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Versatile peroxidases are heme enzymes that combine catalytic properties of lignin peroxidases and manganese peroxidases, being able to oxidize Mn(2+) as well as phenolic and non-phenolic aromatic compounds in the absence of mediators. The catalytic process (initiated by hydrogen peroxide) is the same as in classical peroxidases, with the involvement of 2 oxidizing equivalents and the formation of the so-called Compound I. This latter state contains an oxoferryl center and an organic cation radical that can be located on either the porphyrin ring or a protein residue. In this study, a radical intermediate in the reaction of versatile peroxidase from the ligninolytic fungus Pleurotus eryngii with H(2)O(2) has been characterized by multifrequency (9.4 and 94 GHz) EPR and assigned to a tryptophan residue. Comparison of experimental data and density functional theory theoretical results strongly suggests the assignment to a tryptophan neutral radical, excluding the assignment to a tryptophan cation radical or a histidine radical. Based on the experimentally determined side chain orientation and comparison with a high resolution crystal structure, the tryptophan neutral radical can be assigned to Trp(164) as the site involved in long-range electron transfer for aromatic substrate oxidation.  相似文献   
Goats and some sheep synthesize a juvenile hemoglobin, Hb C (alpha 2 beta C2), at birth and produce this hemoglobin exclusively during severe anemia. Sheep that synthesize this juvenile hemoglobin are of the A haplotype. Other sheep, belonging to a separate group, the B haplotype, do not synthesize hemoglobin C and during anemia continue to produce their adult hemoglobin. To understand the basis for this difference we have determined the structural organization of the beta- globin locus of B-type sheep by constructing and isolating overlapping genomic clones. These clones have allowed us to establish the linkage map 5' epsilon I-epsilon II-psi beta I-beta B-epsilon III-epsilon IV- psi beta II-beta F3' in this haplotype. Thus, B sheep lack four genes, including the BC gene, and have only eight genes, compared with the 12 found in the goat globin locus. The goat beta-globin locus is as follows: 5' epsilon I-epsilon II-psi beta X-beta C-epsilon III-epsilon IV-psi beta Z-beta A-epsilon V-epsilon VI-psi beta Y-beta F3'. Southern blot analysis of A-type sheep reveals that these animals have a beta- globin locus similar to that of goat, i.e., 12 globin genes. Thus, the beta-globin locus of B-haplotype sheep resembles that of cows and may have retained the duplicated locus of the ancestor of cows and sheep. Alternatively, the B-sheep locus arrangement may be the result of a deletion of a four-gene set from the triplicated locus.   相似文献   
Xenobiotics are widely used as pesticides. The detoxification of xenobiotics frequently involves conjugation to glutathione prior to compartmentalization and catabolism. In plants, degradation of glutathione-S-conjugates is initiated either by aminoterminal or carboxyterminal amino acid cleavage catalyzed by a γ-glutamyl transpeptidase and phytochelatin synthase, respectively. In order to establish yeast as a model system for the analysis of the plant pathway, we used monochlorobimane as a model xenobiotic in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and mutants thereof. The catabolism of monochlorobimane is initiated by conjugation to form glutathione-S-bimane, which is then turned over into a γ-GluCys-bimane conjugate by the vacuolar serine carboxypeptidases CPC and CPY. Alternatively, the glutathione-S-bimane conjugate is catabolized by the action of the γ-glutamyl transpeptidase Cis2p to a CysGly-conjugate. The turnover of glutathione-S-bimane was impaired in yeast cells deficient in Cis2p and completely abolished by the additional inactivation of CPC and CPY in the corresponding triple knockout. Inducible expression of the Arabidopsis phytochelatin synthase AtPCS1 in the triple knockout resulted in the turnover of glutathione-S-bimane to the γ-GluCys-bimane conjugate as observed in plants. Challenge of AtPCS1-expressing yeast cells with zinc, cadmium, and copper ions, which are known to activate AtPCS1, enhanced γ-GluCys-bimane accumulation. Thus, initial catabolism of glutathione-S-conjugates is similar in plants and yeast, and yeast is a suitable system for a study of enzymes of the plant pathway.  相似文献   
Summary A method of isolating intact needle cuticles is presented. Cuticles were separated enzymatically from needles of Abies alba Mill., Picea abies (L.) Karst., Picea pungens Engelm., Pinus mugo Turra, and Taxus baccata L. Cuticle separation depended on the enzyme concentration, the developmental stage of the needles and the duration of incubation in the hydrolytic pectinase/cellulase solution. Cuticles could not be removed from needles older than 2 years. Scanning electron micrographs of enzymatically isolated cuticles are presented. The permeance coefficients for water and oxygen transport across the isolated cuticular membranes indicate their functional intactness. But permeance coefficients also show that isolation of cuticular membranes with chromic acid is an unacceptable method, since they are lo longer structurally or functionally intact following isolation by this method.  相似文献   
We have studied the effects of iontophoretic injection of the quaternary ammonium compounds tetraethylammonium (TEA) and tetrabutylammonium (TBA) in cardiac purkinje fibers. We find that TBA(+) is a more effective blocker than TEA(+), but injection of either compound reduces the time-dependent outward plateau currents, transient outward current (I(to)), and the delayed rectifier (I(x)). Our findings provide evidence that these outward cardiac currents are carried by channels that in some respects are pharmacologically similar to squid axon potassium channels. We demonstrate that this procedure is a new tool that can be useful in the analysis of membrane currents in the heart.  相似文献   
Versatile peroxidase (VP) from Bjerkandera adusta is a structural hybrid between lignin (LiP) and manganese (MnP) peroxidase. This hybrid combines the catalytic properties of the two above peroxidases, being able to oxidize typical LiP and MnP substrates. The catalytic mechanism is that of classical peroxidases, where the substrate oxidation is carried out by a two-electron multistep reaction at the expense of hydrogen peroxide. Elucidation of the structures of intermediates in this process is crucial for understanding the mechanism of substrate oxidation. In this work, the reaction of H(2)O(2) with the enzyme in the absence of substrate has been investigated with electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy. The results reveal an EPR signal with partially resolved hyperfine structure typical of an organic radical. The yield of this radical is approximately 30%. Progressive microwave power saturation measurements indicate that the radical is weakly coupled to a paramagnetic metal ion, suggesting an amino acid radical in moderate distance from the ferryl heme. A tryptophan radical was identified as a protein-based radical formed during the catalytic mechanism of VP from Bjerkandera adusta through X-band and high-field EPR measurements at 94 GHz, aided by computer simulations for both frequency bands. A close analysis of the theoretical model of the VP from Bjerkandera sp. shows the presence of a tryptophan residue near to the heme prosthetic group, which is solvent-exposed as in the case of LiP and other VPs. The catalytic role of this residue in a long-range electron-transfer pathway is discussed.  相似文献   
Hydrogenases are essential for H(2) cycling in microbial metabolism and serve as valuable blueprints for H(2)-based biotechnological applications. However, most hydrogenases are extremely oxygen sensitive and prone to inactivation by even traces of O(2). The O(2)-tolerant membrane-bound [NiFe]-hydrogenase of Ralstonia eutropha H16 is one of the few examples that can perform H(2) uptake in the presence of ambient O(2). Here we show that O(2) tolerance is crucially related to a modification of the internal electron-transfer chain. The iron-sulfur cluster proximal to the active site is surrounded by six instead of four conserved coordinating cysteines. Removal of the two additional cysteines alters the electronic structure of the proximal iron-sulfur cluster and renders the catalytic activity sensitive to O(2) as shown by physiological, biochemical, spectroscopic and electrochemical studies. The data indicate that the mechanism of O(2) tolerance relies on the reductive removal of oxygenic species guided by the unique architecture of the electron relay rather than a restricted access of O(2) to the active site.  相似文献   
Local knowledge systems are not considered in the conservation of fragile seagrass marine ecosystems. In fact, little is known about the utility of seagrasses in local coastal communities. This is intriguing given that some local communities rely on seagrasses to sustain their livelihoods and have relocated their villages to areas with a rich diversity and abundance of seagrasses. The purpose of this study is to assist in conservation efforts regarding seagrasses through identifying Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) from local knowledge systems of seagrasses from 40 coastal communities along the eastern coast of India. We explore the assemblage of scientific and local traditional knowledge concerning the 1. classification of seagrasses (comparing scientific and traditional classification systems), 2. utility of seagrasses, 3. Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) of seagrasses, and 4. current conservation efforts for seagrass ecosystems. Our results indicate that local knowledge systems consist of a complex classification of seagrass diversity that considers the role of seagrasses in the marine ecosystem. This fine-scaled ethno-classification gives rise to five times the number of taxa (10 species = 50 local ethnotaxa), each with a unique role in the ecosystem and utility within coastal communities, including the use of seagrasses for medicine (e.g., treatment of heart conditions, seasickness, etc.), food (nutritious seeds), fertilizer (nutrient rich biomass) and livestock feed (goats and sheep). Local communities are concerned about the loss of seagrass diversity and have considerable local knowledge that is valuable for conservation and restoration plans. This study serves as a case study example of the depth and breadth of local knowledge systems for a particular ecosystem that is in peril.  相似文献   
1. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) commonly colonise isoetid species inhabiting oxygenated sediments in oligotrophic lakes but are usually absent in other submerged plants. We hypothesised that organic enrichment of oligotrophic lake sediments reduces AMF colonisation and hyphal growth because of sediment O2 depletion and low carbon supply from stressed host plants. 2. We added organic matter to sediments inhabited by isoetids and measured pore‐water chemistry (dissolved O2, inorganic carbon, Fe2+ and ), colonisation intensity of roots and hyphal density after 135 days of exposure. 3. Addition of organic matter reduced AMF colonisation of roots of both Lobelia dortmanna and Littorella uniflora, and high additions stressed the plants. Even small additions of organic matter almost stopped AMF colonisation of initially un‐colonised L. uniflora, though without reducing plant growth. Mean hyphal density in sediments was high (6 and 15 m cm?3) and comparable with that in terrestrial soils (2–40 m cm?3). Hyphal density was low in the upper 1 cm of isoetid sediments, high in the main root zone between 1 and 8 cm and positively related to root density. Hyphal surface area exceeded root surface area by 1.7–3.2 times. 4. We conclude that AMF efficiently colonise isoetids in oligotrophic sediments and form extensive hyphal networks. Small additions of organic matter to sediments induce sediment anoxia and reduce AMF colonisation of roots but cause no apparent plant stress. High organic addition induces night‐time anoxia in both the sediment and the plant tissue. Tissue anoxia reduces root growth and AMF colonisation, probably because of restricted translocation of nutrient ions and organic solutes between roots and leaves. Isoetids should rely on AMF for P uptake on nutrient‐poor mineral sediments but are capable of growing without AMF on organic sediments.  相似文献   
Phytochelatins (PCs) are cysteine-rich peptides that chelate heavy metal ions, thereby mediating heavy metal tolerance in plants, fission yeast, and Caenorhabditis elegans. They are synthesized from glutathione by PC synthase, a specific dipeptidyltransferase. While Saccharomyces cerevisiae synthesizes PCs upon exposure to heavy metal ions, the S. cerevisiae genome does not encode a PC synthase homologue. How PCs are synthesized in yeast is unclear. This study shows that the vacuolar serine carboxypeptidases CPY and CPC are responsible for PC synthesis in yeast. The finding of a PCS-like activity of these enzymes in vivo discloses another route for PC biosynthesis in eukaryotes.  相似文献   
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