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The procedure for the isolation of the highly active fraction of sarcoplasmic reticulum from pigeon and dog hearts is described. The method is based on the partial loading of heart microsomes with calcium and oxalate ions and the precipitation of loaded vesicles in sucrose and potassium chloride concentration gradients. Preparations obtained possess high activity of Ca2+-dependent ATPase and are also able to accumulate up to 10 mumol Ca2+ per mg protein. Purification of sarcoplasmic reticulum membranes is accompanied by a decrease in concentration of cytochrome a+a3 and an increase in the content of [32P]phosphoenzyme. The basic components in "calcium-oxalate preparation" from hearts are proteins with molecular weights of about 100000 (Ca2+-dependent ATPase) and 55000 Calcium-oxalate preparation from pigeon hearts was used for subsequent purification of Ca2+-dependent ATPase. Specific activity of purified enzyme from pigeon hearts is 12-16 mumol Pi/min per mg protein. Enzyme activity of purified Ca2+-dependent ATPase is inhibited by EGTA and is not sensitive to azide, 2,4-dinitrophenol and ouabain. The data obtained demonstrate the similarity of calcium pump systems and Ca2+-dependent ATPases isolated from heart and skeletal muscles.  相似文献   
The weak luminescence that accompanies the aerobic xanthine oxidase reaction is inhibited by superoxide dismutase, by catalase, and by scavengers of hydroxyl radicals. It is also entirely dependent upon the presence of carbonate. It thus appears that the O2 and H2O2 produced during the aerobic action of xanthine oxidase interact to generate OH which, in turn, reacts with carbonate to yield the carbonate radical (CO3?). The species that is directly responsible for light emission appears to be produced by a dimerization of carbonate radicals, since the light intensity was a function of the square of the carbonate concentration. The data provide no reason to suppose that the light-emitting species is singlet oxygen.  相似文献   
Immunosuppressor (IS) cells were found to be generated in tumor-bearing animals (TBA) within 24 hr after inoculation of tumor cells of the methylcholanthrene-induced Sarcoma 1509a and appeared to persist in the hosts as long as the tumor was progressing. However, IS cells disappeared with 5 days after extirpation of the tumor. Increasing doses of thymus cells of TBA increased the degree of suppression of tumor rejection in immune syngeneic animals. Ten million thymus cells of TBA were capable of suppressing significantly the tumor rejection. The IS cells were detected in the thymus, spleens, and draining lymph nodes, as well as in bone marrow of TBA, but could not be detected in the peripheral circulating blood. Since immunosuppressive activity of bone marrow cells from TBA was entirely abolished by the in vitro treatment of the cells with anti-theta serum and complement, the observed immunosuppression appears to be mediated by the T cell population.  相似文献   
Intravenous injection of sheep antiserum to somatostatin in the rat not only increases basal plasma TSH levels but also potentiates TSH response following exposure to cold (5° C). Plasma levels of GH rise 2–3 fold during the first 3 h after injection of the antiserum, with a progressive decrease of the effect up to 10 h. Rhythmical change of serum GH levels during a 10-hour period of observation is not altered after antiserum injection. These data indicate that somatostatin plays a physiological role in the control of both TSH and GH secretion and suggest the involvement of GH-releasing hormone, in addition to somatostatin, in the GH release mechanism.  相似文献   
Cellular and free lipopolysaccharides (LPS) obtained from Neisseria canis and N. subflava were essentially identical. Both cellular and free lipopolysaccharides contained O-polysaccharides of the following composition: L-rhamnose (46 mol), D-glucose (16 mol), L-glycero-D-manno-heptose (2 mol), ethanolamine (2 mol), 3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonic acid (1 mol), and phosphate (1.5 mol). The core oligosaccharide, which was common to the cellular and free LPS of both organisms, contained L-rhamnose (4 mol), D-glucose (2 mol), L-glycero-D-manno-heptose (2 mol), 3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonic acid (1 mol), ethanolamine (2 mol), and phosphate (1.5 mol). Accumulated results on LPS composition and structure indicated that Neisseria perflava, N. subflava, and N. flava could not be combined into a single species. On the basis of its nutritional requirements and LPS structure, N. canis could be considered a strain of N. subflava.  相似文献   
Series of clicks, standard by the number of stimuli and greatly varying by the length of interstimuli intervals in each series, were systematically presented to dogs without reinforcement. Evoked potentiale (EP) in the cortical auditory zone were recorded. It has been found that a typical U-shaped distribution of amplitude values of averaged EP is elaborated in the series in the course of repeated presentations; a maximal amplitude is observed in response to the first and last clicks, and a minimal, in the middle of the series. Such a regularity was previously found for the action of standard series with a constant interstimuli interval. It is assumed that an estimation may take place in the dog CNS of the number of signals used in a series, whose mechanism is not necessarily based on the time factor. The ability to estimate the number of signals in the series may be regarded as an elementary model of counting in the dogs' CNS.  相似文献   
Intrinsic biological resemblance between two types is measured in terms of a correlation between their fitnesses under various possible environmental conditions. A tendency toward dominance is defined as the intrinsic biological resemblance between homozygote and heterozygote. The effect of a tendency toward dominance on the à priori survival probability of a mutant gene is studied when the fitnesses of the mutated forms are given only by their distributions. Close intrinsic resemblance between homozygous and heterozygous forms of a new mutant gene is shown to substantially increase the à priori survival probability of this gene. A probabilistic effect of selection is, thus, shown to statistically favor dominant or near dominant mutant genes to start with.This probabilistic effect is suggested as complementary to the Fisherian process of selection on the heterozygote modifiers, taking place at further stages of the progress of a mutant gene.  相似文献   
The temperature and cell volume dependence of the NMR water proton line-width, spin-lattice, and spin-spin relaxation times have been studied for normal and sickle erythrocytes as well as hemoglobin A and hemoglobin S solutions. Upon deoxygenation, the spin-spin relaxation time (T2) decreases by a factor of 2 for sickle cells and hemoglobin S solutions but remains relatively constant for normal cells and hemoglobin A solutions. The spin-lattice relaxation time (T1) shows no significant change upon deoxygenation for normal or sickle packed red cells. Studies of the change in the NMR linewidth, T1 and T2 as the cell hydration is changed indicate that these parameters are affected only slightly by a 10-20% cell dehydration. This result suggests that the reported 10% cell dehydration observed with sickling is not important in the altered NMR properties. Low temperature studies of the linewidth and T1 for oxy and deoxy hemoglobin A and hemoglobin S solutions suggest that the "bound" water possesses similar properties for all four species. The low temperature linewidth ranges from about 250 Hz at -15 degrees C to 500 Hz at -36 degrees C and analysis of the NMR curves yield hydration values near 0.4 g water/g hemoglobin for all four species. The low temperature T1 data go through a minimum at -35 degrees C for measurements at 44.4 MHz and -50 degrees C for measurements at 17.1 MHz and are similar for oxy and deoxy hemoglobin A and hemoglobin S. These similarities in the low temperature NMR data for oxy and deoxy hemoglobin A and hemoglobin S suggest a hydrophobically driven sickling mechanism. The room temperature and low temperature relaxation time data for normal and sickle cells are interpreted in terms of a three-state model for intracellular water. In the context of this model the relaxation time data imply that type III, or irrotationally bound water, is altered during the sickling process.  相似文献   
An unidentified halophile isolated from plates of a complex agar medium containing 4.25 M NaCl showed optimum growth in broths containing 0.5-1.0 M NaCl but exhibited a wide range of growth from 0.045-4.5 M. The organism can be classified as a facultative halophile with wide salt tolerance. Logarithmic phase cells grown in media containing 0.5 M NaCl were rod-shaped in long chains which changed to smaller, single, or paired cells in stationary growth. The internal Na+ and K+ concentrations were 0.05 M and 0.34 M for logarithmic phase cells and 0.29 and 0.32 M for stationary phase cells. In 4.3 M NaCl media the cells were rod-shaped throughout the growth cycle, occurring primarily in pairs. The internal Na+ K" concentrations in cells in logarithmic phase growth were 0.62 M and 0.58 M while in stationary phase growth these values were 1.01 M and 0.66 M respectively. In contrast, logarithmic phase cells of the extreme halophile Halobacterium cutirubrum had internal Na+ and K+ concentrations of 0.80 M and 5.32 M when grown in 3.3 M NaCl. The internal Na+ and K+ concentrations, therefore, in the unidentified halophile do not resemble those found in H. cutirubrum but are much closer to those present in Escherichia coli.  相似文献   
Following a 5 min pulse of [5- 3H]orotic acid via the protal vein, the specific radioactivity of non-poly(A)heterogeneous nuclear RNA (HnRNA) reaches a peak at 12 h after partial hepatectomy. In contrast, poly(A)-HnRNA was maximally elevated only at 2 h after operation. After intraportal injection of cordycepin (3'-deoxyadenosine) 1 min before [5-3H]orotic acid, a dose-dependent inhibition of nuclear HnRNA and rRNA occurred. Fractionation of HnRNA on poly(U)-Sepharose following 20 mg/kg of cordycepin revealed that a 65% reduction occurred in the labeling of poly(A)-HnRNA while non-polyactivity of UTP in control and cordycepin-treated animals indicated no significant alterations in these parameters. Assessment of poly(A) size using poly(A)-HnRNA annealed with oligo(dT)10 as template primer for Escherichia coli DNA polymerase I, showed that 20 mg/kg of cordycepin inhibited nuclear polyadenylylation by 43%; no alteration in the binding of poly(A)-HnRNA to Millipore filters occurred at this dose of cordycepin. These results indicate that cordycepin is a non-selective inhibitor of nuclear RNA and poly(A)synthesis in regenerating rat liver.  相似文献   
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