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This study focuses on the determination of iodine content in healthy thyroid samples on male population from Caracas, Venezuela. Contribution to establish a baseline of iodine content in thyroid glands and hence to compare the iodine thyroid concentration of the Venezuelan population with other countries is also our objective. Male post-mortem individual samples were analyzed using a spectrophotometric flow injection method, based on the Sandell–Kolthoff reaction. The median intrathyroidal iodine concentration was 1443±677 μg/g (wet weight), ranging from 419 to 3430 μg/g, which corresponds to a median of total iodine content of 15±8 mg (ranging from 4 to 37). These results were higher than those values reported in the literature. No correlation of iodine content with age or weight of the healthy gland was found.  相似文献   
Bruton agammaglobulinemia tyrosine kinase (BTK) is a key protein in the B-cell receptor (BCR) signaling pathway and plays an essential role in the differentiation of B lymphocytes. X-linked agammaglobulinemia (XLA) is a primary humoral immunodeficiency caused by mutations in the gene encoding BTK. Previously, we identified two novel variations, L111P and E605G, in BTK; these are localized within the pleckstrin homology and Src homology 1 domains, respectively. In the present study, we evaluated the potential effects of these variations on the structural conformation and the function of BTK. Using in silico methods, we found that the L111P and E650G variations are not located directly in protein-protein interfaces but close to them. They distorted the native structural conformation of the BTK protein, affecting not only its geometry and stability but also its ability for protein recognition and in consequence its functionality. To confirm the results of the in silico assays, WT BTK, L111P, and E650G variants were expressed in the BTK-deficient DT40 cell line. The mutant proteins exhibited an absence of catalytic activity, aberrant redistribution after BCR-crosslinking, and deficient intracellular calcium mobilization. This work demonstrates that L111 and E605 residues are fundamental for the activation and function of BTK.  相似文献   

Key message

Explicit pedigree reconstruction by simulated annealing gave reliable estimates of genealogical coancestry in plant species, especially when selfing rate was lower than 0.6, using a realistic number of markers. Genealogical coancestry information is crucial in plant breeding to estimate genetic parameters and breeding values. The approach of Fernández and Toro (Mol Ecol 15:1657–1667, 2006) to estimate genealogical coancestries from molecular data through pedigree reconstruction was limited to species with separate sexes. In this study it was extended to plants, allowing hermaphroditism and monoecy, with possible selfing. Moreover, some improvements were made to take previous knowledge on the population demographic history into account. The new method was validated using simulated and real datasets. Simulations showed that accuracy of estimates was high with 30 microsatellites, with the best results obtained for selfing rates below 0.6. In these conditions, the root mean square error (RMSE) between the true and estimated genealogical coancestry was small (<0.07), although the number of ancestors was overestimated and the selfing rate could be biased. Simulations also showed that linkage disequilibrium between markers and departure from the Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium in the founder population did not affect the efficiency of the method. Real oil palm data confirmed the simulation results, with a high correlation between the true and estimated genealogical coancestry (>0.9) and a low RMSE (<0.08) using 38 markers. The method was applied to the Deli oil palm population for which pedigree data were scarce. The estimated genealogical coancestries were highly correlated (>0.9) with the molecular coancestries using 100 markers. Reconstructed pedigrees were used to estimate effective population sizes. In conclusion, this method gave reliable genealogical coancestry estimates. The strategy was implemented in the software MOLCOANC 3.0.  相似文献   
Summary.  The manganese superoxide dismutase (Mn-SOD) converts superoxide anions to hydrogen peroxide plus oxygen, providing the first line of defense against oxidative stress in mitochondria. Heart mitochondria exhibited higher Mn-SOD activity than liver mitochondria. In mitochondria from both tissues Mn-SOD activity decreased after incubation at low oxygen concentration (hypoxic mitochondria). The effects of free Ca2+ ([Ca2+]f) and free Mg2+ ([Mg2+]f) on normoxic and hypoxic mitochondria from either organ were tested. In normoxic mitochondria from either tissue, both [Ca2+]f and [Mg2+]f activated the enzyme, although [Mg2+]f was less efficient as an activator and the effect was lower in heart than in liver mitochondria. When added simultaneously, high [Ca2+]f and [Mg2+]f exhibited additive effects which were more pronounced in heart mitochondria and were observed regardless of whether mitochondria had been incubated under normal or low oxygen. The data suggest that [Ca2+]f plays a role in regulating Mn-SOD in concert with the activation of aerobic metabolism. Received April 2, 2001 Accepted August 16, 2001  相似文献   
Allergic airway inflammation is characterized by increased expression of pro-inflammatory mediators, inflammatory cell infiltration, mucus hypersecretion, and airway hyperresponsiveness, in parallel with oxidative DNA base and strand damage, whose etiological role is not understood. Our goal was to establish the role of 8-oxoguanine (8-oxoG), a common oxidatively damaged base, and its repair by 8-oxoguanine DNA glycosylase 1 (Ogg1) in allergic airway inflammatory processes. Airway inflammation was induced by intranasally administered ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia) pollen grain extract (RWPE) in sensitized BALB/c mice. We utilized siRNA technology to deplete Ogg1 from airway epithelium; 8-oxoG and DNA strand break levels were quantified by Comet assays. Inflammatory cell infiltration and epithelial methaplasia were determined histologically, mucus and cytokines levels biochemically and enhanced pause was used as the main index of airway hyperresponsiveness. Decreased Ogg1 expression and thereby 8-oxoG repair in the airway epithelium conveyed a lower inflammatory response after RWPE challenge of sensitized mice, as determined by expression of Th2 cytokines, eosinophilia, epithelial methaplasia, and airway hyperresponsiveness. In contrast, 8-oxoG repair in Ogg1-proficient airway epithelium was coupled to an increase in DNA single-strand break (SSB) levels and exacerbation of allergen challenge-dependent inflammation. Decreased expression of the Nei-like glycosylases Neil1 and Neil2 that preferentially excise ring-opened purines and 5-hydroxyuracil, respectively, did not alter the above parameters of allergic immune responses to RWPE. These results show that DNA SSBs formed during Ogg1-mediated repair of 8-oxoG augment antigen-driven allergic immune responses. A transient modulation of OGG1 expression/activity in airway epithelial cells could have clinical benefits.  相似文献   
The muzzled blenny Omobranchus punctatus (Valenciennes), native to the Indo-Pacific region, is recorded in the Southwestern Atlantic coast, inhabiting natural and artificial substrates in the proximities of three large Brazilian seaports (states of Bahia, Rio de Janeiro and Santa Catarina). Due to its habitat and habits, the introduction of this species was probably by ship or oil rigs, presumably associated within fouling. It is also argued that the muzzled blenny can maintain populations in natural and artificial (mariculture facilities) coastal environments in the Southwestern Atlantic.  相似文献   
Effects of Na+ and K+ on Ca2+ transport by sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles were studied in a medium containing high Mg2+ and ATP (2mM) and low Ca2+ (0.44μM) concentrations. Under these conditions, Na+ and K+ inhibit Ca2+ uptake. ATPase activity and membrane phosphorylation by ATP. Since the concentrations of ATP and Ca2+ used are consistent with relaxation in vivo, the results suggest that under physiological resting conditions the Ca2+ pump of the sarcoplasmic reticulum operates below its maximal capacity.  相似文献   
We studied the transformation of sensory input as it progresses from vibrissa primary sensor (S1) to motor (M1) cortex. Single-unit activity was obtained from alert adult rats that did not to whisk upon application of punctate, rhythmic stimulation of individual vibrissae. The spike response of units in S1 cortex largely reproduced the shape of the stimulus. In contrast, the spiking output of units in M1 cortex were modulated solely as a sinusoid at the repetition rate of the stimulus for frequencies between 5 and 15 Hz; this range corresponds to that of natural whisking. Thus, the S1 to M1 transformation extracts the fundamental frequency from a spectrally rich stimulus. We discuss our results in terms of a band-pass filter with a center frequency that adapts to the change in stimulation rate.  相似文献   
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