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Processed pseudogenes arise via unimolecular events that result in the integration of nonfunctional (and therefore non-selected) regions of DNA into the germ line. The sequence of such pseudogenes can be used as a novel form of evolutionary clock: the older a particular pseudogene, the more mutations it has acquired relative to the selectively constrained functional gene from which it was originally derived. We have used specific beta-tubulin gene probes to assay for the presence of fully sequenced processed pseudogenes in genomic DNA from various hominoid species. The data suggest that orangutan is more closely related to human, chimpanzee and gorilla than is generally believed.  相似文献   
The phosphorylation and dephosphorylation of specific proteins was demonstrated directly in the intact vertebrate nervous system in vivo. By exploiting the neurons' ability to segregate a select group of cytoskeletal proteins from most other phosphorylated constituents of the cell by axoplasmic transport, we were able to examine the dynamics of phosphate turnover on neurofilament proteins in mouse retinal ganglion cell neurons simultaneously labeled with [32P]orthophosphate and [3H]proline in vivo. Three [3H]proline-labeled neurofilament protein (NFP) subunits, designated H (160-200 kDa), M (135-145 kDa), and L (68-70 kDa), entered optic axons in a mole:mole ratio similar to that of isolated axonal neurofilaments, supporting the notion that newly synthesized NFPs are transported along axons as assembled neurofilaments. NFP subunits incorporated high levels of 32P before reaching axonal sites at the level of the optic nerve. As neurofilaments were transported along axons, however, many initially incorporated [32P]phosphate groups were removed. Loss of these phosphate groups occurred to a different extent on each subunit. A minimum of 50-60 and 35-40% of the labeled phosphate groups was removed in a 5-day period from the L and M subunits, respectively. By contrast, the H subunit exhibited relatively little or no phosphate turnover during the same period. Dephosphorylation of L in axons is accompanied by a decrease in its net state of phosphorylation; changes in the phosphorylation state of H and M, however, also reflect ongoing addition of phosphates to these polypeptides during axonal transport (Nixon, R.A., Lewis, S.E., and Marotta, C.A. (1986) J. Neurosci., in press). The possibility is raised that dynamic rearrangements of phosphate topography on NFPs represent a mechanism to coordinate interactions of neurofilaments with other proteins as these elements are transported and incorporated into the stationary cytoskeleton along retinal ganglion cell axons.  相似文献   
We have used a monoclonal antibody ESA 152 in fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FPR) studies of a maturation-dependent surface antigen of ram sperm. The antibody is an immunoglobulin G secreted by a hybridoma derived from NS1 mouse myeloma cells. The ESA 152 antigen is not detectable in testicular sperm. It is localized on the surface of ejaculated sperm where it is present on all regions of the surface, but tends to be concentrated on the posterior region of the head. The ESA 152 antigen can be extracted by detergents or chloroform-methanol. The extracted antigen is sensitive to proteases and migrates with an apparent Mr approximately 30,000 in SDS-containing 10-20% polyacrylamide gradient gels. FPR measurements of ESA 152 lateral mobility in the membrane yield diffusion coefficients in the range 10(-9)-10(-8) cm2/s, values typical of lipids but observed for proteins only at the fluid dynamic limit where diffusion is controlled by lipid fluidity. Immobile fractions, typical of membrane proteins, are observed on all regions. When the antigen is stained by a fluoresceinated Fab fragment of the ESA 152 antibody, the diffusibility is highly regionalized, with particularly low, but rapid, recovery on the midpiece. Cross-linking of the antigen with the intact ESA 152 antibody induces a redistribution in which the antigen is excluded from the posterior head region. This cross-linking is accompanied by increases in ESA 152 diffusibility on both the anterior head and the midpiece.  相似文献   
Choroideremia (McK30310), an X-linked hereditary retinal dystrophy, causes night-blindness, progressive peripheral visual field loss, and, ultimately, central blindness in affected males. The location of choroideremia on the X chromosome is unknown. We have used restriction fragment length polymorphisms from the X chromosome to determine the regional localization of choroideremia by linkage analysis in families with this disease. One such polymorphic locus, DXYS1, located on the long arm (Xq) within bands q13-q21, shows no recombination with choroideremia at lod = 5.78. Therefore, with 90% probability, choroideremia maps within 9 centiMorgans (cM) of DXYS1. Another polymorphic locus, DXS11, located within Xq24-q26, also shows no recombination with choroideremia, although at a smaller lod score of 1.54 (90% probability limit theta less than 30 cM). This linkage with DXS11, a marker that is distal to DXYS1, suggests that the locus for choroideremia is also distal to DXYS1 and lies between these two markers in the region Xq13-q24. These results provide regional mapping for the disease that may be useful for prenatal diagnosis and, perhaps ultimately, for isolating the gene locus for choroideremia.  相似文献   
The effects of deuterium oxide (D2O) and temperature on the properties of endplate channels were studied in voltage-clamped muscle fibers from the frog Rana pipiens. Studies were performed at temperatures of 8, 12, 16, and 20 degrees C. The single channel conductance (gamma) and mean channel lifetime (tau) were calculated from fluctuation analysis of the acetylcholine-induced end-plate currents. The reversal potential was determined by interpolation of the acetylcholine-induced current-voltage relation. The mean reversal potential was slightly more negative in D2O Ringer's (-7.9 +/- 0.1 mV [+/- SEM]) compared with H2O Ringer's (-5.2 +/- 0.6 mV, P less than 0.01). The single channel conductance was decreased in D2O. This decrease was greater than could be accounted for by the increased viscosity of D2O solutions, and the amount of the decrease was greater at higher temperatures. For example, gamma was 38.4 +/- 1.3 pS (+/- SEM) in H2O Ringer's and 25.7 +/- 1.0 pS in D2O Ringer's for a holding potential of -70 mV at 12 degrees C. The mean channel lifetime was significantly shorter in D2O, and the effect was greater at lower temperatures. There was not a strong effect of solvent on the temperature dependence of gamma. On the other hand, the temperature dependence of the reciprocal mean channel lifetime, alpha (where alpha = 1/tau), was strongly dependent upon the solvent. The single channel conductances showed no demonstrable voltage dependence over the range of -90 to -50 mV in both solvents. The reciprocal mean channel lifetime showed a voltage dependence, which could be described by the relation alpha = B exp(AV). The slope A was not strongly affected by either temperature or the solvent. On the other hand, the intercept B was a strong function of temperature and was weakly dependent upon the solvent, with most values greater in D2O. The D2O effects on alpha were what would be expected if they were due to the properties of D2O as a solvent (solvent isotope effects), while the D2O effects on gamma must also include the exchange of D for H in the vicinity of the selectivity filter (primary and/or secondary kinetic isotope effects).  相似文献   
The cellular and extracellular distribution of leukotriene B4 (LTB4) generated in human neutrophilic polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN) stimulated with unopsonized zymosan has been compared with that generated in PMN activated by the calcium ionophore. The amounts of extracellular and intracellular LTB4 were quantitated by radioimmunoassay. The authenticity of the immunoreactive LTB4 was confirmed by the elution of a single immunoreactive peak after reverse phase-high performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) at the retention time of synthetic LTB4, by the identical elution time of a peak of radiolabeled product derived from [3H]arachidonic acid-labeled PMN with the immunoreactive product, and by the comparable chemotactic activity on a weight basis of immunoreactive LTB4 and synthetic LTB4 standard. Under optimal conditions of stimulation by unopsonized zymosan, more than 78% of the generated immunoreactive LTB4 remained intracellular, whereas with optimal activation by the ionophore, less than 8.6% of immunoreactive LTB4 was retained. Resolution by RP-HPLC of the products from the supernatants and cell extracts of [3H]arachidonic acid-labeled PMN stimulated with unopsonized zymosan and those stimulated with calcium ionophore allowed identification and measurement of 5-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid (5-HETE), 6-trans-LTB4, LTB4, and omega oxidation products of LTB4 by radioactivity. With zymosan stimulation of PMN, 5-HETE and the 6-trans-LTB4 diastereoisomers were not released, LTB4 was partially released, and the omega oxidation products of LTB4 were preferentially extracellular in distribution. In contrast, with ionophore stimulation, only 5-HETE had any duration of intracellular residence being equally distributed intra- and extracellularly throughout the 30-min period of observation; 6-trans-LTB4, LTB4, and the omega oxidation products of LTB4 were retained at less than 19%. The respective distributions of 5-HETE after zymosan and ionophore stimulation were not altered by the introduction of albumin to the reaction mixtures to prevent reacylation, or by hydrolysis of the cell extract to uncover any product that had been reacylated. The finding that stimulation of PMN with unopsonized zymosan results in the cellular retention of 5-lipoxygenase products suggests that release of these metabolites may be an event that is regulated separately from their generation.  相似文献   
Reduction of postischemic edema with hyperbaric oxygen   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In recent years, reports have shown positive effects of hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) treatment in posttraumatic circulatory insufficiency of the extremities. A tourniquet model for temporary ischemia was used to examine such treatment in rats. The circulation of the rat hindlimb was interrupted for 3 hours, while the contralateral uninjured leg served as control. There was a significant (p less than 0.001) postischemic edema in the tourniquet leg up to 48 hours after restoration of circulation. One group of animals received treatment with hyperbaric oxygen at 2.5 atmospheres absolute (ATA) for 45 minutes after release of the tourniquet. This significantly reduced (p less than 0.001) the postischemic edema, and the reduction persisted for 40 hours after the last treatment. It is concluded that hyperbaric oxygen reduces postischemic edema. Hyperbaric oxygen may therefore be useful as an adjuvant in the treatment of acute ischemic conditions when surgical repair alone fails or is not sufficient to reverse the ischemic process.  相似文献   
Six monoclonal antibodies have been isolated from mice immunized with synthetic peptide immunogens whose sequences are derived from that of the human c-myc gene product. Five of these antibodies precipitate p62c-myc from human cells, and three of these five also recognize the mouse c-myc gene product. None of the antibodies sees the chicken p110gag-myc protein. All six antibodies recognize immunoblotted p62c-myc. These reagents also provide the basis for an immunoblotting assay by which to quantitate p62c-myc in cells.  相似文献   
Surfactant changes in experimentally induced disease   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
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