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The minichromosome maintenance complex (MCM2-7) is the putative DNA helicase ineukaryotes, and essential for DNA replication. By applying serial extractions to mammaliancells synchronized by release from quiescence, we reveal dynamic changes to thesub-nuclear compartmentalization of MCM2 as cells pass through late G1 and early S phase,identifying a brief window when MCM2 becomes transiently attached to the nuclear-matrix.The data distinguish 3 states that correspond to loose association with chromatin prior toDNA replication, transient highly stable binding to the nuclear-matrix coincident withinitiation, and a post-initiation phase when MCM2 remains tightly associated withchromatin but not the nuclear-matrix. The data suggests that functional MCM complexloading takes place at the nuclear-matrix.  相似文献   
It is well established that p16INK4A protein acts as a cell cycle inhibitor in the nucleus. Therefore, cytoplasmic localization of p16 INK4A usually is disregarded by investigators as nonspecific. Three recent studies reported findings that differ from the current view concerning p16INK4A immunohistochemical localization. All three demonstrated that breast and colon cancers expressing cytoplasmic p16INK4 represent distinct biological subsets. We previously detected in a percentage of non-small cell lung carcinomas simultaneous nuclear and cytoplasmic p16INK4A staining. In view of the reports concerning breast and colon carcinomas, we conducted an ultrastructural re-evaluation of our cases to clarify the specificity of p16INK4A cytoplasmic expression. We observed p16 INK4A immunolocalization in both the nucleus and the cytoplasm of a proportion of tumor cells. Diffuse dense nuclear staining was detected in the nucleoplasm, whereas weaker granular immunoreactivity was observed in the cytoplasm near the rough endoplasmic reticulum. Negative tumor cells also were visible. In the tumor-associated stromal, cells p16INK4A immunoreactivity was detected only in the nuclei. We have demonstrated that p16INK4A cytoplasmic staining is specific and suggest that it represents a mechanism of p16INK4A inactivation similar to that observed in other tumor suppressor genes.  相似文献   
Low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein (LRP) is an endocytic receptor that binds multiple distinct ligands, including blood coagulation factor VIII (FVIII). FVIII is a heterodimeric multidomain protein that consists of a heavy chain (domains A1, a1, A2, a2, and B) and a light chain (domains a3, A3, C1, and C2). Both chains contribute to high-affinity interaction with LRP. One LRP-interactive region has previously been located in the C2 domain, but its affinity is low in comparison with that of the entire FVIII light chain. We now have compared a variety of FVIII light chain derivatives with the light chain of its homolog FVa for LRP binding. In surface plasmon resonance studies employing LRP cluster II, the FVa and FVIII light chains proved different in that only FVIII displayed high-affinity binding. Because the FVIII a3-A3-C1 fragment was effective in associating with LRP, this region was explored for structural elements that are exposed but not conserved in FV. Competition studies using synthetic peptides suggested that LRP binding involves the FVIII-specific region Lys(1804)-Ala(1834) in the A3 domain. In line with this observation, LRP binding was inhibited by a recombinant antibody fragment that specifically binds to the FVIII sequence Glu(1811)-Lys(1818). The role of this sequence in LRP binding was further tested using a FVIII/FV chimera in which sequence Glu(1811)-Lys(1818) was replaced with the corresponding sequence of FV. Although this chimera still displayed residual binding to LRP cluster II, its affinity was reduced. This suggests that multiple sites in FVIII contribute to high-affinity LRP binding, one of which is the FVIII A3 domain region Glu(1811)-Lys(1818). This suggests that LRP binding to the FVIII A3 domain involves the same structural elements that also contribute to the assembly of FVIII with FIXa.  相似文献   
The extraction of statistically meaningful quantitative information from microscopy images is increasingly important for modern biological research. Obtaining accurate, quantitative information from biological specimens, however, is a complex process that requires optimization of several parameters. One must consider the number of probes, fluorescent channels required, type of plate to be used, number of fields to be acquired and optimal resolution for image acquisition. The extraction of information from images is dependent on and can be aided greatly by careful consideration of the factors involved in the image acquisition process. I summarize here the general principles behind the imaging and software technology that is used to quantify images and highlight particular issues of concern for critically applying image quantitation techniques for research.  相似文献   
We investigated the genomic diversity of a local population of the symbiotic bacterium Sinorhizobium medicae, isolated from the roots of wild Medicago lupulina plants, in order to assess genomic diversity, to identify genomic regions influenced by duplication, deletion or strong selection, and to explore the composition of the pan-genome. Partial genome sequences of 12 isolates were obtained by Roche 454 shotgun sequencing (average 5.3 Mb per isolate) and compared with the published sequence of S. medicae WSM 419. Homologous recombination appears to have less impact on the polymorphism patterns of the chromosome than on the chromid pSMED01 and megaplasmid pSMED02. Moreover, pSMED02 is a hot spot of insertions and deletions. The whole chromosome is characterized by low sequence polymorphism, consistent with the high density of housekeeping genes. Similarly, the level of polymorphism of symbiosis genes (low) and of genes involved in polysaccharide synthesis (high) may reflect different selection. Finally, some isolates carry genes that may confer adaptations that S. medicae WSM 419 lacks, including homologues of genes encoding rhizobitoxine synthesis, iron uptake, response to autoinducer-2, and synthesis of distinct polysaccharides. The presence or absence of these genes was confirmed by PCR in each of these 12 isolates and a further 27 isolates from the same population. All isolates had rhizobitoxine genes, while the other genes were co-distributed, suggesting that they may be on the same mobile element. These results are discussed in relation to the ecology of Medicago symbionts and in the perspective of population genomics studies.  相似文献   
Protein A (Spa) is a surface-associated protein of Staphylococcus aureus best known for its ability to bind to the Fc region of IgG. Spa also binds strongly to the Fab region of the immunoglobulins bearing V(H)3 heavy chains and to von Willebrand factor (vWF). Previous studies have suggested that the protein A-vWF interaction is important in S. aureus adherence to platelets under conditions of shear stress. We demonstrate that Spa expression is sufficient for adherence of bacteria to immobilized vWF under low fluid shear. The full length recombinant Ig-binding region of protein A, Spa-EDABC, fused to glutathione-S-transferase (GST), bound recombinant vWF in a dose-dependent and saturable fashion with half maximal binding of about 30 nm in immunosorbent assays. Full length-Spa did not bind recombinant vWF A3 domain but displayed binding to recombinant vWF domains A1 and D'-D3 (half maximal binding at 100 nm and 250 nm, respectively). Each recombinant protein A Ig-binding domain bound to the A1 domain in a similar manner to the full length-Spa molecule (half maximal binding 100 nm). Amino acid substitutions were introduced in the GST-SpaD protein at sites known to be involved in IgG Fc or in V(H)3 Fab binding. Mutants altered in residues that recognized IgG Fc but not those that recognized V(H)3 Fab had reduced binding to vWF A1 and D'-D3. This indicated that both vWF regions recognized a region on helices I and II that overlapped the IgG Fc binding site.  相似文献   
Leukocyte-associated Ig-like receptor (LAIR)-1 is a collagen-receptor that inhibits immune cell function upon collagen binding. Next to LAIR-1, the human genome encodes LAIR-2, a putative soluble homolog. In this study we show, for the first time, that the LAIR-2 gene is broadly transcribed in human PBMC, mirroring the expression profile of LAIR-1. LAIR-2 protein is expressed as a soluble receptor exhibiting high affinity for various collagen molecules to which it binds in a hydroxyproline-dependent manner. In vitro stimulation of PBMC induces secretion of LAIR-2. We detect high amounts of LAIR-2 in urine of pregnant women, indicating that the soluble receptor is indeed produced in vivo and can be cleared from the body via urine. Furthermore, LAIR-2 levels are increased in synovial fluid of patients with rheumatoid arthritis as compared with osteoarthritis patients. We hypothesize that soluble LAIR-2 may function as a natural competitor for LAIR-1, thereby regulating its inhibitory potential. Indeed, LAIR-2 prevents binding of human LAIR-1 to collagens and LAIR-1 cross-linking in vitro, suggesting that the protein has an immunoregulatory function in vivo. Hence, we reveal a novel mechanism of immune regulation by a soluble LAIR receptor regulating the inhibitory potential of the membrane-bound LAIR-1 via competition for ligands.  相似文献   
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