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A barley mutant RPr84/90 has been isolated by selecting for plants which grow poorly in natural air, but normally in air enriched to 0.8% CO2. After 5 minutes of photosynthesis in air containing14CO2 this mutant incorporated 26% of the14C carbon into phosphoglycollate, a compound not normally labelled in wild type (cv. Maris Mink) leaves.The activity of phosphoglycollate phosphatase (EC was 1.2 nkat mg–1 protein at 30°C in RPr 84/90 compared to 19.2 nkat mg–1 protein in the wild-type leaves. Phosphoglycollate phosphatase activity was not detected after protein separation by electrophoresis of leaf extracts from the mutant on polyacrylamide gels; on linear 5% acrylamide gels three bands with enzyme activity were separated from extracts of wild type plants. Gradient gel electrophoresis followed by activity staining showed two bands in Maris Mink tracks of MW 86,000 and 96,000, but no bands in 84/90. This is the first report of isozymes of phosphoglycollate phosphatase in barley which were absent in the mutant extracts. Our results confirm an earlier report of isozymes of this phosphatase in Phaseolus vulgaris [18].The photosynthetic rate of RPr 84/90 in 1% O2, 350 l CO2 l–1 was 9–12 mg CO2 dm–2 h–1 at 20°C, whereas the wild-type rate was 27–29 mg CO2 dm–2 h–1 at 20°C. In 21% O2, 350 l CO2 l–1 the rate was 2–3 mg CO2 dm–2 h–1 in the mutant and 20 mg CO2 dm–2 h–1 in the wild type.Genetic analysis has shown that the mutation segregates as a single recessive nuclear gene.  相似文献   
Five mutant lines of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), which are only able to grow at elevated levels of CO2, contain less than 5% of the wild-type activity of ferredoxin-dependent glutamate synthase (EC Two of these lines (RPr 82/1 and RPr 82/9) have been studied in detail. Leaves and roots of both lines contain normal activities of NADH-dependent glutamate synthase (EC and the other enzymes of ammonia assimilation. Under conditions that minimise photorespiration, both mutants fix CO2 at normal rates; on transfer to air, the rates drop rapidly to 15% of the wild-type. Incorporation of 14CO2 into sugar phosphates and glycollate is increased under such conditions, whilst incorporation of radioactivity into serine, glycine, glycerate and sucrose is decreased; continuous exposure to air leads to an accumulation of 14C in malate. The concentrations of malate, glutamine, asparagine and ammonia are all high in air, whilst aspartate, alanine, glutamate, glycine and serine are low, by comparison with the wild-type parent line (cv. Maris Mink), under the same conditions. The metabolism of [14C]glutamate and [14C]glutamine by leaves of the mutants indicates a very much reduced ability to convert glutamine to glutamate. Genetic analysis has shown that the mutation in RPr 82/9 segregates as a single recessive nuclear gene.Abbreviations GDH glutamate dehydrogenase (EC - GS glutamine synthetase (EC - RuBP ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate  相似文献   
Mitochondrial structure has been examined in three dimensions using high-resolution scanning electron microscopy in cells from rat liver, retina (photoreceptors and retinal pigment epithelium), and kidney (proximal convoluted tubular cells and podocytes). Tissues were prepared by aldehyde-osmium fixation and freeze cleavage using a cryoprotectant, followed by removal of the cytosol by immersion in a dilute osmium tetroxide solution. The microscope used (Hitachi S-570) was equipped with a secondary electron detector located in the column above the specimen, situated within the objective lens. Mitochondria in all tissues examined were found to have only tubular cristae, which in some instances could be seen to span the entire diameter of the organelle. The walls of the tubular cristae, when unfractured, were in contact with the inner mitochondrial membrane; and their lumens were open to the intermembranous space. We hypothesize that in cells of many, perhaps most tissues, mitochondrial cristae are not shelf-like but are, in fact, tubes which span the mitochondrial matrix and are continuous with the inner mitochondrial membrane at both ends.  相似文献   
Manipulation of the CO2 concentration of the atmosphere allows the selection of photorespiratory mutants from populations of seeds treated with powerful mutagens such as sodium azide. So far, barley lines deficient in activity of phosphoglycolate phosphatase, catalase, the glycine to serine conversion, glutamine synthetase, glutamate synthase, 2-oxoglutarate uptake and serine: glyoxylate aminotransferase have been isolated. In addition one line of pea lacking glutamate synthase activity and one barley line containing reduced levels of Rubisco are available. The characteristics of these mutations are described and compared with similar mutants isolated from populations of Arabidopsis. As yet, no mutant lacking glutamine synthetase activity has been isolated from Arabidopsis and possible reasons for this difference between barley and Arabidopsis are discussed. The value of these mutant plants in the elucidation of the mechanism of photorespiration and its relationships with CO2 fixation and amino acid metabolism are highlighted.Abbreviations GS cytoplasmic glutamine synthetase - GS2 chloroplastic glutamine synthetase - PFR Photon fluence rate - Rubisco Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase - RuBP Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate - SGAT serine:glyoxylate aminotransferase  相似文献   
We have determined the 1.8 Å X-ray crystal structure of nonlipidated (i.e., N-terminally truncated) nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae (NTHi; H. influenzae) protein D. Protein D exists on outer membranes of H. influenzae strains and acts as a virulence factor that helps invade human cells. Protein D is a proven successful antigen in animal models to treat obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and otitis media (OM), and when conjugated to polysaccharides also has been used as a carrier molecule for human vaccines, for example in GlaxoSmithKline Synflorix™. NTHi protein D shares high sequence and structural identify to the Escherichia coli (E. coli) glpQ gene product (GlpQ). E. coli GlpQ is a glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase (GDPD) with a known dimeric structure in the Protein Structural Database, albeit without an associated publication. We show here that both structures exhibit similar homodimer organization despite slightly different crystal lattices. Additionally, we have observed both the presence of weak dimerization and the lack of dimerization in solution during size exclusion chromatography (SEC) experiments yet have distinctly observed dimerization in native mass spectrometry analyses. Comparison of NTHi protein D and E. coli GlpQ with other homologous homodimers and monomers shows that the E. coli and NTHi homodimer interfaces are distinct. Despite this distinction, NTHi protein D and E. coli GlpQ possess a triose-phosphate isomerase (TIM) barrel domain seen in many of the other homologs. The active site of NTHi protein D is located near the center of this TIM barrel. A putative glycerol moiety was modeled in two different conformations (occupancies) in the active site of our NTHi protein D structure and we compared this to ligands modeled in homologous structures. Our structural analysis should aid in future efforts to determine structures of protein D bound to substrates, analog intermediates, and products, to fully appreciate this reaction scheme and aiding in future inhibitor design.  相似文献   
The Caenorhabditis elegans vit genes, encoding vitellogenins, are abundantly expressed in the adult hermaphrodite intestine. Two repeated elements, vit promoter element 1 (VPE1 [TGTCAAT]) and VPE2 (CTGATAA), have been identified in the 5' flanking DNA of each of the vit genes of C. elegans and Caenorhabditis briggsae. These elements have previously been shown to be needed for correctly regulated expression of a vit-2/vit-6 fusion gene in low-copy-number, integrated transgenes. Here we extend the analysis of the function of VPE1 and VPE2 by using transgenic lines carrying large, extrachromosomal arrays of the test genes. The results validate the use of such arrays for transgenic analysis of gene regulation in C. elegans, by confirming previous findings showing that the VPE1 at -45 and both VPE2s are sites of activation. Additional experiments now indicate that when the -45 VPE1 is inverted or replaced by a VPE2, nearly total loss of promoter function results, suggesting that the highly conserved -45 VPE1 plays a unique role in vit-2 promoter function. In contrast, single mutations eliminating the three upstream VPE1s are without effect. However, in combination in double and triple mutants, these upstream VPE1 mutations cause drastic reductions in expression levels. The -150 VPE2 can be replaced by a XhoI site (CTCGAG), and the -90 VPE2 can be eliminated, as long as the overlapping VPE1 is left intact, but when these two replacements are combined, activity is lost. Thus, the promoter must have at least one VPE2 and it must have at least two VPE1s, one at -45 and one additional upstream element.  相似文献   
Trypsin synthesis and secretion is induced after the female mosquito takes a blood meal. Its peak activity has been shown to be proportional to the amount and quality of food uptake. Further regulatory elements, hormones from the brain and the ovary, increase the synthethic rate of trypsin in the midgut by a factor of two. We investigated the temporal effect of removing the humoral factors by decapitation and ovariectomy. Trypsin synthesis was reduced to less than half its normal output when the operations were performed prior, or immediately after the blood meal. Postponing decapitation resulted in an increased activity. However, the dependence on hormones extended up to 14-16hrs after a meal, when maximal synthethic rates are assumed. Similarly, ovariectomy had a prolonged effect on trypsin synthesis. Finally, the lack of hormones reduced the synthetic capacity of the midgut even when small blood meals were given. We conclude that for continued efficient trypsin synthesis, humoral stimulation is necessary but is not part of the feedback mechanism that links the presence of food with the amount of trypsin secreted.  相似文献   
Human T lymphocytes were used as a model system to study the expression and roles of cAMP-dependent protein kinase isozymes (cAKI and cAKII) in cAMP-induced inhibition of cell replication. Human peripheral blood T lymphocytes expressed mRNA for the alpha-subforms (RI alpha and RII alpha) of the regulatory subunits of cAKI and cAKII and for the alpha- and beta-subforms (C alpha and C beta) of the catalytic subunits of cAK. At the protein level, RI alpha represented approximately 75% of the total R subunit activity, whereas RII alpha (phospho and dephospho forms) accounted for the remaining 25%. RII beta was not detected at either the mRNA or the protein level. The RI alpha protein was mainly (greater than 75%) cytosolic, whereas RII alpha was almost exclusively (greater than 90%) particulate associated. Treatment of proliferating T lymphocytes (activated through the CD3 cell surface marker) with 10 different cAMP analogs demonstrated that all inhibited cell replication in a concentration-dependent manner. The potency (as measured by the concentration giving 50% inhibition, IC50) of the cAMP analogs ranged from 30 microM for 8-chlorophenylthio-cAMP to 1100 microM for 8-piperidino-cAMP. A cAMP analog pair directed to activate cAKI (8-aminohexylamino-cAMP and 8-piperidino-cAMP) synergized in the inhibition of T lymphocyte proliferation, whereas a cAKII-directed cAMP analog pair (8-chlorophenylthio-cAMP and N6-benzoyl-cAMP) did not. We conclude that activation of cAKI is sufficient to inhibit T lymphocyte proliferation. The membrane-bound cAKII may mediate cAMP actions not related to cell replication.  相似文献   
Summary Fractions of bovine colostrum were prepared and their ability to support the growth of mouse-mouse hybridomas in culture was tested. Whey was prepared from defatted colostrum by removal of casein using acid precipitation. An ultrafiltrate was obtained from cleared whey by filtration through membranes with a nominal molecular mass cut-off of 100 000 Da. Colostrum ultrafiltrate contained 1.16 g/l protein, 0.24 g/l immunoglobulin G (IgG) and less than 0.24 EU (endotoxin unit)/ml endotoxins. The effect of defatted colostrum, whey and ultrafiltrate as serum substitutes was examined by cultivation of hybridoma cells in minimal essential medium containing different concentrations of the supplements. Under optimal conditions in ultrafiltrate-supplemented medium, the maximal cell concentration was 35–40% of that obtained using 10% foetal bovine serum, and IgG production per cell was equal to that achieved using serum. In 1% defatted colostrum the maximum hybridoma concentration was about 30% of that in 10% serum, but at higher concentrations hybridoma growth was significantly reduced. The growth-promoting activity of whey was low. The results show that bovine colostrum ultrafiltrate provides a very attractive alternate to serum for production of monoclonal antibodies. Correspondence to: R. Pakkanen  相似文献   
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