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Egress of herpes capsids from the nucleus to the plasma membrane is a complex multistep transport event that is poorly understood. The current model proposes an initial envelopment at the inner nuclear membrane of capsids newly assembled in the nucleus. The capsids are then released in cytosol by fusion with the outer nuclear membrane. They are finally reenveloped at a downstream organelle before traveling to the plasma membrane for their extracellular release. Although the trans-Golgi network (TGN) is often cited as a potential site of reenvelopment, other organelles have also been proposed, including the Golgi, endoplasmic reticulum-Golgi intermediate compartment, aggresomes, tegusomes, and early or late endosomes. To clarify this important issue, we followed herpes simplex virus type 1 egress by immunofluorescence under conditions that slowed intracellular transport and promoted the accumulation of the otherwise transient reenvelopment intermediate. The data show that the capsids transit by the TGN and point to this compartment as the main reenvelopment site, although a contribution by endosomes cannot formally be excluded. Given that viral glycoproteins are expected to accumulate where capsids acquire their envelope, we examined this prediction and found that all tested could indeed be detected at the TGN. Moreover, this accumulation occurred independently of capsid egress. Surprisingly, capsids were often found immediately adjacent to the viral glycoproteins at the TGN.  相似文献   
The energy requirement for the second step in pullulanase secretion by the general secretory pathway was studied in Escherichia coli . In order to uncouple the two steps in the secretion pathway (across the cytoplasmic and outer membranes, respectively) and to facilitate kinetic analysis of secretion, a variant form of pullulanase lacking its N-terminal fatty acid membrane anchor was used. The transport of the periplasmic secretion intermediate form of this protein across the outer membrane was not inhibited by concentrations of sodium arsenate in excess of those required to reduce ATP levels to ≤10% of their normal value. Pullulanase secretion was inhibited by the protonophore carbonyl cyanide m -chlorophenyl hydrazone at concentrations which were similar to those reported by others to be required to prevent solute uptake or the export and processing of preproteins across the cytoplasmic membrane, but which were in excess of those required to fully dissipate the proton-motive force and to reduce lactose uptake to a significant extent.  相似文献   
The Escherichia coli outer membrane protein FhuA catalyzes the transport of Fe3+(-)ferrichrome and is the receptor of phage T5 and phi 80. The purified protein inserted into planar lipid bilayers showed no channel activity. Binding of phage T5 and FhuA resulted in the appearance of high conductance ion channels. The electrophysiological characteristics of the channels (conductance, kinetic behavior, substates, ion selectivity including the effect of ferrichrome) showed similarities with those of the channel formed by a FhuA derivative from which the 'gating loop' (delta 322-355) had been removed. binding of phage T5 to FhuA in E.coli cells conferred SDS sensitivity to the bacteria, suggesting that such channels also exist in vivo. These data suggest that binding of T5 to loop 322-355 of FhuA, which constitutes the T5 binding site, unmasks an inner channel in FhuA. Both T5 and ferrichrome bind to the closed state of the channel but only T5 can trigger its opening.  相似文献   
Quantification of group A colicin import sites.   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Pore-forming colicins are soluble bacteriocins which form voltage-gated ion channels in the inner membrane of Escherichia coli. To reach their target, these colicins first bind to a receptor located on the outer membrane and then are translocated through the envelope. Colicins are subdivided into two groups according to the envelope proteins involved in their translocation: group A colicins use the Tol proteins; group B colicins use the proteins TonB, ExbB, and ExbD. We have previously shown that a double-cysteine colicin A mutant which possesses a disulfide bond in its pore-forming domain is translocated through the envelope but is unable to form a channel in the inner membrane (D. Duché, D. Baty, M. Chartier, and L. Letellier, J. Biol. Chem. 269:24820-24825, 1994). Measurements of colicin-induced K+ efflux reveal that preincubation of the cells with the double-cysteine mutant prevents binding of colicins of group A but not of group B. Moreover, we show that the mutant is still in contact with its receptor and import machinery when it interacts with the inner membrane. From these competition experiments, we conclude that each Escherichia coli cell contains approximately 400 and 1,000 colicin A receptors and translocation sites, respectively.  相似文献   
The respiratory sensation and some routine cardiorespiratory parameters were studied on native Highlanders from the Argentine Andes and on Lowlanders from Europe, already tested during previous high altitude expeditions. The tests were performed at various altitude levels from 2688m e.i., the village altitude for Highlanders, to 5600m during an expedition to Mt. Aconcagua (6990m). At rest, the perception of 4 external inspiratory resistive loads (ranged between 2.5 and 13 cm.H2O.L-1.s) can allow us to fix by discrimination the sensitivity index P(A) independently of response bias (B) according to Sensory Decision Theory (SDT). The Andean highlanders did not experience the respiratory sensation at the same limits as the European lowlanders well adaptated to high altitude. At higher altitudes than their village altitude, their respiratory sensation presented a lower threshold of perception and a weaker discrimination which might be partly explained by the evolution of some parameters of their cardio-respiratory function when altitude increased. Indeed, in response to high altitude hypoxia (5600m), they increased their respiratory frequency and not their minuteventilation or mouth pressure. This chosen ventilatory pattern was opposite to the one chosen by the Lowlanders and did not allow for sufficient adaptation to a more important altitude hypoxia than that of their village altitude. In conclusion, the Andean highlanders wellbeing adapted to their village altitude, exhibited a difficult acclimatization to higher altitudes which might be due to the characteristics of their respiratory sensation. These results might explain their weak physical performances during ascent to the Mt. Aconcagua summit in spite of special training.  相似文献   
A group IC1 intron occurs in nuclear small-subunit (18S) ribosomal RNA (SSU rRNA) genes of the marine red alga Porphyra spiralis var. amplifolia. This intron occurs at the same position as the self- splicing group IC1 introns in nuclear SSU rDNAs of the fungus Pneumocystis carinii and in the green alga Chlorella ellipsoidea and shares sequence identity with the Pneumocystis carinii intron in domains L1, P1, P2, and L2, outside the conserved core. Three size variants, differing in amount of sequence in L1, exist and are differentially distributed in geographically distinct populations. Preliminary data suggest that the largest variant can self-splice in vitro. Short open reading frames are present but do not correspond to known genes. Repeated nucleotide motifs, reminiscent of duplicated target sites of transposons or Alu elements, are associated with the intron and with one of the variant forms of L1. Insertions are present in nuclear SSU rDNAs of several other Porphyra species and of the red alga Bangia atropurpurea; insertionless rDNA variants also occur in several Porphyra species. Our observations are most readily explained by intron mobility, although it remains unclear how transfer could have been mediated between genomes of organisms as ecologically diverse as marine red algae, freshwater green algae, and a mammalian-pathogenic fungus.   相似文献   
A normal coordinate analysis has been carried out on guanosine and cytidine residues appearing in oligo and polynucleotides by using a simplified valence force field that allows the vibrational spectra of 5'-dGMP and 2'-deoxycytidine molecules to be reproduced. The role of both C2'-endo and C3'-endo conformations on sugar pucker, as well as that of glycosidic torsion angle (X), on several characteristic vibration modes of these residues have been studied. The present calculations based on a non-redundant set of internal coordinates preserving the harmonic approximation of the potential field, allows us to explain quite satisfactorily the modifications of the vibrational spectra in the 1550-1250 cm-1 and 785-500 cm-1 regions, when the right----left-handed conformational transition occurs.  相似文献   
Substrate cycles are ubiquitous structures of the cellular metabolism (e.g. Krebs cycle, fatty acids -oxydation cycles, etc... ). Moiety-conserved cycles (e.g. adenine nucleotides and NADH/NAD, etc...) are also important.The role played by such cycles in the metabolism and its regulation is not clearly understood so far. However, it was shown that these cycles can generate multistationarity (bistability), irreversible transitions, enhancement of sensitivity, temporal oscillations and chaotic motions (Hervagault & Canu, 1987; Hervagault & Cimino, 1989; Reich & Sel'kov, 1981; Ricard & Soulié, 1982). Fig. 1: Scheme of the open binary substrate cycle under study. The substrate S is converted into P with a net rate v2. Substrate P is converted in turn into S with a net rate v3. Step v2 is inhibited by excess of the substrate, S. In addition, the cycle operates under open conditions, that is zero-order input of S at rates \ga0(v1) and first order outputs of S and P at rates \gaS and \gaP(v4), respectively.The metabolic control theory (see also Fell, 1990), which shows how a metabolic network reacts to small perturbations in the vicinity of a steady state, and is formulated with the so-called control coefficients, was applied to such a cycle in order to get a better knowledge on the importance of each step at the regulatory point of view.The behaviour of a binary substrate cycle (fig. 1) in which one of the enzymes may be subjected to inhibition by excess of its substrate (v2) was studied theoretically. The flux and concentration control coefficients were calculated for various steady states of the system. The evolution of the different control coefficients is compared to the evolution of the steady states. We mainly focused our study on situations for which the steady states are stable.  相似文献   
Phage T5 injects its DNA into Escherichia coli cells in two steps; 8% of the chromosome is first injected, and then there is a pause during which proteins encoded by this DNA fragment are synthesized allowing the remaining DNA to be injected. Using a potassium-selective electrode, we show that the injection of the two DNA fragments is associated with an efflux in two steps, of cytoplasmic potassium. The rate of efflux is linearly related to the number of added phages suggesting that each phage induces the formation of at least one channel in the inner membrane. The first efflux occurs even in depolarized cells suggesting that the insertion and the opening of the channel can take place in the absence of the electrochemical gradient of protons (delta mu H+). The channel is in a closed configuration during the time required for the synthesis of the phage-encoded proteins; this closing and the second efflux are prevented by the depolarization of the cell. The insertion of the channel in the inner membrane requires a fluid membrane. The results obtained suggest that the function of this channel is to translocate phage T5 DNA.  相似文献   
Lactobacilli isolated from goats' milk were tested for their inhibitory effects toward Lisleria monocytogenes and Staphylococcus aureus growth. Most of them were antagonistic against these pathogens, as demonstrated by a classical well-diffusion method and a more sensitive deferred technique, named the 'sandwich method'. Inhibitory zones, which were largely reduced in the presence of buffered and sugar-limited medium, were not affected by protease treatment. On the contrary, a few streptococci exhibited inhibitory activity toward L. monocytogenes . Large zones of inhibition were observed, independently of the culture medium and sensitive to protease action, indicating the presence of proteinaceous antimicrobial compounds (bacteriocins). Therefore, the simple sandwich method was sensitive enough to discriminate between antagonistic activities supported by either acid production or bacteriocin action.  相似文献   
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