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Mountain areas are biodiversity hotspots and provide a multitude of ecosystem services of irreplaceable socio-economic value. In the European Alps, air temperature has increased at a rate of about 0.36°C decade−1 since 1970, leading to glacier retreat and significant snowpack reduction. Due to these rapid environmental changes, this mountainous region is undergoing marked changes in spring phenology and elevational distribution of animals, plants and fungi. Long-term monitoring in the European Alps offers an excellent natural laboratory to synthetize climate-related changes in spring phenology and elevational distribution for a large array of taxonomic groups. This review assesses the climatic changes that have occurred across the European Alps during recent decades, spring phenological changes and upslope shifts of plants, animals and fungi from evidence in published papers and previously unpublished data. Our review provides evidence that spring phenology has been shifting earlier during the past four decades and distribution ranges show an upwards trend for most of the taxonomic groups for which there are sufficient data. The first observed activity of reptiles and terrestrial insects (e.g. butterflies) in spring has shifted significantly earlier, at an average rate of −5.7 and −6.0 days decade−1, respectively. By contrast, the first observed spring activity of semi-aquatic insects (e.g. dragonflies and damselflies) and amphibians, as well as the singing activity or laying dates of resident birds, show smaller non-significant trends ranging from −1.0 to +1.3 days decade−1. Leaf-out and flowering of woody and herbaceous plants showed intermediate trends with mean values of −2.4 and −2.8 days decade−1, respectively. Regarding species distribution, plants, animals and fungi (N = 2133 species) shifted the elevation of maximum abundance (optimum elevation) upslope at a similar pace (on average between +18 and +25 m decade−1) but with substantial differences among taxa. For example, the optimum elevation shifted upward by +36.2 m decade−1 for terrestrial insects and +32.7 m decade−1 for woody plants, whereas it was estimated to range between −1.0 and +11 m decade−1 for semi-aquatic insects, ferns, birds and wood-decaying fungi. The upper range limit (leading edge) of most species also shifted upslope with a rate clearly higher for animals (from +47 to +91 m decade−1) than for plants (from +17 to +40 m decade−1), except for semi-aquatic insects (−4.7 m decade−1). Although regional land-use changes could partly explain some trends, the consistent upward shift found in almost all taxa all over the Alps is likely reflecting the strong warming and the receding of snow cover that has taken place across the European Alps over recent decades. However, with the possible exception of terrestrial insects, the upward shift of organisms seems currently too slow to track the pace of isotherm shifts induced by climate warming, estimated at about +62 to +71 m decade−1 since 1970. In the light of these results, species interactions are likely to change over multiple trophic levels through phenological and spatial mismatches. This nascent research field deserves greater attention to allow us to anticipate structural and functional changes better at the ecosystem level.  相似文献   


Assessing how different sampling strategies affect the accuracy and precision of species response curves estimated by parametric species distribution models.

Major Taxa Studied

Virtual plant species.


Abruzzo (Italy).

Time Period

Timeless (simulated data).


We simulated the occurrence of two virtual species with different ecology (generalist vs specialist) and distribution extent. We sampled their occurrence following different sampling strategies: random, stratified, systematic, topographic, uniform within the environmental space (hereafter, uniform) and close to roads. For each sampling design and species, we ran 500 simulations at increasing sampling efforts (total: 42,000 replicates). For each replicate, we fitted a binomial generalised linear model, extracted model coefficients for precipitation and temperature, and compared them with true coefficients from the known species' equation. We evaluated the quality of the estimated response curves by computing bias, variance and root mean squared error (RMSE). Additionally, we (i) assessed the impact of missing covariates on the performance of the sampling approaches and (ii) evaluated the effect of incompletely sampling the environmental space on the uniform approach.


For the generalist species, we found the lowest RMSE when uniformly sampling the environmental space, while sampling occurrence data close to roads provided the worst performance. For the specialist species, all sampling designs showed comparable outcomes. Excluding important predictors similarly affected all sampling strategies. Sampling limited portions of the environmental space reduced the performance of the uniform approach, regardless of the portion surveyed.

Main Conclusions

Our results suggest that a proper estimate of the species response curve can be obtained when the choice of the sampling strategy is guided by the species' ecology. Overall, uniformly sampling the environmental space seems more efficient for species with wide environmental tolerances. The advantage of seeking the most appropriate sampling strategy vanishes when modelling species with narrow realised niches.  相似文献   
Previous studies have shown that substance P (SP), an undecapeptide widely distributed in the gastrointestinal tract and in the peripheral and central nervous system, is a putative regulatory peptide involved in the control of reproductive function. Specifically, SP inhibited, at the anterior pituitary (AP) level, the stimulatory action of a physiological concentration (10(-8) M) of Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone (GnRH) on the release of the luteinizing hormone (LH). In the present work, we have demonstrated the presence of specific SP binding sites in the AP and related changes in the number of these sites to GnRH receptor number, hypothalamic SP and GnRH content and LH secretion during the rat estrous cycle. High affinity saturable SP binding sites (Kd, 1.5 approximately equal to 10 nM) were demonstrated in AP membranes using [3H]-SP or a novel analog, [125I]-(D-Tyr0, NorLeu11)SP. The binding affinity of SP fragments decreased with progressive removal of amino acid residues from N or C termini of the molecule. Other neuropeptides had low affinity for the SP binding sites. During the rat estrous cycle, SP and GnRH binding capacity of the anterior pituitary were inversely related. At the time of the proestrous LH surge, the AP binding capacity was low for GnRH but high for SP. The highest content of SP in the hypothalamus were recorded during the afternoon of proestrus when hypothalamic GnRH levels were lowest and the preovulatory surge occurred. These studies have established the presence of high affinity specific binding sites for SP in the AP which alter during the estrous cycle in a manner appropriate for mediating the direct inhibitory effects of SP on LH release in vitro.  相似文献   
Our group (Horner KC, Guieu R, Magnan J, Chays A, Cazals Y. Neuropsychopharmacology 26: 135-138, 2002) has earlier described hyperprolactinemia in some patients presenting inner ear dysfunction. However, in that study, it was not possible to determine whether hyperprolactinemia was a cause or an effect of the symptoms. To investigate the effect of hyperprolactinemia on inner ear function, we first developed a model of hyperprolactinemia in estrogen-primed Fischer 344 rats and then performed functional studies on pigmented guinea pigs. Hyperprolactinemia induced, after 2 mo, a hearing loss of approximately 30-40 dB across all frequencies, as indicated by the compound action potential audiogram. During the 3rd mo, the hearing loss continued to deteriorate. The threshold shifts were more substantial in males than in females. Observations under a dissection microscope revealed bone dysmorphology of the bulla and the cochlea. Light microscopy observations of cryostat sections confirmed bone-related pathology of the bony cochlear bulla and the cochlear wall and revealed morphopathology of the stria vascularis and spiral ligament. Scanning electron microscopy revealed loss of hair cells and stereocilia damage, in particular in the upper three cochlear turns and the two outermost hair cell rows. The data provide the first evidence of otic capsule and hair cell pathology associated with estrogen-induced prolonged hyperprolactinemia and suggest that conditions such as pregnancy, anti-psychotic drug treatment, aging, and/or stress might lead to similar ear dysfunctions.  相似文献   
Poleward and upward shifts are the most frequent types of range shifts that have been reported in response to contemporary climate change. However, the number of reports documenting other types of range shifts – such as in east‐west directions across longitudes or, even more unexpectedly, towards tropical latitudes and lower elevations – is increasing rapidly. Recent studies show that these range shifts may not be so unexpected once the local climate changes are accounted for. We here provide an updated synthesis of the fast‐moving research on climate‐related range shifts. By describing the current state of the art on geographical patterns of species range shifts under contemporary climate change for plants and animals across both terrestrial and marine ecosystems, we identified a number of research shortfalls. In addition to the recognised geographic shortfall in the tropics, we found taxonomic and methodological shortfalls with knowledge gaps regarding range shifts of prokaryotes, lowland range shifts of terrestrial plants, and bathymetric range shifts of marine plants. Based on this review, we provide a research agenda for filling these gaps. We outline a comprehensive framework for assessing multidimensional changes in species distributions, which should then be contrasted with expectations based on climate change indices, such as velocity measures accounting for complex local climate changes. Finally, we propose a unified classification of geographical patterns of species range shifts, arranged in a bi‐dimensional space defined by species’ persistence and movement rates. Placing the observed and expected shifts into this bi‐dimensional space should lead to more informed assessments of extinction risks.  相似文献   
Benthic dinoflagellates of the genus Ostreopsis Schmidt are common in tropical and subtropical water, and some species produce toxins potentially involved in human intoxication events. A benthic bloom of Ostreopsis mascarenensis Quod was observed near Rodrigues Island during a survey of benthic dinoflagellates in the southwestern Indian Ocean. The morphology of O. mascarenensis was studied by LM and SEM. Preliminary screening of a crude extract of an O. mascarenensis bloom revealed neurotoxicity in mice similar to that induced by palytoxin. After partition of the crude extract, the highest toxicity was retained in the butanol‐soluble fraction, which retained hemolytic activity suggestive of palytoxin analogues. Two new toxins, mascarenotoxin‐A and ‐B, were resolved from this fraction by HPLC coupled to a diode array detector. The closed mass spectrum profile and fragmentation pattern obtained by advanced nano–electrospray ionization quadrupole time‐of‐flight mass spectrometry between purified toxins and a reference palytoxin confirmed the mascarenotoxins as palytoxin analogues. These results were confirmed by tandem mass spectrometry with the identification of specific fragment ion m/z 327. An on‐line liquid chromatography protocol coupled to tandem mass spectrometry was developed for detection of these palytoxin analogues. The present study describes the first purification, chemical, and toxicological characterization of new palytoxin analogues isolated from a benthic bloom of O. mascarenensis. These results suggest that O. mascarenensis, which is largely distributed in the southwestern Indian Ocean, could be a source of palytoxin poisoning in this tropical area.  相似文献   
Wild-type (WT) and the double mutant D813A,D818A (ADA) of the L6-7 loop of SERCA1a were expressed in yeast, purified, and reconstituted into lipids. This allowed us to functionally study these ATPases by both kinetic and spectroscopic means, and to solve previous discrepancies in the published literature about both experimental facts and interpretation concerning the role of this loop in P-type ATPases. We show that in a solubilized state, the ADA mutant experiences a dramatic decrease of its calcium-dependent ATPase activity. On the contrary, reconstituted in a lipid environment, it displays an almost unaltered maximal calcium-dependent ATPase activity at high (millimolar) ATP, with an apparent affinity for Ca(2+) altered only moderately (3-fold). In the absence of ATP, the true affinity of ADA for Ca(2+) is, however, more significantly reduced (20-30-fold) compared with WT, as judged from intrinsic (Trp) or extrinsic (fluorescence isothiocyanate) fluorescence experiments. At low ATP, transient kinetics experiments reveal an overshoot in the ADA phosphorylation level primarily arising from the slowing down of the transition between the nonphosphorylated "E2" and "Ca(2)E1" forms of ADA. At high ATP, this slowing down is only partially compensated for, as ADA turnover remains more sensitive to orthovanadate than WT turnover. ADA ATPase also proved to have a reduced affinity for ATP in studies performed under equilibrium conditions in the absence of Ca(2+), highlighting the long range interactions between L6-7 and the nucleotide-binding site. We propose that these mutations in L6-7 could affect protonation-dependent winding and unwinding events in the nearby M6 transmembrane segment.  相似文献   
In social insects the discrimination process of non-nestmates is generally considered to be based on detection of cuticular hydrocarbons. The required quantity of the stimulus is fundamental but unknown. In laboratory conditions, we demonstrated that Aphaenogaster senilis ants are able to discriminate the presence of heterocolonial cuticular hydrocarbons on filter papers at concentrations of 0.05 ng/mm2, the equivalent of 10−4 worker. This result does not mean that workers are not able to recognize their own colony odour at lower concentrations, but that the discrimination response appears at very low levels.  相似文献   
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