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Restriction of hydrazides of N-blocked amino acids mainly to electrophilic action, in acylating crude papain, has been achieved by means of a large amount of aniline, with formation of insoluble anilides of N-acylamino acids. Similarly, nucleophilic behavior, on the part of a hydrazide, has been promoted by introducing a large proportion of an N-acylamino acid to produce an insoluble N1,N2-diacylhydrazine. Achiral, chiral and racemic hydrazides and their corresponding N-acylamino acids were utilized in the study. Among the more informative combinations of reactants were Z-dl-alanine hydrazide with aniline and then with Z-glycine. A stereospecific response in the former situation produced Z-l-alanine anilide. In the latter case, a stereoselective interaction produced Z-Gly-NHNH-lAla-Z more rapidly than Z-Gly-NHNH-d-Ala-Z. The final incubation period yielded an optically pure D product. Differences in stereochemical control have been delineated in terms of different spatial aspects for interactions at the S and S′ subsites of sulfhydryl proteolytic enzymes. A racemic reactant encountered firm stereospecificity as an electrophile at the S subsite but only modest stereoselectivity as a nucleophile at the S′ subsite. The ready availability of crude papain allows an effective procedure for the synthesis of substantial quantities of diacylhydrazines.  相似文献   
We developed two simple methods for extracting specific, cell-free, soluble antigens of the mold form ofParacoccidioides brasiliensis. Detection of these antigens by a microimmunodiffusion test permits the rapid and accurate identification of cultures ofP. brasiliensis. ThirtyP. brasiliensis isolates treated by these techniques produced specific exoantigens detectable by the immunodiffusion test. None of the other 78 fungal pathogens or saprophytes tested produced identical exoantigens. Personnel in any diagnostic laboratory who want a rapid and specific method for identifying or confirming suspected isolates ofP. brasiliensis can use the simple procedures described.  相似文献   
Regulation of gene expression during myeloid cell differentiation has been analyzed using clones of myeloid leukemic cells that differ in their competence to be induced to differentiate by the normal macrophage- and granulocyte-inducing protein MGI. Changes in the relative rate of synthesis for specific proteins were compared to changes in the relative amounts of corresponding translatable poly(A)+ mRNAs, assayed in the reticulocyte cell-free translation system, using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Of the 217 proteins which changed during MGI-induced differentiation of normally differentiating MGI+D+ leukemic cells, 136 could be identified as products of cell-free translation. Eighty-four percent of the 70 decreases in synthesis, most of which occurred early during differentiation, were not accompanied by a parallel decrease in the amount of translatable mRNA, but were accompanied by a parallel shift of the corresponding mRNAs from the polysomal to the monosomal and free mRNA fractions. These results indicate that most of the early decreases in the synthesis of proteins were translationally regulated. In contrast, 81% of the proteins which increased in synthesis and 71% of the proteins that were induced de novo were regulated at the level of mRNA production. Experiments with differentiation defective mutants have shown that they were blocked both at the level of mRNA production and mRNA translation. The data with these mutants have suggested that there were different subsets of translationally regulated proteins which were separately regulated. The translational blocks for several proteins in these mutant clones have also made it possible to identify additional translational sites of regulation for protein changes that were controlled at the level of mRNA production during normal differentiation. The results indicate that translational regulation may predominantly have a different function in cell differentiation than regulation by mRNA production, and that differentiation-defective mutants can be blocked at either level.  相似文献   
Summary Myofibrillar adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) activity was demonstrated in sections of masseter and temporalis muscles and of selected limb muscles of adult rhesus monkeys. Incubations were performed either with no pre-treatment or after prior incubation in alkaline media (pH 10.2–10.4) or acidic media (pH 3.8–4.6). Without pre-treatment, fibres having high or low ATPase activity were observed in limb and masticatory muscles. Following alkaline pre-incubation the difference between high and low ATPase of limb muscle fibres is accentuated, whereas pre-incubation in acidic media (pH 4.3) results in inhibition of high and potentiation of low ATPase activities (acid reversal). While pre-incubation of masticatory muscle sections at pH 10.2 accentuates differences in ATPase activity, pre-incubation at pH 10.4 abolishes ATPase activity. In contrast, masticatory muscle fibres showed no reversal of ATPase activity following acidic pre-incubation (pH 4.3). Pre-incubation at pH 3.8 abolished the ATPase activity of both limb and masticatory muscle fibres. The biochemical basis for the differences in ATPase histochemistry between masticatory and limb muscles is not known.  相似文献   
Hydrolysis of purin-6-yl 2-deoxy-1-thio-β-d-arabino-hexopyranoside (2) to 6-mercaptopurine and 2-deoxy-d-glucose is catalyzed by hydronium ion and almond β-d-glucosidase. The dependence of rate on acidity in water and deuterium oxide indicates that 2 and its conjugate acid undergo hydrolysis via a mechanism that involves a partially rate-limiting proton transfer. Although 2 is ≈103 more reactive than 6-purinyl β-d-glucothiopyranoside (1) in dilute aqueous acid, 1 is a better substrate for almond β-d-glucosidase.  相似文献   
Glucose utilization, energy metabolism and associated membrane changes, have been studied in D+ myeloid leukemic cells that can be induced to undergo cell differentiation to mature granulocytes by incubation with the appropriate conditioned medium (CM) and in D? myeloid leukemic cells that cannot be induced to differentiate to mature cells. Before incubation with CM, glycolysis and the glycolytic production of ATP were lower and the activity of the pentose cycle was higher in D+ than in D? cells. ATP depletion induced a higher degree of agglutination by concanavalin A in D? than in D+ cells, indicating a difference in their surface membrane. There were no detectable differences in the transport of glucose and the synthesis of sterols and fatty acids. After incubation with CM, the D+ cells, like normal granulocytes, showed a higher glycolysis, produced their ATP more through glycolysis than oxidative phosphorylation, became less dependent on the exogenous supply of glucose and oxygen and had a lower rate of sterol and fatty acid synthesis. The differentiating D+ cells also showed a change in their surface membrane resulting in an increased agglutinability without a change in ATP content and a stimulation of the pentose cycle by concanavalin A. These properties, which were not acquired by D? cells, were found before most of the D+ cells had differentiated to mature granulocytes. The data indicate, that the block in the ability of the D? cells to differentiate and the acquisition of the metabolic properties of normal granulocytes by differentiating D+ cells, were associated with differences in the organization of the cell surface membrane.  相似文献   
Flies can detect a small object in front of a randomly contrasted background if the object undergoes small motions. The effect was investigated in fixed flying flies under open-loop conditions. The results suggest that nonlinear inhibitory interactions underly this elementary case of figure-ground discrimination.  相似文献   
Field observation indicated thatA. bibens is an important predator of severalTetranychus-species in parts of Madagascar. Its dependence on water for drinking was demonstrated; this feature limits its presence to more humid biotopes. Its importance in the irrigated areas of the dry southwest is stressed.A. bibens proved capable of eradicating.T. urticae on potted bean plants. Predation and oviposition of the predator were tested with various densities of adult femaleT. urticae. At the lowest densities tested, predation was limited by the availability of the prey, which also resulted in a lower oviposition rate at these densities. At more moderate densities (of around 32 prey/7 cm2) an increase in prey egg consumption made up for a decrease in adult prey consumption, indicating that spider mite eggs are suitable food for this predator. At high densities eggs were ignored and adult prey were killed and at highest densities more were killed than were actually needed for food. The effect of alternate feeding on eggs and an interference stimulation component are claimed to explain the unusual functional response curve ofA. bibens. The results imply that, under natural conditions,A. bibens feeds primarily on spider mite eggs, but shifts towards adult prey consumption with increasing prey densities.
Résumé Des observations dans la nature montrent queA. bibens est un important prédateur de plusieurs espèces deTetranychidae dans certains secteurs à Madagascar. Son importance dans les zones irriguées du sud-ouest aride est mise en évidence, ce qui résulte des besoins pour cette espèce d'eau alimentaire, ce facteur limitant sa présence aux biotopes les plus humides. A. bibens se montre capable d'éliminerT. urticae sur les cultures de pois. Le taux de prédation et d'oviposition du prédateur ont été testés en rapport aux diverses densités de la proie,T. urticae. Aux densités les plus faibles la prédation est limitée par la disponibilité en proies, ce qui entraine également une réduction de la fécondité. Pour des densités moyennes (de l'ordre de 32 proies/7 cm2) on observe une consommation préférentielle des ufs deTetranychidae et une moindre consommation des adultes. Pour des densités élevées, par contre, les ufs sont délaissés et ce sont les adultes qui sont consommés, enfin par des densités encore plus fortes, le prédateur détruit plus de proies adultes qu'il n'en peut consommer.L'effet d'une, alimentation de substitution sur les ufs de la proie et l'interférence d'un facteur stimulant sont envisagés comme éléments explicatifs de la réponse inhabituelle d'A. bibens. Cela implique que dans les conditions naturellesA. bibens se nourrit en premier lieu sur les ufs deTetranychidae, mais transfert sa préférence sur les proies adultes quand la densité de ces derniers s'accroît.
The small Photosystem I particles prepared from spinach chloroplasts by the action of Triton X-100 (TSF 1 particles) reaggregate into membrane structures when they are incubated with soybean phospholipids and cholate and then subjected to a slow dialysis. The membranes so formed are vesicular in nature and show the capability of catalyzing phenazine methosulfate-mediated cyclic photophosphorylalation at rates which are usually about 20% of those observed with chloroplasts, but higher rates have been obtained. When coupling factor is removed from the chloroplasts by treatment with EDTA, a requirement for coupling factor can be shown for the subsequent ATP formation. The uncouplers carbonylcyanide 3-chlorophenyl-hydrazone, valinomycin, Triton X-100 and NH+4 are effective with the reformed vesicles, which do not show the typical light-induced pH gradient observed with chloroplasts. Incubation of the TSF 1 particles with phospholipids alone allows for the formation of membrane vesicles, but such vesicles are only slightly active in ATP formation. In most properties investigated, the reformed membrane vesicles resemble the original chloroplast membrane so far as phenazine methosulfate-mediated cyclic photophosphorylation is concerned, which indicates a high degree of selectivity in the reaggregation process. The major difference between chloroplasts and the reformed vesicles is the failure of the latter to show a light-induced pH gradient.  相似文献   
14C-17-Hydroxyprogesterone was incubated with 7000 × g × 20 min supernatants of rat testis homogenates in the presence of various concentrations of 3H-progesterone, both under conditions where metabolism would take place and where it would be prevented. When metabolism was prevented, the ratio of progesterone to 17-hydroxyprogesterone in the microsomal fraction was 3 times that which was added to the incubation medium.Progesterone competitively inhibited 17,20-lyase action on added 17-hydroxyprogesterone but not on 17-hydroxyprogesterone formed from the added progesterone. The rate of formation of 17-hydroxyprogesterone from progesterone, however, was inhibited by added 17-hydroxyprogesterone. The results indicate that there is no free exchange of an intermediate between progesterone and androstenedione with the soluble fraction, either inside or outside the microsomal vesicle. The limited exchange with 17-hydroxyprogesterone in solution probably represents exchange with an enzyme-bound intermediate.  相似文献   
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