proposed for the evolution of the primordial domain by the amplification and divergence of the 27 base-pair sequence, along with the condensation of the repeats into subdomains separated by intervening sequences. It is postulated that the role of intervening sequences may be to limit sequence amplification in genes such as alpha-fetoprotein and albumin whose protein products cannot tolerate size variation.  相似文献   
We have studied the temporal and functional relationships between DNA replication and recombination in adenovirus-infected cells by using Southern blot hybridization to detect recombinant products among intracellular viral genomes. The data show that recombination can be detected soon after DNA replication has commenced and that the proportion of recombinant products increases thereafter. To determine the functional relationship between DNA replication and recombination, replication was blocked with the protein synthesis inhibitor anisomycin, the replication inhibitor cytosine arabinoside, and conditionally lethal mutations in either the virus-specified DNA-binding protein or the DNA polymerase. All treatments that directly or indirectly blocked DNA replication caused a delay in the appearance of recombinant products and a marked decline in their abundance relative to products of parental genotype. These data strongly suggest that DNA replication and recombination are interrelated, either because both processes share functions or because DNA structures produced by replication are suitable substrates for recombination. In addition, we have shown that some recombination function(s) is intrinsically thermolabile at 40.9 degrees C, even in wild-type crosses, since the appearance of recombinant products is delayed and their extent is reduced compared with that from crosses performed at 39.9 degrees C.  相似文献   
Motility patterns of caput epididymal chimpanzee sperm, caput epididymal chimpanzee sperm incubated in vitro with chimpanzee cauda epididymal fluid, and cauda epididymal chimpanzee sperm were assessed quantitatively. Sperm recovered from the caput epididymis showed no motility, whereas sperm recovered from cauda epididymis showed progressive forward motility. After incubation in cauda fluid, approximately 25% of caput epididymal sperm showed some motile activity. Electrophoretic analysis of 125I-labeled sperm plasma membrane preparations revealed that the surface of caput epididymal sperm, incubated in cauda fluid, was modified by the appearance of a major protein-glycoprotein surface component with an apparent molecular weight of 27 kilodaltons (kD). THis 27-kD component was not detected on caput epididymal sperm incubated in buffer or in caput fluid. However, it was present in cauda fluid and on cauda epididymal sperm. Binding to caput epididymal sperm was cell specific in that chimpanzee erythrocytes incubated in cauda fluid did not bind this 27-kD cauda fluid component. Motility patterns of ejaculated chimpanzee sperm and of ejaculated chimpanzee sperm incubated in the uterus of adult female chimpanzees also were assessed quantitatively. Ejaculated sperm showed progressive forward motility, whereas in utero incubated ejaculated sperm showed hyperactivated motility typical of capacitated sperm. Electrophoretic analysis of 125I-labeled sperm plasma membrane preparations revealed the loss of a 27-kD component from the surface of ejaculated sperm after in utero incubation. No significant change in the 125I-distribution pattern was detectable when ejaculated sperm were incubated in buffer. These results suggest that the lumenal fluid component, which becomes adsorbed to the surface of chimpanzee sperm during maturation in the epididymis and which is removed from the surface of mature chimpanzee sperm in the female reproductive tract, affects sperm motility.  相似文献   
Summary Additon of pyruvate or leucine was found to be efficient for increasing the intracellular ratios of NADH/NAD and NADPH/NADP while reducing the coenzyme A concentration during the cultivation of Alcaligenes eutrophus. Poly--hydroxybutyrate (PHB) accumulation was enhanced more than 2-fold since metabolic flux of acetyl-CoA into PHB synthetic pathway could be facilitated by the changes of the cofactor concentrations.  相似文献   
The in vitro shoot proliferation of Populus alba × P. grandidentata was affected by the medium consistency and shoot density, but not by three sizes of vessels. After 4 weeks of culture, the fresh weight and number of shoots per explant on liquid medium were significantly greater than those on agar-solidified medium. In particular, 3.2 shoots, 7 mm or longer per explant, were produced on liquid medium compared with 1.6 shoots per explant or agar-solidified medium. The fresh weight per explant after 4 weeks of culture on liquid medium and agar-solidified medium were 0.68 and 0.25 g, respectively. Increasing the number of shoots per vessel slowed the growth of the explants as measured by fresh weight and the number of shoots produced. There was little difference in the number of shoots produced between vessels with 1 or 2 shoots per vessel, but there were many fewer shoots produced when 3 shoots were placed in each vessel.Journal Paper No. J-11977 of the Iowa Agriculture and Home Economics Experiment Station, Ames, Iowa. Project 2210.  相似文献   
Summary The RNA structures synthesized in vitro by a crude enzyme complex from tobacco mosaic virus (TMV)-infected leaves have been analyzed; the major viral-specific products were similar to TMV-replicative form (RF) and-replicative intermediate (RI) in electrophoretic behavior and ribonuclease sensitivity. Synthesis of these RF-like and RI-like structures neither required nor responded to added viral RNA, but did require all four ribonucleotide triphosphates. Enriched radiolabeled RF-like and RI-like RNA fractions were isolated from non-denaturing agarose gels by electroelution and hybridized to a collection of TMV sequences cloned into bacteriophage M13. Enriched RF-RNA hybridized to sequences of both plus and minus polarity, while enriched RI-RNA hybridized only to inserts of minus polarity, indicating only plus strand synthesis in this fraction. Most of the label incorporated into the plus strand of the enriched RF-RNA was found near the 3-end of this strand, while most of the label incorporated into enriched RI-RNA was found several hundred bases from the 5-end of the plus strand.Paper presented at the first International Congress of Plant Molecular Biology (Savannah, GA, 1985).  相似文献   
The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae contains three alcohol dehydrogenase isoenzymes (ADHI-ADHIII), two in the cytoplasm (ADHI and ADHII) and one in the mitochondrion (ADHIII). Sequence comparison of the corresponding nuclear genes showed that these three proteins are 80-90% identical except for a 27-amino acid extension at the amino terminus of ADHIII. Here we demonstrate that ADHIII is located inside the mitochondrial inner membrane. We also show, using gene fusions, that the amino terminus of ADHIII contains the information for targeting the protein to and transporting it into the mitochondrion. The mitochondrial isoenzyme ADHIII can be converted into a cytosolic protein by deleting its first 28 amino acids. Conversely, the cytoplasmic isoenzyme ADHII can be converted into a mitochondrial isoenzyme by replacing its first 21 amino acids with the first 48 amino acids of ADHIII. We conclude that ADHII is a cytosolic protein because it lacks an amino-terminal targeting sequence for the mitochondrion and that ADHIII is a mitochondrial protein because it contains a mitochondrial targeting sequence.  相似文献   
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