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L-[14C]Phenylalanine, fed to cell suspension cultures of Douglas fir, (Pseudotsuga menziesii Franco) was incorporated simultaneously, but at different rates, into (+)-catechin, (−)-epicatechin, and procyanidins of increasing molecular weight. Asymmetric labeling of dimers and polymers was demonstrated, with more label appearing in the upper than in the lower or terminal unit. In addition, the total pool of free monomers was 10 to 30 times more highly labeled than was this lower, terminal unit of dimers and higher oligomers. Since the dimer, epicatechin-catechin, contained more label than catechin-catechin, it is concluded that the carbocation with the 2,3-cis stereochemistry of (−)-epicatechin was formed more rapidly than was that of the 2,3-trans type of (+)-catechin.  相似文献   
ADP-Ribosylation of Membrane Proteins in Cholinergic Nerve Terminals   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Abstract: Lysed Torpedo synaptosomes or washed synaptosomal membranes were incubated with [32P]NAD+ and subjected to electrophoresis on SDS-polyacrylamide gels. More than eight membrane proteins were ADP-ribosylated. The most intensely labeled proteins were those of Mr= 62,000 and 82,000. Radiolabeling was more intense in synaptosomes than in other subcel-lular fractions. Cholera toxin caused ribosylation of additional synaptosomal proteins with Mr= 42,000 and (in some preparations) 49,000. Neither endogenous nor cholera toxin-catalyzed ADP-ribosylation required added guanyl nu-cleotides. Cholera toxin increased the adenylate cyclase activity of synaptosomal membranes, suggesting that the cholera toxin substrates are regulatory components of adenylate cyclase in these synaptosomes.  相似文献   
Simultaneously measured intravascular (IVV) and extracellular (ECV) volumes in diabetic rats have not been reported. We evaluated IVV and ECV in alloxan induced diabetic rats which were either untreated (DU) or received supplemental daily insulin (DI) for three months. Two separate groups of control rats were comparably weight matched to each experimental group. Radio-iodinated (125-I) human serum albumin (RISA) and 35-S sulfate were used to determine IVV and ECV respectively. In DU rats, values for IVV and ECV expressed as a percentage of body weight were 9.3±0.5% and 35±2% respectively; both are significantly larger than the volumes measured in control rats (IVV=6.6±0.2%, p<0.001 and ECV=28±1%, p<0.01). DI rats had volumes (IVV=6.0±0.3% and ECV=24±3%) which were not significantly different than those of control rats (IVV=5.7±0.1% and ECV=22±1%). Thus, untreated diabetic rats had increased IVV and ECV while diabetic rats that received insulin were normovolemic despite the presence of hyperglycemia.  相似文献   
Summary Chemically defined media SFRE-199-1 for the growth and SFRE-199-2 for the maintenance of primary baboon kidney (Bak) cell cultures were formulated by supplementing medium M199 with insulin, sodium pyruvate, zinc sulfate, and increasing arginine-HCl, cysteine, cystine,l-glutamine,l-glutamic acid, glycine, histidine, tyrosine, and glucose to maximally active nontoxic concentrations. For prolonged maintenance of the cells, physiological pH control, and blocking of excessive lactic acid accumulation in the spent medium of the cell cultures, it was necessary to supplement the medium containing Earle's balanced salts withd-(+) galactose. The cells grew and were maintained equally well on glass or polystyrene surfaces. Selenium, when added to growth medium or substituted for insulin and zinc sulfate, did not stimulate cell growth. Electron microscopy showed that numerous dense particles, approximately 250 to 400 ? in diameter, with the appearance of glycogen, were found throughout the cytoplasm in the cells grown in SFRE-199-1 and maintained in SFRE-199-2. Echovirus types 1 to 3, poliovirus types 1 to 3, coxsackievirus types B2, B4, B5,Herpesvirus hominis type 1, simian herpesvirusH. simiae and SA8, and simian adenovirus SV34 when titrated in primary Bak cells and grown and maintained in SFRE-199-1 and 2, respectively, developed titers comparable to those obtained in conventionally grown and maintained cells. This study was supported in part by National Institute of Health Grant RR00361 and World Health Organization Grant V4/181/38. This laboratory serves as the NIH/WHO Collaborating Center for Reference and Research in Simian Viruses.  相似文献   
To elucidate the role of tyrosine residues in the shift of max and the light-driven proton pump of bacteriorhodopsin~ the photochemical reaction of tyrosine-iodinated bacteriorhodopsin (tyr-mod-bR) was investigated by low-temperature spectrophotometry. After 4–5 of 11 tyrosine residues of bacteriorhodopsin were iodinated, the meta-intermediate of tyr-mod-bR in 75% glycerol solution became so stable that its decay could be observed even at room temperature and i t was stable in the dark for several hours at –65°C.Four batho-intermediates were formed by irradiation with green light (500 nm) at –170°C. Like native bacteriorhodopsin, these batho-intermediates were photoreversible at –170°C. Four corresponding meta-intermediates were also formed by irradiation at –60°C. Using the difference spectra between meta-intermediates and tyr-mod-bR, the absorption spectra of four kinds of tyr-mod-bRs, batho-intermediates, and meta-intermediates were estimated. Each was at shorter wavelengths than that of its corresponding type in native bacteriorhodopsin. The results indicate that two or more tyrosine residues have some role in determining color in native bacteriorhodopsin.  相似文献   
Principal components analysis of 27 morphological characters for 18 accessions of teosinte and 3 accessions of maize separated teosinte into 6 phenetic groups which showed broad agreement with previous taxonomic groupings. Tests for regression suggested significant linear relationships with altitude; teosintes from higher elevations are generally more maize-like for a combination of characters. Introgression from maize may have blurred racial identities within teosinte, but variation among current teosinte accessions cannot be satisfactorily explained solely on the basis of known maize introgression. It appears instead that racial differentiation in teosinte was well established by the time of the domestication of maize. While current racial classification of teosinte is quite useful, it does not adequately reflect the amount of genetic variation, nor does it accurately portray many of the relationships within teosinte.  相似文献   
The heterogeneity of human alpha-fetoprotein has been studied by analytical isoelectric focusing in polyacrylamide gel slabs in the presence of 8 M urea. Six major isoelectric variants could be identified over a pH range of 6.0--6.2. Verification of their identity was achieved by crossed immunoelectrophoresis into agarose gel containing monospecific antiserum to human alpha-fetoprotein. Complete desialylation of the protein did not abolish the heterogeneity; a complex pattern of major alpha-fetoprotein bands persisted over a more alkaline pH range. We have been able to correlate the pattern of alpha-fetoprotein heterogeneity seen following extended agarose gel electrophoresis with that obtained during isoelectric focusing in the presence of urea. The quantity of certain alpha-fetoprotein charge isomers in various alpha-fetoprotein isolates may be important in considering certain biological functions of this protein.  相似文献   
Role of voltage-sensitive receptors in nicotinic transmission.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
This paper compares the conductance induced by bath-applied acetyl-choline (ACh) and by the same transmitter released from nerve terminals at Electrophorus electroplaques. For the former case, dose-response relations are characterized by the maximal agonist-induced conductance, rgamma (130 mmho/cm2), and by the concentration which induces half this conductance; this concentration is termed Kapp and equals 50 micron at -85 mV. For the latter case, neurally evoked postsynaptic currents (PSCs) are characterized by the peak conductance during strongly facilitated release, gPSC, and by the rate constant for decay, alpha. Since gPSC roughly equals rgamma, it is concluded that the PSC activates nearly all available receptor channels. These and other data agree with recent estimates that during the growth phase of the quantal response, (a) the ACh concentration is at least several hundred micromolar; and (b) most nearby channels are activated. However both alpha and Kapp increase during depolarization, at a rate of about e-fold per 86 mV. These observations on voltage sensitivity suggest that a suprathreshold synaptic event is rapidly terminated because the action potential abruptly releases ACh molecules from receptors.  相似文献   
In these experiments, agonist-induced conductance is measured while a sudden perturbation is produced at the agonist-receptor binding site. A voltage-clamped Electrophorus electroplaque is exposed to trans-Bis-Q, a potent agonist. Some channels are open; these receptors have bound agonist molecules. A light flash isomerizes 3(-35)% of the trans-Bis-Q molecules to their cis form, a far poorer agonist. This causes a rapid decrease of membrane conductance (phase 1), followed by a slower increase (phase 2). Phase 1 has the amplitude and wavelength dependence expected if the channel closes within 100 mus after a single bound trans-Bis-Q is isomerized, and if the photochemistry of bound Bis-Q resembles that in solution. Therefore, the receptor channel responds rapidly, and with a hundred-fold greater closing rate, after this change in the structure of a bound ligand. Phase 2 (the conductance increase) seems to represent the relaxation back toward equilibrium after phase 1, because (a) phase 2 has the same time constant (1(-5) ms) as a voltage- or concentration-jump relaxation under identical conditions; and (b) phase 2 is smaller if the flash has led to a net decrease in (trans-Bis-Q). Still slower signals follow: phase 3, a decrease of conductance (time constant 5(-10 ms); and phase 4, an equal and opposite increase (several seconds). Phase 3 is abolished by curare and does not depend on the history of the membrane voltage. We consider several mechanisms for phases 3 and 4.  相似文献   
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