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Ro RNPs are evolutionarily conserved ribonucleoprotein particles that consist of a small RNA, known as Y RNA, associated with several proteins, such as La, Ro60, and Ro52. The Y RNAs (Y1-Y5), which are transcribed by RNA polymerase III, have been shown to reside almost exclusively in the cytoplasm as Ro RNPs. To obtain more insight into the nuclear export pathway of Y RNAs, hY1 RNA export was studied in Xenopus laevis oocytes. Injection of various hY1 RNA mutants showed that an intact Ro60 binding site is a prerequisite for nuclear export, whereas the presence of an intact La binding site resulted in strong nuclear retention of hY1 RNA. Competition studies with various classes of RNAs indicated that, in addition to Ro60, another titratable factor was necessary for nuclear export of hY1 RNA. This factor appears also to be involved in nuclear export of tRNA. Because export of hY1 RNA could not be blocked by a synthetic peptide containing the recently identified nuclear export signal of the HIV-1 Rev protein, nuclear export of hY1 RNA does not seem to be dependent on a Rev-like nuclear export signal.  相似文献   
An exposure — response study with proportionalto-ambient ozone levels was conducted in closed chambers on 3-year-old European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) of montane origin. The fumigation started in April 1990 and lasted for a single growing season. Climate data and ozone concentrations monitored at an experimental station of the Institute for Applied Plant Biology, Schönenbuch, Switzerland were simulated in the exposure chambers 12 days later (1*O3). To test exposure-response relations three additional treatments were applied, subambient (0.2*O3) and two proportionally increased ozone treatments (1.5*O3 and 2*O3). The photosynthetic behaviour of the trees in August revealed the light reactions to be less affected than parameters which are related to the dark reactions of photosynthesis. Assimilation (A350), apparent carboxylation efficiency (CE), and maximum photosynthetic capacity (A2500) were reduced with increasing ozone concentration. For the ozone response of CE and A2500 Critical Levels were calculated.  相似文献   
In a genetic selection designed to isolate Escherichia coli mutations that increase expression of the IS 10 transposase gene ( tnp ), we unexpectedly obtained viable mutants defective in translation initiation factor 3 (IF3). Several lines of evidence led us to conclude that transposase expression, per se , was not increased. Rather, these mutations appear to increase expression of the tnp'–'lacZ gene fusions used in this screen, by increasing translation initiation at downstream, atypical initiation codons. To test this hypothesis we undertook a systematic analysis of start codon requirements and measured the effects of IF3 mutations on initiation from various start codons. Beginning with an efficient translation initiation site, we varied the AUG start codon to all possible codons that differed from AUG by one nucleotide. These potential start codons fall into distinct classes with regard to translation efficiency in vivo : Class I codons (AUG, GUG, and UUG) support efficient translation; Class IIA codons (CUG, AUU, AUC, AUA, and ACG) support translation at levels only 1–3% that of AUG; and Class IIB codons (AGG and AAG) permit levels of translation too low for reliable quantification. Importantly, the IF3 mutations had no effect on translation from Class I codons, but they increased translation from Class II codons 3–5-fold, and this same effect was seen in other gene contexts. Therefore, IF3 is generally able to discriminate between efficient and inefficient codons in vivo , consistent with earlier in vitro observations. We discuss these observations as they relate to IF3 autoregulation and the mechanism of IF3 function.  相似文献   
A segment of 986 nucleotides corresponding to the 3' end of the 8.5 kb bovine thyroglobulin (Tg) mRNA has been sequenced. An open reading frame of 302 codons was found, ending with TGA and preceding an 80 nucleotide long 3' untranslated sequence. The encoded protein sequence provided the first data on the carboxyl terminal portion of Tg. Lysine was identified as the last residue. Comparison of the amino acid sequence with that of peptides known to contain thyroid hormones in the mature protein, lead to the identification of three regions involved in thyroid hormone formation. Two closely linked thyroxine- forming sites were found 182 and 196 amino acids from the carboxyl terminus respectively. The antepenultimate amino acid of the protein corresponded to the recently described triiodothyronine-forming site. Together with the previous localization of the main thyroxine-containing peptide at the amino terminus, the present results provide a map of all hormonogenic sites identified to date in Tg.  相似文献   
Immune complexes (ICs) induce an initial transient increase in cytosolic intracellular calcium [( Ca2+]in) levels in human neutrophils (PMN). Changes in PMN [Ca2+]in were measured with the fluorescent calcium indicator Indo-1 ( [1-[2-amino-5-(6-carboxylindol-2-yl]-phenoxyl]-2-(2'-amino-5 '- methylphenoxy]ethane-N,N,N'N'-tetraacetic acid), at the level of individual cells by flow cytometry. Two kinds of immune complexes (ICs) were used in this study: an insoluble (IIC) and a more soluble less valent immune complex (SIC) with fewer available Fc receptor binding ends per molecule of SIC than IIC. Simultaneous binding and activation studies performed on the flow cytometer with fluoresceinated IIC or SIC demonstrated that a majority of the cells bound each stimulus uniformly. However, only an IC dose-dependent proportion of those IC-bound cells responded with an increase in [Ca2+]in. Analysis of Indo-1 fluorescence signals from neutrophils exposed to IIC, corrected for the contribution of the nonresponding population, indicated that every dose of IIC elicited a similar maximum [Ca+2]in within the responding population. In contrast, the magnitude of the increase in [Ca2+]in elicited by low doses of SIC did become dependent on dose. Cells treated with pertussis toxin and exposed to IIC exhibited a normal [Ca2+]in response both in magnitude and expression. Therefore, [Ca2+]in responses induced by immune complexes are expressed by subpopulations of PMN, in a response which is dependent on the valency of the stimulus. In addition, pertussis toxin sensitive G protein(s) appear not to have a major role in IIC-induced [Ca2+]in changes, membrane potential changes, production of superoxide anions, and elastase release.  相似文献   
Klebsiella pneumoniae NCTC 418 is able to convert 2-ketogluconate intracellularly to 6-phosphogluconate by the combined action of an NADPH-dependent 2-ketogluconate reductase and gluconate kinase. Synthesis of the former enzyme was maximal under 2-ketogluconate-limited growth conditions. An instantaneous transition to a 2-ketogluconate-excess condition resulted in an acceleration of catabolism of this carbon source, accompanied by complete inhibition of biosynthesis. It is suggested that the cause of this inhibition resides in depletion of the NADPH pool due to the high rate at which NADPH is oxidized by 2-ketogluconate reductase.  相似文献   
Summary The effect of vasopressin on voltage-sensitive Ca2+ currents in the rat insulinoma cell line RINm5F has been investigated in patch-clamp whole-cell and single-channel current recording experiments. In the whole-cell recording configuration the dominant inward current in the presence of tetrodotoxin was noninactivating and had a high voltage threshold. This current was much enhanced when external Ca2+ was replaced by Ba2+ and was blocked by 1 m nifedipine. It can therefore be classified as an L-current. Vasopressin enhanced the L-current without changing the voltage threshold of activation or the voltage at which the peak current was observed. Vasopressin effects were seen at concentrations as low as 0.01nm, and the maximal effect was observed at about 1nm. In higher concentrations the vasopressin effects were weaker, with effects at 50nm of about the same magnitude as at 0.01nm. In single-channel current recording experiments carried out with the cell-attached configuration there were no effects on single L-channel currents when vasopressin was added to the bath solution, but in experiments in which vasopressin (5nm) was infused into the patch pipette a marked increase in the apparent channel open state probability was observed. We conclude that vasopressin, a peptide that is known to markedly enhance glucose-evoked insulin secretion, stimulates opening of the voltage-sensitive Ca2+ channels in insulin-secreting cells.  相似文献   
Summary Zinc efflux from human red blood cells is largely brought about by a saturable mechanism that depends upon extracellular Ca2+ ions. It has aV max of about 35 mol/1013 cells hr, aK m for external Ca2+ of 1×10–4 m, and aK m for internal Zn2+ of 1×10–9 m. External Zn2+ inhibits with aK 0.5 of 3×10–6 m. Sr2+ is a substitute for external Ca2+, but changes in monovalent anions or cations have little effect on the Zn2+ efflux mechanism. It is unaffected by most inhibitors of red cell transport systems, although amiloride and D-600 (methoxyverapamil, a Ca2+ channel blocker) are weakly inhibitory. The transport is capable of bringing about the net efflux of Zn2+, against an electrochemical gradient, provided Ca2+ is present externally. This suggests it may be a Zn2+:Ca2+ exchange, which would be able to catalyze the uphill movement of Zn2+ at the expense of an inward Ca2+ gradient, which is it self maintained by the Ca2+ pump.  相似文献   
Axonal and dendritic endocytic pathways in cultured neurons   总被引:17,自引:3,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
The endocytic pathways from the axonal and dendritic surfaces of cultured polarized hippocampal neurons were examined. The dendrites and cell body contained extensive networks of tubular early endosomes which received endocytosed markers from the somatodendritic domain. In axons early endosomes were confined to presynaptic terminals and to varicosities. The somatodendritic but not the presynaptic early endosomes were labeled by internalized transferrin. In contrast to early endosomes, late endosomes and lysosomes were shown to be predominantly located in the cell body. Video microscopy was used to follow the transport of internalized markers from the periphery of axons and dendrites back to the cell body. Labeled structures in both domains moved unidirectionally by retrograde fast transport. Axonally transported organelles were sectioned for EM after video microscopic observation and shown to be large multivesicular body-like structures. Similar structures accumulated at the distal side of an axonal lesion. Multivesicular bodies therefore appear to be the major structures mediating transport of endocytosed markers between the nerve terminals and the cell body. Late endocytic structures were also shown to be highly mobile and were observed moving within the cell body and proximal dendritic segments. The results show that the organization of the endosomes differs in the axons and dendrites of cultured rat hippocampal neurons and that the different compartments or stages of the endocytic pathways can be resolved spatially.  相似文献   
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