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Background:Previous studies have found that race is associated with emergency department triage scores, raising concerns about potential health care inequity. As part of a project on quality of care for First Nations people in Alberta, we sought to understand the relation between First Nations status and triage scores.Methods:We conducted a population-based retrospective cohort study of health administrative data from April 2012 to March 2017 to evaluate acuity of triage scores, categorized as a binary outcome of higher or lower acuity score. We developed multivariable multilevel logistic mixed-effects regression models using the levels of emergency department visit, patient (for patients with multiple visits) and facility. We further evaluated the triage of visits related to 5 disease categories and 5 specific diagnoses to better compare triage outcomes of First Nations and non–First Nations patients.Results:First Nations status was associated with lower odds of receiving higher acuity triage scores (odds ratio [OR] 0.93, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.92–0.94) compared with non–First Nations patients in adjusted models. First Nations patients had lower odds of acute triage for all 5 disease categories and for 3 of 5 diagnoses, including long bone fractures (OR 0.82, 95% CI 0.76–0.88), acute upper respiratory infection (OR 0.90, 95% CI 0.84–0.98) and anxiety disorder (OR 0.67, 95% CI 0.60–0.74).Interpretation:First Nations status was associated with lower odds of higher acuity triage scores across a number of conditions and diagnoses. This may reflect systemic racism, stereotyping and potentially other factors that affected triage assessments.

Health outcomes are markedly worse for First Nations than non–First Nations people. Although this is largely because of inequities in the social determinants of health,14 inequities in the provision of health care also exist.5,6 Emergency departments serve as a point of accessible health care. Status First Nations patients make up 4.8% of unique patients and 9.4% of emergency visits in Alberta,7 and Canadian studies describe First Nations patients’ experiences with racism when seeking emergency care.8,9Evaluating triage contributes empirically to understanding the health care of First Nations patients insofar as triage is a quantifiable, intermediate process by which systemic racism10 may influence patient outcomes. The Canadian Triage Acuity Scale11 is a 5-level scale used to classify the severity of patient symptoms. Triage nurses use a brief assessment, medical history, and presenting signs and symptoms to assign each patient a triage score that determines the priority in which the patient should be seen by a provider. Therefore, accurate triage is important for patient health outcomes.12 In practice, triage is a social interaction where local practice, biases, stereotypes and communication barriers come into play. Studies have found that women receive less acute triage scores than men,13,14 and that racial minority13,1517 and Indigenous1820 patients receive less acute triage scores than white or non-Indigenous patients. Indeed, Indigenous patients in Canada have described a perception “of social triaging in the [emergency department], whereby decisions about who is seen first seemed to them [to be] based less on triaged clinical priorities but on the social positioning of the patient.”21 Differential triage scores for minority populations raise health equity concerns.As part of a larger mixed-methods project evaluating the quality of emergency care for First Nations people in Alberta, we sought to evaluate quantitative differences in emergency visit characteristics and outcomes of First Nations and non–First Nations people in Alberta. Specifically, we aimed to estimate the relation between First Nations status and acuity of triage, and to evaluate whether predictors of acuity differ by First Nations status.  相似文献   
In vivo imaging of model organisms is heavily reliant on fluorescent proteins with high intracellular brightness. Here we describe a practical method for rapid optimization of fluorescent proteins via directed molecular evolution in cultured mammalian cells. Using this method, we were able to perform screening of large gene libraries containing up to 2 × 107 independent random genes of fluorescent proteins expressed in HEK cells, completing one iteration of directed evolution in a course of 8 days. We employed this approach to develop a set of green and near‐infrared fluorescent proteins with enhanced intracellular brightness. The developed near‐infrared fluorescent proteins demonstrated high performance for fluorescent labeling of neurons in culture and in vivo in model organisms such as Caenorhabditis elegans, Drosophila, zebrafish, and mice. Spectral properties of the optimized near‐infrared fluorescent proteins enabled crosstalk‐free multicolor imaging in combination with common green and red fluorescent proteins, as well as dual‐color near‐infrared fluorescence imaging. The described method has a great potential to be adopted by protein engineers due to its simplicity and practicality. We also believe that the new enhanced fluorescent proteins will find wide application for in vivo multicolor imaging of small model organisms.  相似文献   
Telomere integrity plays a crucial role in the capacity for continuous cell proliferation. In some circumstances, shortened telomeres contribute to cell arrest or death, but in others, shortened telomeres may actually enhance the incidence and spectrum of tumors. Resolution of this apparent paradox requires a more detailed understanding of a non-functional telomere. Recent evidence reveals that critically shortened or uncapped telomeres share molecular hallmarks of damaged DNA. It is likely that the cellular response to this DNA damage, influenced by the nature of the damage itself, affects the outcome of loss of telomere function.  相似文献   
The aim of the study was to differentiate the impact of lighting conditions and feeding times on the regulation of lipid metabolism of goats under different photoperiods throughout the year. Seven Finnish landrace goats were kept under artificial lighting that simulated the annual changes of photoperiod at 60 degrees N (the longest light period 18 h, the shortest 6 h). Ambient temperature and feeding regime were kept constant. Blood samples were collected six times a year at 2-h intervals for 2 days, first in light/dark (LD) conditions and then after 3 days in constant darkness (DD). Significant daily variations were detected in the concentrations of plasma free fatty acids (FFA) and glycerol throughout the year. The nocturnal decrease and morning rise of FFA levels were related to the photoperiod, while the trough levels of glycerol were associated with the concentrate meal times. In DD conditions, FFA and glycerol rhythms were unstable. A significant seasonal variation was detected in the overall FFA and glycerol levels suggesting decreased lipogenesis in winter, increased lipolysis in spring and high lipogenesis in summer and fall. There was no significant daily rhythm in serum leptin levels, nor did the profiles in LD and DD conditions differ. The leptin level was slightly lower in early fall than in the other seasons, paralleling a small decrease of body mass in the goats after the grazing season. The daily or annual variations of FFA and glycerol levels were not clearly related to leptin concentrations. The results suggest that lipid metabolism of goats is regulated by light even in constant temperature and feeding conditions; however, no significant contribution of leptin levels could be shown.  相似文献   
The leader RNA sequence of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) consists of a complex series of stem loop structures that are critical for viral replication. Three-dimensional structural analysis by NMR of one of these structures, the SL1 stem loop of the packaging signal region, revealed a highly conserved purine rich loop with a structure nearly identical to the Rev-binding loop of the Rev response element. Using band-shift assays, surface plasmon resonance, and further NMR analysis, we demonstrate that this loop binds Rev. HIV-1 appears to have a second Rev-binding site close to the major splice donor site that may have an additional role in the viral life cycle.  相似文献   
MRP1 belongs to subfamily "C" of the ABC transporter superfamily. The nucleotide-binding domains (NBDs) of the C family members are relatively divergent compared with many ABC proteins. They also differ in their ability to bind and hydrolyze ATP. In MRP1, NBD1 binds ATP with high affinity, whereas NBD2 is hydrolytically more active. Furthermore, ATP binding and/or hydrolysis by NBD2 of MRP1, but not NBD1, is required for MRP1 to shift from a high to low affinity substrate binding state. Little is known of the structural basis for these functional differences. One minor structural difference between NBDs is the presence of Asp COOH-terminal to the conserved core Walker B motif in NBD1, rather than the more commonly found Glu present in NBD2. We show that the presence of Asp or Glu following the Walker B motif profoundly affects the ability of the NBDs to bind, hydrolyze, and release nucleotide. An Asp to Glu mutation in NBD1 enhances its hydrolytic capacity and affinity for ADP but markedly decreases transport activity. In contrast, mutations that eliminate the negative charge of the Asp side chain have little effect. The decrease in transport caused by the Asp to Glu mutation in NBD1 is associated with an inability of MRP1 to shift from high to low affinity substrate binding states. In contrast, mutation of Glu to Asp markedly increases the affinity of NBD2 for ATP while decreasing its ability to hydrolyze ATP and to release ADP. This mutation eliminates transport activity but potentiates the conversion from a high to low affinity binding state in the presence of nucleotide. These observations are discussed in the context of catalytic models proposed for MRP1 and other ABC drug transport proteins.  相似文献   
We studied the sleep-wake behavior of mentally retarded people from late winter to early summer at 60 degrees N. During this time the daylength increased 8 h 51 min. The data were collected by observing the sleep-wake status of 293 subjects at 20-min intervals for five randomized 24h periods (= recording days). The intervals during which the individual recording days of the same order (1st, 2nd, etc.) were carried out, were called recording periods. Consequently, there were five recording periods, each containing 293 individual recording days. Even though there was overlap among the recording periods, the median daylength from one period to another increased approximately by 100 min. In the initial statistical analysis, the number of wake-sleep transitions was found to differ significantly among the five recording periods (Friedman test, p < 0.001). The mean ranks in the Friedman test suggested that the number of wake-sleep transitions was highest during the 1st and lowest during the 5th recording period. In further statistical analyses using a program for mixed effects regression analysis (MIXOR 2.0) it was found that the increase in daylength during the study period was associated with a simultaneous decrease of approximately 0.5 wake-sleep transitions in the whole study population (p < 0.001). The decrease in the number of wake-sleep transitions was significant only in the subgroups of subjects with a daylength change of more than 350 min between the 1st and 5th recording days (Wilcoxon tests, p < 0.005). This suggests that after a marked prolongation of the natural photoperiod, the reduction in sleep episodes was more probable than after smaller changes in daylength. It is concluded that the sleep of mentally retarded people living in a rehabilitation center at a northern latitude is more fragmented in winter than in early summer and that the change is related probably to the simultaneous increase in the length of the natural photoperiod. The sleep quality of persons living in institutional settings might be improved by increasing the intensity and/or duration of daily artificial light exposure during the darker seasons.  相似文献   
A mutant of the NAD-malic enzyme-type C(4) plant, Amaranthus edulis, which lacks phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) in the mesophyll cells was studied. Analysis of CO(2) response curves of photosynthesis of the mutant, which has normal Kranz anatomy but lacks a functional C(4) cycle, provided a direct means of determining the liquid phase-diffusive resistance of atmospheric CO(2) to sites of ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylation inside bundle sheath (BS) chloroplasts (r(bs)) within intact plants. Comparisons were made with excised shoots of wild-type plants fed 3,3-dichloro-2-(dihydroxyphosphinoyl-methyl)-propenoate, an inhibitor of PEPC. Values of r(bs) in A. edulis were 70 to 180 m(2) s(-1) mol(-1), increasing as the leaf matured. This is about 70-fold higher than the liquid phase resistance for diffusion of CO(2) to Rubisco in mesophyll cells of C(3) plants. The values of r(bs) in A. edulis are sufficient for C(4) photosynthesis to elevate CO(2) in BS cells and to minimize photorespiration. The calculated CO(2) concentration in BS cells, which is dependent on input of r(bs), was about 2,000 microbar under maximum rates of CO(2) fixation, which is about six times the ambient level of CO(2). High re-assimilation of photorespired CO(2) was demonstrated in both mutant and wild-type plants at limiting CO(2) concentrations, which can be explained by high r(bs). Increasing O(2) from near zero up to ambient levels under low CO(2), resulted in an increase in the gross rate of O(2) evolution measured by chlorophyll fluorescence analysis in the PEPC mutant; this increase was simulated from a Rubisco kinetic model, which indicates effective refixation of photorespired CO(2) in BS cells.  相似文献   
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