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ObjectivesThe aim of this study was to investigate to what extent 9 to 11 year old children participating in a specific sport already exhibit a specific anthropometric, physical fitness and motor coordination profile, in line with the requirements of that particular sport. In addition, the profiles in children with a different training volume were compared and possible differences in training hours per week between children from a low, moderate, and high level of physical fitness and motor coordination were investigated.DiscussionThe study showed that in general, children at a young age do not exhibit sport-specific characteristics, except in children with a high training volume. It is possible that on the one hand, children have not spent enough time yet in their sport to develop sport-specific qualities. On the other hand, it could be possible that they do not take individual qualities into account when choosing a sport.  相似文献   
Tissue-type plasminogen activator (tPA) is a pleiotropic serine protease of the central nervous system (CNS) with reported neurotrophic and neurotoxic functions. Produced and released under its single chain form (sc), the sc-tPA can be cleaved by plasmin or kallikrein in a two chain form, tc-tPA. Although both sc-tPA and tc-tPA display a similar fibrinolytic activity, we postulated here that these two conformations of tPA (sc-tPA and tc-tPA) could differentially control the effects of tPA on neuronal survival. Using primary cultures of mouse cortical neurons, our present study reveals that sc-tPA is the only one capable to promote N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (NMDAR)-induced calcium influx and subsequent excitotoxicity. In contrast, both sc-tPA and tc-tPA are capable to activate epidermal growth factor receptors (EGFRs), a mechanism mediating the antiapoptotic effects of tPA. Interestingly, we revealed a tPA dependent crosstalk between EGFR and NMDAR in which a tPA-dependent activation of EGFRs leads to downregulation of NMDAR signaling and to subsequent neurotrophic effects.Tissue-type plasminogen activator (tPA) is secreted by endothelial cells and promotes fibrinolysis via the conversion of fibrin-bound plasminogen into plasmin.1 Neurons and some glial cells also secrete tPA.2, 3, 4, 5 tPA is secreted as a single-chain form (sc-tPA), which can be processed into a two-chain form (tc-tPA) by plasmin or kallikreins.6, 7 Interestingly, sc-tPA is proteolytically active even without proteolytic processing. In addition to its vascular functions, tPA displays critical roles in the brain parenchyma with roles in cell migration, neuronal plasticity and survival,8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 acting either as an enzyme or as a cytokine-like molecule. Among its actions, tPA is well described to promote neurotoxicity, likely through promotion of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (NMDAR) activity.15, 16, 17 Recently, we reported that only sc-tPA can promote NMDAR signaling and neurotoxicity.18 Interestingly, data from wild-type mice,19 transgenic mice overexpressing tPA in neurons20 or in vitro21 also report neuroprotective effects of tPA.9, 10 The proposed mechanisms involved a tPA-dependent and non-proteolytic activation of either epidermal growth factor receptors (EGFRs)22 on oligodendrocytes or NMDARs.20Here we explored a link between tPA conformations (sc-tPA and tc-tPA), EGFR- and NMDAR-dependent signaling pathways. Our findings identify sc-tPA as a selective positive modulator of NMDAR signaling in neurons when present at high concentrations and both sc-tPA and tc-tPA as positive modulators of EGFR signaling, this even at low concentrations. We also reveal a crosstalk between these two families of receptors, with the tPA-dependent activation of EGFRs reducing NMDAR signaling. By these mechanisms, sc-tPA and tc-tPA control neuronal death and survival.  相似文献   
Our group (Horner KC, Guieu R, Magnan J, Chays A, Cazals Y. Neuropsychopharmacology 26: 135-138, 2002) has earlier described hyperprolactinemia in some patients presenting inner ear dysfunction. However, in that study, it was not possible to determine whether hyperprolactinemia was a cause or an effect of the symptoms. To investigate the effect of hyperprolactinemia on inner ear function, we first developed a model of hyperprolactinemia in estrogen-primed Fischer 344 rats and then performed functional studies on pigmented guinea pigs. Hyperprolactinemia induced, after 2 mo, a hearing loss of approximately 30-40 dB across all frequencies, as indicated by the compound action potential audiogram. During the 3rd mo, the hearing loss continued to deteriorate. The threshold shifts were more substantial in males than in females. Observations under a dissection microscope revealed bone dysmorphology of the bulla and the cochlea. Light microscopy observations of cryostat sections confirmed bone-related pathology of the bony cochlear bulla and the cochlear wall and revealed morphopathology of the stria vascularis and spiral ligament. Scanning electron microscopy revealed loss of hair cells and stereocilia damage, in particular in the upper three cochlear turns and the two outermost hair cell rows. The data provide the first evidence of otic capsule and hair cell pathology associated with estrogen-induced prolonged hyperprolactinemia and suggest that conditions such as pregnancy, anti-psychotic drug treatment, aging, and/or stress might lead to similar ear dysfunctions.  相似文献   
Sex appears to be a rather prosaic and casual event in the life of most social Hymenoptera. In contrast, mating in the ant genus Cardiocondyla is regularly preceded by a prolonged and stereotypic courtship display. Pummeling the head of the female with mandibles and / or antennae and vibrations of the gaster, presumably stridulation, are essential parts of male courtship. The overall structure of the mating pattern is conserved throughout species and between winged and wingless, “ergatoid” males, but exhibits species-specific idiosyncrasies. For example, C. elegans males regularly end the interaction with a female with a short mouth-to-mouth contact. Variation in the duration of the precopulatory phase and the copulation itself might reflect different degrees of inter- and intrasexual selection. More information on the dynamics of sperm transfer and the risk and intensity of sperm competition are needed to better understand the evolution of the complex mating behavior in this genus. Received 15 December 2006; revised 25 June 2007; accepted 11 September 2007.  相似文献   
Global biodiversity is affected by numerous environmental drivers. Yet, the extent to which global environmental changes contribute to changes in local diversity is poorly understood. We investigated biodiversity changes in a meta‐analysis of 39 resurvey studies in European temperate forests (3988 vegetation records in total, 17–75 years between the two surveys) by assessing the importance of (i) coarse‐resolution (i.e., among sites) vs. fine‐resolution (i.e., within sites) environmental differences and (ii) changing environmental conditions between surveys. Our results clarify the mechanisms underlying the direction and magnitude of local‐scale biodiversity changes. While not detecting any net local diversity loss, we observed considerable among‐site variation, partly explained by temporal changes in light availability (a local driver) and density of large herbivores (a regional driver). Furthermore, strong evidence was found that presurvey levels of nitrogen deposition determined subsequent diversity changes. We conclude that models forecasting future biodiversity changes should consider coarse‐resolution environmental changes, account for differences in baseline environmental conditions and for local changes in fine‐resolution environmental conditions.  相似文献   
A recent study showed that a critically endangered migratory predator species, the Balearic shearwater Puffinus mauretanicus, rapidly expanded northwards in northeast Atlantic waters after the mid-1990s. As a significant positive correlation was found between the long-term changes in the abundance of this seabird and sea temperature around the British Isles, it was hypothesized that the link between the biogeographic shift and temperature occurred through the food web. Here, we test this conjecture and reveal concomitant changes in a regional index of sea temperature, plankton (total calanoid copepod), fish prey (anchovy and sardine) and the Balearic shearwater for the period 1980-2003. All three trophic levels exhibit a significant shift detected between 1994 and 1996. Our findings therefore support the assertion of both a direct and an indirect effect of climate change on the spatial distribution of post-breeding Balearic shearwater through a trophic cascade.  相似文献   
Levels of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequence divergence between species within each of several avian (Anas, Aythya, Dendroica, Melospiza, and Zonotrichia) and nonavian (Lepomis and Hyla) vertebrate genera were compared. An analysis of digestion profiles generated by 13-18 restriction endonucleases indicates little overlap in magnitude of mtDNA divergence for the avian versus nonavian taxa examined. In 55 interspecific comparisons among the avian congeners, the fraction of identical fragment lengths (F) ranged from 0.26 to 0.96 (F = 0.46), and, given certain assumptions, these translate into estimates of nucleotide sequence divergence (p) ranging from 0.007 to 0.088; in 46 comparisons among the fish and amphibian congeners, F values ranged from 0.00 to 0.36 (F = 0.09), yielding estimates of P greater than 0.070. The small mtDNA distances among avian congeners are associated with protein-electrophoretic distances (D values) less than approximately 0.2, while the mtDNA distances among assayed fish and amphibian congeners are associated with D values usually greater than 0.4. Since the conservative pattern of protein differentiation previously reported for many avian versus nonavian taxa now appears to be paralleled by a conservative pattern of mtDNA divergence, it seems increasingly likely that many avian species have shared more recent common ancestors than have their nonavian taxonomic counterparts. However, estimates of avian divergence times derived from mtDNA- and protein-calibrated clocks cannot readily be reconciled with some published dates based on limited fossil remains. If the earlier paleontological interpretations are valid, then protein and mtDNA evolution must be somewhat decelerated in birds. The empirical and conceptual issues raised by these findings are highly analogous to those in the long-standing debate about rates of molecular evolution and times of separation of ancestral hominids from African apes.   相似文献   
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