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Ultrastructural and molecular phylogenetic evidence indicate that the Parabasalia consists of seven main subgroups: the Trichomonadida, Honigbergiellida, Hypotrichomonadida, Tritrichomonadida, Cristamonadida, Spirotrichonymphida, and Trichonymphida. Only five species of free-living parabasalids are known: Monotrichomonas carabina, Ditrichomonas honigbergii, Honigbergiella sp., Tetratrichomonas undula, and Pseudotrichomonas keilini. Phylogenetic analyses show that free-living species do not form a clade and instead branch in several different positions within the context of their parasitic relatives. Because the diversity of free-living parabasalids is poorly understood, the systematics of these lineages is in a significant state of disarray. In order to better understand the phylogenetic distribution of free-living parabasalids, we sequenced the small subunit rDNA from three different strains reminiscent of P. keilini; the strains were isolated from different geographical locations: (1) mangrove sediments in Japan and (2) sediments in Cyprus. These data demonstrated that the free-living parabasalids P. keilini and Lacusteria cypriaca n. g., n. sp., form a paraphyletic assemblage near the origin of a clade consisting mostly of parasitic trichomonadids (e.g. Trichomonas vaginalis). This paraphyletic distribution of similar morphotypes indicates that free-living trichomonadids represent a compelling example of morphostasis that provides insight into the suite of features present in the most recent free-living ancestor of their parasitic relatives.  相似文献   
The current study was carried out to test the potential of a new nanomaterial (Spago Pix) as a macromolecular magnetic MR contrast agent for tumor detection and to verify the presence of nanomaterial in tumor tissue. Spago Pix, synthesized by Spago Nanomedical AB, is a nanomaterial with a globular shape, an average hydrodynamic diameter of 5 nm, and a relaxivity (r1) of approximately 30 (mM Mn)−1 s−1 (60 MHz). The material consists of an organophosphosilane hydrogel with strongly chelated manganese (II) ions and a covalently attached PEG surface layer. In vivo MRI of the MMTV-PyMT breast cancer model was performed on a 3 T clinical scanner. Tissues were thereafter analyzed for manganese and silicon content using inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES). The presence of nanomaterial in tumor and muscle tissue was assessed using an anti-PEG monoclonal antibody. MR imaging of tumor-bearing mice (n = 7) showed a contrast enhancement factor of 1.8 (tumor versus muscle) at 30 minutes post-administration. Contrast was retained and further increased 2–4 hours after administration. ICP-AES and immunohistochemistry confirmed selective accumulation of nanomaterial in tumor tissue. A blood pharmacokinetics analysis showed that the concentration of Spago Pix gradually decreased over the first hour, which was in good agreement with the time frame in which the accumulation in tumor occurred. In summary, we demonstrate that Spago Pix selectively enhances MR tumor contrast in a clinically relevant animal model. Based on the generally higher vascular leakiness in malignant compared to benign tissue lesions, Spago Pix has the potential to significantly improve cancer diagnosis and characterization by MRI.  相似文献   
A new marine benthic, sand‐dwelling Prorocentrum species from the temperate region of the Pacific coast of British Columbia, Canada, is described using LM and EM and molecular phylogenetic analyses. The cells have a broad oval shape, 40.0–55.0 μm long and 30.0–47.5 μm wide, and a wide U‐shaped periflagellar area on the right thecal plate. The left thecal plate consists of a straighter apical outline in the form of a raised ridge. Five to six delicate apical spines in the center of the periflagellar area are present. The nucleus is located in the posterior region of the cell, and a conspicuous pusule is located in the anterior region of the cell. The cells have golden‐brown chloroplasts with a compound, intrachloroplast pyrenoid that lacks a starch sheath. The thecal plates are smooth with round pores of two different sizes. The larger pores are arranged in a specific pattern of radial rows that are evenly spaced around the plate periphery and of irregular rows (or double rows) that form an incomplete “V” at the apical end of the plates. Large pores are absent in the center of the left and right thecal plates. The intercalary band is striated transversely and also has faint horizontal striations. Trichocysts and two types of mucocysts are present. The molecular phylogenetic position of Prorocentrum tsawwassenense sp. nov. was inferred using SSU rDNA sequences. This new species branched with high support in a Prorocentrum clade containing both benthic and planktonic species.  相似文献   
Plant functional traits provide a link in process‐based vegetation models between plant‐level physiology and ecosystem‐level responses. Recent advances in physiological understanding and computational efficiency have allowed for the incorporation of plant hydraulic processes in large‐scale vegetation models. However, a more mechanistic representation of water limitation that determines ecosystem responses to plant water stress necessitates a re‐evaluation of trait‐based constraints for plant carbon allocation, particularly allocation to leaf area. In this review, we examine model representations of plant allocation to leaves, which is often empirically set by plant functional type‐specific allometric relationships. We analyze the evolution of the representation of leaf allocation in models of different scales and complexities. We show the impacts of leaf allocation strategy on plant carbon uptake in the context of recent advancements in modeling hydraulic processes. Finally, we posit that deriving allometry from first principles using mechanistic hydraulic processes is possible and should become standard practice, rather than using prescribed allometries. The representation of allocation as an emergent property of scarce resource constraints is likely to be critical to representing how global change processes impact future ecosystem dynamics and carbon fluxes and may reduce the number of poorly constrained parameters in vegetation models.  相似文献   
Herdmania litoralis is a heterotrophic, sand-dwelling dinoflagellate with morphological characters that do not provide clear evidence for its systematic position in any existing family of dinoflagellates. Protoperidinium minutum is a heterotrophic, planktonic species that has a typical tabulation for the genus Protoperidinium. In order to infer the phylogenetic positions of these two species more confidently, we characterized the thecal plate patterns and determined small-subunit and large-subunit ribosomal DNA sequences (SSU rDNA and LSU rDNA, respectively) from both species. Intraindividual and intraspecific diversity of SSU and LSU rDNA data were characterized in H. litoralis using a combination of single-cell PCR approaches and analyses of PCR clones derived from multi-cell DNA extractions. The results of the molecular phylogenetic analyses demonstrated a novel, well-supported clade comprising both sand-dwelling species (H. litoralis and Thecadinium dragescoi) and planktonic species (P. minutum). Because the establishment of this clade also demonstrated that P. minutum is not a member of Protoperidinium, we reinstated and emended the genus Archaeperidinium Jörgensen 1912 Jörgensen, E. 1912. Bericht über die von der schwedischen hydrographisch-biologischen Kommission in den schwedischen Gewässern in den Jahren 1909–10 eingesammelten Planktonproben. Svenska Hydrograph.-Biol. Komm. Skr., 4: 120.  [Google Scholar].  相似文献   
A distinct subgroup of euglenozoans, referred to as the ‘Symbiontida,'' has been described from oxygen-depleted and sulfidic marine environments. By definition, all members of this group carry epibionts that are intimately associated with underlying mitochondrion-derived organelles beneath the surface of the hosts. We have used molecular phylogenetic and ultrastructural evidence to identify the rod-shaped epibionts of the two members of this group, Calkinsia aureus and B.bacati, hand-picked from the sediments of two separate oxygen-depleted, sulfidic environments. We identify their epibionts as closely related sulfur or sulfide-oxidizing members of the epsilon proteobacteria. The epsilon proteobacteria generally have a significant role in deep-sea habitats as primary colonizers, primary producers and/or in symbiotic associations. The epibionts likely fulfill a role in detoxifying the immediate surrounding environment for these two different hosts. The nearly identical rod-shaped epibionts on these two symbiontid hosts provides evidence for a co-evolutionary history between these two sets of partners. This hypothesis is supported by congruent tree topologies inferred from 18S and 16S rDNA from the hosts and bacterial epibionts, respectively. The eukaryotic hosts likely serve as a motile substrate that delivers the epibionts to the ideal locations with respect to the oxic/anoxic interface, whereby their growth rates can be maximized, perhaps also allowing the host to cultivate a food source. Because symbiontid isolates and additional small subunit rDNA gene sequences from this clade have now been recovered from many locations worldwide, the Symbiontida are likely more widespread and diverse than presently known.  相似文献   
Terrestrial photosynthesis is the largest and one of the most uncertain fluxes in the global carbon cycle. We find that near‐infrared reflectance of vegetation (NIRV), a remotely sensed measure of canopy structure, accurately predicts photosynthesis at FLUXNET validation sites at monthly to annual timescales (R2 = 0.68), without the need for difficult to acquire information about environmental factors that constrain photosynthesis at short timescales. Scaling the relationship between gross primary production (GPP) and NIRV from FLUXNET eddy covariance sites, we estimate global annual terrestrial photosynthesis to be 147 Pg C/year (95% credible interval 131–163 Pg C/year), which falls between bottom‐up GPP estimates and the top‐down global constraint on GPP from oxygen isotopes. NIRV‐derived estimates of GPP are systematically higher than existing bottom‐up estimates, especially throughout the midlatitudes. Progress in improving estimated GPP from NIRV can come from improved cloud screening in satellite data and increased resolution of vegetation characteristics, especially details about plant photosynthetic pathway.  相似文献   
The immunoglobulin κ genes of nonhuman primates were studied by using sequence information and hybridization probes derived from the human κ gene regions. The following results were obtained: (1) Vκ gene probes of the three major human κ subgroups hybridized to restriction nuclease digests of DNA from the chimpanzees Pan troglodytes (PTR) and Pan paniscus (PPA), the gorilla Gorilla gorilla (GGO), the orangutan Pongo pygmaeus (PPY), the macaque Macaca mulatta (MMU), the marmoset Callithrix geoffrei (CGE), and the bushbaby Galago demidovii (GDE), yielding patterns of decreasing similarity to the patterns of the human Vκ multigene family. (2) The Cκ gene segments of PTR, GGO, and PPY were 99.6, 97, and 93%, respectively, identical in sequence to the human Cκ gene. A Vκ gene in PTR, GGO, PPY, and MMU was 98, 96, 96, and 95%, respectively, identical to the most Cκ proximal Vκ gene, called B3. The other two Jκ---Cκ proximal Vκ genes in human, B1 and B2, hybridize to restriction fragments of sizes identical to that of DNA from humans and great apes. (3) The long-range restriction maps of the human (HSA), PTR, and GGO κ loci as established by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) are quite homologous. According to the maps, however, and to hybridization studies with 11 duplication-differentiating probes, there is only one copy of the locus in PTR and GGO. This means that the duplication of large parts of the κ locus as found in humans occurred after the branch-point of human and great ape evolution. Despite the high similarity in structural details, the κ locus of the chimpanzee probably comprises only about half as many Vκ genes as the human κ locus. (4) Comparative PFGE experiments indicate that a Vκ-orphon region on the long arm of chromosome 2 (cos108) was translocated by a pericentric inversion that occurred after the separation of the GGO and PPY from the HSA and PTR clades.  相似文献   
Streptococcus pyogenes, also known as Group A Streptococcus (GAS), is an important human bacterial pathogen that can cause invasive infections. Once it colonizes its exclusively human host, GAS needs to surmount numerous innate immune defense mechanisms, including opsonization by complement and consequent phagocytosis. Several strains of GAS bind to human-specific complement inhibitors, C4b-binding protein (C4BP) and/or Factor H (FH), to curtail complement C3 (a critical opsonin) deposition. This results in diminished activation of phagocytes and clearance of GAS that may lead to the host being unable to limit the infection. Herein we describe the course of GAS infection in three human complement inhibitor transgenic (tg) mouse models that examined each inhibitor (human C4BP or FH) alone, or the two inhibitors together (C4BPxFH or ‘double’ tg). GAS infection with strains that bound C4BP and FH resulted in enhanced mortality in each of the three transgenic mouse models compared to infection in wild type mice. In addition, GAS manifested increased virulence in C4BPxFH mice: higher organism burdens and greater elevations of pro-inflammatory cytokines and they died earlier than single transgenic or wt controls. The effects of hu-C4BP and hu-FH were specific for GAS strains that bound these inhibitors because strains that did not bind the inhibitors showed reduced virulence in the ‘double’ tg mice compared to strains that did bind; mortality was also similar in wild-type and C4BPxFH mice infected by non-binding GAS. Our findings emphasize the importance of binding of complement inhibitors to GAS that results in impaired opsonization and phagocytic killing, which translates to enhanced virulence in a humanized whole animal model. This novel hu-C4BPxFH tg model may prove invaluable in studies of GAS pathogenesis and for developing vaccines and therapeutics that rely on human complement activation for efficacy.  相似文献   
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