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Decreasing an elevated muscle tone is an often cited benefit of spinal manipulation. Spinal manipulation is theorized to disrupt an assumed pain-spasm-pain cycle that sufferers of low back pain may be experiencing. The current research has mostly investigated the short term influence of a single spinal manipulation on paraspinal muscle activity either at rest (e.g. standing or prone) or during simple movements (e.g. forward bend). The higher quality experiments to date have typically reported both reductions in muscle activity during lying prone or during the fully flexed position of forward bend. The only study measuring the long term influence of spinal manipulation has failed to document any change in muscle activity as measured with surface electromyography. Both manually delivered manipulations and manipulations delivered via a mechanical adjusting device have been associated with changes in muscle activation. Changes in muscle activity at muscles distant from the spinal joints manipulated (e.g. muscles in the upper limbs) have been documented following a single spinal manipulation however rather than the typical reduction in muscle activity an increase in resting activation has been reported. The state of muscle dysfunction (e.g. palpably tender or subjectively taut) may be a factor in achieving a myoelectric response to spinal manipulation. Currently, the clinical significance of short term changes in electromyographic amplitude following manipulation is unknown.  相似文献   
Biophysical and biochemical properties of the microenvironment regulate cellular responses such as growth, differentiation, morphogenesis and migration in normal and cancer cells. Since two-dimensional (2D) cultures lack the essential characteristics of the native cellular microenvironment, three-dimensional (3D) cultures have been developed to better mimic the natural extracellular matrix. To date, 3D culture systems have relied mostly on collagen and Matrigel™ hydrogels, allowing only limited control over matrix stiffness, proteolytic degradability, and ligand density. In contrast, bioengineered hydrogels allow us to independently tune and systematically investigate the influence of these parameters on cell growth and differentiation. In this study, polyethylene glycol (PEG) hydrogels, functionalized with the Arginine-glycine-aspartic acid (RGD) motifs, common cell-binding motifs in extracellular matrix proteins, and matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) cleavage sites, were characterized regarding their stiffness, diffusive properties, and ability to support growth of androgen-dependent LNCaP prostate cancer cells. We found that the mechanical properties modulated the growth kinetics of LNCaP cells in the PEG hydrogel. At culture periods of 28 days, LNCaP cells underwent morphogenic changes, forming tumor-like structures in 3D culture, with hypoxic and apoptotic cores. We further compared protein and gene expression levels between 3D and 2D cultures upon stimulation with the synthetic androgen R1881. Interestingly, the kinetics of R1881 stimulated androgen receptor (AR) nuclear translocation differed between 2D and 3D cultures when observed by immunofluorescent staining. Furthermore, microarray studies revealed that changes in expression levels of androgen responsive genes upon R1881 treatment differed greatly between 2D and 3D cultures. Taken together, culturing LNCaP cells in the tunable PEG hydrogels reveals differences in the cellular responses to androgen stimulation between the 2D and 3D environments. Therefore, we suggest that the presented 3D culture system represents a powerful tool for high throughput prostate cancer drug testing that recapitulates tumor microenvironment.  相似文献   
目的:分别克隆人细小病毒B19三个主要蛋白VP1、VP2、NS1全长基因,构建真核表达载体。方法:利用PCR和分子克隆技术,分别将B19病毒vp1、vp2、ns1基因全长片段扩增后,构建带荧光标签的真核表达载体;在人体细胞中表达并通过荧光、RT-PCR和Western Blot、测序等方法鉴定。结果:成功构建了包含B19病毒vp1、vp2、ns1全长基因,并在人体细胞中表达了VP1、VP2、NS1蛋白。结论:人微小病毒B19三个主要蛋白基因得到克隆和表达,为进行相关的研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   
Individuals with autism often violate social rules and have lower accuracy in identifying and explaining inappropriate social behavior. Twelve children with autism (AD) and thirteen children with typical development (TD) participated in this fMRI study of the neurofunctional basis of social judgment. Participants indicated in which of two pictures a boy was being bad (Social condition) or which of two pictures was outdoors (Physical condition). In the within-group Social–Physical comparison, TD children used components of mentalizing and language networks [bilateral inferior frontal gyrus (IFG), bilateral medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC), and bilateral posterior superior temporal sulcus (pSTS)], whereas AD children used a network that was primarily right IFG and bilateral pSTS, suggesting reduced use of social and language networks during this social judgment task. A direct group comparison on the Social–Physical contrast showed that the TD group had greater mPFC, bilateral IFG, and left superior temporal pole activity than the AD group. No regions were more active in the AD group than in the group with TD in this comparison. Both groups successfully performed the task, which required minimal language. The groups also performed similarly on eyetracking measures, indicating that the activation results probably reflect the use of a more basic strategy by the autism group rather than performance disparities. Even though language was unnecessary, the children with TD recruited language areas during the social task, suggesting automatic encoding of their knowledge into language; however, this was not the case for the children with autism. These findings support behavioral research indicating that, whereas children with autism may recognize socially inappropriate behavior, they have difficulty using spoken language to explain why it is inappropriate. The fMRI results indicate that AD children may not automatically use language to encode their social understanding, making expression and generalization of this knowledge more difficult.  相似文献   
The molecular switching mechanism governing skeletal and cardiac muscle contraction couples the binding of Ca2+ on troponin to the movement of tropomyosin on actin filaments. Despite years of investigation, this mechanism remains unclear because it has not yet been possible to directly assess the structural influence of troponin on tropomyosin that causes actin filaments, and hence myosin-crossbridge cycling and contraction, to switch on and off. A C-terminal domain of troponin I is thought to be intimately involved in inducing tropomyosin movement to an inhibitory position that blocks myosin-crossbridge interaction. Release of this regulatory, latching domain from actin after Ca2+ binding to TnC (the Ca2+ sensor of troponin that relieves inhibition) presumably allows tropomyosin movement away from the inhibitory position on actin, thus initiating contraction. However, the structural interactions of the regulatory domain of TnI (the “inhibitory” subunit of troponin) with tropomyosin and actin that cause tropomyosin movement are unknown, and thus, the regulatory process is not well defined. Here, thin filaments were labeled with an engineered construct representing C-terminal TnI, and then, 3D electron microscopy was used to resolve where troponin is anchored on actin-tropomyosin. Electron microscopy reconstruction showed how TnI binding to both actin and tropomyosin at low Ca2+ competes with tropomyosin for a common site on actin and drives tropomyosin movement to a constrained, relaxing position to inhibit myosin-crossbridge association. Thus, the observations reported reveal the structural mechanism responsible for troponin-tropomyosin-mediated steric interference of actin-myosin interaction that regulates muscle contraction.  相似文献   
Species that exploit a wide range of resources or habitats (generalists) tend to be widely distributed, whereas species that exploit a narrow range of resources or habitats (specialists) often have a limited distribution. The distribution patterns are thought to result from specialists using relatively smaller habitats than those exploited by generalists. I used data from 1,725 km of primate surveys that I conducted in Guyana to test these hypotheses. Habitat breadth is the total number of different habitat types occupied by each species. I used the total number of different food categories exploited by each species to measure dietary breadth. Geographic range size is correlated with habitat breadth but not with dietary breadth or body size for the 8 primate species in Guyana. Habitat generalists—red howlers and wedge-capped capuchins—range into all habitats. Habitat specialists—spider monkeys, brown bearded sakis, and golden-handed tamarins—range only into large habitats. Habitat generalists tend to be dietary type specialists in Guyana. I suggest that only habitat generalists can subsist on the low-quality foods in small habitats in Guyana. Conversely, habitat specialists tend to be dietary type generalists in Guyana. They must feed on a variety of food types in large habitats. However, using the number of food categories exploited as a measure of dietary breadth may be only a weak aspect of multidimensional niche. Researchers testing biogeographic hypotheses associated with dietary breadth should consider including multivariate indicators of both the types of food categories eaten and the number of plant species exploited.  相似文献   
Renaturation of DNA: a novel reaction of histones.   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
Histones isolated from several sources, either singly or in combination promote the renaturation of complementary single strands of DNA, as measured by the acquisition of resistance to S1 nuclease. The reaction is rapid (T1/2 less than 1 min), and is stoichiometric rather than catalytic. Renaturation is stimulated by Mg2+, Mn2+, and Ca2+, but is strongly inhibited by Zn2+. Crude extracts of early embryos of Drosophila melanogaster possess renaturation activity which is protease sensitive, heat-stable, and acid-soluble, suggesting that most or all of it can be attributed to histones. This observation thus provides a functional assay for histones that should prove useful in studies of chromatin and histone-DNA interactions, as well as for the identification and isolation of histones and histone-like proteins in crude extracts.  相似文献   
Whole-cell extracts of herpes simplex virus type 1-infected human cells (293 cells) can promote the rolling circle replication of circular duplex DNA molecules. The products of the reaction are longer than monomer unit length and are the result of semiconservative DNA replication by the following criteria: (i) resistance to DpnI and susceptibility to MboI restriction enzymes, (ii) shift in density on a CsCl gradient of the products synthesized in the presence of bromo-dUTP to a position on the gradient consistent with those of molecules composed mainly of one parental DNA strand and one newly synthesized DNA strand, and (iii) the appearance in the electron microscope of molecules consisting of duplex circles with multiunit linear appendages, a characteristic of a rolling circle mode of DNA replication. The reaction requires ATP and is dependent on herpes simplex virus type 1-encoded DNA polymerase.  相似文献   
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