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Transient-receptor-potential channels (TRPs) underlie the sensing of chemicals, heat, and mechanical force. We expressed the rat TRPV1 and TRPV4 subtypes in yeast and monitored their activities in vivo as Ca2+ rise using transgenic aequorin. Heat and capsaicin activate TRPV1 but not TRPV4 in yeast. Hypotonic shocks activate TRPV4 but not TRPV1. Osmotic swelling is modeled to activate enzyme(s), producing polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) to open TRPV4 in mammalian cells. This model relegates mechanosensitivity to the enzyme and not the channel. Yeast has only a single Δ9 fatty-acid monodesaturase and cannot make PUFAs suggesting an alternative mechanism for TRPV4 activation. We discuss possible explanations of this difference.  相似文献   
The “paranoiac” mutants of Paramecium aurelia show prolonged backward swimming in solutions containing Na+, unlike wild-type paramecia, which jerk back and forth in Na+ solutions. The paranoiac mutants in Na+ solutions also show large losses of cellular K+ and large influxes of Na+. Three different paranoiac mutants all show similar defects in ion regulation but to different degrees. Wild-type Paramecium, in contrast, shows no Na+-dependent loss of cellular K+ and a much smaller Na+ influx. In K+-containing solutions, there is no difference between wild-type and paranoiac paramecia with respect to their cellular K+ content.The Na+ influx, the K+ loss, and the duration of backward swimming are all proportional to the extracellular Na+ concentration. Electrophysiologically, the backward swimming of the paranoiac mutants corresponds to a prolonged depolarization of the membrane potential, while the backward jerks of wild-type Paramecium correspond to a series of transient depolarizations. We propose that the large Na+ influxes and the large K+ effluxes in paranoiacs occur during the periods of backward swimming, while the membrane is depolarized.  相似文献   
Microcarriers are synthetic particles used in bioreactor-based cell manufacturing of anchorage-dependent cells to promote proliferation at efficient physical volumes, mainly by increasing the surface area-to-volume ratio. Mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) are adherent cells that are used for numerous clinical trials of autologous and allogeneic cell therapy, thus requiring avenues for large-scale cell production at efficiently low volumes and cost. Here, a dissolvable gelatin-based microcarrier is developed for MSC expansion. This novel microcarrier shows comparable cell attachment efficiency and proliferation rate when compared to several commercial microcarriers, but with higher harvesting yield due to the direct dissolution of microcarrier particles and thus reduced cell loss at the cell harvesting step. Furthermore, gene expression and in vitro differentiation suggest that MSCs cultured on gelatin microcarriers maintain trilineage differentiation with similar adipogenic differentiation efficiency and higher chondrogenic and osteogenic differentiation efficiency when compared to MSCs cultured on 2D planar polystyrene tissue culture flask; on the contrary, MSCs cultured on conventional microcarriers appear to be bipotent along osteochondral lineages whereby adipogenic differentiation potential is impeded. These results suggest that these gelatin microcarriers are suitable for MSC culture and expansion, and can also potentially be extended for other types of anchorage-dependent cells.  相似文献   
Amyloid‐beta (Aβ) oligomer is known to contribute to the pathophysiology of age‐related macular degeneration. Herein, we aimed to elucidate the in vivo and in vitro effects of Aβ1‐42 application on retinal morphology in rats. Our in vivo studies revealed that intracerebroventricular administration of Aβ1‐42 oligomer caused dysmorphological changes in both retinal ganglion cells and retinal pigment epithelium. In addition, in vitro studies revealed that ARPE‐19 cells following Aβ1‐42 oligomer application had decreased viability along with apoptosis and decreased expression of the tight junction proteins, increased expression of both phosphor‐AKT and phosphor‐GSK3β and decreased expression of both SIRT1 and β‐catenin. Application of conditioned medium (CM) obtained from mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) protected against Aβ1‐42 oligomer‐induced retinal pathology in both rats and ARPE‐19 cells. In order to explore the potential role of peptides secreted from the MSCs, we applied mass spectrometry to compare the peptidomics profiles of the MSC‐CM. Gene ontology enrichment analysis and String analysis were performed to explore the differentially expressed peptides by predicting the functions of their precursor proteins. Bioinformatics analysis showed that 3‐8 out of 155–163 proteins in the MSC‐CM maybe associated with SIRT1/pAKT/pGSK3β/β‐catenin, tight junction proteins, and apoptosis pathway. In particular, the secretomes information on the MSC‐CM may be helpful for the prevention and treatment of retinal pathology in age‐related macular degeneration.  相似文献   
The swamp eel, Monopterus albus, can survive in high concentrations of ammonia (>75 mmol l−1) and accumulate ammonia to high concentrations in its brain (∼4.5 µmol g−1). Na+/K+-ATPase (Nka) is an essential transporter in brain cells, and since NH4 + can substitute for K+ to activate Nka, we hypothesized that the brain of M. albus expressed multiple forms of Nka α-subunits, some of which might have high K+ specificity. Thus, this study aimed to clone and sequence the nka α-subunits from the brain of M. albus, and to determine the effects of ammonia exposure on their mRNA expression and overall protein abundance. The effectiveness of NH4 + to activate brain Nka from M. albus and Mus musculus was also examined by comparing their Na+/K+-ATPase and Na+/NH4 +-ATPase activities over a range of K+/NH4 + concentrations. The full length cDNA coding sequences of three nkaα (nkaα1, nkaα3a and nkaα3b) were identified in the brain of M. albus, but nkaα2 expression was undetectable. Exposure to 50 mmol l−1 NH4Cl for 1 day or 6 days resulted in significant decreases in the mRNA expression of nkaα1, nkaα3a and nkaα3b. The overall Nka protein abundance also decreased significantly after 6 days of ammonia exposure. For M. albus, brain Na+/NH4 +-ATPase activities were significantly lower than the Na+/K+-ATPase activities assayed at various NH4 +/K+ concentrations. Furthermore, the effectiveness of NH4 + to activate Nka from the brain of M. albus was significantly lower than that from the brain of M. musculus, which is ammonia-sensitive. Hence, the (1) lack of nkaα2 expression, (2) high K+ specificity of K+ binding sites of Nkaα1, Nkaα3a and Nkaα3b, and (3) down-regulation of mRNA expression of all three nkaα isoforms and the overall Nka protein abundance in response to ammonia exposure might be some of the contributing factors to the high brain ammonia tolerance in M. albus.  相似文献   
Despite the important diagnostic value of evaluating antibody responses to individual human pathogens, antibody profiles against multiple infectious agents have not been used to explore health and disease mainly for technical reasons.  We hypothesized that the interplay between infection and chronic disease might be revealed by profiling antibodies against multiple agents. Here, the levels of antibodies against a panel of 13 common infectious agents were evaluated with the quantitative Luciferase Immunoprecipitation Systems (LIPS) in patients from three disease cohorts including those with pathogenic anti-interferon-γ autoantibodies (IFN-γ AAB), HIV and Sjögren’s syndrome (SjS) to determine if their antibody profiles differed from control subjects.  The IFN-γ AAB patients compared to controls demonstrated statistically higher levels of antibodies against VZV (p=0.0003), EBV (p=0.002), CMV (p=0.003), and C. albicans (p=0.03), but lower antibody levels against poliovirus (p=0.04). Comparison of HIV patients with blood donor controls revealed that the patients had higher levels of antibodies against CMV (p=0.0008), HSV-2 (p=0.0008), EBV (p=0.001), and C. albicans (p=0.01), but showed decreased levels of antibodies against coxsackievirus B4 (p=0.0008), poliovirus (p=0.0005),   and HHV-6B (p=0.002). Lastly, SjS patients had higher levels of anti-EBV antibodies (p=0.03), but lower antibody levels against several enteroviruses including a newly identified picornavirus, HCoSV-A (p=0.004), coxsackievirus B4 (p=0.04), and poliovirus (p=0.02). For the IFN-γ AAB and HIV cohorts, principal component analysis revealed unique antibody clusters that showed the potential to discriminate patients from controls.  The results suggest that antibody profiles against these and likely other common infectious agents may yield insight into the interplay between exposure to infectious agents, dysbiosis, adaptive immunity and disease activity.  相似文献   
The CLCA gene family produces both secreted and membrane-associated proteins that modulate ion-channel function, drive mucus production and have a poorly understood pleiotropic effect on airway inflammation. The primary up-regulated human CLCA ortholog in airway inflammation is hCLCA1. Here we show that this protein can activate airway macrophages, inducing them to express cytokines and to undertake a pivotal role in airway inflammation. In a U-937 airway macrophage–monocyte cell line, conditioned media from HEK 293 cells heterologously expressing hCLCA1 (with or without fetal bovine serum) increased the levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines (IL-1β, IL-6, TNF-α and IL-8). This effect was independent of the metalloprotease domain of hCLCA1. Primary porcine alveolar macrophages were similarly activated, demonstrating the effect was not cell line dependent. Similarly, immuno-purified hCLCA1 at physiologically relevant concentration of ~100 pg/mL was able to activate macrophages and induce pro-inflammatory response. This cytokine response increased with higher concentration of immuno-purified hCLCA1. These findings demonstrate the ability of hCLCA1 to function as a signaling molecule and activate macrophages, central regulators of airway inflammation.  相似文献   
Hearing loss is an etiologically heterogeneous trait with differences in the age of onset, severity and site of lesion. It is caused by a combination of genetic and/or environmental factors. A longitudinal study to examine the efficacy of early intervention for improving child outcomes is ongoing in Australia. To determine the cause of hearing loss in these children we undertook molecular testing of perinatal “Guthrie” blood spots of children whose hearing loss was either detected via newborn hearing screening or detected later in infancy. We analyzed the GJB2 and SLC26A4 genes for the presence of mutations, screened for the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) A1555G mutation, and screened for congenital CMV infection in DNA isolated from dried newborn blood spots. Results were obtained from 364 children. We established etiology for 60% of children. One or two known GJB2 mutations were present in 82 children. Twenty-four children had one or two known SLC26A4 mutations. GJB2 or SLC26A4 changes with unknown consequences on hearing were found in 32 children. The A1555G mutation was found in one child, and CMV infection was detected in 28 children. Auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder was confirmed in 26 children whose DNA evaluations were negative. A secondary objective was to investigate the relationship between etiology and audiological outcomes over the first 3 years of life. Regression analysis was used to investigate the relationship between hearing levels and etiology. Data analysis does not support the existence of differential effects of etiology on degree of hearing loss or on progressiveness of hearing loss.  相似文献   


Schizophrenia is a highly heritable disease with a polygenic mode of inheritance. Many studies have contributed to our understanding of the genetic underpinnings of schizophrenia, but little is known about how interactions among genes affect the risk of schizophrenia. This study aimed to assess the associations and interactions among genes that confer vulnerability to schizophrenia and to examine the moderating effect of neuropsychological impairment.


We analyzed 99 SNPs from 10 candidate genes in 1,512 subject samples. The permutation-based single-locus, multi-locus association tests, and a gene-based multifactorial dimension reduction procedure were used to examine genetic associations and interactions to schizophrenia.


We found that no single SNP was significantly associated with schizophrenia. However, a risk haplotype, namely A-T-C of the SNP triplet rsDAO7-rsDAO8-rsDAO13 of the DAO gene, was strongly associated with schizophrenia. Interaction analyses identified multiple between-gene and within-gene interactions. Between-gene interactions including DAO*DISC1 , DAO*NRG1 and DAO*RASD2 and a within-gene interaction for CACNG2 were found among schizophrenia subjects with severe sustained attention deficits, suggesting a modifying effect of impaired neuropsychological functioning. Other interactions such as the within-gene interaction of DAO and the between-gene interaction of DAO and PTK2B were consistently identified regardless of stratification by neuropsychological dysfunction. Importantly, except for the within-gene interaction of CACNG2, all of the identified risk haplotypes and interactions involved SNPs from DAO.


These results suggest that DAO, which is involved in the N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor regulation, signaling and glutamate metabolism, is the master gene of the genetic associations and interactions underlying schizophrenia. Besides, the interaction between DAO and RASD2 has provided an insight in integrating the glutamate and dopamine hypotheses of schizophrenia.  相似文献   
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