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N-Alkylation of the -glucosidase inhibitor 1-deoxynojirimycin(dNM) dramatically increases its inhibitory potency (Tan etal., J. Biol. Chem., 266, 14504–14510, 1991). However,the possibility of extending the alkyl chain to N-decyl-dNMis limited by an increase of detergent-like (amphiphilic) propertiesof long-chain alkylated dNM derivatives. Substitution of methylenegroups in the N-decyl chain by oxygen reduced the amphiphilicityof N-decyl-dNM derivatives, while retaining their superior inhibitoryproperties. In intact HepG2 cells, the compound N-7-oxadecyl-dNMwas found to result in the most pronounced retention of glucoseresidues on N-linked glycans. Permeabilization of the plasmamembrane with the bacterial toxin Streptolysin O improves theinhibitory properties of the derivatives N-3,6,9-trioxadecyl-,N-7,10,13-trioxatetradecyl-, N-3-oxadecyl- and N-7-oxadecyl-dNM,but not those of dNM. These observations suggest differencesin the mode of entry of the oxygen-substituted dNM derivativesin comparison with dNM. We observed that the dNM derivativeN-3,6,9-trioxadecyl-dNM, devoid of inhibitory activity in intactcells, was inhibitory in Streptolysh O-permeabilized cells.Thus, the permeability barriers posed by plasma membrane andendoplasmic reticulum membrane are not equivalent. The use ofa permeabilized cell system thus allows the elaboration of inhibitoryprinciples for novel bioactive compounds where study of theisolated enzymes may not be possible, and where intact cellsare not a suitable target due to permeability barriers. -glucosidase inhibition N-linked glycosylation oxygen-substituted N-decyl-dNM derivatives permeabilized cells  相似文献   
Human neutrophils suspended in Hanks' balanced salt solution (37° C, 20 mM Hepes, pH 7.2) produced extensions, elongated and developed a polarised morphology with both a pseudopod and uropod when exposed to C5a (10 nM), leukotriene B4 (10 nM), platelet activating factor (40 nM) or interleukin-8 (12.5 nM). Responses to each mediator were generally enhanced or unaffected by chelators of extracellular Ca2+ and Mg2+. Neutrophils suspended in heparinised plasma (90-10% v/v in Hanks' balanced salt solution) produced extensions, elongated and developed a pseudopod, but rarely developed a uropod unless additional Mg2+ ions (0.5-5 mM) were added. These findings demonstrate that the polarisation of neutrophils in plasma is significantly different to that induced by endogenous chemoattractants with regard to the frequency of uropod formation and requirement for extracellular divalent cations.  相似文献   
Several mineral rhizotoxicities, including those induced by Al3+, H+, and Na+, can be relieved by elevated Ca2+ in the rooting medium. This leads to the hypothesis that the toxic cations displace Ca2+ from transport channels or surface ligands that must be occupied by Ca2+ in order for root elongation to occur. In this study with wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) seedlings, we have determined, in the case of Al3+, that (i) Ca2+, Mg2+, and Sr2+ are equally ameliorative, (ii) that root elongation does not increase as Ca2+ replaces Mg2+ or Sr2+ in the rooting media, and (iii) that rhizotoxicity is a function solely of Al3+ activity at the root-cell membrane surface as computed by a Gouy-Chapman-Stern model. The rhizotoxicity was indifferent to the computed membrane-surface Ca2+ activity. The rhizotoxicity induced by high levels of tris(ethylenediamine)cobaltic ion (TEC3+), in contrast to Al3+, was specifically relieved by Ca2+ at the membrane surface. The rhizotoxicity induced by H+ exhibited a weak specific response to Ca2+ at the membrane surface. We conclude that the Ca2+-displacement hypothesis fails in the case of Al3+ rhizotoxicity and that amelioration by cations (including monovalent cations) occurs because of decreased membrane-surface negativity and the consequent decrease in the membrane-surface activity of Al3+. However, TEC3+, but not Al3+, may be toxic because it inhibits Ca2+ uptake. The nature of the specific H+-Ca2+ interaction is uncertain.Abbreviations {Al3+ }0 chemical activity of Al3+ at the root-cell membrane surface - {Al3+ }E chemical activity of Al3+ in the external rooting medium - E0 electrical potential at the root-cell membrane surface - HXM2+ hexamethonium ion - TEC3+ tris(ethylenediamine)cobaltic ion  相似文献   
An atomic model of the sickle hemoglobin (HbS) fiber was synthesized by combining the molecular coordinates of the fiber (obtained from electron microscopy) with atomic coordinates of the sickle hemoglobin double strand (obtained from X-ray crystallography). The model is stereochemically acceptable. The majority of polymerization-sensitive HbS mutants are located at fiber contact sites and the majority of the mutants that do not affect polymerization are not located at contact sites. The residues at intermolecular contacts in the fiber model are reported. We have searched the coordinate space in the vicinity of the EM reconstructions to find models with alternative sets of coordinates that satisfy the mutant data, contain 5-Å contacts between double strands, and are stereochemically acceptable. This involved a systematic examination over 297 different models. The alternative fiber models were generated with a range of fiber pitch, double-strand positions, and double-strand polarity. Models which had unacceptably close contacts between atoms, failed to satisfy the mutant data, or did not have 5-Å contacts between double strands were considered unacceptable. None of the acceptable alternative fiber models improved the agreement between the polymerization behavior of HbS mutants and their contact site location. However, several models could account for the polymerization data equally well. Residue locations for single-site HbS mutations that could discriminate between alternative fiber models are proposed. The twist of HbS fibers varies in an apparent random manner with an average rotation of 7.8 ± 2.5° per molecule and a maximum rotation of 16° per molecule. The number of interdouble-strand contacts as a function of fiber twist shows a broad maximum around 9° and may account for the observed range of fiber pitch. This study shows that the upper limit on the fiber twist could result from a loss of axial contacts and repulsive van der Waals interactions between residues involved in interstrand contacts. The loss of axial contacts limits the radial growth of the fiber. In the appendix we analyze the methodology used by I. Cretegny and S. J. Edelstein [(1993) J. Mol. Biol. 230, 733-738] to build a model of the fiber. Our examination reveals shortcomings in the methodology of Cretegny and Edelstein. One result of these shortcomings is that the model synthesized by Cretegny and Edelstein is not stereochemically acceptable because it gives rise to a large number of excessively close (less than 1.4 Å) atom-atom contacts, suggesting interpenetration of the molecular envelopes.  相似文献   
Field observations on the biology ofMetriona elatior (Col.: Chrysomelidae) onSolanum elaeagnifolium (Solanaceae) from Uruguay. Specimens ofMetriona elatior were found feeding on leaves of the silverleaf nightshade,Solanum elaeagnifolium, from the eastern of Uruguay since 1984. According to a field study the young leaves were skeletonized since spring to early autumn by larvae and adults. Oothecae and pupae were found mainly on old leaves. The egg mean volume was of 0.614 mm3. Young plants of the weed were always killed after massive natural infections ofM. elatior. Therefore, this tortoise leaf-beetle may be studied as a potential biocontrol agent on populations ofS. elaeagnifolium.
The ecdysoneless locus in Drosophila melanogaster has been defined previously by a single conditional mutation, I(3)ecd1, that causes an ecdysteroid deficit and larval death at the restrictive temperature, 29°C, although the primary role of the mutation in developmental processes has been unclear. Gene dosage and complementation studies reported here for ecd1 and five nonconditional lethal alleles indicate that the ecd locus plays prezygotic and postzygotic roles essential for normal embryonic development, the successful completion of each larval molt, adult eclosion, and female fertility. The ecd locus is also required for normal macrochaete differentiation. For each observed phenotype, the severity of mutational effects was correlated with ecd mutant genotypes. In all cases, ecd1 homozygotes were least affected. Mutants heteroallelic for ecd1 and any one of four nonconditional recessive mutations were more severely affected than ecd1 homozy-gotes, revealing these as hypomorphic alleles. For all phenotypic effects, mutants heteroallelic for ecd1 and a dominant mutation (ecd3D) were most severely affected. These individuals died during embryogenesis at 29°C and developed no macrochaetes on the dorsal thorax when transferred to 29°C during the white prepupal stage. The ecd3D mutation also caused female semisterility in heterozygotes. Ecdysteroid regulation has been implicated previously in all the developmental processes disrupted by these ecd mutations except for macrochaete differentiation. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
The effect of indole-3-carbinol (IC), an anticarcinogen present in cruciferous vegetables, to alter the metabolism of 4-androstenedione (AD) by female rat liver microsomes was investigated and compared to that of its main gastric conversion product, diindolylmethane (DIM) as well as other specific cytochrome P450 inducers. DIM was a more potent inducer of the hydroxylase which converts androsterone to its 6β-hydroxylated derivative 3,6β-dihydroxy-5-androstan-17-one (A) than IC after either oral or intraperitoneal administration and was also a better in vitro inhibitor. Isosafrole (ISF), which like IC and DIM, induces CYP1A2 as well as gestodene, were powerful inhibitors of the in vitro reaction. Naringenin produced only a weak inhibitory effect while 3-methylcholanthrene was inactive. SKF-525A, a prototypic hydroxylase inhibitor, or 17β-N,N-diethylcarbamoyl-4-methyl-4-aza-5-androst-1-ene-3-one which inhibits steroid 5-reductase, also decreased the formation of A from AD by liver microsomes. The infusion of human growth hormone by osmotic minipump, which feminizes hepatic steroid metabolism, increased the ability of male rat liver microsomes to convert AD to A and to respond to induction by IC. The identity of A, the main polar derivative of AD, induced by IC, DIM and ISF, was tentatively assigned by a combination of GC-MS and results from metabolic studies with intermediates in the pathway leading to its formation. It is proposed that the protective role of indole carbinols against mammary carcinoma due to decreased formation of 16-hydroxyestrone from estrone may be further enhanced by the diminished availability of AD for aromatization to estrone.  相似文献   
The loss of "bound" S35 that occurs during various mounting procedures used in autoradiography was studied in healing surface wounds of rats treated with either methionine-S35 or Na2S35O4. Valid autoradiography of bound S35 in this tissue is not possible until 48 hours after radiosulfate and 24 hours after radiomethionine injection, when the S35 is almost entirely bound in large protein and polysaccharide molecules. Autoradiograms of S35 given in both the organic and inorganic form reveal substantial over-all loss of the bound isotope from sections subjected to contact with solvents prior to autoradiography. A comparison of autoradiograms prepared by dry-mounting sections of frozen-dried tissue with autoradiograms of wet-mounted sections of the same tissue suggest that the loss is proportional to the extent of the contact with solvents. Evidence suggests that loss of the isotope occurs during contact of the ribbon or section itself with solutions after fixation and cutting and prior to radiation exposure. No appreciable loss of the bound isotope seems to occur during contact of the intact tissue specimen with a variety of fluid fixatives except for a marginal zone at the excision edges of the tissue. The potential hazard of displacement of the isotope during fixation, however, remains. Technics which prevent loss of the isotope and fogging of the nuclear emulsion permit the use of thinner sections and emulsion films and the fine resolution of image rendered possible by the physical properties of S35.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: The prescence of circulating tumor cells (CTCs) in the peripheral blood of cancer patients and their frequency has been correlated with disease status. METHODS: In this study, CTCs were characterized by flow cytometry and fluorescence microscopy after immunomagnetic enrichment from 7.5-ml blood samples collected from patients with prostate cancer in evacuated blood-draw tubes that contained an anticoagulant and a preservative. Events were classified as tumor cell candidates if they expressed cytokeratin, lacked CD45, and stained with the nucleic acid dye 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole. RESULTS: In the blood of prostate cancer patients, only few of these events were intact cells. Other CTC events appeared as damaged cells or cell fragments by microscopy. By flow cytometry, these events stained variably with 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole and frequently expressed the apoptosis-induced, caspase-cleaved cytokeratin 18. Similar patterns of cell disintegration were observed when cells of the prostate line LNCaP were exposed to paclitaxel before spiking the cells into normal blood samples. CONCLUSIONS: The different observed stages of tumor cell degradation or apoptosis varied greatly between patients and were not found in blood of normal donors. Enumeration of CTCs and identification of CTCs undergoing apoptosis may provide relevant information to evaluate the response to therapy in cancer patients.  相似文献   
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