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Normal tissues of DBA, CBA, CC57W, C3H, Balb/c, SHR mice and F1 hybrids CC57W/DBA appeared to differ in the ratios of mitochondrial and supernatant NADP-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH). Tested inbred mice strains CC57W, C3H, SHR, Balb/c contain allelic form Idh-1a of supernatant IDH gene Idh-1, whereas allelic form Idh-1b is characteristic of mice strains DBA and CBA. In tumors IDH isozymes have the same mobility as do isozymes of homologous normal tissues; but their activity is lower. A high variability of each isozyme activity in the isozyme spectrum is revealed in various tissues of F1 hybrids CC57W/DBA. Allelic forms of gene Idh-1 were used as markers of normal and tumor cells for the experimental model: transplantation of sarcoma 37 (Idh-1a/Idh-1a) to subcutaneous tissue of the mouse strain DBA (Idh-1b/Idh-1b). It enables us to reveal isozymes of stromal cell in tumor IDH isozyme spectrum. The results indicate that the relation of normal and tumor isozymes vary in different tumors.  相似文献   
This paper describes the extent of the hazardous and toxic chemical waste problems in Canada and discusses the management, treatment, and disposal methods commonly used in North America and Europe. The treatment and disposal techniques covered are biological, physical-chemical, incineration technologies, and secure land disposal. Some of the available and emerging technologies for destruction of polychlorinated biphenyls are also described.  相似文献   
Two animals with XY gonadal dysgenesis both had a reproductive tract similar in size to that found in sexually immature heifers, but neither had normal testicular or ovarian tissue. All cells examined in both animals contained XY chromosomes and spinal cord neurones were sex chromatin negative. Basal LH concentrations averaged 3.1 ng/ml in Animal 1 and 2.4 ng/ml in Animal 2 but increased within 12 h of injecting oestradiol to peak concentrations of 125 and 11 ng/ml respectively. Animal 1 displayed a distinct pulsatile LH release pattern with a highly repeatable decline phase at each pulse. A GnRH injection produced a rapid rise in plasma LH in both animals, sustained in Animal 1 at greater than 500 ng/ml for more than 2 h. Each animal displayed behavioural symptoms of oestrus within 12 h of being injected with 3 mg oestradiol benzoate and was repeatedly served by a bull. These studies indicated that both animals differed from freemartins and had some hypothalamic and pituitary response patterns resembling those reported for female cattle.  相似文献   
Comparisons were made of the mortality, growth and condition factor over a 50-day period of eleutheroembryos, alevins, 2-month fry, 4-month fry and 1 + rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri , in water of three qualities–Birmingham tap-water, 50% and 100% settled effluent from percolating filters (Minworth Effluent Treatment Works) when dissolved oxygen levels were maintained near 100% ASV.
There was no significant mortality among life stages in control tap-water but the LT50 values of life stages in both 50% effluent and 100% effluent revealed significant differences. Inter-treatment comparisons showed similar mortalities of eleutheroembryos, of 2-month fry and of 1 + fish in the three treatments but LT50 values of 4-month fry showed significant differences. Growth rates of 2-month and 4-month fry were suppressed in both effluents after 7 days and there was a significant deterioration in the K factor of these life stages after 14 days. Predicted toxicities (the sum of the proportions of the 48-h LC50 of the individual poisons to rainbow trout) were compared with the observed toxicity in 50% and 100% effluent. The relevance of in vivo testing in comparison to predictive techniques is compared.  相似文献   
A defined medium (medium MB) for Moraxella bovis was formulated. Nineteen strains grew well on medium MB. One strain was auxotrophic for asparagine, and another was auxotrophic for methionine. Strains of M. equi and M. lacunata also grew on medium MB. All strains had an absolute requirement for thiamine and were stimulated by or actually required the other growth factors in the medium.  相似文献   
S E Petersen 《Cytometry》1986,7(4):301-306
Sources of variation and error were investigated for a simple flow cytometric analysis of DNA content of detergent-isolated nuclei stained with ethidium bromide. Using the ploidy classes of mouse liver nuclei, deviations from linearity were assessed for three different instruments. In more extreme settings, the maximum deviations for a FACS instrument were up to 6 to 9%, but in general deviations were around 1% or lower for all instruments. As biological DNA standards, human peripheral lymphocytes and trout erythrocytes appeared to be suitable and easy to store frozen. The erythrocytes had dye-binding characteristics similar to those of human lymphocytes and a 20% lower fluorescence, thus being well suited as an internal standard, as was demonstrated in tumor ploidy analyses performed with varied tissue concentration. Staining homogeneity was improved when staining time was extended to 24 h, at which time male and female lymphocytes were completely separated with an average difference in DNA content of 1.9%. A small difference in fluorescence between mitogen-stimulated and unstimulated lymphocytes was reduced to less than 1% after 24 h of staining. In general, the manipulations of the conditions for the analysis resulted in maximum variations of around 1%, indicating the robustness and reliability of the technique.  相似文献   
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