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The access and benefit sharing (ABS) regulations from the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) for the use of natural resources became an important issue because the biodiversity of developing countries was heavily accessed and unilaterally exploited by pharmaceutical and seed companies. However, natural enemies used for biological control are living and unmodified genetic resources which cannot be patented and have been treated as resources such as drugs, seeds, or other commercial products. Consequently, the ABS requirements have limited not only the use of natural enemies but also the positive effects that scientifically supported biological control strategies have on the society, the environment, and the economy, reducing problems of pesticide residues, water and soil contamination, and non-target effects. During the last several years, the biological control scientific community has faced new and extremely complicated legislation dictated by a high and diverse number of governmental agencies at different levels, making the access to natural resources for biocontrol purposes a rocky road. Society at large should be aware of how the strict ABS regulations affect the use of natural enemies as biological resources to secure food production, food safety, and global environmental protection. We discuss in here the current difficulties derived from CBD for the exchange of natural enemies taking as example the Euro-Mediterranean region, Argentina, and Brazil to demonstrate how long and diverse are the steps to be followed to obtain the required permits for access and exportation/importation of natural enemies. We then argue that the public visibility of biocontrol strategies should be increased and their benefits highlighted in order to persuade legislators for the development of a less bureaucratic, more expedient, and more centralized regulatory frame, greatly favoring the practice and benefits of biological control. We finally propose a general framework in which ABS issues should be dealt in ways to attend the CBD, but also to make the use of natural resources for the biological control of pests to secure food production and security a possible alternative.  相似文献   
Chromosome numbers were determined in 29 accessions of wild and semidomesticated Capsicum species from the EMBRAPA Hortaliças (Brazil) germplasm collection. 2 n  = 24 was found in C. baccatum var. praetermissum , C. chinense , C. flexuosum and C. parvifolium , while C. buforum , C. campylopodium , C. cornutum , C. schottianum , C. villosum var. villosum and five other native south-eastern Brazilian species not yet taxonomically named all had 2 n  = 26 chromosomes. These are the first chromosome number determinations for C. cornutum , C. schottianum , C. villosum var. villosum and the five other Brazilian taxa. Our data confirm published data for C. baccatum var. praetermissum , C. campylopodium , C. chinense , C. flexuosum and C. parvifolium , but not for C. buforum . The prevalence of 2 n  = 26 chromosomes among Brazilian species, along with the morphological and ecological characteristics presented by the wild and semidomesticated species occurring in Brazil, form a pattern different from that found in Andean wild and semidomesticated species. This supports the hypothesis that there are two different evolutionary lines in the genus and that the native south-eastern Brazilian species belong to the ancestral Capsicum gene pool. © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 151 , 259–269.  相似文献   
After removal of the embryo from developing ovules of Viciafaba L. and Pisum sativum L., seed-coat exudates were collectedand the amino acid fraction of the exudate was analyzed. InV. faba, alanine was the most important compound of the aminoacid fraction. In P. sativum, alanine and glutamine were thetwo most important components, whereas only small amounts ofasparagine were present. Comparison with published data suggeststhat seed-coat exudates may differ from phloem sap in the relativeimportance of these amino acids. Pisum sativum, pea, Vicia faba, broad bean, amino acid transport, amino acid unloading, seed-coat exudate, seed development  相似文献   
Respiratory activity of mitochondria isolated from seedlingsof two cold-resistant and two cold-susceptible maize cultivarswas examined. The greater potential for cyanide-resistant respirationfound in the cold-resistant seedlings raises the possibilityof a role for the alternative respiratory pathway in cold-resistance. alternative respiration, cold-resistance, cyanide-resistant respiration, maize, mitochondria, Zea mays  相似文献   
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