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We set out to identify molecular mechanisms underlying the onset of necrotic Ca(2+) overload, triggered in two epithelial cell lines by oxidative stress or metabolic depletion. As reported earlier, the overload was inhibited by extracellular Ca(2+) chelation and the cation channel blocker gadolinium. However, the surface permeability to Ca(2+) was reduced by 60%, thus discarding a role for Ca(2+) channel/carrier activation. Instead, we registered a collapse of the plasma membrane Ca(2+) ATPase (PMCA). Remarkably, inhibition of the Na(+)/K(+) ATPase rescued the PMCA and reverted the Ca(2+) rise. Thermodynamic considerations suggest that the Ca(2+) overload develops when the Na(+)/K(+) ATPase, by virtue of the Na(+) overload, clamps the ATP phosphorylation potential below the minimum required by the PMCA. In addition to providing the mechanism for the onset of Ca(2+) overload, the crosstalk between cation pumps offers a novel explanation for the role of Na(+) in cell death.  相似文献   
Using event-related fMRI in a sample of 42 healthy participants, we compared the cerebral activity maps obtained when classifying spoken sentences based on the mental content of the main character (belief, deception or empathy) or on the emotional tonality of the sentence (happiness, anger or sadness). To control for the effects of different syntactic constructions (such as embedded clauses in belief sentences), we subtracted from each map the BOLD activations obtained during plausibility judgments on structurally matching sentences, devoid of emotions or ToM. The obtained theory of mind (ToM) and emotional speech comprehension networks overlapped in the bilateral temporo-parietal junction, posterior cingulate cortex, right anterior temporal lobe, dorsomedial prefrontal cortex and in the left inferior frontal sulcus. These regions form a ToM network, which contributes to the emotional component of spoken sentence comprehension. Compared with the ToM task, in which the sentences were enounced on a neutral tone, the emotional sentence classification task, in which the sentences were play-acted, was associated with a greater activity in the bilateral superior temporal sulcus, in line with the presence of emotional prosody. Besides, the ventromedial prefrontal cortex was more active during emotional than ToM sentence processing. This region may link mental state representations with verbal and prosodic emotional cues. Compared with emotional sentence classification, ToM was associated with greater activity in the caudate nucleus, paracingulate cortex, and superior frontal and parietal regions, in line with behavioral data showing that ToM sentence comprehension was a more demanding task.  相似文献   
Cardiac energy metabolism with emphasis on mitochondria was addressed in atrial tissue from patients with overload-induced atrial dilation. Structural remodeling of dilated (D) atria manifested as intracellular accumulation of fibrillar aggregates, lipofuscin, signs of myolysis and autophagy. Despite impaired complex I dependent respiration and increased diffusion restriction for ADP, no changes regarding adenylate and creatine kinase occurred. We observed 7-fold overexpression of HK2 gene in D atria with concomitant 2-fold greater activation of mitochondrial oxygen consumption by glucose, which might represent an adaption to increased energy requirements and impaired mitochondrial function by effectively joining glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation.  相似文献   
Hypoxia is a pro-fibrotic stimulus, which is associated with enhanced collagen synthesis, as well as with augmented collagen prolyl 4-hydroxylase (C-P4H) activity. C-P4H activity is controlled mainly by regulated expression of the alpha C-P4H subunit. In this study we demonstrate that the increased synthesis of C-P4H-alpha(I) protein in human HT1080 fibroblasts under long term hypoxia (36 h, 1% oxygen) is controlled at the translational level. This is mediated by an interaction of RNA-binding protein nucleolin (approximately 64 kDa form) at the 5'- and 3'-untranslated regions (UTR) of the mRNA. The 5'/3'-UTR-dependent mechanism elevates the C-P4H-alpha(I) expression rate 2.3-fold, and participates in a 5.3-fold increased protein level under long term hypoxia. The interaction of nucleolin at the 5'-UTR occurs directly and depends on the existence of an AU-rich element. Statistical evaluation of the approximately 64-kDa nucleolin/RNA interaction studies revealed a core binding sequence, corresponding to UAAAUC or AAAUCU. At the 3'-UTR, nucleolin assembles indirectly via protein/protein interaction, with the help of another 3'-UTR-binding protein, presumably annexin A2. The increased protein level of the approximately 64-kDa nucleolin under hypoxia can be attributed to an autocatalytic cleavage of a high molecular weight nucleolin form, without alterations in nucleolin mRNA concentration. Thus, the alteration of translational efficiency by nucleolin, which occurs through a hypoxia inducible factor independent pathway, is an important step in C-P4H-alpha(I) regulation under hypoxia.  相似文献   
External carbon sources can enhance denitrification rates and thus improve nitrogen removal in wastewater treatment plants. The effects of adding methanol and ethanol on the genetic and metabolic diversity of denitrifying communities in activated sludge were compared using a pilot-scale plant with two parallel lines. A full-scale plant receiving the same municipal wastewater, but without external carbon source addition, was the reference. Metabolic profiles obtained from potential denitrification rates with 10 electron donors showed that the denitrifying communities altered their preferences for certain compounds after supplementation with methanol or ethanol and that methanol had the greater impact. Clone libraries of nirK and nirS genes, encoding the two different nitrite reductases in denitrifiers, revealed that methanol also increased the diversity of denitrifiers of the nirS type, which indicates that denitrifiers favored by methanol were on the rise in the community. This suggests that there might be a niche differentiation between nirS and nirK genotypes during activated sludge processes. The composition of nirS genotypes also varied greatly among all samples, whereas the nirK communities were more stable. The latter was confirmed by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis of nirK communities on all sampling occasions. Our results support earlier hypotheses that the compositions of denitrifier communities change during predenitrification processes when external carbon sources are added, although no severe effect could be observed from an operational point of view.  相似文献   
Corpora allata (CA) from adult egg-carrying Indian stick insects, Carausius morosus, synthesise and release juvenile hormone (JH) III in vitro. No JH biosynthesis was observed in larvae, young adults, and old adult females that do not carry sclerotised eggs. In females, which bear sclerotised eggs, a consistent JH biosynthesis was observed. Supplementation of precursors of JH biosynthesis (farnesol, mevalonic acid lactone) greatly enhanced JH biosynthesis in a stage-, age-, and dose-dependent manner, but CA from the last larval instar retained the biosynthesised JH within the gland. Elevated calcium concentration in the incubation medium stimulated JH biosynthesis by CA from older adults but had either no or a poor effect on CA from young adults and larvae. The results obtained with farnesol, mevalonic acid lactone, and calcium indicate that the rate-limiting steps of JH biosynthesis very likely occur before the formation of mevalonic acid and that these early steps cannot be stimulated by elevated calcium concentrations in larvae and young adults. In older adults, in which spontaneous JH biosynthesis occurs, elevated calcium concentration can markedly stimulate JH biosynthesis. A pre-purified extract from brains of adult females had a stimulating effect on JH biosynthesis by CA from adult females. The results indicate that JH biosynthesis in C. morosus may require food-derived farnesol and may be regulated by allatotropic signals from the brain, possibly triggered by sclerotised oocytes in the ovary.  相似文献   
In tobacco, the heavy metal P1B‐ATPases HMA4.1 and HMA4.2 function in root‐to‐shoot zinc and cadmium transport. We present greenhouse and field data that dissect the possibilities to impact the two homeologous genes in order to define the best strategy for leaf cadmium reduction. In a first step, both genes were silenced using an RNAi approach leading to >90% reduction of leaf cadmium content. To modulate HMA4 function more precisely, mutant HMA4.1 and HMA4.2 alleles of a Targeting Induced Local Lesions IN Genomes (TILLING) population were combined. As observed with RNAi plants, knockout of both homeologs decreased cadmium root‐to‐shoot transfer by >90%. Analysis of plants with segregating null and wild‐type alleles of both homeologs showed that one functional HMA4 allele is sufficient to maintain wild‐type cadmium levels. Plant development was affected in HMA4 RNAi and double knockout plants that included retarded growth, necrotic lesions, altered leaf morphology and increased water content. The combination of complete functional loss (nonsense mutation) in one homeologous HMA4 gene and the functional reduction in the other HMA4 gene (missense mutation) is proposed as strategy to limit cadmium leaf accumulation without developmental effects.  相似文献   
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