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The fliC and fljB genes in Salmonella code for the phase 1 (H1) and phase 2 (H2) flagellin respectively, the rfb cluster encodes the majority of enzymes for polysaccharide (O) antigen biosynthesis, together they determine the antigenic profile by which Salmonella are identified. Sequencing and characterisation of fliC was performed in the development of a molecular serotyping technique.  相似文献   
Within the tribe Stenodermatini the systematics of the complex of species allied with the genus Artibeus has generated several alternative phylogenetic hypotheses. The most recent treatment recognized four genera (Artibeus, Dermanura, Enchisthenes, and Koopmania) and suggested that the most recent common ancestor of these four genera would include the common ancestor of all other currently recognized Stenodermatini genera except Sturnira. To test this hypothesis, we examined an EcoRI-defined nuclear satellite DNA repeat and 402 bp of DNA sequence variation from the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene. Phylogenetic conclusions based on Southern blot analyses, in situ hybridization, and mitochondrial DNA sequence data indicate that Enchisthenes is not closely related to Dermanura, Artibeus, or Koopmania and that Dermanura, Artibeus, and Koopmania shared a common ancestor after diverging from the remainder of the Stenodermatini. If our conclusions are correct, then justification for recognizing Dermanura and Koopmania as generically distinct from Artibeus must be based on the magnitude of difference that distinguishes each rather than on the conclusion that to place them as congeneric with Artibeus creates a paraphyletic taxon.   相似文献   
Multidimensional heteronuclear NMR studies have been applied to the resonance assignment and conformational analysis of 13C-enriched Neu5Acalpha2-3Galbeta1-4Glc. It is demonstrated that three-dimensional ROESY-HSQC experiments provide through-space distance restraints which cannot be observed with conventional homonuclear 1H techniques due to resonance overlap. In particular, connectivities demonstrating the existence of the "anti" conformation about the Galbeta1-4Glc glycosidic linkage are unambiguously observed. It is shown that 13C isotopic enrichment of the trisaccharide at a level >95% enables straightforward measurement of trans-glycosidic 1H-13C and 13C-13C coupling constants and a Karplus-type relation is derived for the latter. In total 15 conformational restraints were obtained for the trisaccharide in aqueous solution, all of which were in excellent agreement with theoretical parameters computed from a 5 ns molecular dynamics simulation of the glycan.   相似文献   
Arthropodan hemocyanins, prophenoloxidases (PPOs), and insect hexamerins form a superfamily of hemolymph proteins that we propose to call the AHPH superfamily. The evolutionary and functional relationships of these proteins are illuminated by a new embryonic hemolymph protein (EHP) that is expressed during early stages of development in the grasshopper embryo. EHP is a 78-kDa soluble protein present initially in the yolk sac content, and later in the embryonic hemolymph. Protein purification and peptide sequencing were used to identify an embryonic cDNA clone coding for EHP. In situ hybridization identifies hemocytes as EHP-expressing cells. As deduced from the cDNA clone, EHP is a secreted protein with two potential glycosylation sites. Sequence analysis defines EHP as a member of the AHPH superfamily. Phylogenetic analyses with all the currently available AHPH proteins, including EHP, were performed to ascertain the evolutionary history of this protein superfamily. We used both the entire protein sequence and each of the three domains present in the AHPH proteins. The phylogenies inferred for each of the domains suggest a mosaic evolution of these protein modules. Phylogenetic and multivariate analyses consistently group EHP with crustacean hemocyanins and, less closely, with insect hexamerins, relative to cheliceratan hemocyanins and PPOs. The grasshopper protein rigorously preserves the residues involved in oxygen binding, oligomerization, and allosteric regulation of the oxygen transport proteins. Although insects were thought not to have hemocyanins, we propose that EHP functions as an oxygen transport or storage protein during embryonic development.   相似文献   
Alcohol dehydrogenase genes were amplified by PCR, cloned, and sequenced from 11 putative nonhybrid species of the angiosperm genus Paeonia. Sequences of five exons and six intron regions of the Adh gene were used to reconstruct the phylogeny of these species. Two paralogous genes, Adh1A, and Adh2, were found; an additional gene, Adh1B, is also present in section Moutan. Phylogenetic analyses of exon sequences of the Adh genes of Paeonia and a variety of other angiosperms imply that duplication of Adh1 and Adh2 occurred prior to the divergence of Paeonia species and was followed by a duplication resulting in Adh1A and Adh1B. Concerted evolution appears to be absent between these paralogous loci. Phylogenetic analysis of only the Paeonia Adh exon sequences, positioning the root of the tree between the paralogous genes Adh1 and Adh2, suggests that the first evolutionary split within the genus occurred between the shrubby section Moutan and the other two herbaceous sections Oneapia and Paeonia. Restriction of Adh1B genes to section Moutan may have resulted from deletion of Adh1B from the common ancestor of sections Oneapia and Paeonia. A relative-rate test was designed to compare rates of molecular change among lineages based on the divergence of paralogous genes, and the results indicate a slower rate of evolution within the shrubby section Moutan than in section Oneapia. This may be responsible for the relatively long branch length of section Oneapia and the short branch length between section Moutan and the other two sections found on the Adh, ITS (nrDNA), and matK (cpDNA) phylogenies of the genus. Adh1 and Adh2 intron sequences cannot be aligned, and we therefore carried out separate analyses of Adh1A and Adh2 genes using exon and intron sequences together. The Templeton test suggested that there is not significant incongruence among Adh1A, ITS, and matK data sets, but that these three data sets conflict significantly with Adh2 sequence data. A combined analysis of Adh1A, ITS, and matK sequences produced a tree that is better resolved than that of any individual gene, and congruent with morphology and the results of artificial hybridization. It is therefore considered to be the current best estimate of the species phylogeny. Paraphyly of section Paeonia in the Adh2 gene tree may be caused by longer coalescence times and random sorting of ancestral alleles.   相似文献   

Key message

Nitrogen levels can modulate the effectiveness of clubroot resistance in an isolate- and host-specific manner. While the same QTL were detected under high and low nitrogen, their effects were altered.


Clubroot, caused by Plasmodiophora brassicae, is one of the most damaging diseases of oilseed rape and is known to be affected by nitrogen fertilization. However, the genetic factors involved in clubroot resistance have not been characterized under nitrogen-limiting conditions. This study aimed to assess the variability of clubroot resistance under different nitrogen levels and to characterize the impact of nitrogen supply on genetic resistance factors. Linkage analyses and a genome-wide association study were conducted to detect QTL for clubroot resistance and evaluate their sensitivity to nitrogen. The clubroot response of a set of 92 diverse oilseed rape accessions and 108 lines derived from a cross between ‘Darmor-bzh’ (resistant) and ‘Yudal’ (susceptible) was studied in the greenhouse under high- and low-nitrogen conditions, following inoculation with the P. brassicae isolates eH and K92-16. Resistance to each isolate was controlled by a major QTL and a few small-effects QTL. While the same QTL were detected under both high and low nitrogen, their effects were altered. Clubroot resistance to isolate eH, but not K92-16, was greater under a low-N supply versus a high-N supply. New sources of resistance were found among the oilseed rape accessions under both low and high-N conditions. The results are discussed relative to the literature and from a crop improvement perspective.


The secondary genepool of our modern cultivated potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) consists of a large number of tuber-bearing wild Solanum species under Solanum section Petota. One of the major taxonomic problems in section Petota is that the series classification (as put forward by Hawkes) is problematic and the boundaries of some series are unclear. In addition, the classification has received only partial cladistic support in all molecular studies carried out to date.  相似文献   
目的: 由于传统呼吸调控环路忽略了对血液循环的决定性作用,肺(静脉)血管容量相关研究甚少,亟需建立肺血管容量测量方法。方法: 选择正常志愿者完成CT全肺扫描,图像数据经过计算机软件分析处理,从肺尖到肺底以40~50层进行肺野手工切划,相邻层间由计算机自动模拟连接,在去除干扰后进行全肺血管(≥0.6 mm)高精度三维立体成像技术处理,进而计算全肺和肺血管容积。结果: 12例正常志愿者从肺尖到肺底CT扫描图片层数为530±98(431~841)张。全肺和肺血管的总容积是3705±857(2398~5383)ml ,肺血管血液总的容积是125±32(94~201)ml。按肺静脉系统血管容量约为全肺血管血液容量一半计算,应该是63±16(47~100)ml。结论: 肺CT扫描数据分析三维立体成像建立肺血管容量无创测量方法精确可行。  相似文献   
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