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It has long been presumed that activation of the apoptosis-initiating Death Receptor 5, as well as other structurally homologous members of the TNF-receptor superfamily, relies on ligand-stabilized trimerization of noninteracting receptor monomers. We and others have proposed an alternate model in which the TNF-receptor dimer—sitting at the vertices of a large supramolecular receptor network of ligand-bound receptor trimers—undergoes a closed-to-open transition, propagated through a scissorslike conformational change in a tightly bundled transmembrane (TM) domain dimer. Here we have combined electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy and potential-of-mean force calculations on the isolated TM domain of the long isoform of DR5. The experiments and calculations both independently validate that the opening transition is intrinsic to the physical character of the TM domain dimer, with a significant energy barrier separating the open and closed states.Death receptor 5 (DR5) is a member of the tumor necrosis factor receptor (TNFR) superfamily that mediates apoptosis when bound by its cognate ligand, TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (1). Upregulated in cancer cells, DR5 is among the most actively pursued anticancer targets (2). TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand binds to preassembled DR5 trimers at their extracellular domains, causing the formation of oligomeric ligand-receptor networks that are held together by receptor dimers (3). In the long-isoform of DR5, this dimer is crosslinked via ligand-induced disulfide bond formation between two transmembrane (TM) domain α-helices at Cys-209, and is further stabilized by a GxxxG motif one helix-turn downstream (3).Our recent study of the structurally homologous TNFR1 showed that receptor activation involves a conformational change that propagates from the extracellular domain to the cytosolic domain through a separation (or opening) of the TM domains of the dimer (4). We have therefore hypothesized that the activation of DR5, and indeed all structurally homologous TNF-receptors, involves a scissorslike opening of the TM domain dimer (Fig. 1).Open in a separate windowFigure 1Activation model of the DR5-L TM dimer. The sequence and positions of the disulfide bond and TOAC spin label (top), along with our previously published model (bottom, left) are shown. We propose an activation model (bottom, right) in which the transmembrane dimer pivots at its disulfide bond to reach an active open conformation.Using electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy, a technique that has been used previously to study TM helix architecture and dynamics (5,6), and potential-of-mean force (PMF) calculations (7,8), this study addresses the question of whether the isolated disulfide-linked DR5-L TM domain dimer occupies distinct open and closed states (Fig. 1), and how its dynamic behavior contributes to the free-energy landscape of the opening transition of the full-length receptor.The DR5-L TM domain was synthesized with TOAC, an amino acid with a nitroxide spin label rigidly fixed to the α-carbon (9), incorporated at position 32 (Fig. 1), with some minor modification to facilitate EPR measurements. Previous work confirmed that this peptide forms disulfide-linked dimers (e.g., via comparison to 2-ME treated sample) and a negligible population of higher-order oligomers (further supported by model fitting of the EPR data below). For peptide work, residues were renumbered such that Thr-204 corresponds to Thr-1, and so on. The cytosolic Cys-29 (which we previously showed does not participate in a disulfide bond in cells) was replaced with serine to prevent the formation of antiparallel disulfide-linked dimers, and Trp-34 was replaced with tyrosine to prevent intrinsic fluorescence in fluorescence studies (not published). Continuous-wave (CW) dipolar EPR (sensitive only to spin-spin distances <25 Å) was used to measure TOAC-TOAC distances within the TM dimers and revealed an ordered Gaussian distribution centered at 16 Å (full width half-maximum (FWHM) = 4 Å), corresponding to a closed state (Fig. 2 A). Double electron-electron resonance (DEER) (sensitive to spin-spin distances from 15 to 60 Å) also detected a short distance consistent with the dipolar EPR data, along with a longer, disordered component (32.9 Å, FWHM = 28 Å) (Fig. 2 B). Together, these measurements indicate the presence of a compact, ordered closed state and a broader, disordered open state. EPR on oriented membranes also indicated two structural states. Global fitting revealed two populations of spin-label tilt angles (orientation of the nitroxide principal axis relative to the membrane normal): a narrow conformation (24°, FWHM = 20°), and a disordered conformation (50°, FWHM = 48°) (Fig. 2 C). This bimodal orientational distribution (Fig. 2 C) is remarkably consistent with the bimodal distance distribution (Fig. 2 B).Open in a separate windowFigure 2EPR spectra (left) of 32-TOAC-DR5 in lipid, and resulting structural distributions (right). (A) CW dipolar EPR spectra (left) of dimer (1 mM diamide) and monomer (1 mM 2-mercaptoethanol). Best-fit spin-spin distance distribution was a single Gaussian centered at 16 ± 2 Å (right). (B) The DEER waveform (left) of 32-TOAC-DR5 dimer was best fit (right) to a two-Gaussian distribution. The short distance was constrained to agree with the CW data, because DEER has poor sensitivity for distances <20 Å. The long-distance distribution is centered at 32.9 Å and is much broader. (C) CW EPR spectra (left) of 32-TOAC-DR5, with the membrane-normal oriented parallel (red) and perpendicular (blue) to the field. Simultaneous (global) fitting of these spectra reveals narrow and broad components (right). (In panels B and C, the overall distribution is plotted as black, while the closed and open components are plotted as green and magenta, respectively.)We subsequently conducted a PMF calculation (10) using the DR5-L TM dimer starting configuration developed by our group previously (3), embedded in a DMPC bilayer, with the Leu-32/Leu-32 Cα distance as the reaction coordinate. Three calculations were run from independent starting configurations, each using 50 windows spaced in 0.5° increments, and run for 20 ns at each window (totaling 3 μs). Each of the calculations yielded a similar result, and the averaged free energy curve (Fig. 3 A) agrees remarkably well with our EPR measurements: a narrow distribution at the closed conformation (∼16 Å, Fig. 3 B) separated by an ∼3 kcal/mol energy barrier from a broad distribution of accessible open conformations at ∼27 Å, (Fig. 3 C). Each of the three individual PMF plots can be found in Fig. S1 in the Supporting Material.Open in a separate windowFigure 3(A) PMF calculation of the DR5 TM domain dimer along the Leu-32/Leu-32 distance reaction coordinate. The PMF calculation reveals a narrow closed state and a broader open state separated by a free energy barrier. Representative snapshots of the (B) closed state and (C) open state.In the closed state, the helices are tightly packed at the GxxxG interfacial motif and all the way down the juxtaposed helix faces at residues Ala-18, Leu-22, Ala-25, and Val-26. The tight packing is aided by kinking and twisting of the two helices around their common axis, increasing the interacting surface area. In the open conformations, the Ala-18, Leu-22, Ala-25, and Val-26 pairs are dissociated and, interestingly, the GxxxG motif at Gly-10 and Gly-14 remains tightly packed. The open state energy well is only slightly less favorable than the closed state (by ∼2 kcal/mol), and its free energy profile is relatively broad and flat. The increased crossing angle in the open state is facilitated by straightening of the helix kink and is not accommodated by a change in bilayer thickness (see Fig. S3, A and B).The observed change in helix-helix distance (11 Å between the two minima in the PMF) is extremely close to that observed previously in live-cell FRET studies of a constitutively active form of TNFR1 (∼8 Å change between states using large fluorescence probes at the cytosolic domains) (4). The change observed in the EPR data (17 Å) may be an overestimate because the measurement is made between TOAC spin labels that likely protrude from the two helices, depending on rotational orientation. These results collectively show that activation of these receptors requires a small, but clearly significant conformational opening of the TM domains. One important note is that our EPR experiments recapitulate the equilibrium distribution of the two states despite there being no driving force to traverse the barrier between them (∼3 kcal/mol in the closed-to-open transition and ∼1 kcal/mol in the open-to-closed transition, Fig. 3). We do not interpret the results to mean that the dimer necessarily traverses these barriers at 4°C. Rather, there likely exist multiple reaction paths for dimerization of the abstracted TM domains. Finally, in the context of the full-length receptor, how the ligand induces a conformational change capable of overcoming the closed-to-open barrier remains an important question.Whether the observed structural transition in the TM domain dimer of the long-isoform of DR5 is a ubiquitous conformational switch that acts over the entire TNFR superfamily remains unknown. Vilar et al. (11) first proposed a similar scissors-model for activation of p75 neurotrophin receptor, which has a cysteine at the center of its TM helix. The short isoform of DR5 lacks a TM domain cysteine, but does form noncovalent dimers in cells, with likely TM domain dimer contacts (3). Among the other closely related and structurally homologous members of the TNFR superfamily, TNFR1 contains a cysteine at the center of the TM domain, but lacks any discernible small residue motifs (e.g., GxxxG). TNFR2 lacks a TM cysteine on the extracellular side, but does have a GxxxG motif positioned similarly to that of DR5. On the other hand, Death Receptor 4, whose functional distinction from DR5 has remained somewhat elusive, lacks both a cysteine and any recognizable small-residue hydrophobic motif.In summary, we have extended recent findings that point to the TM domain of DR5 as an essential structural component in the conformational change associated with activation. Our findings that the DR5-L TM domain occupies distinct open and closed states, separated by a substantial energy barrier, points the way to further studies across the TNF-receptor superfamily.  相似文献   
It has long been presumed that activation of the apoptosis-initiating Death Receptor 5, as well as other structurally homologous members of the TNF-receptor superfamily, relies on ligand-stabilized trimerization of noninteracting receptor monomers. We and others have proposed an alternate model in which the TNF-receptor dimer—sitting at the vertices of a large supramolecular receptor network of ligand-bound receptor trimers—undergoes a closed-to-open transition, propagated through a scissorslike conformational change in a tightly bundled transmembrane (TM) domain dimer. Here we have combined electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy and potential-of-mean force calculations on the isolated TM domain of the long isoform of DR5. The experiments and calculations both independently validate that the opening transition is intrinsic to the physical character of the TM domain dimer, with a significant energy barrier separating the open and closed states.  相似文献   
F-actin networks are involved in cell mechanical processes ranging from motility to endocytosis. The mesoscale architecture of assemblies of individual F-actin polymers that gives rise to micrometer-scale rheological properties is poorly understood, despite numerous in vivo and vitro studies. In vitro networks have been shown to organize into spatial patterns when spatially confined, including dense spherical shells inside spherical emulsion droplets. Here we develop a simplified model of an isotropic, compressible, viscoelastic material continually assembling and disassembling. We demonstrate that spherical shells emerge naturally when the strain relaxation rate (corresponding to internal network reorganization) is slower than the disassembly rate (corresponding to F-actin depolymerization). These patterns are consistent with recent experiments, including a collapse of shells to a central high-density focus of F-actin when either assembly or disassembly is reduced with drugs. Our results demonstrate how complex spatio-temporal patterns can emerge without spatially distributed force generation, polar alignment of F-actin polymers, or spatially nonuniform regulation of F-actin by upstream biochemical networks.  相似文献   
The phox homology (PX) domain is a phosphoinositide-binding module that typically binds phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate. Out of 47 mammalian proteins containing PX domains, more than 30 are denoted sorting nexins and several of these have been implicated in internalization of cell surface proteins to the endosome, where phosphatidylinositol-3-phosphate is concentrated. Here we investigated a multimodular protein termed PXK, composed of a PX domain, a protein kinase-like domain, and a WASP homology 2 domain. We show that the PX domain of PXK localizes this protein to the endosomal membrane via binding to phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate. PXK expression in COS7 cells accelerated the ligand-induced internalization and degradation of epidermal growth factor receptors by a mechanism requiring phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate binding but not involving the WASP homology 2 domain. Conversely, depletion of PXK using RNA interference decreased the rate of epidermal growth factor receptor internalization and degradation. Ubiquitination of epidermal growth factor receptor by the ligand stimulation was enhanced in PXK-expressing cells. These results indicate that PXK plays a critical role in epidermal growth factor receptor trafficking through modulating ligand-induced ubiquitination of the receptor.Both constitutive endocytosis and activated endocytosis are highly regulated events by which cells take up nutrients and internalize receptors for recycling or degradation (47). Endocytosed molecules are delivered to early endosomes, where the components are sorted to the cell surface for recycling back to the plasma membrane, or to late endosomes to be degraded in lysosomes (17). The molecular mechanisms regulating these events are not fully understood.One of the major protein families involved in the trafficking of membrane compartments is sorting nexins (SNXs), which are characterized by the presence of phox homology (PX) domains (8, 65). The PX domain is a protein module which consists of approximately 130 amino acids with three β-strands followed by three α-helices forming a helical subdomain, and the general function of this module is to interact with the head groups of inositol phospholipids through which parental proteins are targeted to specific cellular compartments. Most of the SNXs examined to date specifically recognize phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate [PtdIns(3)P], which is found predominately in early endosomes (11). The founding member of the SNX family, SNX1, was initially identified as an interaction partner of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), and the expression of SNX1 enhanced lysosomal degradation of EGFR (38); therefore, SNXs are most likely to be involved in the trafficking of many different families of receptors which are recycled to the cell surface or sent to the lysosome for degradation (19). On the other hand, PX domain-containing proteins have also been reported to bind to phosphoinositides other than PtdIns(3)P and to have functions independent of receptor trafficking (54). For example, phospholipase D is a PX domain-containing protein that hydrolyzes phosphatidylcholine to produce a second-messenger molecule, phosphatidic acid. Interestingly, phospholipase D has been recently shown to accelerate EGFR endocytosis by activating dynamin GTPase through its PX domain but independently of lipase activity (39). Cytokine-independent survival kinase (CISK) is a PX domain-containing protein kinase that has also been shown to regulate sorting of a chemokine receptor CXCR4 through AIP4, the CXCR4 ubiquitin ligase (60). RGS-PX1, a GTPase-activating protein for Gαs of heterotrimeric GTP-binding proteins, and KIF16B, a PX domain-containing kinesin superfamily member, have been shown to regulate EGFR trafficking (27, 72) and are now grouped into the SNX family as SNX13 and SNX26, respectively.Another feature of the PX domain is a well-conserved polyproline sequence (PXXP) in the variable loop between α1 and α2 helices, which led to the original identification of the PX domain as a SH3 domain-binding partner (53). The physiological importance of both intermolecular and intramolecular interactions mediated by polyproline sequences has been shown in various molecules, including phospholipase D2 (33) and p47phox (1). In mammals, there are currently 47 proteins harboring PX domains, and 30 proteins are termed SNXs (59). The functions of these proteins have just begun to be revealed.Actin cytoskeletal dynamics have been implicated not only in cell motility and cytokinesis but also in endocytic processes, although the necessity and role in endocytosis in higher eukaryotic cells remain ambiguous (12, 34, 35, 55). The WASP homology 2 (WH2) domain is known as an actin-binding motif found in regulators of the actin cytoskeleton, including Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein (WASP), Scar/WASP-family verprolin-homologous protein (WAVE), verprolin/WASP-interacting protein (WIP), missing in metastasis (MIM), and β-thymosins (52). Some proteins with WH2 domains, such as β-thymosin, prevent actin filament assembly by sequestering actin monomers, while others, such as N-WASP and the Drosophila protein Ciboulot participate in barbed-end actin assembly (52). Recently, the structural basis for these opposite functions of WH2 domains was demonstrated; the interaction of the C-terminal region of β-thymosin/WH2 domain with the pointed end of the actin monomer accounts for the switch in function from inhibition to promotion of actin assembly (26). WH2 domains exist in almost 20 proteins, whose functions remain to be clarified.In the present study, we isolated a new multimodular protein (termed PXK), conserved in multicellular organisms including humans through flies, which possesses a PX domain, a protein kinase-like domain, and a WH2 domain. We show that the PX and WH2 domains function as PtdIns(3)P and actin-binding domains, respectively. PXK expression in COS cells accelerated ligand-induced EGFR endocytosis and degradation that was dependent on a functional PX domain but independent of the WH2 domain. PXK also enhanced ubiquitination of EGFR induced by EGF stimulation in these cells. Based on these results, we propose that PXK is a functional sorting nexin that may play an additional role in cellular function via its interaction with the actin cytoskeleton.  相似文献   
The current research applied a mid-level evolutionary theory that has been successfully employed across numerous animal species—life history theory—in an attempt to understand the Dark Triad personality trait cluster (narcissism, psychopathy, and Machiavellianism). In Study 1 (N = 246), a measure of life history strategy was correlated with psychopathy, but unexpectedly with neither Machiavellianism nor narcissism. Study 2 (N = 321) replicated this overall pattern of results using longer, traditional measures of the Dark Triad traits and alternative, future-discounting indicators of life history strategy (a smaller-sooner, larger-later monetary dilemma and self-reported risk-taking behaviors). Additional findings suggested two sources of shared variance across the Dark Triad traits: confidence in predicting future outcomes and openness to short-term mating.  相似文献   
Lewis J  Golde TE 《Neuron》2010,68(4):601-603
Mutations within the granulin (GRN) gene that encodes progranulin (PGRN) cause the neurodegenerative disease frontotemporal lobar degeneration with ubiquitin inclusions (FTLD-U). The receptor for PGRN in the CNS has not been previously identified. In this issue of Neuron, Hu and colleagues identify Sortilin (SORT1) as a key neuronal receptor for PGRN that facilitates its endocytosis and regulates PGRN levels in?vitro and in?vivo.  相似文献   
Phylogenetic analyses of nucleotide sequences of the internal transcribed spacers and 5.8 regions of the nuclear ribosomal DNA and of the trnH-psbA spacer of the chloroplast genome confirm that the three taxa of the Jacquemontia ovalifolia (Choicy) Hallier f. complex (Convolvulaceae) form a monophyletic group. Levels of nucleotide divergence and morphological differentiation among these taxa support the view that each should be recognized as distinct species. These three species display unique intercontinental disjunction, with one species endemic to Hawaii (Jacquemontia sandwicensis A. Gray.), another restricted to eastern Mexico and the Antilles [Jacquemontia obcordata (Millspaugh) House], and the third confined to East and West Africa (J. ovalifolia). The Caribbean and Hawaiian species are sister taxa and are another example of a biogeographical link between the Caribbean Basin and Polynesia. We provide a brief conservation review of the three taxa based on our collective field work and investigations; it is apparent that J. obcordata is highly threatened and declining in the Caribbean.  相似文献   
High-intensity exercise results in reduced substrate levels and accumulation of metabolites in the skeletal muscle. The accumulation of these metabolites (e.g. ADP, Pi and H+) can have deleterious effects on skeletal muscle function and force generation, thus contributing to fatigue. Clearly this is a challenge to sport and exercise performance and, as such, any intervention capable of reducing the negative impact of these metabolites would be of use. Carnosine (β-alanyl-l-histidine) is a cytoplasmic dipeptide found in high concentrations in the skeletal muscle of both vertebrates and non-vertebrates and is formed by bonding histidine and β-alanine in a reaction catalysed by carnosine synthase. Due to the pKa of its imidazole ring (6.83) and its location within skeletal muscle, carnosine has a key role to play in intracellular pH buffering over the physiological pH range, although other physiological roles for carnosine have also been suggested. The concentration of histidine in muscle and plasma is high relative to its K m with muscle carnosine synthase, whereas β-alanine exists in low concentration in muscle and has a higher K m with muscle carnosine synthase, which indicates that it is the availability of β-alanine that is limiting to the synthesis of carnosine in skeletal muscle. Thus, the elevation of muscle carnosine concentrations through the dietary intake of carnosine, or chemically related dipeptides that release β-alanine on absorption, or supplementation with β-alanine directly could provide a method of increasing intracellular buffering capacity during exercise, which could provide a means of increasing high-intensity exercise capacity and performance. This paper reviews the available evidence relating to the effects of β-alanine supplementation on muscle carnosine synthesis and the subsequent effects on exercise performance. In addition, the effects of training, with or without β-alanine supplementation, on muscle carnosine concentrations are also reviewed.  相似文献   
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