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Transgenic mice that contain the simian virus 40 (SV40) enhancer-promoter and large tumor (T) antigen gene develop papillomas of the choroid plexus. The tumors remain well differentiated on histological examination and express normal levels of tissue-specific mRNAs for transthyretin (TTR) and the 5-HT1C serotonin receptor, two differentiated cell markers. Both Northern (RNA) blot analysis and in situ cytohybridization have been used to monitor the steady-state levels of the mRNAs from the viral oncogene (T antigen) and from several cellular oncogenes. In situ hybridization demonstrated, in serial sections, increased levels of both T antigen mRNA and p53 mRNA localized in the tumor tissue but not in the normal brain tissue. The ratios of the steady-state levels of mRNA for p53/TTR and p53/L32, a ribosomal protein gene, were 2- to 20-fold higher in the tumor tissue than in the normal choroid plexus tissue. Several other oncogenes did not show elevated levels of mRNA in these tumors. p53 protein levels were not detectable in normal brain tissue, but p53 levels were very high in tumor tissue in which all of the p53 was found in a complex with the SV40 large T antigen. These data continue to show a close relationship between SV40 T-antigen-mediated tumorigenesis and the role of p53 in these tumors.  相似文献   
The Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) genome contains two cis-acting elements which are required for stable extrachromosomal plasmid maintenance in latently infected cells. The first consists of 20 30-base-pair (bp) repeats, each of which contains a DNA-binding site for EBV nuclear antigen 1 (EBNA-1), the trans-acting factor required for plasmid persistence. The second element is composed of a 65-bp dyad symmetry, containing four EBNA-1-binding sites. Deletion mutants were constructed which reduce the number of EBNA-1-binding sites in the 30-bp repeats, alter the number of EBNA-1-binding sites in the dyad region, or truncate the dyad element. The effect of the deletion mutations on plasmid maintenance was examined by transfecting recombinant plasmids, containing both the mutated EBV sequences and a drug resistance marker, into D98-Raji cells. The plasmids were tested for their ability to generate drug-resistant D98-Raji cell colonies and their capacity to be maintained in an extrachromosomal form without undergoing extensive rearrangements. EBV plasmids with 12 or 15 copies of the 30-bp repeats were wild type in both assays. Plasmids with just two or six copies of these repeated elements failed to generate drug-resistant colonies at a normal level, and normal episomal plasmids were not detected in the resulting colonies. Rare colonies of cells resulting from transfection of these two- or six-copy mutants contained rearranged, episomal forms of the input plasmids. The rearrangements most often produced head-to-tail oligomers containing a minimum of eight 30-bp repeated elements. The rearranged plasmids were shown to be revertant for plasmid maintenance in that they yielded wild-type or greater numbers of drug-resistant colonies and persisted at the wild-type or a greater episomal copy number. By use of an EBV plasmid that contained no 30-bp elements, no revertants could be isolated. One to five copies of a synthetic linker corresponding to a consensus 30-bp repeated element inserted into a plasmid with no 30-bp elements now permitted the generation of oligomeric, episomal forms of the mutant test plasmid. These experiments demonstrate a requirement for a minimal number (six to eight copies) of the 30-bp repeated element. Deletions in the 65-bp dyad region had little or no effect upon the ability to generate enhanced numbers of drug-resistant D98-Raji colonies, indicating that the 30-bp repeated element is predominantly required for this phenotype.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   
Analysis of wild-type and mutant p21WAF-1 gene activities.   总被引:14,自引:6,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
The p21WAF-1 gene is positively regulated by the wild-type p53 protein. p21WAF-1 has been shown to interact with several cyclin-dependent kinase complexes and block the activity of G1 cyclin-dependent kinases (cdks). Mutational analysis with the p21WAF-1 gene localized a site, at amino acid residues 21 and 24 in the amino terminus of the protein, for p21WAF-1 binding to cyclins D and E. This region of the protein is conserved (residues 21 to 26) in other p21WAF-1 family members, p27kip-1 and p57kip-2. The same p21WAF-121,24 mutant also fails to bind to cyclin D1-cdk 4 or cyclin E-cdk 2 complexes in vitro, suggesting that amino acid residues 21 and 24 are important for p21WAF-1-cdk-cyclin trimeric complex interactions. The p21WAF-1 wild-type protein will suppress tumor cell growth in culture while p21WAF-1 mutant proteins with defects in residues 21 and 24 fail to suppress tumor cell growth. The overexpression of cyclin D or E in these cells will partially overcome the growth suppression of wild-type p21WAF-1 protein in cells. These results provide evidence that p21WAF-1 acts through cyclin D1-cdk4 and cyclin E-cdk2 complexes in vivo to induce the growth suppression. The p21WAF-1 binding sites for cyclins (residues 21 to 26), cdk2 (residues 49 to 71), and proliferating-cell nuclear antigen (residues 124 to 164) have all been mapped to discrete sites on the protein.  相似文献   
Modern methods of encoding information into digital form include error check digits that are functions of the other information digits. When digital information is transmitted, the values of the error check digits can be computed from the information digits to determine whether the information has been received accurately. These error correcting codes make it possible to detect and correct common errors in transmission. The sequence of bases in DNA is also a digital code consisting of four symbols: A, C, G, and T. Does DNA also contain an error correcting code? Such a code would allow repair enzymes to protect the fidelity of nonreplicating DNA and increase the accuracy of replication. If a linear block error correcting code is present in DNA then some bases would be a linear function of the other bases in each set of bases. We developed an efficient procedure to determine whether such an error correcting code is present in the base sequence. We illustrate the use of this procedure by using it to analyze the lac operon and the gene for cytochrome c. These genes do not appear to contain such a simple error correcting code.  相似文献   
A fluorescence depolarization study of the orientational distribution of crossbridges in dye-labelled muscle fibres is presented. The characterization of this distribution is important since the rotation of crossbridges is a key element in the theory of muscle contraction. In this study we exploited the advantages of angle-resolved experiments to characterize the principal features of the orientational distribution of the crossbridges in the muscle fibre. The directions of the transition dipole moments in the frame of the dye and the orientation and motion of the dye relative to the crossbridge determined previously were explicitly incorporated into the analysis of the experimental data. This afforded the unequivocal determination of all the second and fourth rank order parameters. Moreover, this additional information provided discrimination between different models for the orientational behaviour of the crossbridges. Our results indicate that no change of orientation takes place upon a transition from rigor to relaxation. The experiments, however, do no rule out a conformational change of the myosin S 1 during the transition. Correspondence to: Y. K. Levine  相似文献   
We used colony probe hybridization and polymerase chain reaction/DNA sequence analysis to determine the mutations in ~2,400 4-aminobiphenyl (4-AB) +S9-induced revertants of the -1 frameshift allele hisD3052 and of the base-substitution allele hisG46 of Salmonella typhimurium. Most of the mutations occurred at sites containing guanine, which is the primary base at which 4-AB forms DNA adducts. A hotspot mutation involving the deletion of a CG or GC within the sequence CGCGCGCG accounted for 100 and 99.9%, respectively, of the reversion events at the hisD3052 allele in the pKM101 plasmid-minus strains TA1978 (uvr(+)) and TA1538 (δuvrB). In strain TA98 (δuvrB, pKM101), which contained the SOS DNA repair system provided by the pKM101 plasmid, ~85% of the revertants also contained the hotspot deletion; the remaining ~15% contained one of two types of mutations: (1) complex frameshifts that can be described as a -2 or + 1 frameshift and an associated base substitution and (2) deletions of the CC or GG sequences that flank the hotspot site (CCGCGCGCGG). We propose a misincorporation/slippage model to account for these mutations in which (1) pKM101-mediated misincorporation and translesion synthesis occurs across a 4-AB-adducted guanine; (2) the instability of such a mispairing and/or the presence of the adduct leads to strand slippage in a run of repeated bases adjacent to the adducted guanine; and (3) continued DNA synthesis from the slipped intermediate produces a frameshift associated with a base substitution. This model readily accounts for the deletion of the CC or GG sequences flanking the hotspot site, indicating that these mutations are, in fact, complex mutations in disguise (i.e., cryptic complex frameshifts). The inferred base-substitution specificity associated with the complex frameshifts at the hisD3052 allele (primarily G·C -> T·A transversions) is consistent with the finding that 4-AB induced primarily G·C -> T·A transversions at the hisG46 base-substitution allele. The model also provides a framework for understanding the different relative mutagenic potencies of 4-AB at the two alleles in the various DNA repair backgrounds of Salmonella.  相似文献   
The simian virus 40 (SV40) large-T antigen is essential for SV40 DNA replication and for late viral gene expression, but the role of the SV40 small-t antigen in these processes is still unclear. We have previously demonstrated that small t inhibits SV40 DNA replication in vitro. In this study, we investigated the effect of small t on SV40 replication in cultured cells. CV1 monkey cell infection experiments indicated that mutant viruses that lack small t replicate less efficiently than the wild-type virus. We next microinjected CV1 cells with SV40 DNA with and without purified small-t protein and analyzed viral DNA replication efficiency by Southern blotting. Replication of either wild-type SV40 or small-t deletion mutant DNA was increased three- to fivefold in cells coinjected with purified small t. Thus, in contrast to our in vitro observation, small t stimulated viral DNA replication in vivo. This result suggests that small t has cellular effects that are not detectable in a reconstituted in vitro replication system. We also found that small t stimulated progression of permissive monkey cells--but not of nonpermissive rodent cells--from G0-G1 to the S phase of the cell cycle, possibly leading to an optimal intracellular environment for viral replication.  相似文献   
Abstract: In efforts to determine the primary structure of intermediate filament proteins in the goldfish visual pathway, we isolated clones from a retinal λgt11 cDNA expression library that represent goldfish vimentin. We show that there are at least two forms of goldfish vimentin, designated as vimentin α and vimentin β. RNase protection assays indicate that vimentin α mRNA is expressed in low amounts in retina, optic nerve, and brain and in higher amounts in spinal cord. In contrast, vimentin β mRNA is expressed in low amounts in retina, optic nerve, brain, and spinal cord and in very high amounts in eye lens. Immunohistochemical studies show that in the optic nerve, vimentin α is mainly restricted to blood vessels, meninges, and septa. Light staining is observed with this antibody in an astrocytic glial pattern throughout the optic nerve. Two-dimensional gel analysis shows that all of these goldfish vimentins are low abundant components of optic nerve cytoskeletal preparations.  相似文献   
A two-allele polymorphism of the human gene encoding for the alpha subunit of the guanine nucleotide-binding protein is described.  相似文献   
Lipophilic and hydrophilic extracts from approximately 600 strains of cultured cyanophytes, representing some 300 species, were examined for antiviral activity against three pathogenic viruses. Approximately 10% of the cultures produced substances that caused significant reduction in cytopathic effect normally associated with viral infection. The screening program identified the order Chroococcales as commonly producing antiviral agents.  相似文献   
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