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Previous work found that high‐molecular‐weight fractions in the egg extract of Latrodectus tredecimguttatus exhibited strong toxicities. For investigating the possible relationship of proteins in the eggs with the toxic effect, the protein composition of the eggs was analyzed using proteomic strategies and compared with that of the spider's venom. SDS‐PAGE showed that the proteins of eggs were primarily distributed in the molecular weight range of higher than 55 kDa as well as around 34 kDa, having high abundance proteins with molecular weights of about 60 kDa and 130 kDa. A total of 157 proteins were identified from the egg extract, which were involved in important cellular functions and processes including catalysis, transport, and metabolism regulation. Comparison indicated that the protein composition of eggs is more complex than that of venom, and there are few similarities between the protein composition of the two materials, demonstrating that the eggs have their own distinct toxic mechanism. © 2012Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J BiochemMol Toxicol 26:510‐515, 2012; View this article online at wileyonlinelibrary.com . DOI 10.1002/jbt.21460  相似文献   
In response to ionizing irradiation and certain chemotherapeutic agents, dying tumor cells elicit a potent anticancer immune response. However, the potential effect of wogonin (5,7-dihydroxy-8-methoxyflavone) on cancer immunogenicity has not been studied. Here we demonstrated for the first time that wogonin elicits a potent antitumor immunity effect by inducing the translocation of calreticulin (CRT) and Annexin A1 to cell plasma membrane as well as the release of high-mobility group protein 1 (HMGB1) and ATP. Signal pathways involved in this process were studied. We found that wogonin-induced reactive oxygen species (ROS) production causes an endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress response, including the phosphorylation of PERK (PKR-like endoplasmic reticulum kinase)/PKR (protein kinase R) and eIF2α (eukaryotic initiation factor 2α), which served as upstream signal for the activation of phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K)/AKT, inducing calreticulin (CRT)/Annexin A1 cell membrane translocation. P22/CHP, a Ca2+-binding protein, was associated with CRT and was required for CRT translocation to cell membrane. The releases of HMGB1 and ATP from wogonin treated MFC cells, alone or together with other possible factors, activated dendritic cells and induced cytokine releases. In vivo study confirmed that immunization with wogonin-pretreated tumor cells vaccination significantly inhibited homoplastic grafted gastric tumor growth in mice and a possible inflammatory response was involved. In conclusion, the activation of PI3K pathway elicited by ER stress induced CRT/Annexin A1 translocation (“eat me” signal) and HMGB1 release, mediating wogonin-induced immunity of tumor cell vaccine. This indicated that wogonin is a novel effective candidate of immunotherapy against gastric tumor.  相似文献   
目的:构建了以manA基因为选择标记的植物表达载体。方法:从大肠杆菌DH5α中克隆出manA基因,连接到质粒pCAMBIA1301的XhoⅠ位点,替换hpt基因,通过酶切和PCR检测了插入片段的正确性,使用XbaⅠ和HindⅢ酶切Gateway载体(pGWCBF)获得含有P35S-T35S-attR1-attR2-CmR-ccdB的结构域,将其插入到表达载体pCAMBIA1301的相应位点中,获得中间表达载体pCAMBIA1301-manA-GW,使用Gateway载体的BP反应与LR反应,将转录因子CBF基因片段整合到载体中。结果:酶切结果表明以甘露糖异构酶基因(manA)为选择标记的植物表达载体pCAMBIA1301-manA-CBF已经构建完成。结论:将构建好的载体用液氮冻融法转化到农杆菌中,可以用于葡萄的遗传转化研究,为将来获得安全的转基因抗寒植株奠定基础。  相似文献   
IL-10 is a potent immunoregulatory cytokine attenuating a wide range of immune effector and inflammatory responses. In the present study, we assess whether endogenous levels of IL-10 function to regulate the incidence and severity of collagen-induced arthritis. DBA/1 wildtype (WT), heterozygous (IL-10+/-) and homozygous (IL-10-/-) IL-10-deficient mice were immunized with type II collagen. Development of arthritis was monitored over time, and collagen-specific cytokine production and anticollagen antibodies were assessed. Arthritis developed progressively in mice immunized with collagen, and 100% of the WT, IL-10+/-, and IL-10-/- mice were arthritic at 35 days. However, the severity of arthritis in the IL-10-/- mice was significantly greater than that in WT or IL-1+/- animals. Disease severity was associated with reduced IFN-γ levels and a dramatic increase in CD11b-positive macrophages. Paradoxically, both the IgG1 and IgG2a anticollagen antibody responses were also significantly reduced. These data demonstrate that IL-10 is capable of controlling disease severity through a mechanism that involves IFN-γ. Since IL-10 levels are elevated in rheumatoid arthritis synovial fluid, these findings may have relevance to rheumatoid arthritis.  相似文献   
亚油酸体系脂质过氧化引起的DNA损伤研究   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
用含两个双键的不饱和脂肪酸-亚油酸作为模型化合物,分析其过氧化程度,同时检测了由于脂质过氧化而引起的DNA损伤,结果表明:在脂质过氧化过程中,DNA与亚油酸过氧化产物反应生成一种荧光物质、其最大激发波长315nm最大发射波长410nm并随着氧化时间增加而增加,与此同时,双链DNA百分含量明显下降,DNA-溴乙锭复合物荧光显著降低,反映了DNA二级结构受到破坏.上述结果揭示了脂质过氧化产物在自由基引起DNA的损伤中可能起重要作用  相似文献   
用无血清培养基或化学成分明确的培养基生产治疗用重组蛋白已成为趋势。然而,在此条件下凝血因子、糖蛋白激素等微量糖蛋白的表达十分困难,其主要原因之一是在细胞培养过程中工程细胞大量凋亡造成的细胞密度低和生存期短。通过将早期抗凋亡基因导入工程细胞并进行过表达可改善工程细胞的活细胞密度积分(integral viable cell concentration,IVCC),提高表达量。该研究将bcl-xl基因导入工程细胞,筛选其高表达细胞株,并验证工程细胞的抗凋亡能力,获得了稳定表达抗凋亡蛋白和目的蛋白的工程细胞株。与母细胞相比,稳定表达Bcl-xL的工程细胞的IVCC提高了50%,最终目的蛋白表达增加超过200%,显示抗凋亡基因bcl-xl的过表达可改善工程细胞在无血清悬浮培养过程中的细胞凋亡,提高表达量,为表达人凝血因子、糖蛋白激素等微量糖蛋白奠定了基础。  相似文献   
早幼粒白血病蛋白核体(promyelocytic leukaemia nuclear bodies,PML-NBs)是哺乳动物细胞中普遍存在的一种动态的细胞核亚结构,参与DNA损伤与修复、细胞衰老与凋亡、基因表达调控以及肿瘤发生与抑制等多种重要的细胞活动。研究表明,PML-NBs也是多种病毒入侵细胞的作用靶点。PML-NBs通过介导细胞固有免疫反应或者作为细胞干扰素信号通路元件参与宿主细胞的抗病毒防御活动。该文以几种DNA和RNA病毒为例,综述了在病毒感染过程中PML-NBs与病毒的相互作用以及这些相互作用的功能意义,从而揭示PML-NBs在抵御病毒感染和免疫反应中的重要作用,并提出运用病毒单分子实时示踪(Single-virus Tracking)这一新技术深入研究PML-NBs在病毒感染中作用的可行性。  相似文献   
复合诱变筛选变细胞壁水解酶木霉素株及产酶条件的优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用复合诱变技术,筛选到一株产几丁质酶和钱聚糖酶能力较强的绿色木霉菌株(Trichodermaviride)LD-18。并对其产酶条件进行了优化,发现在麸皮:诱导物:麦秸粉=2:2:7的固体培养基上,以4g/L(NH4)2SO4为氮源,起始pH8.0经25摄氏度培养72h,产生的真菌细胞壁水解酶,用以溶解食用菌,黑曲霉等丝状菌丝体的细胞壁,制备原生质体,效果较优。  相似文献   
Most ovarian cancers originate from the ovarian surface epithelium and are characterized by aneuploid karyotypes. Aneuploidy, a consequence of chromosome instability, is an early event during the development of ovarian cancers. However, how aneuploid cells are evolved from normal diploid cells in ovarian cancers remains unknown. In the present study, cytogenetic analyses of a mouse syngeneic ovarian cancer model revealed that diploid mouse ovarian surface epithelial cells (MOSECs) experienced an intermediate tetraploid cell stage, before evolving to aneuploid (mainly near-tetraploid) cells. Using long-term live-cell imaging followed by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), we demonstrated that tetraploid cells originally arose from cytokinesis failure of bipolar mitosis in diploid cells, and gave rise to aneuploid cells through chromosome mis-segregation during both bipolar and multipolar mitoses. Injection of the late passage aneuploid MOSECs resulted in tumor formation in C57BL/6 mice. Therefore, we reveal a pathway for the evolution of diploid to aneuploid MOSECs and elucidate a mechanism for the development of near-tetraploid ovarian cancer cells.  相似文献   


DNA methyltransferase-1(DNMT1) is an important enzyme in determining genomic methylation patterns in mammalian cells. We investigated the associations between SNPs in the DNMT1 gene and risks of developing H. pylori seropositivity, gastric atrophy and gastric cancer in the Chinese population.


The study consisted of 447 patients with gastric cancer; 111 patients with gastric atrophy; and 961 healthy controls. Five SNPs, rs10420321, rs16999593, rs8101866, rs8111085 and rs2288349 of the DNMT1 gene were genotyped. Anti-H.pylori IgG was detected by ELISA. Gastric atrophy was screened by the level of serum pepsinogen Ιand II and then confirmed by endoscopy and histopatholgical examinations.


The age- and sex-adjusted OR of H. pylori seropositivity was 0.67 (95%CI: 0.51–0.87) for rs8111085 TC/CC genotypes, significantly lower than the TT genotype in healthy controls. The adjusted OR of H.pylori seropositivity was 0.68 (95%CI: 0.52–0.89) for rs10420321 AG/GG genotypes. In addition, patients carrying rs2228349 AA genotype have a significantly increased risk for H.pylori seropositivity (OR = 1.67; 95%CI: 1.02–2.75). Further haplotype analyses also showed that the ATTTG and ATCTA are significantly associated with increased risks in H.pylori infection compared to the GTCCG haplotype (OR = 1.38, 95%CI: 1.08–1.77; OR = 1.40, 95% CI: 1.09–1.80). The adjusted ORs of gastric atrophy were 1.66 (95%CI: 1.06–2.61) for rs10420321 GG genotype, and 1.67 (95%CI 1.06–2.63, P = 0.03) for rs8111085 CC genotype, but no association was found between SNPs in the DNMT1 gene and risk of developing gastric cancer.


Individuals with rs10420321 GG and rs8111085 CC genotype of the DNMT1 gene were associated with reduced risks for H.pylori infection. On the other hand, higher risks of gastric atrophy were found in the carriers with these two genotypes compared to other genotypes. Our results suggested that SNPs of DNMT1 could be used as genotypic markers for predicting genetic susceptibilities to H.pylori infection and risks in gastric atrophy.  相似文献   
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