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The barnacle Balanus improvisus is the major fouling macroorganism in Swedish waters and it colonizes most man‐made surfaces submerged in the sea. New or impending legislation restricts the use of traditional, hazardous antifouling coatings based on heavy metals, mainly copper and tin. This calls for the development of new non‐toxic methods that prevent barnacle settlement. In this work several adrenoceptor compounds are shown to be very efficient in preventing the settlement of cyprid larvae of B. improvisus. The settlement rate of laboratory‐reared cyprids was studied in hydrophilised polystyrene dishes containing adrenoceptor antagonists and agonists dissolved in seawater. Two of these drugs, medetomidine and clonidine, repeatedly inhibited settlement at concentrations between 1 nM and 10 nM. In the vertebrate adrenoceptor classification system, which separates pharmacological substances according to their receptor affinity, both of these substances are classified as α2 adrenoceptor agonists. An inhibiting effect on presyn‐aptic receptors is suggested, but the localization of the receptor effect requires futher studies. Experiments also revealed that the inhibiting effect of medetomidine was reversible. Cyprids incubated with medetomidine for 20 h attached and metamorphosed into juvenile barnacles after washing and transferrence to seawater. The antagonizing compound atipamezole reversed the effect of medetomidine. This observation supports the assumption that this substance acts at the receptor level. Studies of the surface affinity of medetomidine revealed a strong tendency to accumulate in solid/ liquid phase boundaries. This ability makes it particularly attractive as a candidate for the development of a slow‐release carrier in marine coatings. Panels coated with medetomidine in an acrylate polymer and exposed in the field reduced the recruitment of B. improvisus by 96% after 4 weeks and by 70% after 8 weeks.  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to describe a wide spectrum of surface structural and anatomical details of the Chinese brake fern (Pteris vittata) using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). SEM revealed that the epidermal cells of the pinnae were elongated with raised periclinal and sinuous anticlinal walls. The pinnae were hypostomatous with randomly scattered anomocytic stomatal complexes positioned at the same level as the epidermis. Stomates were large and elliptical (27.4 μm × 10.2 μm). Cross sections from the central regions of the rachis and the stipe revealed V- and U-shaped vascular bundles, respectively. In each vascular bundle, the xylem strands were sea-horse shaped (hippocampus). In contrast, the pinnae possessed a triangular vascular bundle with uniform mesophyll organization comprising of homogenous lobed parenchyma cells. The indumentum consisted of trichomes and scales, which formed various types of vestiture. Trichomes were borne only on the pinnae and scales on the rachis and stipe. The roots developed a dense network of long root hairs averaging 244 μm long, and the xylem consisted of tracheids with scalariform pitting. Sori were submarginal; continuous along both margins of the pinna and were covered with a false indusium. The sporangia were oblong with a short thick stalk and the annulus was positioned vertically resulting in transverse dehiscence of the sporangium. The paraphyses were uniseriate, unbranched, septate and found to be intermixed with the sporangia. The exine of the globose spores was adorned with thick reticulum in which the areoles contained round tubercles. This study describes surface features in detail, which is essential to studies examining the issue of whether morphological characteristics are related to arsenic hyperaccumulation inP. vittata.  相似文献   
Oxygen minimum zones (OMZs) affect distribution patterns, community structure and metabolic processes of marine organisms. Due to the prominent role of zooplankton, especially copepods, in the marine carbon cycle and the predicted intensification and expansion of OMZs, it is essential to understand the effects of hypoxia on zooplankton distribution and ecophysiology. For this study, calanoid copepods were sampled from different depths (0–1800 m) at eight stations in the eastern tropical Atlantic (3°47′N to 18°S) during three expeditions in 2010 and 2011. Their horizontal and vertical distribution was determined and related to the extent and intensity of the OMZ, which increased from north to south with minimum O2 concentrations (12.7 µmol kg−1) in the southern Angola Gyre. Calanoid copepod abundance was highest in the northeastern Angola Basin and decreased towards equatorial regions as well as with increasing depth. Maximum copepod biodiversity was observed in the deep waters of the central Angola Basin. Respiration rates and enzyme activities were measured to reveal species-specific physiological adaptations. Enzyme activities of the electron transport system (ETS) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) served as proxies for aerobic and anaerobic metabolic activity, respectively. Mass-specific respiration rates and ETS activities decreased with depth of occurrence, consistent with vertical changes in copepod body mass and ambient temperature. Copepods of the families Eucalanidae and Metridinidae dominated within the OMZ. Several of these species showed adaptive characteristics such as lower metabolic rates, additional anaerobic activity and diel vertical migration that enable them to successfully inhabit hypoxic zones.  相似文献   
Heme oxygenases from the bacterial pathogens Neisseriae meningitidis (nm-HO) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (pa-HO) share significant sequence identity (37%). In nm-HO, biliverdin IXalpha is the sole product of the reaction, whereas pa-HO yields predominantly biliverdin IXdelta. We have previously shown by NMR that the in-plane conformation of the heme in pa-HO is significantly different from that of nm-HO as a result of distinct interactions of the heme propionates with the protein scaffold [Caignan, G. A., Deshmukh, R., Wilks, A., Zeng, Y., Huang, H. W., Moenne-Loccoz, P., Bunce, R. A., Eastman, M. A., and Rivera, M. (2002) J. Am. Chem. Soc. 124, 14879-14892]. In the report presented here, we have extended these studies to investigate the role of the distal helix by preparing a chimera of nm-HO (nm-HOch), in which distal helix residues 107-142 of nm-HO have been replaced with the corresponding residues of the delta-regioselective pa-HO (112-147). Electronic absorption spectra, resonance Raman and FTIR spectroscopic studies confirm that the orientation and hydrogen bonding properties of the proximal His ligand are not significantly altered in the chimera relative those of the wild-type proteins. The catalytic turnover of the nm-HOch-heme complex yields almost exclusively alpha-biliverdin and a small but reproducible amount of delta-biliverdin. NMR spectroscopic studies reveal that the altered regioselectivity in the chimeric protein likely stems from a dynamic equilibrium between two alternate in-plane conformations of the heme (in-plane heme disorder). Replacement of K16 with Ala and Met31 with Lys in the chimeric protein in an effort to tune key polypeptide-heme propionate contacts largely stabilizes the in-plane conformer conducive to delta-meso hydroxylation.  相似文献   
Membrane lipid glycosyltransferases (GTs) in plants are enzymes that regulate the levels of the non-bilayer prone monogalactosyldiacylglycerol (GalDAG) and the bilayer-forming digalactosyldiacylglycerol (GalGalDAG). The relative amounts of these lipids affect membrane properties such as curvature and lateral stress. During phosphate shortage, phosphate is rescued by replacing phospholipids with GalGalDAG. The glycolsyltransferase enzyme in Arabidopsis thaliana responsible for this, atDGD2, senses the bilayer properties and interacts with the membrane in a monotopic manner. To understand the parameters that govern this interaction, we have identified several possible lipid-interacting sites in the protein and studied these by biophysical techniques. We have developed a multivariate discrimination algorithm that correctly predicts the regions in the protein that interact with lipids, and the interactions were confirmed by a variety of biophysical techniques. We show by bioinformatic methods and circular dichroism (CD), fluorescence, and NMR spectroscopic techniques that two regions are prone to interact with lipids in a surface-charge dependent way. Both of these regions contain Trp residues, but here charge appears to be the dominating feature governing the interaction. The sequence corresponding to residues 227-245 in the protein is seen to be able to adapt its structure according to the surface-charge density of a bilayer. All results indicate that this region interacts specifically with lipid molecules and that a second region in the protein, corresponding to residues 130-148, also interacts with the bilayer. On the basis of this, and sequence charge features in the immediate environment of S227-245, a response model for the interaction of atDGD2 with the membrane bilayer interface is proposed.  相似文献   
Glucagon, secreted by the pancreatic alpha-cells, stimulates insulin secretion from neighboring beta-cells by cAMP- and protein kinase A (PKA)-dependent mechanisms, but it is not known whether glucagon also modulates its own secretion. We have addressed this issue by combining recordings of membrane capacitance (to monitor exocytosis) in individual alpha-cells with biochemical assays of glucagon secretion and cAMP content in intact pancreatic islets, as well as analyses of glucagon receptor expression in pure alpha-cell fractions by RT-PCR. Glucagon stimulated cAMP generation and exocytosis dose dependently with an EC50 of 1.6-1.7 nm. The stimulation of both parameters plateaued at concentrations beyond 10 nm of glucagon where a more than 3-fold enhancement was observed. The actions of glucagon were unaffected by the GLP-1 receptor antagonist exendin-(9-39) but abolished by des-His1-[Glu9]-glucagon-amide, a specific blocker of the glucagon receptor. The effects of glucagon on alpha-cell exocytosis were mimicked by forskolin and the stimulatory actions of glucagon and forskolin on exocytosis were both reproduced by intracellular application of 0.1 mm cAMP. cAMP-potentiated exocytosis involved both PKA-dependent and -independent (resistant to Rp-cAMPS, an Rp-isomer of cAMP) mechanisms. The presence of the cAMP-binding protein cAMP-guanidine nucleotide exchange factor II in alpha-cells was documented by a combination of immunocytochemistry and RT-PCR and 8-(4-chloro-phenylthio)-2'-O-methyl-cAMP, a cAMP-guanidine nucleotide exchange factor II-selective agonist, mimicked the effect of cAMP and augmented rapid exocytosis in a PKA-independent manner. We conclude that glucagon released from the alpha-cells, in addition to its well-documented systemic effects and paracrine actions within the islet, also represents an autocrine regulator of alpha-cell function.  相似文献   
The composition and ecological role of ciliates and dinoflagellates were investigated at one station in Kongsfjorden, Svalbard, during six consecutive field campaigns between March and December 2006. Total ciliate and dinoflagellate abundance mirrored the seasonal progression of phytoplankton, peaking with 5.8 × 104 cells l−1 in April at an average chlorophyll a concentration of 10 μg l−1. Dinoflagellates were more abundant than ciliates, dominated by small athecates. Among ciliates, aloricate oligotrichs dominated the assemblage. A large fraction (>60%) of ciliates and dinoflagellates contained chloroplasts in spring and summer. The biomass of the purely heterotrophic fraction of the ciliate and dinoflagellate community (protozooplankton) was with 14 μg C l−1 highest in conjunction with the phytoplankton spring bloom in April. Growth experiments revealed similar specific growth rates for heterotrophic ciliates and dinoflagellates (<0–0.8 d−1). Food availability may have controlled the protozooplankton assemblage in winter, while copepods may have exerted a strong control during the post-bloom period. Calculations of the potential grazing rates of the protozooplankton indicated its ability to control or heavily impact the phytoplankton stocks at most times. The results show that ciliates and dinoflagellates were an important component of the pelagic food web in Kongsfjorden and need to be taken into account when discussing the fate of phytoplankton and biogeochemical cycling in Arctic marine ecosystems.  相似文献   
The taxonomic positions ofRetzia, Desfontainia, andNicodemia have been much discussed, and all three genera have been included inLoganiaceae (Gentianales). We have made a cladistic analysis ofrbcL gene sequences to determine the relationships of these taxa toGentianales. Four newrbcL sequences are presented; i.e., ofRetzia, Desfontainia, Diervilla (Caprifoliaceae), andEuthystachys (Stilbaceae). Our results show thatRetzia, Desfontainia, andNicodemia are not closely related toLoganiaceae or theGentianales. Retzia is most closely related toEuthystachys and is better included inStilbaceae. The positions ofDesfontainia andNicodemia are not settled, butDesfontainia shows affinity for theDipsacales s.l. andNicodemia for theLamiales s.l.  相似文献   
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