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Shear-induced platelet responses are triggered by VWF binding to the platelet GpIb-IX complex, and there is evidence that this ligand-receptor coupling stimulates transmembranous signaling through the cytoplasmic tail of glycoprotein (Gp) Ib alpha. To investigate the mechanism by which signaling is effected, new molecular interactions involving GpIb-IX that develop in response to pathological shearing stress were examined in intact human platelets. Exposure to shear, but not alpha-thrombin, results in the co-immunoprecipitation of the actin cross-linking protein alpha-actinin with the GpIb-IX complex. Blockers of VWF binding to GpIb alpha or actin polymerization inhibit the association of alpha-actinin with the GpIb-IX complex, but the association of alpha-actinin with the GpIb-IX complex is not affected by inhibiting VWF binding to platelet integrin alpha IIb beta 3 (GpIIb-IIIa). alpha-Actinin becomes tyrosine phosphorylated in response to pathological shear stress, and phosphorylated alpha-actinin associates with GpIb-IX. In resting platelets, class IA heterodimeric phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI 3-K) and protein kinase N (PKN) associate with nonphosphorylated alpha-actinin. Shear stress causes PI 3-K to disassociate from alpha-actinin, while it stimulates PKN binding to alpha-actinin. These results demonstrate that shear-induced VWF binding to GpIb alpha causes enhanced binding of cytoskeletal alpha-actinin to GpIb-IX and suggest that alpha-actinin, perhaps through tyrosine phosphorylation, serves as an adapter for a signaling complex that could regulate VWF-induced platelet aggregation.  相似文献   
The chemistry of active-site cysteine residues is central to the activity of thiol-disulfide oxidoreductases of the thioredoxin superfamily. In these reactions, a nucleophilic thiolate is required, but the associated pK(a) values differ vastly in the superfamily, from less than 4 in DsbA to greater than 7 in Trx. The factors that stabilize this thiolate are, however, not clearly established. The glutaredoxins (Grxs), which are members of this superfamily, contain a Cys-Pro-Tyr-Cys motif in their active site. In reduced Grxs, the pK(a) of the N-terminal active-site nucleophilic cysteine residue is lowered significantly, and the stabilization of the corresponding thiolate is expected to influence the redox potential of these enzymes. Here, we use a combination of long molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, pK(a) calculations, and experimental investigations to derive the structure and dynamics of the reduced active site from Escherichia coli Grx3, and investigate the factors that stabilize the thiolate. Several different MD simulations converged toward a consensus conformation for the active-site cysteine residues (Cys11 and Cys14), after a number of local conformational changes. Key features of the model were tested experimentally by measurement of NMR scalar coupling constants, and determination of pK(a) values of selected residues. The pK(a) values of the Grx3 active-site residues were calculated during the MD simulations, and support the underlying structural model. The structure of Grx3, in combination with the pK(a) calculations, indicate that the pK(a) of the N-terminal active-site cysteine residue in Grx3 is intermediate between that of its counterpart in DsbA and Trx. The pK(a) values in best agreement with experiment are obtained with a low (<4) protein dielectric constant. The calculated pK(a) values fluctuate significantly in response to protein dynamics, which underscores the importance of the details of the underlying structures when calculating pK(a) values. The thiolate of Cys11 is stabilized primarily by direct hydrogen bonding with the amide protons of Tyr13 and Cys14 and the thiol proton of Cys14, rather than by long-range interactions from charged groups or from a helix macrodipole. From the comparison of reduced Grx3 with other members of the thioredoxin superfamily, a unifying theme for the structural basis of thiol pK(a) differences in this superfamily begins to emerge.  相似文献   
Toarcian (Lower Jurassic) argillaceous-marly sediments of southern France (Causses) and east-central Spain (Barranco de la Puta section) were deposited in mid to lower shelf settings. They contain a low to moderately diverse, autochthonous fauna of benthic macroinvertebrates dominated by bivalves and gastropods, in the case of the Causses, and by bivalves and brachiopods in the Barranco de la Puta section. Five benthic associations are recognized at the latter locality and four at the former. In the Causses, low species diversity, evidence of seasonal mass mortality, presence of the opportunistic bivalve Parvamussium pumilum, local dominance of the soft bottom coral Thecocyathus mactrus and the dark-grey, fine-grained sediment point to high rates of sedimentation, high turbidity, intermittently lowered oxygen values and soft to soupy substrate conditions. These factors, together with eutrophic water masses, were the main environmental parameters governing faunal distribution. Soupy substrate conditions are thought to be largely biologically produced by the activity of infaunal depositfeeders, chiefly nuculoid bivalves. In the Barranco de la Puta section, abundant brachiopods, higher carbonate content of the sediment, and evidence of intermittent in-situ reworking and winnowing point to an influence of storm-induced currents, a shallower depositional depth, lower turbidity, a lower rate of sedimentation, and a somewhat firmer substrate. As a consequence, the fauna is largely dominated by epifaunal suspension-feeders. Compared with maximum and average sizes from elsewhere in the Jurassic, most bivalve species are distinctly smaller, a feature interpreted as stunting. Brachiopods, in contrast, reach normal size. The lack of nuculids, scarcity of deposit-feeders in general, and stunting are interpreted as evidence of an oligotrophic environment. Lowered oxygen conditions appear to have played only a very limited role in shaping the distribution pattern. Many of the differences between both areas can be explained by the different trophic regimes that reflect considerably higher run-off and consequently higher input of terrigenous sediment and dissolved nutrients to the basin in the case of the Causses. This in turn is thought to possibly reflect differences in regional climate; humid in southern France and more arid in eastcentral Spain.  相似文献   
Previous studies in our laboratory have shown that rat heart glycogen phosphorylase (1,4-alpha-D-glucan: orthophosphate alpha-D-glucosyltransferase, EC separates into two forms upon ion-exchange chromatography. Both forms could be shown to have the same subunit Mr and to incorporate one molecule of phosphate per subunit. The studies reported here were done to check whether both forms are native isoenzymes and, further, which form might represent the heart-specific phosphorylase. Firstly, the iso-electric points of the purified enzymes are compared with those associated with phosphorylase activity in crude extracts from rat heart. Two out of four major bands coincided with the bands of purified phosphorylase Ib and IIb (isoelectric points: 5.5 and 6.25), indicating apparent identity. Secondly, antibodies to rat skeletal muscle phosphorylase reacted with rat heart phosphorylase I, whereas phosphorylase II was neither inhibited nor precipitated by the antibody. Thirdly, peptide maps obtained after proteolytic digestion of SDS-denatured phosphorylase I and II showed different patterns. In addition to the kinetic differences between these two forms reported earlier, phosphorylase IIa was inhibited by glucose 6-phosphate, whereas phosphorylase Ia was not. These results suggest that phosphorylase II is a heart-specific isoenzyme which is presumably encoded by a different gene.  相似文献   
Two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy in combination with distance geometry (DG) and dynamical simulated annealing (DSA) calculations have been used to determine the tertiary solution structure of a synthetic 29-residue fragment of von Willebrand factor (vWF). This fragment (D514-E542) represents an adhesion site on vWF for its platelet receptor, the glycoprotein Ib-IX complex (GP Ib-IX). The NMR data yielded 109 interproton distance measurements and two chi 1 dihedral angle constraints for use in DG and DSA calculations. Most prominent in the calculated family of solution structures was an amphipathic, right-handed alpha-helix in the C-terminal segment of the peptide. We propose that this highly structured region may be important for the specific molecular interaction of vWF with the GP Ib-IX complex.  相似文献   
Formation, degradation and renewal of cellular organelles is a dynamic process based on permanent budding, fusion and inter-organelle traffic of vesicles. These processes include many regulatory proteins such as SNAREs, Rabs and coats. Given this complex machinery, a controversially debated issue is the definition of a minimal set of generic mechanisms necessary to enable the self-organization of organelles differing in number, size and chemical composition. We present a conceptual mathematical model of dynamic organelle formation based on interacting vesicles which carry different types of fusogenic proteins (FP) playing the role of characteristic marker proteins. Our simulations (ODEs) show that a de novo formation of non-identical organelles, each accumulating a different type of FP, requires a certain degree of disproportionation of FPs during budding. More importantly however, the fusion kinetics must indispensably exhibit positive cooperativity among these FPs, particularly for the formation of larger organelles. We compared different types of cooperativity: sequential alignment of corresponding FPs on opposite vesicle/organelles during fusion and pre-formation of FP-aggregates (equivalent, e.g., to SNARE clusters) prior to fusion described by Hill kinetics. This showed that the average organelle size in the system is much more sensitive to the disproportionation strength of FPs during budding if the vesicular transport system gets along with a fusion mechanism based on sequential alignments of FPs. Therefore, pre-formation of FP aggregates within the membranes prior to fusion introduce robustness with respect to organelle size. Our findings provide a plausible explanation for the evolution of a relatively large number of molecules to confer specificity on the fusion machinery compared to the relatively small number involved in the budding process. Moreover, we could speculate that a specific cooperativity which may be described by Hill kinetics (aggregates or Rab/SNARE complex formation) is suitable if maturation/identity switching of organelles play a role (bistability).  相似文献   
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