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Effects of exogenous nickel (Ni: 10 and 200 μM) on growth, mitotic activity, Ni accumulation, H2O2 content and lipid peroxidation as well as the activities of various antioxidative enzymes, such as superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), ascorbate peroxidase (APX) and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) were investigated in wheat roots. A considerable Ni accumulation in the roots occurred at both the concentrations. Although Ni at 10 μM did not have any significant effect on root growth, it strongly inhibited the root growth at 200 μM. Mitotic activity in the root tips was not significantly affected by exposure of the seedlings to 10 μM Ni; however, it was almost completely inhibited at 200 μM treatment. Ni stress did not result in any significant changes in CAT and APX activities as well as lipid peroxidation. However, H2O2 concentration increased up to 82% over the control in the roots of seedlings exposed to 200 μM Ni. There was a significant decline in both SOD (50%) and GSH-Px (20–30%) activities in the roots when the seedlings were treated with 200 μM Ni. The results indicated that a strong inhibition of wheat root growth caused by Ni stress was not due to enhanced lipid peroxidation, but might be related to the accumulation of H2O2 in root tissue.  相似文献   
Serial transfer of plastids from one eukaryotic host to another is the key process involved in evolution of secondhand plastids. Such transfers drastically change the environment of the plastids and hence the selection regimes, presumably leading to changes over time in the characteristics of plastid gene evolution and to misleading phylogenetic inferences. About half of the dinoflagellate protists species are photosynthetic and unique in harboring a diversity of plastids acquired from a wide range of eukaryotic algae. They are therefore ideal for studying evolutionary processes of plastids gained through secondary and tertiary endosymbioses. In the light of these processes, we have evaluated the origin of 2 types of dinoflagellate plastids, containing the peridinin or 19'-hexanoyloxyfucoxanthin (19'-HNOF) pigments, by inferring the phylogeny using "covarion" evolutionary models allowing the pattern of among-site rate variation to change over time. Our investigations of genes from secondary and tertiary plastids derived from the rhodophyte plastid lineage clearly reveal "heterotachy" processes characterized as stationary covarion substitution patterns and changes in proportion of variable sites across sequences. Failure to accommodate covarion-like substitution patterns can have strong effects on the plastid tree topology. Importantly, multigene analyses performed with probabilistic methods using among-site rate and covarion models of evolution conflict with proposed single origin of the peridinin- and 19'-HNOF-containing plastids, suggesting that analysis of secondhand plastids can be hampered by convergence in the evolutionary signature of the plastid DNA sequences. Another type of sequence convergence was detected at protein level involving the psaA gene. Excluding the psaA sequence from a concatenated protein alignment grouped the peridinin plastid with haptophytes, congruent with all DNA trees. Altogether, taking account of complex processes involved in the evolution of dinoflagellate plastid sequences (both at the DNA and amino acid level), we demonstrate the difficulty of excluding independent, tertiary origin for both the peridinin and 19'-HNOF plastids involving engulfment of haptophyte-like algae. In addition, the refined topologies suggest the red algal order, Porphyridales, as the endosymbiont ancestor of the secondary plastids in cryptophytes, haptophytes, and heterokonts.  相似文献   
Many lines of evidence implicate mitochondria in phenotypic variation: (a) rare mutations in mitochondrial proteins cause metabolic, neurological, and muscular disorders; (b) alterations in oxidative phosphorylation are characteristic of type 2 diabetes, Parkinson disease, Huntington disease, and other diseases; and (c) common missense variants in the mitochondrial genome (mtDNA) have been implicated as having been subject to natural selection for adaptation to cold climates and contributing to "energy deficiency" diseases today. To test the hypothesis that common mtDNA variation influences human physiology and disease, we identified all 144 variants with frequency >1% in Europeans from >900 publicly available European mtDNA sequences and selected 64 tagging single-nucleotide polymorphisms that efficiently capture all common variation (except the hypervariable D-loop). Next, we evaluated the complete set of common mtDNA variants for association with type 2 diabetes in a sample of 3,304 diabetics and 3,304 matched nondiabetic individuals. Association of mtDNA variants with other metabolic traits (body mass index, measures of insulin secretion and action, blood pressure, and cholesterol) was also tested in subsets of this sample. We did not find a significant association of common mtDNA variants with these metabolic phenotypes. Moreover, we failed to identify any physiological effect of alleles that were previously proposed to have been adaptive for energy metabolism in human evolution. More generally, this comprehensive association-testing framework can readily be applied to other diseases for which mitochondrial dysfunction has been implicated.  相似文献   
GUILLAUME, MICHÈLE, LEIF LAPIDUS, PER BJÖRNTORP, ANDRE LAMBERT. Physical activity, obesity, and cardiovascular risk factors in children. The Belgian Luxembourg Child Study II. Physical activity was measured in relation to cardiovascular (CV) risk factors in a randomly selected population of 1028 children from Province de Luxembourg in Belgium, a mainly rural area with a high prevalence of such risk factors among adults and children. Physical activity was estimated as participation in sport activities, a major indicator of leisure-time physical activity in schoolchildren, and physical inactivity was estimated as frequency and duration of television (TV) watching. Boys participated more frequently in sport activities than girls did (p=0. 001). A majority of the children watched TV daily. After age adjustment, bodyweight (girls, p<0. 012; boys, p<0. 027) and, in boys, body mass index (BMI) (p<0. 039) were related to days per week of TV watching. No significant relationships with other CV risk factors remained after adjustments for BMI. In analyses of independent contributions of age, TV watching, and sports activity on CV risk factors, age showed highly significant relationships. In boys, TV showed relationships with BMI (P<0. 04) and (borderline) with systolic blood pressure, independent of age and sports activity, whereas the latter was significantly related to subscapular skinfold (p<0. 04) and (borderline) with triceps skinfold and cholesterol. In girls, no significant independent contributions to risk factor associations were found. The father's education was directly associated with sports activities, whereas the mother being a housewife showed negative relationships to physical activity and positive to TV watching in their children, suggesting socioeconomic influence on the activity patterns of children. Furthermore, registrations suggested less physical activity in the most rural part of the area. It is concluded that children in this mainly rural area watch TV frequently. In boys, physical inactivity, measured both as TV watching and as registrations of sports activities, contributes independently to body fat mass. In girls, no contribution or weaker contributions of physical inactivity were found. This suggests that contributory factors leading to obesity might be different in girls and boys.  相似文献   
Predator avoidance depends on prey being able to discern how risk varies in space and time, but this is made considerably more complicated if risk is simultaneously present from multiple predators. This is the situation for an increasing number of mammalian prey species, as large carnivores recover or are reintroduced in ecosystems on several continents. Roe deer Capreolus capreolus in southern Norway illustrate a case in which prey face two predators with contrasting patterns of predation risk. They face a catch‐22 situation: spatially avoiding the risk from one predator (lynx Lynx lynx in dense habitat) implies exposure to the other (hunters in open habitat). Using GPS‐data from 29 roe deer, we tested for daily and seasonal variation in roe deer selection for habitat with respect to the habitats’ year‐round average risk level. Generally, roe deer altered their habitat selection between night and day in a pattern consistent with being able to avoid predicted risk from the nocturnal lynx during night and predicted risk from human hunters during day. However, seasonal variation in habitat selection only partially corresponded with the predicted seasonal variation in risk. Whereas roe deer avoided areas with high risk from hunters more strongly during the hunting season than in other seasons, there was a lack of selection towards areas and time periods lowering the risk of lynx predation during winter. It seems likely that the risk of starvation and thermal stress constrain roe deer habitat selection during this energetically challenging season with cold temperatures, snow cover and limited natural forage. The habitat selection pattern of roe deer fits thus only partly with the two contrasting risk gradients they face. Adjusting risk‐avoidance behavior temporally can be an adaptive response in the case of several predators whose predation patterns differ in space and time.  相似文献   
Recent studies indicate that nephron progenitor cells of the embryonic kidney are arranged in a series of compartments of an increasing state of differentiation. The earliest progenitor compartment, distinguished by expression of CITED1, possesses greater capacity for renewal and differentiation than later compartments. Signaling events governing progression of nephron progenitor cells through stages of increasing differentiation are poorly understood, and their elucidation will provide key insights into normal and dysregulated nephrogenesis, as well as into regenerative processes that follow kidney injury. In this study, we found that the mouse CITED1(+) progenitor compartment is maintained in response to receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) ligands that activate both FGF and EGF receptors. This RTK signaling function is dependent on RAS and PI3K signaling but not ERK. In vivo, RAS inactivation by expression of sprouty 1 (Spry1) in CITED1(+) nephron progenitors results in loss of characteristic molecular marker expression and in increased death of progenitor cells. Lineage tracing shows that surviving Spry1-expressing progenitor cells are impaired in their subsequent epithelial differentiation, infrequently contributing to epithelial structures. These findings demonstrate that the survival and developmental potential of cells in the earliest embryonic nephron progenitor cell compartment are dependent on FGF/EGF signaling through RAS.  相似文献   
1.?State space models are starting to replace more simple time series models in analyses of temporal dynamics of populations that are not perfectly censused. By simultaneously modelling both the dynamics and the observations, consistent estimates of population dynamical parameters may be obtained. For many data sets, the distribution of observation errors is unknown and error models typically chosen in an ad-hoc manner. 2.?To investigate the influence of the choice of observation error on inferences, we analyse the dynamics of a replicated time series of red kangaroo surveys using a state space model with linear state dynamics. Surveys were performed through aerial counts and Poisson, overdispersed Poisson, normal and log-normal distributions may all be adequate for modelling observation errors for the data. We fit each of these to the data and compare them using AIC. 3.?The state space models were fitted with maximum likelihood methods using a recent importance sampling technique that relies on the Kalman filter. The method relaxes the assumption of Gaussian observation errors required by the basic Kalman filter. Matlab code for fitting linear state space models with Poisson observations is provided. 4.?The ability of AIC to identify the correct observation model was investigated in a small simulation study. For the parameter values used in the study, without replicated observations, the correct observation distribution could sometimes be identified but model selection was prone to misclassification. On the other hand, when observations were replicated, the correct distribution could typically be identified. 5.?Our results illustrate that inferences may differ markedly depending on the observation distributions used, suggesting that choosing an adequate observation model can be critical. Model selection and simulations show that for the models and parameter values in this study, a suitable observation model can typically be identified if observations are replicated. Model selection and replication of observations, therefore, provide a potential solution when the observation distribution is unknown.  相似文献   
The microaerophilic bacterium Campylobacter jejuni is the most common cause of bacterial food-borne infections in the developed world. Tolerance to environmental stress relies on proteases and chaperones in the cell envelope, such as HtrA and SurA. HtrA displays both chaperone and protease activities, but little is known about how each of these activities contributes to stress tolerance in bacteria. In vitro experiments showed temperature-dependent protease and chaperone activities of C. jejuni HtrA. A C. jejuni mutant lacking only the protease activity of HtrA was used to show that the HtrA chaperone activity is sufficient for growth at high temperature or under oxidative stress, whereas the HtrA protease activity is essential only under conditions close to the growth limit for C. jejuni. However, the protease activity was required to prevent induction of the cytoplasmic heat shock response even under optimal growth conditions. Interestingly, the requirement of HtrA at high temperatures was found to depend on the oxygen level, and our data suggest that HtrA may protect oxidatively damaged proteins. Finally, protease activity stimulates HtrA production and oligomer formation, suggesting that a regulatory role depends on the protease activity of HtrA. Studying a microaerophilic organism encoding only two known periplasmic chaperones (HtrA and SurA) revealed an efficient HtrA chaperone activity and proposed multiple roles of the protease activity, increasing our understanding of HtrA in bacterial physiology.  相似文献   
Ground beetle assemblages were studied during 2003-08 in the Pisz Forest by comparing stands disturbed by a tornado to undisturbed control stands. The following exploratory questions were put forward. (1) How do the carabid assemblages change during six years following the tornado impact? (2) Does the carabid assemblage recovery begin during the six first post-tornado years? To assess the state of carabid assemblages we used two indices: the MIB (Mean Individual Biomass) and the SPC (Sum of Progressive Characteristics). Carabid assemblages in the disturbed and in the control stands, as expressed by these two indices, were compared using the length of a regression distance (sample distance in a MIB:SPC coordinate system). A cluster analysis revealed that the assemblages of the disturbed and the control stands were different. The tornado-impacted stands produced lower carabid catch rates, but species richness was significantly higher there than in the control stands. They hosted lower proportions of individuals of European species, of large zoophages, and of forest and brachypterous species, than the control stands. The observed reduction in SPC and MIB, and an increase in the regression distances may indicate that the carabid assemblages had not started to recover from the tornado-caused disturbance. Carabid assemblages apparently responded to the tornado in two steps. Firstly, the first three years were characterized by moderate decreases of index values. Secondly, from the fourth to the sixth year after the tornado, many observed changes became magnified. We did not observe clear signals of the recovery of forest carabid assemblages during the six follow-up years.  相似文献   
Studies on the possible interference of colchicine and H2O2 with the activity of some antioxidant enzymes were carried out on Arabidopsis thaliana v. Columbia grown in Murashige and Skooge nutrient medium. Measurements of superoxide dismutase (SOD), guaiacol peroxidase (POX), ascorbate peroxidase (APX) and catalase (CAT) activities were conducted spectrophotometrically. In the presence of colchicine, SOD activity increased, while CAT, APX and POX activities decreased. Inhibitory H2O2 effects on the activity of the enzymes were found. Colchicine pre-treatment resulted in an increase in CAT activity and a further increase in SOD activity in plants treated with H2O2.  相似文献   
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