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The three currently available male contraceptive approaches are 1) the barrier method such as the condom, 2) hormonal methods by disrupting the pituitary-testicular axis so as to impair spermatogenesis, and 3) immunological methods by preparing vaccines against male-specific antigens. We hereby describe an alternative approach in which attachments of developing germ cells onto the seminiferous epithelium are disrupted, thereby inducing their premature release into the tubular lumen. This in turn leads to infertility. A panel of analogues based on the core structure of 1-(2,4-dichlorobenzyl)-indazole-3-carboxylic acid was synthesized. These compounds were subjected to an in vivo screening assay assessing their effects in inducing the expression of testin, a testicular marker whose expression correlates with the integrity of Sertoli-germ cell junctions. An induction of testin expression in the testis signifies a disruption of Sertoli-germ cell junctions that is followed by depletion of germ cells from the seminiferous epithelium. Two compounds, namely 1-(2,4-dichlorobenzyl)-indazole-3-carbohydrazide (AF-2364) and 1-(2,4-dichlorobenzyl)-indazole-3-acrylic acid (AF-2785), were identified that caused detachment of germ cells, in particular round and elongated spermatids, from the epithelium inducing their premature release into the tubular lumen as confirmed by histological analysis. Adult rats receiving several oral doses of either one of these compounds became infertile within 3-7 wk after the epididymal sperm reserve was exhausted. Depending on the dosing of the administered compound, rats became infertile for 4-14 wk before their fertility gradually bounced back, illustrating the reversibility and efficacy of these new compounds. Also, these compounds did not appear to impair the hypothalamus-pituitary-testicular axis because the serum levels of LH, FSH, and testosterone of the treated animals did not change significantly when compared to control rats. In addition, results of serum microchemistry illustrate that liver and kidney function was not affected in animals treated with both compounds.  相似文献   
The protein folding process of heme proteins entails generation of not only a correct global polypeptide structure, but also a correct, functionally competent heme environment. We employed a variety of spectroscopic approaches to probe the structure and dynamics of the heme pocket of a recombinant sperm whale myoglobin. The conformational characteristics were examined by circular dichroism, time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy, FTIR spectroscopy, and optical absorption spectroscopy in the temperature range 300-20 K. Each of these spectroscopic probes detected modifications confined exclusively to the heme pocket of the expressed myoglobin relative to the native protein. The functional properties were examined by measuring the kinetics of CO binding after flash-photolysis. The kinetics of the expressed myoglobin were more heterogeneous than those of the native protein. Mild acid exposure of the ferric derivative of the recombinant protein resulted in a protein with "nativelike" spectroscopic properties and homogeneous CO binding kinetics. The heme pocket modifications observed in this recombinant myoglobin do not derive from inverted heme. In contrast, when native apomyoglobin is reconstituted with the heme in vitro, the heme pocket disorder could be attributed exclusively to 180 degrees rotation of the bound heme [La Mar, G. N., Toi, H., and Krishnamoorthi, R. (1984) J. Am. Chem. Soc. 106, 6395-6401; Light, W. R., Rohlfs, R. J., Palmer, G., and Olson, J. S. (1987) J. Biol. Chem. 262, 46-52]. We conclude that exposure to low pH decreases the affinity of globin for the heme and allows an extended conformational sampling or "soft refolding" to a nativelike conformation.  相似文献   
Telomeric association (TA), i.e. fusion of chromosomes by their telomeres, predisposes a cell to genetic instability. Because of this we investigated the effect of X-rays exposure and cigarette smoking on the frequency of TA in peripheral blood lymphocytes of exposed individuals, in order to determine if TA can be a chromosomal marker in populations exposed to these carcinogens and if there is an synergistic effect between both agents. We found that the exposed groups show a greater percentage of TA when compared with the control group (P<0.001). However, although the percentage of metaphases with TA in the group with combined exposure (12.6%) was greater than in the others exposed groups (P<0.05), this value was less than the sum of the two individual effects (15.1%). Our results suggest that probably there is not an additive or synergistic effect between X-rays and smoking, and that TA may be a useful cytogenetic marker for evaluating populations exposed to mutagens.  相似文献   
Changes in serum and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) proteins following generalized acute inflammation induced by fermented yeast in the rat was examined by concanavalin A-blotting, immunoblotting, and radioimmunoassay. Using alpha2-macroglobulin (alpha2-M) and hemopexin (HPX) as marker proteins, the concentration alpha2-M was found to increase in serum and CSF by 150- and 5-fold, respectively, whereas the concentration of HPX increased by about 4-fold in both fluids following yeast-induced inflammation. The lesser increase in alpha2-M in the CSF versus the systemic circulation is not likely to be the result of changes in the permeability of the blood--brain barrier, since no change in the total protein content of CSF was detected in inflamed rats when compared to control animals. These results, however, illustrate the regulation of the same protein, such as alpha2-M, in two separate organs within the same animal can be drastically different. These results also suggest a possible protective role of alpha2-M in the brain during acute inflammation. Moreover, these observations are consistent with the previous observation that there is a differential response in the level of alpha2-M between the testis and the systemic circulation during inflammation.  相似文献   
Tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) is a pro-inflammatory cytokine with pleiotropic activity that binds to two transmembrane receptors. Its role in mediating the inflammatory response to injury or infection has been well documented and it has been shown to be a causative factor in rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease and septic shock. Using synthetic peptide libraries composed exclusively of D-amino acids, two distinct hexapeptide families that block the binding of TNF-alpha to its receptors were identified. In the deconvolution of the library, activity increased from submillimolar to the low micromolar range with the most active compound having an IC50 of 0.33 microM. With the aid of biotinylated constructs of these hexapeptides it was possible to demonstrate that their antagonistic effect is due to specific binding to TNF-alpha and not to its receptor.  相似文献   
New analysis has been carried out concerning the palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of some Italian sites dating from the Middle Pleistocene to the Bronze Age. Different aspects have been investigated on each site considering the data collected. The following sites have been analyzed: Isernia La Pineta (Molise); Visogliano and Caverna degli Orsi (Tieste); Toirano Caves (Liguria); Grotta Paglicci (Gargano); Riparo del Molare (Salerno); Grotta del Cavallo (Lecce); Castellaro Lagusello (Monzambano, Mantova).  相似文献   
An ectonucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase 1 (NTPDase1) activity present in alkaline phosphatase-depleted rat osseous plate membranes, obtained 14 days after implantation of demineralized bone particles in the subcutaneous tissue of Wistar rats, was characterized. At pH 7.5, NTPDase1 hydrolyzed nucleotide triphosphates at rates 2.4-fold higher than those of nucleotide diphosphates, while the hydrolysis of nucleotide monophosphates and non-nucleotide phosphates was negligible. NTPDase 1 hydrolyzed ATP and ADP following Michaelis-Menten kinetics with V=1278.7+/-38.4 nmol Pi/min/mg and K(M)=83.3+/-2.5 microM and V=473.9+/-18.9 nmol Pi/min/mg and K(M)=150.6+/-6.0 microM, respectively, but in the absence of magnesium and calcium ions, ATP or ADP hydrolysis was negligible. The stimulation of the NTPDase1 by calcium (V=1084.7+/-32.5 nmol Pi/min/mg; and K(M)=377.8+/-11.3 microM) and magnesium (V=1367.2+/-41.0 nmol Pi/min/mg and K(M)=595.3+/-17.8 microM) ions suggested that each ion could replace the other during the catalytic cycle of the enzyme. Oligomycin, ouabain, bafilomycin A(1), theophylline, thapsigargin, ethacrynic acid, P(1),P(5)-(adenosine-5')-pentaphosphate and omeprazole had negligible effects on the hydrolysis of ATP and ADP by NTPDase1. However, suramin and sodium azide were effective inhibitors of ATP and ADP hydrolysis.To our knowledge this is the first report suggesting the presence of NTPDase1 in rat osseous plate membranes. Considering that the ectonucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase family of enzymes participates in many regulatory functions, such as response to hormones, growth control, and cell differentiation, the present observations raise interesting questions about the participation of this activity in the calcification process.  相似文献   
PMP-D2 and HI, two peptides from Locusta migratoria, were shown to belong to the family of tight-binding protease inhibitors. However, they interact weakly with bovine trypsin (K(i) around 100 nM) despite a trypsin-specific Arg at the primary specificity site P1. Here we demonstrate that they are potent inhibitors of midgut trypsins isolated from the same insect and of a fungal trypsin from Fusarium oxysporum (K(i) 相似文献   
W206R]-procaspase 3: an inactivatable substrate for caspase 8.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We report here the cloning and high-level expression of a soluble proform of human caspase 3 (Ser(24)-H(277)) engineered to contain a short stretch of N-terminal sequence (MTISDSPREQD) from the prosegment of procaspase 8 and a C-terminal heptahistidine tag. The precursor protein isolated from extracts of recombinant Escherichia coli by immobilized metal-ion affinity chromatography was predominantly unprocessed and migrated as a 32-kDa polypeptide on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels. Incubation of this protein with recombinant human caspase 8 produced fragments characteristic of the properly processed caspase 3, but the product was inactive. Amino-terminal sequence analysis of the caspase 3 polypeptides proved that caspase 8 had specifically cleaved the Asp(175)-Ser(176) bond to yield the expected p18 and p12 subunits, with partial cleavage at the Asp(28)-Ser(29) bond to release the prosegment. The lack of caspase 3 activity was found to be the result of a fortuitous mutation in which Trp(206) in the S4 subsite was replaced by arginine (W206R). This mutant procaspase 3, which we call m-pro3, serves as a useful reagent with which to test the efficacy of caspase 8 inhibitors in blocking processing of the natural polypeptide substrate of this enzyme and may be valuable as a source of "proenzyme" for crystallographic analysis.  相似文献   
Polyamine oxidase (PAO) is involved in polyamine metabolism and production of hydrogen peroxide in animal and plants, thus representing a key system in development and programmed cell death. In the present study, the inhibitory effect of amiloride, p-aminobenzamidine, clonidine, 4',6-diamidino-2-phenyl-indole (DAPI), gabexate mesylate, guazatine, and N,N'-bis(2,3-butadienyl)-1,4-butane-diamine (MDL72527) on the catalytic activity of pig liver and Zea mays L. PAO, Lens culinaris L. and Pisum sativum L. and swine kidney copper amine oxidase, bovine trypsin, as well as neuronal constitutive nitric oxide synthase (NOS-I) was investigated. Moreover, agmatine and N(3) -prenylagmatine (G3) were observed to inhibit pig liver and Zea mays L. PAO, bovine trypsin, and NOS-I action, but were substrates for Lens culinaris L., Pisum sativum L. and swine kidney copper amine oxidase. Guazatine and G3 inhibited selectively Zea mays L. PAO with K(i) values of 7.5 x 10(-9) M and 1.5 x 10(-8) M, respectively (at pH 6.5 and 25.0 degrees C). As a whole, the data reported here represent examples of enzyme cross-inhibition, and appear to be relevant in view of the use of cationic L-arginine-and imidazole-based compounds as drugs.  相似文献   
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