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Summary Human urinary Tamm-Horsfall glycoprotein, which contains 28% carbohydrate, has a monomeric molecular weight of about 80,000 but is isolated from urine in the form of intertwining helical suprastructures with molecular weights greater than 107. The native glycoprotein was dissociated and denatured with 6 M guanidinium chloride and was subsequently renatured by dialysis against a Tris-HCl buffer. Using sedimentation equilibrium, the renatured glycoprotein was characterized by a of 256,800 and a of 356,000. The ratio,M z/M w, of 1.39 indicates some polydispersity with regard to molecular size. There was no evidence of helical suprastructures in the renatured glycoprotein as judged by electron microscopy. Ca2+ concentrations of up to 50 mM failed to precipitate the renatured glycoprotein; in contrast, the native glycoprotein is precipitated by Ca2+ concentrations between 5–10 mM. The circular dichroic spectrum of renatured Tamm-Horsfall glycoprotein was obtained, resolved, and tentative band assignments made. The spectrum, which is quite similar to that of native Tamm-Horsfall glycoprotein, exhibited negative extrema at 269 nm (due in large part to disulfides and tyrosines) and at 215 nm (due to protein-structure and the N-acetylated hexosamines). The-helical content of the glycoprotein was estimated to be no more than 10% and the amount of-structure to be about 33%; these values were not affected by the presence of Ca2+ (1 mM). A glycopeptide fraction (ca. 90% carbohydrate), prepared by extensive pronase digestion of the reduced, S-carboxymethylated glycoprotein, exhibited an ellipticity extremum at 212 nm of +4,750 deg · cm2/dmole, referred to the concentration of (N-acetylated) hexosamines and neuraminic acid.Research Career Development Awardee (AM-00055).  相似文献   
Summary Because it had been reported that splenectomy produces a tumor-inhibitory effect in several transplantable tumor systems when the surgery is performed before tumor challenge, we attempted to examine this putative immunological manipulation in a therapeutic situation.A spontaneous, autochthonous, murine breast tumor system was utilized in the present studies, and treatment was initiated in animals bearing large tumors (averaging 0.5 g). To amplify any immunological benefit ensuing from splenectomy, the tumor burden in the host was reduced by ancillary treatment with enucleative tumor surgery or with enucleative tumor surgery plus cytoreductive combination chemotherapy.Splenectomy performed in conjunction with enucleative tumor surgery was associated with an increment of cure in each of four separate experiments in comparison to treatment with enucleative tumor surgery alone. In four of five experiments utilizing different combinations or schedules of chemotherapeutic agents following enucleative tumor surgery, the addition of splenectomy resulted in a decrease in the rate of tumor recurrence as well as an increment in the cure rate. In the fifth experiment, splenectomy resulted in a decrease in the rate of tumor recurrence, but did not effect the ultimate cure rate.Although the nature of the immunological changes resulting from splenectomy are incompletely defined at present, these results provide encouragement in the search for immunological treatments for solid tumors.This work was supported in part by Contract No. N01-CM-73703 and Grant IR01CA-14768-01A1, both from the National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, Department of Health, Education and Welfare, USA, and in part by a grant from the Chemotherapy Foundation of New York, Inc.  相似文献   
A method of retrograde perfusion of the myocardium has been developed in dogs. It consists of a double lumen balloon-tipped catheter inserted transvenously into the coronary sinus, with one lumen connected to a roller pump, the other to a helium counterpulsing pump. Oxygenated heparinized blood is obtained from the femoral artery and pumped continuously into the coronary sinus at a pressure of 50-75 mm Hg. The balloon is inflated during diastole, sealing the coronary sinus and promoting retrograde flow, and is deflated during systole, allowing blood drainage into the right atrium and preventing venous congestion. Thirteen anesthetized open-chest dogs were subjected to 15 minutes of proximal LAD artery occlusion and 30 minutes of diastolic coronary sinus perfusion (DCSP). The area of ischemia was mapped by means of platinum electrodes capable of simultaneously measuring myocardial tissue oxygen tension M(p)O(2)) and electrograms. Reduction of M(p)O(2) with simultaneous elevation of the ST segment on the corresponding electrogram was considered an indication of ischemia. Diastolic coronary sinus perfusion improved myocardial oxygen tension in the ischemic myocardium, reduced ST segment elevation, and tended to restore arterial blood pressure. Histologically, there was no intramyocardial hemorrhage.  相似文献   
Roger C. Prince  P.Leslie Dutton 《BBA》1977,462(3):731-747
We have examined the thermodynamic properties of the physiological electron donor to ferricytochrome c2 in chromatophores from the photosynthetic bacterium Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides. This donor (Z), which is capable of reducing the ferri-cytochrome with a halftime of 1–2 ms under optimal conditions, has an oxidation-reduction midpoint potential of close to 150 mV at pH 7.0, and apparently requires two electrons and two protons for its equilibrium reduction.

The state of reduction of Z, which may be a quinone · protein complex near the inner (cytochrome c2) side of the membrane, appears to govern the rate at which the cyclic photosynthetic electron transport system can operate. If Z is oxidized prior to the flash-oxidation of cytochrome c2, the re-reduction of the cytochrome takes hundreds of milliseconds and no third phase of the carotenoid bandshift occurs. In contrast if Z is reduced before flash activation, the cytochrome is rereduced within milliseconds and the third phase of the carotenoid bandshift occurs. The prior reduction of Z also has a dramatic effect on the uncoupler sensitivity of the rate of electron flow; if it is oxidized prior to activation, uncoupler can stimulate the cytochrome re-reduction after several turnovers by less than tenfold, but if it is reduced prior to activation, the stimulation after several turnovers can be as dramatic as a thousandfold. The results suggest that Z plays a central role in controlling electron and proton movements in the ubiquinone cytochrome b-c2 oxido-reductase.  相似文献   

The spectroscopic properties of the intermediary electron carrier (I), which functions between the bacteriochlorophyll dimer, (BChl)2, and the primary acceptor quinone · iron, QFe, have been characterized in Rhodopseudomonas viridis. Optically the reduction of I is accompanied by a bleaching of bands at 545 and 790 nm and a broad absorbance increase around 680 nm which we attribute to the reduction of a bacteriopheophytin, together with apparent blue shifts of the bacteriochlorophyll bands at 830 and possibly at 960 nm. Low temperature electron paramagnetic resonance analysis also reveals complicated changes accompanying the reduction of I. In chromatophores I? is revealed as a broad split signal centered close to g 2.003, which is consistent with I? interacting, via exchange coupling and dipolar effects, with the primary acceptor Q?Fe. This is supported by experiments with reaction centers prepared with sodium dodecyl sulfate, which lack the Q?Fe g 1.82 signal, and also lack the broad split I? signal; instead, I? is revealed as an approximately 13 gauss wide free radical centered close to g 2.003. Reaction centers prepared using lauryl dimethylamine N-oxide retain most of their Q?Fe g 1.82 signal, and in this case I? occurs as a mixture of the two EPR signals described above. However, the optical changes accompanying the reduction of I? are very similar in the two reaction center preparations, so we conclude that there is no direct correlation between the two optical and the two EPR signals of I?. Perhaps the simplest explanation of the results is that the two EPR signals reflect the reduced bacteriopheophytin either interacting, or not interacting, with Q?Fe, while the optical changes reflect the reduction of bacteriophenophytin, together with secondary, perhaps electrochromic effects on the bacteriochlorophylls of the reaction center. However, we are unable to eliminate completely the possibility that there is also some electron sharing between the reduced bacteriopheophytin and bacteriochlorophyll.  相似文献   
Summary Voltage-dependent calcium currents were studied in cultured adult mouse pancreatic B-cells using the whole-cell voltage-clamp technique. When calcium currents were elicited with 10-sec depolarizing command pulses, the time course of inactivation was well fit by the sum of two exponentials. The more rapidlyinactivating component had a time constant of 75±5 msec at 0 mV and displayed both calcium influx- and voltage-dependent inactivation, while the more slowly-inanctivating component had a time constant of 2750±280 msec at 0 mV and inactivated primarily via voltage. The fast component was subject to greater steady-state inactivation at holding potentials between –100 and –40 mV and activated at a lower voltage threshold. This component was also significantly reduced by nimodipine (0.5 m) when a holding potential of –100 mV was used, whereas the slow component was unaffected. In contrast, the slow component was greatly increased by replacing external calcium with barium, while the fast component was unchanged. Cadmium (1–10 m) displayed a voltage-dependent block of calcium currents consistent with a greater effect on the high-threshold, more-slowly inactivating component. Taken together, the data suggest that cultured mouse B-cells, as with other insulin-secreting cells we have studied, possess at least two distinct calcium currents. The physiological significance of two calcium currents having distinct kinetic and steady-state inactivation characteristics for B-cell burst firing and insulin secretion is discussed.  相似文献   
Crystal structure of uncleaved ovalbumin at 1.95 A resolution   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Ovalbumin, the major protein in avian egg-white, is a non-inhibitory member of the serine protease inhibitor (serpin) superfamily. The crystal structure of uncleaved, hen ovalbumin was solved by the molecular replacement method using the structure of plakalbumin, a proteolytically cleaved form of ovalbumin, as a starting model. The final refined model, including four ovalbumin molecules, 678 water molecules and a single metal ion, has a crystallographic R-factor of 17.4% for all reflections between 6.0 and 1.95 A resolution. The root-mean-square deviation from ideal values in bond lengths is 0.02 A and in bond angles is 2.9 degrees. This is the first crystal structure of a member of the serpin family in an uncleaved form. Surprisingly, the peptide that is homologous to the reactive centre of inhibitory serpins adopts an alpha-helical conformation. The implications for the mechanism of inhibition of the inhibitory members of the family is discussed.  相似文献   
In vivo microdialysis was employed to detect changes in extracellular dopamine and serotonin in the rat caudate in response to electrical stimulation of the medial forebrain bundle. Extracellular dopamine concentrations increased linearly as a function of the frequency (4-33 Hz) of evenly spaced stimuli in both the presence and absence of cocaine added to the dialysate. Because dopamine neurons are known to fire in single-spike and burst patterns, stimulation pulses were also delivered in a bursting pattern. The response of extracellular dopamine was augmented in both the presence and absence of cocaine when the same number of stimuli were delivered in bursts as compared to an evenly spaced pattern. Serotonin, which was only assessed in the presence of cocaine, similarly increased linearly with frequency, but, in contrast to the dopamine response, levels of serotonin were not augmented by stimuli presented in bursts. These results suggest that microdialysis can be used to detect physiological changes in synaptic transmitter concentrations.  相似文献   
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