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Stigmatellin and its derivatives represent a third class of Qo site inhibitors besides the hydroxyquinone derivatives and the E-beta-methoxyacrylate (MOA) inhibitors [von Jagow and Link (1986) Methods Enzymol. 126, 253-271]. The stigmatellins consist of a chromone ring system connected to an substituted alkenyl side chain. Alterations in the side chain, i.e. saturation of the C = C double bonds, shift of a methoxy group or loss of the methyl groups, specifically affect the binding characteristics. Besides changing the red shift spectrum of reduced cytochrome b566 and the EPR spectrum of the Rieske iron-sulfur cluster, the side chain alterations diminish the binding affinity and the extent of the midpoint potential shift of the iron-sulfur protein. Thus, the side chain of the molecule makes an essential contribution to the binding energy and is not necessary solely for partitioning the molecule into the hydrophobic phase, as assumed so far.  相似文献   
Topographic localization of a 116,000-dalton protein in cartilage   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A disulfide-bonded greater than 400,000-dalton (greater than 400-kD) protein with 116-kD subunits in hyaline cartilage from several species has recently been described. It constitutes 2-4% of the total noncollagenous protein in 4 M guanidinium chloride extracts of normal articular cartilage and accounts for most of the total noncollagen, nonproteoglycan protein synthesized in short-term organ cultures of canine articular cartilage. In the present study, immunofluorescence techniques were used to examine the topographic distribution of the 116-kD subunit protein in normal cartilage. In specimens of normal adult articular cartilage from several species, the protein was located throughout the matrix. More intense staining was observed at the articular surface than in the remainder of the uncalcified cartilage. In contrast, in fetal cartilage, the protein was uniformly distributed throughout the matrix without a marked increase in surface staining. Normal canine menisci and annulus fibrosus also demonstrated moderate fluorescence after incubation with the antiserum to the 116-kD subunit protein. Normal canine nucleus pulposus, synovium, aorta, and monolayer cultures of canine synovial cells exhibited only weak immunofluorescence after incubation with the antiserum. Therefore, the 116-kD subunit protein appears to be a ubiquitous matrix protein in cartilage.  相似文献   
Glutamine synthetase (EC has been purified from a collagenolytic Vibrio alginolyticus strain. The apparent molecular weight of the glutamine synthetase subunit was approximately 62,000. This indicates a particle weight for the undissociated enzyme of 744,000, assuming the enzyme is the typical dodecamer. The glutamine synthetase enzyme had a sedimentation coefficient of 25.9 S and seems to be regulated by a denylylation and deadenylylation. The pH profiles assayed by the -glutamyltransferase method were similar for NH4-shocked and unshocked cell extracts and isoactivity point was not obtained from these eurves. The optimum pH for purified and crude cell extracts was 7.9. Cell-free glutamine synthetase was inhibited by some amino acids and AMP. The transferase activity of glutamine synthetase from mid-exponential phase cells varied greatly depending on the sources of nitrogen or carbon in the growth medium. Glutamine synthetase level was regulated by nitrogen catabolite repression by (NH4)2SO4 and glutamine, but cells grown, in the presence of proline, leucine, isoleucine, tryptophan, histidine, glutamic acid, glycine and arginine had enhanced levels of transferase activity. Glutamine synthetase was not subject to glucose, sucrose, fructose, glycerol or maltose catabolite repression and these sugars had the opposite effect and markedly enhanced glutamine synthetase activity.Abbreviations GS glutamine synthetase - SMM succinate minimal medium - ASMM ammonium/succinate minimal medium - GT -glutamyl transferase - SVP snake venom phosphodiesterase  相似文献   
The photosynthetic performance and nitrogen utilization of Lemna gibba L. G3 adapted to limited nitrogen supply was studied. The plants were adapted to two levels of nitrogen limitation where the nitrogen addition rates were calculated to sustain relative growth rates (RGR) of 0.15 day?1 and 0.25 day?1, respectively. The photosynthetic performance of these cultures was compared to nitrogen-sufficient cultures with an average RGR of 0.32 day?1. Plants transferred from nitrogen-sufficient conditions attained RGR values corresponding to the nitrogen addition rates after 6 to 10 days. Light-saturated net photosynthesis declined during adaptation according to the drop in growth rate, and a concomitant decrease in the respiration rate was recorded. The efficiency of net photosynthesis on a dry weight basis increased with increased nitrogen supply, whereas it was the same in all cultures when expressed on a chlorophyll basis. The light compensation point was unaffected by the nitrogen regime. Limited nitrogen supply resulted in an increased proportion of dry matter in the roots, which led to decreased leaf area ratios. The net assimilation rates also decreased, but not to the same extent as the leaf area ratios. Growth-limiting amounts of nitrogen were added to the cultures once daily, and the net influx of N was higher than the requirement for N, also in adapted cultures with a steady growth rate. This resulted in transient, periodic fluctuations in the NO3?, NH4+ and amino acid pools. Also the rates of NO3? reduction and NH4+ assimilation fluctuated as did the amino acid assimilation which paralleled NH4+ assimilation. The role of flux rates over the plasmalemma and tonoplast for control of nitrogen assimilation rates are discussed.  相似文献   
Peptidases, highly specific toward several synthetic chromogenic peptides, were found in the mycelia of four arthropod pathogenic fungi: Aphanomyces astaci, Beauveria bassiana, Metarrhizium anisopliae, and Paecilomyces farinosus. A. astaci peptidases had high hydrolyzing activities toward most of the peptides, especially those with arginine in the P1 position, while those of B. bassiana and P. farinosus readily hydrolyzed peptides with valine and arginine, as well as proline and tyrosine in the P2 and P1 positions, respectively. The hydrolyzing capacities of M. anisopliae peptidases were similar to A. astaci, but showed lower specific activities. Casein or azocoll was only hydrolyzed by A. astaci peptidases. B. bassiana and M. anisopliae had a very low hydrolyzing capacity toward casein and could not degrade azocoll. P. farinosus had no hydrolyzing activity toward casein or azocoll. Only peptidases from the crayfish pathogen A. astaci could degrade the crayfish cuticle. The peptidase preparations of A. astaci and B. bassiana hydrolyzing MeO-Suc-Arg-Pro-Tyr-pNA or Bz-Phe-Val-Arg-pNA were of the serine type. The possible importance of peptidase activity of arthropod pathogenic fungi in the infection process is discussed.  相似文献   
Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from humans without antibodies to dengue 2 virus lysed dengue 2 virus-infected Raji cells to a significantly greater degree than uninfected Raji cells. The addition of mouse anti-dengue antibody increased the lysis of dengue-infected Raji cells by PBMC. Dengue 2 immune human sera also increased lysis of dengue-infected Raji cells by PBMC. These results indicate that both PBMC-mediated cytotoxicity and antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC) can cause significant lysis of dengue-infected Raji cells. The lysis of infected Raji cells in the ADCC assay correlated with the dilution of dengue-specific antibody which was added, indicating the dengue virus specificity of the lysis of dengue virus-infected Raji cells. Alpha interferon (IFN alpha) was detected in the culture supernatant of PBMC and dengue-infected Raji cells. However, enhanced lysis of dengue-infected Raji cells by PBMC may not be due to the IFN produced, because neutralization of all IFN activity with anti-IFN alpha antibody did not decrease the lysis of dengue-infected cells, and effector cells pretreated with exogenous IFN alpha also lysed dengue-infected cells to a greater degree than uninfected cells. The effector cells responsible for lysis of dengue virus-infected Raji cells in the natural killer and ADCC assays were analyzed. Nonadherent PBMC caused more lysis than did adherent cells. Characterization of nonadherent cells with monoclonal antibodies showed that the predominant responsible effector cells were contained in OKM1+ and OKT3- fraction in the natural killer and ADCC assays.  相似文献   
In a study to characterise the chest pain induced by adenosine this agent was given as a bolus into a peripheral vein to six healthy volunteers (five men) aged 30-44. On the first day the maximum tolerable dose was determined in each case. On the second day three doses of adenosine (one third, two thirds, and the full maximum tolerable dose) and three doses of saline were given single blind in randomised order. Thereafter aminophylline 5 mg/kg was given and the procedure repeated in a different randomised order. On the third day between two thirds and the full maximum tolerable dose was given followed by 10 mg dipyridamole intravenously and a second injection of the same dose of adenosine. Heart rate and atrioventricular blocks were recorded by electrocardiography. One minute after each dose of adenosine the chest pain was scored. The maximum tolerable dose of adenosine ranged from 10.6 to 37.1 mg. All subjects experienced uneasy central chest pain provoking anxiety. The pain radiated to the shoulders, ulnar aspect of the arms, epigastric area, back, and into the throat. The pain began about 20 seconds after the injection and lasted 10-15 seconds. Increasing the dose of adenosine increased the intensity of the pain. Administration of aminophylline reduced the pain significantly. Second degree heart block was recorded in five of the six subjects during the time that the pain was experienced. After aminophylline no block was observed. Dipyridamole increased the intensity of pain. The duration of second degree heart block increased in four of the subjects, and in two of these third degree heart block occurred. These findings suggest that adenosine released from the myocardium during ischaemia induces angina pectoris by stimulating theophylline sensitive receptors.  相似文献   
We were unable to find transient changes in the amount of cAMP or cGMP that had been proposed to mediate the light-growth response in sporangiophores of Phycomyces blakesleeanus.  相似文献   
Characterization of messenger RNA by direct translation from agarose gels   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A method for characterizing nanogram quantities of poly(A)-containing messenger RNAs that have been fractionated according to size by electrophoresis through agarose gels has been developed. The mRNAs from Friend leukemia cells were identified by the protein products they encode, as determined by slicing the agarose gel and directly translating the enclosed mRNA with an extract from rabbit reticulocytes that had been treated with micrococcal nuclease. A number of parameters which affect the efficiency of translation in this system have been examined. These include the sensitivity of the in vitro translational system to RNA, the agarose concentration, the incubation temperature, and the addition of either exogeneous tRNA or RNasin. The procedure is rapid, simple, reproducible, and applicable for the fractionation and characterization of mRNAs from any source.  相似文献   
Immunological and Biophysical Separation of Dengue-2 Antigens   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
Antigenic compositions of slowly sedimenting dengue-2 hemagglutinin (SHA) and soluble complement-fixing antigen (SCF) were compared with the virion (rapidly sedimenting hemagglutinin, RHA) by radioimmune precipitation (RIP), RIP inhibition, kinetic neutralization, and neutralization blocking tests with the use of hyperimmune mouse ascitic fluids. RHA and SHA were unable to inhibit completely the RIP of each other by anti-RHA, and neutralization by anti-RHA was not blocked by SHA. This indicated that SHA is serologically related, but not identical, to RHA. SHA differed from RHA in that SHA lacked the “core” polypeptide but contained the two envelope polypeptides. In addition, SHA contained a polypeptide with a molecular weight of 16,500 daltons and a suggestion of several other proteins. These data, when considered with other evidence, suggest that SHA is a special form of “incomplete virus.” SCF was unable to inhibit the RIP of SHA or RHA or to block neutralizing antibodies. Further, anti-SCF did not neutralize RHA or precipitate significant levels of SHA or RHA. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis separated SCF from structural polypeptides by molecular size. This evidence suggests that SCF is a nonstructural antigen.  相似文献   
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