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Du  J; Bradley  RM 《Chemical senses》1998,23(6):683-688
Responses of acutely isolated neurons from the rostral nucleus of the solitary tract (rNST) to GABA receptor agonists and antagonists were investigated using whole-cell recording in current clamp mode. The isolated neurons retain their morphology and can be divided into multipolar, elongate and ovoid cell types. Most rNST neurons (97%), including all three cell types, respond to GABA with membrane hyperpolarization and a reduction in input resistance. The GABA(A) receptor agonist muscimol reduces neuronal input resistance in a concentration-dependent manner, whereas the GABA(B) receptor agonist baclofen had no effect on any of the neurons tested. The GABA and muscimol reversal potentials were both found to be -75 mV Both the GABA competitive antagonist picrotoxin and the GABA(A) receptor antagonist bicuculline block the effect of GABA in a concentration-dependent manner. These results suggest that GABA activates all neurons in the rNST and that inhibitory synaptic activity is important in brainstem processing of gustatory and somatosensory information.   相似文献   
Chemoreceptor cells in the vomeronasal and olfactory epithelium are replaced following experimentally induced degeneration. This study analyzes quantitatively the time course and degree of vomeronasal receptor cell replacement. Unilateral transection of the vomeronasal nerves in adult hamster was used to induce a retrograde degeneration of receptor cells in the vomeronasal organ. Histological measurement of both number of receptor cells and epithelial thickness were made for recovery times from 0 to 60 days. After nerve transection, there was a gradual degeneration of receptor cells, the number decreasing to 50% of control by day 2 and 16% by day 6. During days 7-15 maximum receptor cell replacement was observed. Cell number increased rapidly and reached a peak on day 15. At recovery times of 40-60 days, cell number returned to the control level. Epithelial thickness, however, decreased to 60-70% during the degeneration period (days 4-6) and did not return to control levels. After 40-60 days epithelial thickness remained at 70% of control. These results demonstrate that vomeronasal receptor cells are replaced following degeneration, but epithelial thickness does not return to control levels. These findings suggest that the number of replacement cells is not limited by the reduced thickness of the epithelium, and that recovery mechanisms may function to restore an optimum number of receptor cells.   相似文献   
1 The feeding behaviour of Hylastes ater was investigated at 15 °C and 20 °C on a range of tree species. The role of an aggregation pheromone and the part played by olfactory cues in food selection was also investigated. 2 A distinct hierarchical preference at both 15 °C and 20 °C such that Pinus radiata > Pinus sylvestris > > Picea abies > > Rubus fruticosus=Betula pendula was shown. 3 Feeding on P. sylvestris led to the highest weight gain, closely followed by P. radiata and P. abies. Slightly elevated feeding was observed at 20 °C compared with 15 °C. 4 Reduced feeding in the presence of B. pendula suggests the possibility of an antifeedant effect and predamaged wood was found to be less nutritious, possibly due to greater plant defences. 5 The role of an aggregation pheromone was not supported. Olfactory cues enabled the detection of woody hosts, although differentiation between host was not observed. 6 These results are likely to be important in helping to design an effective integrated control approach against this pest.  相似文献   
The concentration of plasmid pBR322 DNA in nonculturable Escherichia coli JM83 was measured to determine whether the plasmid concentration changed during survival of E. coli in marine and estuarine water. E. coli JM83 containing the plasmid pBR322 was placed in both sterile seawater and sterile estuarine water and analyzed for survival (i.e., culturability) and plasmid maintenance. The concentration of pBR322 DNA remained stable in E. coli JM83 for 28 days in an artificial seawater microcosm, even though nonculturability was achieved within 7 days. E. coli JM83 incubated in sterile natural seawater or sterile estuarine water did not reach nonculturability within 30 days. Under all three conditions, plasmid pBR322 DNA was maintained at approximately the initial concentration. Cloning of DNA into the plasmid pUC8 did not alter the ability of E. coli to maintain vector plasmid DNA, even when the culture was in the nonculturable state, but the concentration of plasmid DNA decreased with time in the microcosm. We conclude that E. coli is able to maintain plasmid DNA while in the nonculturable state and that the concentration at which the plasmid is maintained appears to be dependent upon the copy number of the plasmid and/or the presence of foreign DNA.  相似文献   
Crystals of a fragment of human fibronectin encompassing the 7th through the RGD-containing 10th type III repeats (FN7–10) have been produced with protein expressed in E. coli. The crystals are monoclinic with one molecule in the asymmetric unit and diffract to beyond 2.0 Å Bragg spacings. A mutant FN7–10 was produced in which three methionines, in addition to the single native methionine already present, have been introduced by site-directed mutagenesis. Diffraction-quality crystals of this mutant protein have been grown in which methionine was replaced with selenomethionine. The introduction of methionine by site-directed mutagenesis to allow phasing from selenomethionyl-substituted crystals is shown to be feasible by this example and is proposed as a general approach to solving the crystallographic phase problem. Strategies for selecting propitious sites for methionine mutations are discussed. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
In research on 167 post-hospitalized older people, thirty individuals were described by their families as being senile. In comparisons of the behaviorally impaired with those who have only a physical condition, it was found that the behaviorally impaired were significantly more likely to be placed in a nursing home than were those with serious physical impairment. In this sub-group, the family also was much more likely to seek-out health professionals for advice in the disposition of the patient, although mental health professionals were rarely consulted. Through a case study analysis, we analyze the interactions between the patients, their families and the health professions as a three-stage process where the patient's behaviors become increasingly specified and elaborated. As a result behaviors formerly tolerated become a formal problem where the solution is likely to be institutionalization.  相似文献   
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