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Two types of opsonic phagocytosis have been defined depending on the receptor engaged: FcgammaRs mediate type I phagocytosis of IgG-coated particles; complement receptor 3 (CR3) mediates type II phagocytosis of complement-coated particles. In addition to opsonic phagocytosis, CR3 also mediates nonopsonic phagocytosis of zymosan (Z) and Mycobacterium kansasii through engagement of distinct sites. Using Chinese hamster ovary cells stably expressing human CR3, we studied CR3-mediated ingestion of nonopsonized particles, Z or M. kansasii, compared with opsonized zymosan (OZ). We show that 1) while OZ sinks into cells, Z is engulfed by pseudopodia as visualized by electron microscopy; 2) in contrast to OZ, nonopsonic phagocytosis of Z and M. kansasii depends on Rac and Cdc42 but not on Rho activity; and 3) CR3-mediated phagocytosis of Z depends on the kinase activity of the Src family tyrosine kinase Hck, while OZ internalization does not. Therefore, CR3 mediates type I phagocytosis under nonopsonic conditions and type II under opsonic conditions. This is the first evidence that a single receptor can mediate both types of phagocytosis depending on the ligand used.  相似文献   
To target NK cells against non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, we constructed a bispecific diabody (BsDb) with reactivity against both human CD19 and FcgammaRIII (CD16). Bacterially produced CD19 x CD16 BsDb specifically interacted with both CD19(+) and CD16(+) cells and exhibited significantly higher apparent affinity and slower dissociation from the tumor cells than from effector cells. It was able to induce specific lysis of tumor cells in the presence of isolated human NK cells or nonfractionated PBLs. The combination of the CD19 x CD16 BsDb with a previously described CD19 x CD3 BsDb and CD28 costimulation significantly increased the lytic potential of human PBLs. Treatment of SCID mice bearing an established Burkitt's lymphoma (5 mm in diameter) with human PBLs, CD19 x CD16 BsDb, CD19 x CD3 BsDb, and anti-CD28 mAb resulted in the complete elimination of tumors in 80% of animals. In contrast, mice receiving human PBLs in combination with either diabody alone showed only partial tumor regression. These data clearly demonstrate the synergistic effect of small recombinant bispecific molecules recruiting different populations of human effector cells to the same tumor target.  相似文献   
Beta(2)-microglobulin (beta(2)m)-derived peptides are minor transplantation Ags in mice as beta(2)m-positive skin grafts (beta(2)m(+/+)) are rejected by genetically beta(2)m-deficient recipient mice (beta(2)m(-/-)). We studied the effector pathways responsible for the rejection induced by beta(2)-microglobulin-derived minor transplantation Ags. The rejection of beta(2)m(+/+) skin grafts by naive beta(2)m(-/-) mice was dependent on both CD4 and CD8 T cells as shown by administration of depleting mAbs. Experiments performed with beta(2)m(-/-)CD8(-/-) double knockout mice grafted with a beta(2)m(+/+) MHC class I-deficient skin showed that sensitized CD4 T cells directed at beta(2)m peptides-MHC class II complexes are sufficient to trigger rapid rejection. Rejection of beta(2)m(+/+) grafts was associated with the production of IL-5 in vitro, the expression of IL-4 and IL-5 mRNAs in the grafted tissue, and the presence within rejected grafts of a considerable eosinophil infiltrate. Blocking IL-4 and IL-5 in vivo and depleting eosinophils with an anti-CCR3 mAb prevented graft eosinophil infiltration and prolonged beta(2)m(+/+) skin graft survival. Lymphocytes from rejecting beta(2)m(-/-) mice also displayed an increased production of IFN-gamma after culture with beta(2)m(+/+) minor alloantigens. In vivo neutralization of IFN-gamma inhibited skin graft rejection. Finally, beta(2)m(+/+) skin grafts harvested from B6(lpr/lpr) donor mice, which lack a functional Fas molecule, survived longer than wild-type beta(2)m(+/+) skin grafts, showing that Fas-Fas ligand interactions are involved in the rejection process. We conclude that IL-4- and IL-5-dependent eosinophilic rejection, IFN-gamma-dependent mechanisms, and Fas-Fas ligand interactions are effector pathways in the acute rejection of minor transplantation Ags.  相似文献   
Adenosine is known to modulate dopamine responses in several brain areas. Here, we show that tonic activation of adenosine receptors is able to impede desensitization of D1 dopamine receptors. As measured by cAMP accumulation in transfected COS-7 cells, long-term exposure to dopamine agonists promoted desensitization of D1B receptor but not that of D1A receptor. The inability of D1A receptor to desensitize was a result of the adenosine present in culture medium acting through activation of adenosine A1 receptors. Cell incubation with either adenosine deaminase, CGS-15943, a generic adenosine receptor antagonist, or the A1 antagonist DPCPX restored the long-term desensitization time-course of D1A receptors. In Ltk cells stably expressing A1 adenosine receptors and D1A dopamine receptors, pre-treatment of cells with R(-)-PIA, a full A1 receptor agonist, did not significantly inhibit the acute increase in cAMP levels induced by D1 receptor agonists, but blocked desensitization of D1A receptors. However, simultaneous activation of A1 and D1A receptors promoted a delayed D1A receptor desensitization. This suggests that functional interaction between A1 and D1A receptors may depend on the activation kinetics of components regulating D1 receptor responses, acting differentially on D1A and D1B receptors.  相似文献   
Domains required late in the virus budding process (L domains) have been identified in the Gag proteins of a number of retroviruses. Here we show that the human T-cell leukemia virus type 1 candidate L domain motif PPPY is indeed required for virus production. Strikingly, however, mutation of this motif arrested virus particles at an earlier stage in the budding process than was seen for mutation of the L domain motifs thus far described for retroviruses. In view of the exchangeability of such domains, we propose that the retrovirus budding process may involve a continuum from bud formation to membrane fission.  相似文献   
Mutations of CIAS1 have recently been shown to underlie familial cold urticaria (FCU) and Muckle-Wells syndrome (MWS), in three families and one family, respectively. These rare autosomal dominant diseases are both characterized by recurrent inflammatory crises that start in childhood and that are generally associated with fever, arthralgia, and urticaria. The presence of sensorineural deafness that occurs later in life is characteristic of MWS. Amyloidosis of the amyloidosis-associated type is the main complication of MWS and is sometimes associated with FCU. In FCU, cold exposure is the triggering factor of the inflammatory crisis. We identified CIAS1 mutations, all located in exon 3, in nine unrelated families with MWS and in three unrelated families with FCU, originating from France, England, and Algeria. Five mutations--namely, R260W, D303N, T348M, A439T, and G569R--were novel. The R260W mutation was identified in two families with MWS and in two families with FCU, of different ethnic origins, thereby demonstrating that a single CIAS1 mutation may cause both syndromes. This result indicates that modifier genes are involved in determining either a MWS or a FCU phenotype. The finding of the G569R mutation in an asymptomatic individual further emphasizes the importance of such modifier a gene (or genes) in determining the disease phenotype. Identification of this gene (or these genes) is likely to have significant therapeutic implications for these severe diseases.  相似文献   
We have identified two simple methods to analyse xanthophore and pterinosome biogenesis in zebrafish. The first uses methylene blue (methylthionium chloride), a redox dye which specifically labels xanthophores and pterinosomes, while the second uses autofluorescence to detect pteridine levels; these methods may be used to detect the number, location and shape of xanthophores and pterinosomes. These assays were applied to two zebrafish mutants--brie and yobo--and revealed that both mutants have pterinosome biogenesis and pteridine synthesis defects. Additionally, using capillary electrophoresis, we provide evidence that sepiapterin is responsible for the yellow colour and blue-light induced fluorescence in zebrafish embryos.  相似文献   
The structure and dynamics of the gastrointestinal peptide hormone motilin, consisting of 22 amino acid residues, have been studied in the presence of isotropic q=0.5 phospholipid bicelles. The NMR solution structure of the peptide in acidic bicelle solution was determined from 203 NOE-derived distance constraints and six backbone torsion angle constraints. Dynamic properties for the 13C-1H vector in Leu10 were determined for motilin specifically labeled with 13C at this position by analysis of multiple-field relaxation data. The structure reveals an ordered -helical conformation between Glu9 and Lys20. The N-terminus is also well structured with a turn resembling that of a classical -turn. The 13C dynamics clearly show that motilin tumbles slowly in solution, with a correlation time characteristic of a large object. It was also found that motilin has a large degree of local flexibility as compared with what has previously been reported in SDS micelles. The results show that motilin interacts with the bicelle, displaying motional properties of a peptide bound to a membrane. In comparison, motilin in neutral bicelles seems less structured and more flexible. This study shows that the small isotropic bicelles are well suited for use as membrane-mimetic for structural as well as dynamical investigations of membrane-bound peptides by high-resolution NMR.  相似文献   
The enteric nervous system (ENS) is derived from vagal and sacral neural crest cells (NCC). Within the embryonic avian gut, vagal NCC migrate in a rostrocaudal direction to form the majority of neurons and glia along the entire length of the gastrointestinal tract, whereas sacral NCC migrate in an opposing caudorostral direction, initially forming the nerve of Remak, and contribute a smaller number of ENS cells primarily to the distal hindgut. In this study, we have investigated the ability of vagal NCC, transplanted to the sacral region of the neuraxis, to colonise the chick hindgut and form the ENS in an experimentally generated hypoganglionic hindgut in ovo model. Results showed that when the vagal NC was transplanted into the sacral region of the neuraxis, vagal-derived ENS precursors immediately migrated away from the neural tube along characteristic pathways, with numerous cells colonising the gut mesenchyme by embryonic day (E) 4. By E7, the colorectum was extensively colonised by transplanted vagal NCC and the migration front had advanced caudorostrally to the level of the umbilicus. By E10, the stage at which sacral NCC begin to colonise the hindgut in large numbers, myenteric and submucosal plexuses in the hindgut almost entirely composed of transplanted vagal NCC, while the migration front had progressed into the pre-umbilical intestine, midway between the stomach and umbilicus. Immunohistochemical staining with the pan-neuronal marker, ANNA-1, revealed that the transplanted vagal NCC differentiated into enteric neurons, and whole-mount staining with NADPH-diaphorase showed that myenteric and submucosal ganglia formed interconnecting plexuses, similar to control animals. Furthermore, using an anti-RET antibody, widespread immunostaining was observed throughout the ENS, within a subpopulation of sacral NC-derived ENS precursors, and in the majority of transplanted vagal-to-sacral NCC. Our results demonstrate that: (1) a cell autonomous difference exists between the migration/signalling mechanisms used by sacral and vagal NCC, as transplanted vagal cells migrated along pathways normally followed by sacral cells, but did so in much larger numbers, earlier in development; (2) vagal NCC transplanted into the sacral neuraxis extensively colonised the hindgut, migrated in a caudorostral direction, differentiated into neuronal phenotypes, and formed enteric plexuses; (3) RET immunostaining occurred in vagal crest-derived ENS cells, the nerve of Remak and a subpopulation of sacral NCC within hindgut enteric ganglia.  相似文献   
Diencephalic, mesencephalic and metencephalic neural crest cells are skeletogenic and derive from neural folds that do not express Hox genes. In order to examine the influence of Hox gene expression on skull morphogenesis, expression of Hoxa2, Hoxa3 and Hoxb4 in conjunction with that of the green fluorescent protein has been selectively targeted to the Hox-negative neural folds of the avian embryo prior to the onset of crest cell emigration. Hoxa2 expression precludes the development of the entire facial skeleton. Transgenic Hoxa2 embryos such as those from which the Hox-negative domain of the cephalic neural crest has been removed have no upper or lower jaws and no frontonasal structures. Embryos subjected to the forced expression of Hoxa3 and Hoxb4 show severe defects in the facial skeleton but not a complete absence of facial cartilage. Hoxa3 prevents the formation of the skeleton derived from the first branchial arch, but allows the development (albeit reduced) of the nasal septum. Hoxb4, by contrast, hampers the formation of the nasal bud-derived skeleton, while allowing that of a proximal (but not distal) segment of the lower jaw. The combined effect of Hoxa3 and Hoxb4 prevents the formation of facial skeletal structures, comparable with Hoxa2. None of these genes impairs the formation of neural derivatives of the crest. These results suggest that over the course of evolution, the absence of Hox gene expression in the anterior part of the chordate embryo was crucial in the vertebrate phylum for the development of a face, jaws and brain case, and, hence, also for that of the forebrain.  相似文献   
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