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The molecular basis of potassium nutrition in plants   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Over the last five years, the cloning and characterization of K+ transport genes corresponding to K+ channels (KAT1, AKT1, KST1, AKT2), associated subunits (KAB1) and a high-affinity transporter (HKT1) has opened up important new avenues for research on plant K+ nutrition. With the abundance of molecular data now available it seems timely to link this information with the wealth of data previously accumulated on the physiology of plant K+ acquisition. The ultimate goal of all this research is to gain a better understanding of K+ transport and nutrition in the intact plant. Thus it is important to begin to integrate the molecular research with results from biochemical and physiological research conducted at the cellular, root and whole plant levels. This article will focus on describing the features of the cloned K+ transporters and their possible roles in mediating high- and low-affinity K+ uptake from the soil, as well as how K+ acquisition may be regulated.Abbreviations NEM N-ethyl maleimide - PCMBS p-chloromercuribenzene sulphonic acid  相似文献   
Fens represent a large array of ecosystem services, including the highest biodiversity found among wetlands, hydrological services, water purification and carbon sequestration. Land‐use change and drainage has severely damaged or annihilated these services in many parts of North America and Europe; restoration plans are urgently needed at the landscape level. We review the major constraints on the restoration of rich fens and fen water bodies in agricultural areas in Europe and disturbed landscapes in North America: (i) habitat quality problems: drought, eutrophication, acidification, and toxicity, and (ii) recolonization problems: species pools, ecosystem fragmentation and connectivity, genetic variability, and invasive species; and here provide possible solutions. We discuss both positive and negative consequences of restoration measures, and their causes. The restoration of wetland ecosystem functioning and services has, for a long time, been based on a trial‐and‐error approach. By presenting research and practice on the restoration of rich fen ecosystems within agricultural areas, we demonstrate the importance of biogeochemical and ecological knowledge at different spatial scales for the management and restoration of biodiversity, water quality, carbon sequestration and other ecosystem services, especially in a changing climate. We define target processes that enable scientists, nature managers, water managers and policy makers to choose between different measures and to predict restoration prospects for different types of deteriorated fens and their starting conditions.  相似文献   
Invertebrate biodiversity measured at mostly family level is widely used in biological monitoring programmes to assess anthropogenic impacts on ecosystems. However, next‐generation sequencing (NGS) could allow development of new more sensitive biomonitoring tools by allowing rapid species identification. This could be accelerated if archived invertebrate collections and environmental information from past programmes are used to understand species distributions and their environmental responses. In this study, we take archived macroinvertebrate samples from two sites collected on multiple occasions and test whether NGS can successfully detect species. Samples had been stored in 70% ethanol at room temperature for up to 12 years. Three amplicons ranging from 197 to 274 bps within the DNA barcode region were amplified from samples and compared to DNA barcoding libraries to identify species. We were able to amplify partial DNA barcodes from most samples, and species were often detected with multiple amplicons. However, some singletons and taxa poorly covered by DNA barcoding were missed. This suggests additional DNA barcodes will be required to fill ‘gaps’ in current DNA barcode libraries for aquatic macroinvertebrates and/or that it may not be possible to detect all taxa in a sample. Furthermore, older samples often detected fewer taxa and were less reliable for amplification, suggesting NGS is best used on samples within 8 years of collection. Nevertheless, many common taxa with existing DNA barcodes were reliably identified with NGS and were often present at sites across multiple years, showing the potential of NGS for detecting common and abundant species in archived material.  相似文献   
The objective was to evaluate the effect of three cryopreservation methods on the in vitro maturation (IVM) and membrane integrity (MIn) of immature equine oocytes. An open pulled straw (OPS) method, a novel solid surface vitrification (SSV) process, and the addition of a synthetic ice blocker were evaluated. Compared with the control group (N = 269), the OPS (N = 159) and the SSV (N = 202) cryopreservation methods decreased both IVM (50.9 vs. 13.3 and 9.4%, respectively; P < 0.001) and MIn (76.6 vs. 31.1 and 33.7%; P < 0.001) of immature equine oocytes. However, inclusion of 0.1% ice blocker in the OPS vitrification process increased the rates of both IVM (30.5%; P < 0.01) and MIn (45.8%; P < 0.05) of the oocytes (N = 59). Including 0.1% ice blocker in the SSV process improved the IVM rate (20.9%; P < 0.05), whereas MIn remained compromised in this group (N = 67). However, increasing the concentration of the ice blocker (to 1.0%) in the cryopreservation methods did not significantly improve rates of IVM. In conclusion, the addition of a synthetic ice blocker (0.1%) to both cryopreservation processes significantly increased rates of both IVM and MIn of immature equine oocytes cryopreserved by OPS.  相似文献   
Differential responses of freshwater wetland soils to sulphate pollution   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
Sulphate (SO4 2-)reduction rates are generally low in freshwaterwetlands and are regulated by the scarceavailability of the ion. Increasedconcentrations of this electron acceptor due tosulphur (S) pollution of groundwater andsurface water may, however, lead to highSO4 2- reduction rates now regulatedby the availability of appropriate electrondonors. Due to variations in this availability,the response to S pollution (e.g. from surfacewater or groundwater) is expected to differbetween soils. This hypothesis was tested inlaboratory mesocosm experiments by comparingtwo wetland soil types with distinctlydifferent humus profiles: a Hydromoder and aRhizomull type. In the first type, expected tohave a higher availability of degradable soilorganic matter (SOM), SO4 2-availability appeared to be rate limiting forSO4 2- reduction. In the Rhizomullsoils, in contrast, the electron acceptor didnot limit SO4 2- reduction rates athigher concentrations. These differences inresponse could not, however, be attributed todifferences in the various SOM fractions or inSOM densities. Eutrophication and free sulphideaccumulation, two major biogeochemical problemscaused by SO4 2- pollution, occurredin both types. The absolute extent ofphosphorus mobilisation was determined by theconcentration of this element in the soil (C/Pratio), while the level of sulphideaccumulation was governed by the concentrationof dissolved iron in the pore water. It wastherefore concluded that neither the humusprofile nor the concentrations of different SOMfractions in the soils are reliable indicatorsfor the sensitivity of wetland types to Spollution.  相似文献   
We investigated the effects of Fe and Cu status of pea (Pisum sativum L.) seedlings on the regulation of the putative root plasma-membrane Fe(III)-chelate reductase that is involved in Fe(III)-chelate reduction and Fe2+ absorption in dicotyledons and nongraminaceous monocotyledons. Additionally, we investigated the ability of this reductase system to reduce Cu(II)-chelates as well as Fe(III)-chelates. Pea seedlings were grown in full nutrient solutions under control, -Fe, and -Cu conditions for up to 18 d. Iron(III) and Cu(II) reductase activity was visualized by placing roots in an agarose gel containing either Fe(III)-EDTA and the Fe(II) chelate, Na2bathophenanthrolinedisulfonic acid (BPDS), for Fe(III) reduction, or CuSO4, Na3citrate, and Na2-2,9-dimethyl-4,7-diphenyl-1, 10-phenanthrolinedisulfonic acid (BCDS) for Cu(II) reduction. Rates of root Fe(III) and Cu(II) reduction were determined via spectrophotometric assay of the Fe(II)-BPDS or the Cu(I)-BCDS chromophore. Reductase activity was induced or stimulated by either Fe deficiency or Cu depletion of the seedlings. Roots from both Fe-deficient and Cu-depleted plants were able to reduce exogenous Cu(II)-chelate as well as Fe(III)-chelate. When this reductase was induced by Fe deficiency, the accumulation of a number of mineral cations (i.e., Cu, Mn, Fe, Mg, and K) in leaves of pea seedlings was significantly increased. We suggest that, in addition to playing a critical role in Fe absorption, this plasma-membrane reductase system also plays a more general role in the regulation of cation absorption by root cells, possibly via the reduction of critical sulfhydryl groups in transport proteins involved in divalent-cation transport (divalent-cation channels?) across the root-cell plasmalemma.  相似文献   
Differential expression of the ras gene family in mice.   总被引:18,自引:5,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文
We studied the synthesis and processing of the type-common glycoprotein gD in herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) and compared it structurally to glycoprotein gD of herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1). We demonstrated that in HSV-2, gD undergoes posttranslational processing from a lower-molecular-weight precursor (pgD51) to a higher-molecular-weight product (gD56). Tryptic peptide analysis by cation-exchange chromatography indicated that this processing step altered neither the methionine nor the arginine tryptic peptide profile of gD of HSV-2. Comparative tryptic peptide analysis of gD of HSV-1 and HSV-2 showed that the methionine and arginine tryptic peptide profiles of these two proteins were very similar, but not identical. Some of the resolved peptides coeluted from the cation-exchange column, suggesting that some amino acid sequences of the two proteins might be very similar. However, each protein also appeared to possess several type-specific tryptic peptides. The structural similarity of these two glycoproteins correlates well with their antigenic cross-reactivity since monoprecipitin antibody to gD of HSV-1 also immunoprecipitates gD of HSV-2 and neutralizes the infectivity of both viruses to approximately the same extent.  相似文献   
Abstract A genetic determinant for serum resistance, designated iss , has been found previously on the colicinogenic plasmid ColV2-K94. In this work we have identified a second serum resistance gene, traT , on ColV2-K94. The serum resistance mediated by derivatives of ColV2-K94 was due to presence of one or both of the iss and traT genes. Plasmid pWS12 (TraT+ Iss+) contained the kanamycin (Km) resistance transposon Tn 903 inserted near the origin of replication of ColV2-K94, and plasmids pWS15 (TraT+), pWS16 (TraT+) and pWS18 (TraT+ Iss+) were deletion derivatives of pWS12 constructed in vitro and in vivo. pWS12 and pWS18 conferred a 20-fold increase in relative resistance to 20% guinea pig serum when introduced into the serum-susceptible, genetically defined recA strain of Escherichia coli K-12, AB2463. Plasmids pWS15 and pWS16, from which iss had been deleted, still conferred 5-fold increases in relative resistance on AB2463. The level of resistance conferred on this strain by the antibiotic resistance plasmid R100–1 (which expresses the traT serum resistance gene) was comparable to that of plasmids pWS15 and pWS16. The 25-kDa traT gene product was identified by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) analysis of the outer membrane proteins of strain AB2463 carrying ColV2-K94. This protein cross-reacted immunologically with the traT protein expressed by F or R100–1. Our results indicated that both traT and iss are capable of mediating serum resistance in ColV2-K94.  相似文献   
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