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As several authors have reported previously, the Biodesulfurization of hydrodesulfurization recalcitrants, such as dibenzothiophene, is not yet commercially viable because mass transfer limitations and feedback inhibition effects are produced during the conversion. This work has been focused to investigate the inhibition process in aqueous and oil-water systems with two different aerobic biocatalysts types, Rhodococcus erythropolis IGTS8 and Pseudomonas putida CECT 5279. The results obtained have proven that global DBT desulfurization process using CECT 5279 was not clearly deactivated due to final product accumulation, under the experimental conditions assayed. Consistently, the desulfurization pattern has been described with the Michaelis-Menten equation, determining the kinetic parameters. On other hand, the assays have shown that important mass transfer limitations produced the decrease of the yields obtained with this Gram(-) strain in biphasic media. With strain IGTS8 it was observed lower mass transfer problems, but contrary the reaction was severely affected by the final product accumulation, in both aqueous and biphasic systems. Therefore it has been proposed an enzymatic kinetic model with competitive inhibition to describe the BDS evolution pattern when this Gram(+) strain was used.  相似文献   
Caspase 8 is a cysteine protease that initiates apoptotic signaling via the extrinsic pathway in a manner dependent upon association with early endosomes. Previously, we identified caspase 8 as an effector of migration, promoting motility in a manner dependent upon phosphorylation on Tyr-380 by Src family kinases and its subsequent association with Src homology 2 domain-containing proteins. Here we demonstrate the regulation of the small GTPase Rab5, which mediates early endosome formation, homotypic fusion, and maturation by caspase 8. Regulation requires the Tyr-380 phosphorylation site but not caspase proteolytic activity. Tyr-380 is essential for interaction with the Src homology 2 domains of p85alpha, a multifunctional adaptor for phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase, that possesses Rab-GAP activity. Interaction between caspase 8 and p85alpha promotes Rab5 GTP loading, alters endosomal trafficking, and results in the accumulation of Rab5-positive endosomes at the edge of the cell. Conversely, caspase 8-dependent GTP loading of Rab5 is overcome by increased expression of p85alpha in a Rab-GAP-dependent manner. Thus, we demonstrate a novel function for caspase 8 as a modulator of p85alpha Rab-GAP activity and endosomal trafficking.  相似文献   
Caspase 8 is a critical upstream initiator of programmed cell death but, paradoxically, has also been shown to promote cell migration. Here, we show that tyrosine 380 in the linker loop of human caspase 8 is a critical switch determining caspase 8 function. Our studies show that, in addition to its cytosolic distribution, caspase 8 is recruited to lamella of migrating cells. Although the catalytic domain of caspase 8 is sufficient for recruitment and promotion of cell migration, catalytic activity per se is not required. Instead, we find that integrin-mediated adhesion promotes caspase 8 phosphorylation on tyrosine 380. Accordingly, mutation of this site compromises localization to the periphery and the potentiation of cell migration. Mechanistically, this linker region of caspase 8 acts as a Src homology 2 binding site. In particular, tyrosine 380 is critical for interaction with Src homology 2 domains. The results identify a novel mechanism by which caspase 8 is recruited to the lamella of a migrating cell, promoting cell migration independent of its protease activity.  相似文献   
The fact that the psp54 gene codes for p16, a seed chromatin protein of Pisum sativum, has been described previously. In the present paper it is shown that p54, the p16 precursor, also exists as a free polypeptide in pea and that it also yields p38, a second polypeptide from the N-terminal region of p54, which is co-localized at a subcellular level with p16. By using antibodies against pea p16 and p38, it was found that these proteins are present in the members of the tribe Viciae examined. Sequence analysis and 3D modelling indicates that p54 proteins belong to the cupin superfamily, and that they are related to sucrose binding proteins and, to a lesser extent, to vicilin-type seed storage proteins. Nevertheless, several distinctive characteristics of psp54 expression have been found: (i) the gene is differentially induced by ABA and several stress situations, in accordance with the presence of putative separate ABA and stress responsive elements in its promoter; (ii) the proteins are present in pods and seed coats, tissues of maternal origin; and (iii) p54 mRNA accumulates in the dry seeds. In view of both the functional properties of p54-derived proteins and the features of the psp54 gene expression, it is concluded that p54 represents a novel class within the cupin superfamily.  相似文献   
Coral diseases have been reported as a major problem affecting Caribbean coral reefs. During August 2000, a coral mortality event of White Plague Disease-II (WPD-II) was observed at Madrizqui Reef in Los Roques National Park, Venezuela. This disease was identified as the major cause of coral mortality, affecting 24% of all colonies surveyed (n = 1 439). Other diseases such as Black Band Disease (BBD), Yellow Blotch Disease (YBD), Dark Spots Disease (DSD) and White Band Disease (WBD) were also recorded, but showed a lower incidence (0.14-0.97%). Two depth intervals, D1 (5.5-6.5 m) and D2 (9-9.5 m) were surveyed with two sets of three band transects 50 x 2 m long, placed parallel to the long axis of the reef. All healthy and injured corals, along each band transect, were counted and identified to species level. Additionally, all diseases and recent mortality that were still identifiable on each colony also were recorded. The incidence of colonies affected by WPD-II ranged from 12.8 to 33% among transects, where thirteen species of scleractinian corals showed several degrees of mortality. The species most affected were Montastraea annularis (39.13%), M. faveolata (26.67%), M. franksi (9.86%), Stephanocoenia intersepta (7.25%), Colpophyllia natans (6.96%), Diploria labyrinthiformis (2.99%), Mycetophyllia aliciae (2.03%), M. cavernosa (1.74%), and D. strigosa (1.45%). WPD-II was more common in the deeper strata (9-9.5 m), where 63% of the surveyed colonies were affected, although the disease was present along the entire reef. Presently, it is imperative to determine how fast the disease is spreading across the reef, how the disease spreads across the affected colonies and what the long-term effects on the reef will be.  相似文献   
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) chronic infection is characterized by low or undetectable cellular immune responses against HCV antigens. Some studies have suggested that HCV proteins manipulate the immune system by suppressing the specific antiviral T-cell immunity. We have previously reported that the expression of HCV core and E1 proteins (CE1) in dendritic cells (DC) impairs their ability to prime T cells in vitro. We show here that immunization of mice with immature DC transduced with an adenovirus encoding HCV core and E1 antigens (AdCE1) induced lower CD4(+)- and CD8(+)-T-cell responses than immunization with DC transduced with an adenovirus encoding NS3 (AdNS3). However, no differences in the strength of the immune response were detected when animals were immunized with mature DC subsequently transduced with AdCE1 or AdNS3. According to these findings, we observed that the expression of CE1 in DC inhibited the maturation caused by tumor necrosis factor alpha or CD40L but not that induced by lipopolysaccharide. Blockade of DC maturation by CE1 was manifested by a lower expression of maturation surface markers and was associated with a reduced ability of AdCE1-transduced DC to activate CD4(+)- and CD8(+)-T-cell responses in vivo. Our results suggest that HCV CE1 proteins modulate T-cell responses by decreasing the stimulatory ability of DC in vivo via inhibition of their physiological maturation pathways. These findings are relevant for the design of therapeutic vaccination strategies in HCV-infected patients.  相似文献   
We report on the use of rare mutations to tackle biosocial questions such as kinship and differential burial practices from past human populations. To do this, we have inferred nucleotide position 73 of HVS-II in individuals classified as belonging to haplogroup H from 76 human dental samples from the necropolis of Aldaieta (Basque Country, Spain, 6th-7th century) by means of PCR and restriction enzyme tests. The same analysis has been performed for 146 extant individuals from the northern Iberian peninsula. A combination of haplotype H and 73G in HVS-II, rare in extant populations (0.5-3%), has been found at a frequency of 20% in the ancient population of Aldaieta. These data can be explained in terms of the existence of different burial practices associated with a variety of factors, mainly social status and kinship. This hypothesis is also supported by archeological data. These results indicate that caution should be taken when making phylogenetic inferences from extinct populations, because an uncharacterized kinship can significantly bias allele frequencies.  相似文献   
This study explores the potential relationship between a series of cognitive abilities and testosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), androstenedione, and body mass index (BMI) measurements in 5-year-old children. 60 boys and 69 girls were administered a test (K-BIT) which provided measurements of fluid intelligence (Matrices subtest), crystallized intelligence (Vocabulary subtest), and IQ composite (the combination of the two subtests); a sub-sample of 48 boys and 61 girls was also subjected to diverse tests related to theory of mind (affective labeling, appearance-reality distinction, display rules, and false belief). Testosterone, DHEA, and androstenedione levels were measured using an enzyme immunoassay technique in saliva samples. An analysis of variance failed to reveal any significant differences between boys and girls in any of the cognitive abilities assessed. The correlation analysis revealed a positive relationship between fluid intelligence and testosterone levels in boys, a negative relationship between crystallized intelligence and androstenedione levels in girls, and between affective labeling and androstenedione levels in boys. A multiple regression analysis indicated that androstenedione and BMI were the best predictors for some of the cognitive abilities assessed.  相似文献   
Programmed cell death or apoptosis plays an important role in the development of multicellular organisms and can also be induced by various stress events. In the Drosophila wing imaginal disc there is little apoptosis in normal development but X-rays can induce high apoptotic levels, which eliminate a large fraction of the disc cells. Nevertheless, irradiated discs form adult patterns of normal size, indicating the existence of compensatory mechanisms. We have characterised the apoptotic response of the wing disc to X-rays and heat shock and also the developmental consequences of compromising apoptosis. We have used the caspase inhibitor P35 to prevent the death of apoptotic cells and found that it causes increased non-autonomous cell proliferation, invasion of compartments and persistent misexpression of the wingless (wg) and decapentaplegic (dpp) signalling genes. We propose that a feature of cells undergoing apoptosis is to activate wg and dpp, probably as part of the mechanism to compensate for cell loss. If apoptotic cells are not eliminated, they continuously emit Wg and Dpp signals, which results in developmental aberrations. We suggest that a similar process of uncoupling apoptosis initiation and cell death may occur during tumour formation in mammalian cells.  相似文献   
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