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AJ Sherman  A Shrier    E Cooper 《Biophysical journal》1999,77(5):2590-2601
Whole-cell patch-clamp techniques are widely used to measure membrane currents from isolated cells. While suitable for a broad range of ionic currents, the series resistance (R(s)) of the recording pipette limits the bandwidth of the whole-cell configuration, making it difficult to measure rapid ionic currents. To increase bandwidth, it is necessary to compensate for R(s). Most methods of R(s) compensation become unstable at high bandwidth, making them hard to use. We describe a novel method of R(s) compensation that overcomes the stability limitations of standard designs. This method uses a state estimator, implemented with analog computation, to compute the membrane potential, V(m), which is then used in a feedback loop to implement a voltage clamp; we refer to this as state estimator R(s) compensation. To demonstrate the utility of this approach, we built an amplifier incorporating state estimator R(s) compensation. In benchtop tests, our amplifier showed significantly higher bandwidths and improved stability when compared with a commercially available amplifier. We demonstrated that state estimator R(s) compensation works well in practice by recording voltage-gated Na(+) currents under voltage-clamp conditions from dissociated neonatal rat sympathetic neurons. We conclude that state estimator R(s) compensation should make it easier to measure large rapid ionic currents with whole-cell patch-clamp techniques.  相似文献   


Children with neuromuscular disorders with a progressive muscle weakness such as Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy and Spinal Muscular Atrophy frequently develop a progressive scoliosis. A severe scoliosis compromises respiratory function and makes sitting more difficult. Spinal surgery is considered the primary treatment option for correcting severe scoliosis in neuromuscular disorders. Surgery in this population requires a multidisciplinary approach, careful planning, dedicated surgical procedures, and specialized after care.


The guideline is based on scientific evidence and expert opinions. A multidisciplinary working group representing experts from all relevant specialties performed the research. A literature search was conducted to collect scientific evidence in answer to specific questions posed by the working group. Literature was classified according to the level of evidence.


For most aspects of the treatment scientific evidence is scarce and only low level cohort studies were found. Nevertheless, a high degree of consensus was reached about the management of patients with scoliosis in neuromuscular disorders. This was translated into a set of recommendations, which are now officially accepted as a general guideline in the Netherlands.


In order to optimize the treatment for scoliosis in neuromuscular disorders a Dutch guideline has been composed. This evidence-based, multidisciplinary guideline addresses conservative treatment, the preoperative, perioperative, and postoperative care of scoliosis in neuromuscular disorders.  相似文献   
The Alcidae is a unique assemblage of Northern Hemisphere seabirds that forage by "flying" underwater. Despite obvious affinities among the species, their evolutionary relationships are unclear. We analyzed nucleotide sequences of 1,045 base pairs of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene and allelic profiles for 37 allozyme loci in all 22 extant species. Trees were constructed on independent and combined data sets using maximum parsimony and distance methods that correct for superimposed changes. Alternative methods of analysis produced only minor differences in relationships that were supported strongly by bootstrapping or standard error tests. Combining sequence and allozyme data into a single analysis provided the greatest number of relationships receiving strong support. Addition of published morphological and ecological data did not improve support for any additional relationship. All analyses grouped species into six distinct lineages: (1) the dovekie (Alle alle) and auks, (2) guillemots, (3) brachyramphine murrelets, (4) synthliboramphine murrelets, (5) true auklets, and (6) the rhinoceros auklet (Cerorhinca monocerata) and puffins. The two murres (genus Uria) were sister taxa, and the black guillemot (Cepphus grylle) was basal to the other guillemots. The Asian subspecies of the marbled murrelet (Brachyramphus marmoratus perdix) was the most divergent brachyramphine murrelet, and two distinct lineages occurred within the synthliboramphine murrelets. Cassin's auklet (Ptychoramphus aleuticus) and the rhinoceros auklet were basal to the other auklets and puffins, respectively, and the Atlantic (Fratercula arctica) and horned (Fratercula corniculata) puffins were sister taxa. Several relationships among tribes, among the dovekie and auks, and among the auklets could not be resolved but resembled "star" phylogenies indicative of adaptive radiations at different depths within the trees.   相似文献   
Karst ecosystems in southern China are species‐rich and have high levels of endemism, yet little is known regarding the evolutionary processes responsible for the origin and diversification of karst biodiversity. The genus Primulina (Gesneriaceae) comprises ca. 170 species endemic to southern China with high levels of ecological (edaphic) specialization, providing an exceptional model to study the plant diversification in karsts. We used molecular data from nine chloroplast and 11 nuclear regions and macroevolutionary analyses to assess the origin and cause of species diversification due to palaeoenvironmental changes and edaphic specialization in Primulina. We found that speciation was positively associated with changes in past temperatures and East Asian monsoons through the evolutionary history of Primulina. Climatic change around the mid‐Miocene triggered an early burst followed by a slowdown of diversification rate towards the present with the climate cooling. We detected different speciation rates among edaphic types, and transitions among soil types were infrequently and did not impact the overall speciation rate. Our findings suggest that both global temperature changes and East Asian monsoons have played crucial roles in floristic diversification within the karst ecosystems in southern China, such that speciation was higher when climate was warmer and wetter. This is the first study to directly demonstrate that past monsoon activity is positively correlated with speciation rate in East Asia. This case study could motivate further investigations to assess the impacts of past environmental changes on the origin and diversification of biodiversity in global karst ecosystems, most of which are under threat.  相似文献   
In this study, we used a computational approach to investigate the early evolutionary history of a system of proteins that, together, embed and translocate other proteins across cell membranes. Cell membranes comprise the basis for cellularity, which is an ancient, fundamental organizing principle shared by all organisms and a key innovation in the evolution of life on Earth. Two related requirements for cellularity are that organisms are able to both embed proteins into membranes and translocate proteins across membranes. One system that accomplishes these tasks is the signal recognition particle (SRP) system, in which the core protein components are the paralogs, FtsY and Ffh. Complementary to the SRP system is the Sec translocation channel, in which the primary channel-forming protein is SecY. We performed phylogenetic analyses that strongly supported prior inferences that FtsY, Ffh, and SecY were all present by the time of the last universal common ancestor of life, the LUCA, and that the ancestor of FtsY and Ffh existed before the LUCA. Further, we combined ancestral sequence reconstruction and protein structure and function prediction to show that the LUCA had an SRP system and Sec translocation channel that were similar to those of extant organisms. We also show that the ancestor of Ffh and FtsY that predated the LUCA was more similar to FtsY than Ffh but could still have comprised a rudimentary protein translocation system on its own. Duplication of the ancestor of FtsY and Ffh facilitated the specialization of FtsY as a membrane bound receptor and Ffh as a cytoplasmic protein that could bind nascent proteins with specific membrane-targeting signal sequences. Finally, we analyzed amino acid frequencies in our ancestral sequence reconstructions to infer that the ancestral Ffh/FtsY protein likely arose prior to or just after the completion of the canonical genetic code. Taken together, our results offer a window into the very early evolutionary history of cellularity.  相似文献   
The arcto‐Tertiary relictual flora is comprised of many genera that occur non‐contiguously in the temperate zones of eastern Asia, Europe, eastern North America, and western North America. Within each distributional area, species are typically endemic and may thus be widely separated from closely related species within the other areas. It is widely accepted that this common pattern of distribution resulted from of the fragmentation of a once more‐continuous arcto‐Tertiary forest. The historical biogeographic events leading to the present‐day disjunction have often been investigated using a phylogenetic approach. Limitations to these previous studies have included phylogenetic uncertainty and uncertainty in ancestral range reconstructions. However, the recently described Bayes‐DIVA method handles both types of uncertainty. Thus, we used Bayes‐DIVA analysis to reconstruct the stem lineage distributions for 185 endemic lineages from 23 disjunct genera representing 17 vascular plant families. In particular, we asked whether endemic lineages within each of the four distributional areas more often evolved from (1) widespread ancestors, (2) ancestors dispersed from other areas, or (3) endemic ancestors. We also considered which of these three biogeographic mechanisms may best explain the origins of arcto‐Tertiary disjunct endemics in the neotropics. Our results show that eastern Asian endemics more often evolved from endemic ancestors compared to endemics in Europe and eastern and western North America. Present‐day endemic lineages in the latter areas more often arose from widespread ancestors. Our results also provide anecdotal evidence for the importance of dispersal in the biogeographic origins of arcto‐Tertiary species endemic in the neotropics.  相似文献   


Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz), a starchy root crop grown in tropical and subtropical climates, is the sixth most important crop in the world after wheat, rice, maize, potato and barley. The repertoire of simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers for cassava is limited and warrants a need for a larger number of polymorphic SSRs for germplasm characterization and breeding applications.  相似文献   
Eukaryotic cells have developed diverse strategies to combat the harmful effects of a variety of stress conditions. In the model yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the increased concentration of ethanol, as the primary fermentation product, will influence the membrane fluidity and be toxic to membrane proteins, leading to cell growth inhibition and even death. Though little is known about the complex signal network responsible for alcohol stress responses in yeast cells, several mechanisms have been reported to be associated with this process, including changes in gene expression, in membrane composition, and increases in chaperone proteins that help stabilize other denatured proteins. Here, we review the recent progresses in our understanding of ethanol resistance and stress responses in yeast.  相似文献   
Longiflorum and Asiatic lilies of the genus Lilium of the family Liliaceae are two important groups of modern lily cultivars.One of the main trends of lily breeding is to realize introgression between these groups.With cut style pollination and embryo rescue,distant hybrids between the two groups have been obtained.However,the F1 hybrids are highly sterile or some of them could produce a small number of 2n gametes,and their BC1 progenies are usually triploids.Dutch lily breeders have selected many cultivars...  相似文献   
Psammochloa villosa is an ecologically important desert grass that occurs in the Inner Mongolian Plateau where it is frequently the dominant species and is involved in sand stabilization and wind breaking. We sought to generate a preliminary demographic framework for P. villosa to support the future studies of this species, its conservation, and sustainable utilization. To accomplish this, we characterized the genetic diversity and structure of 210 individuals from 43 natural populations of P. villosa using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers. We obtained 1,728 well‐defined amplified bands from eight pairs of primers, of which 1,654 bands (95.7%) were polymorphic. Results obtained from the AFLPs suggested effective alleles among populations of 1.32, a Nei''s standard genetic distance value of 0.206, a Shannon index of 0.332, a coefficient of gene differentiation (G ST) of 0.469, and a gene flow parameter (Nm) of 0.576. All these values indicate that there is abundant genetic diversity in P. villosa, but limited gene flow. An analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) showed that genetic variation mainly exists within populations (64.2%), and we found that the most genetically similar populations were often not geographically adjacent. Thus, this suggests that the mechanisms of gene flow are surprisingly complex in this species and may occur over long distances. In addition, we predicted the distribution dynamics of P. villosa based on the spatial distribution modeling and found that its range has contracted continuously since the last interglacial period. We speculate that dry, cold climates have been critical in determining the geographic distribution of P. villosa during the Quaternary period. Our study provides new insights into the population genetics and evolutionary history of P. villosa in the Inner Mongolian Plateau and provides a resource that can be used to design in situ conservation actions and prioritize sustainable utilization.  相似文献   
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