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Structural evidence of functional divergence in human alkaline phosphatases   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The evolution of the alkaline phosphatase (AP) gene family has lead to the existence in humans of one tissue-nonspecific (TNAP) and three tissue-specific isozymes, i.e. intestinal (IAP), germ cell (GCAP), and placental AP (PLAP). To define the structural differences between these isozymes, we have built models of the TNAP, IAP, and GCAP molecules based on the 1.8-structure of PLAP(1) and have performed a comparative structural analysis. We have examined the monomer-monomer interface as this area is crucial for protein stability and enzymatic activity. We found that the interface allows the formation of heterodimers among IAP, GCAP, and PLAP but not between TNAP with any of the three tissue-specific isozymes. Secondly, the active site cleft was mapped into three regions, i.e. the active site itself, the roof of the cleft, and the floor of the cleft. This analysis led to a structural fingerprint of the active site of each AP isozyme that suggests a diversification in substrate specificity for this isozyme family.  相似文献   
The apical transmembrane protein Crumbs is necessary for both cell polarization and the assembly of the zonula adherens (ZA) in Drosophila epithelia. The apical spectrin-based membrane skeleton (SBMS) is a protein network that is essential for epithelial morphogenesis and ZA integrity, and exhibits close colocalization with Crumbs and the ZA in fly epithelia. These observations suggest that Crumbs may stabilize the ZA by recruiting the SBMS to the junctional region. Consistent with this hypothesis, we report that Crumbs is necessary for the organization of the apical SBMS in embryos and Schneider 2 cells, whereas the localization of Crumbs is not affected in karst mutants that eliminate the apical SBMS. Our data indicate that it is specifically the 4.1 protein/ezrin/radixin/moesin (FERM) domain binding consensus, and in particular, an arginine at position 7 in the cytoplasmic tail of Crumbs that is essential to efficiently recruit both the apical SBMS and the FERM domain protein, DMoesin. Crumbs, Discs lost, betaHeavy-spectrin, and DMoesin are all coimmunoprecipitated from embryos, confirming the existence of a multimolecular complex. We propose that Crumbs stabilizes the apical SBMS via DMoesin and actin, leading to reinforcement of the ZA and effectively coupling epithelial morphogenesis and cell polarity.  相似文献   


To assess the efficacy and safety of percutaneous testicular biopsy to provide sperm cells for ICSI in male patients with azoospermia not amenable to surgical treatment.

Materials and methods

From October 1995 to December 2001, 175 biopsies were performed in men with azoospermia to provide material for intracytoplasmic sperm injection. Azoospermia was obstructive (OA) in 41 cases and non-obstructive (NOA) in 134 cases. Open biopsy was performed in the first 15 patients in the series and percutaneous biopsy was performed on an outpatient basis, under local anesthesia, with a Biopty Gun® (14G needle), in the subsequent patients as the first step in management. Open surgical biopsies were performed in another 15 patients following a sperm cell-negative percutaneous biopsy.


All biopsies performed for OA were positive, but only 51/134 biopsies (38%) were positive in the NOA group. The material provided by percutaneous biopsy, when positive for sperm cells, was always sufficient to perform ICSI. When percutaneous biopsy was negative, open surgical biopsy failed to give better results. Five men developed minor complications (acute hematocele) following percutaneous biopsies requiring reoperation for hemostasis (3.12%). No major complications were observed. Results were comparable in terms of fertilization and pregnancy rates whether fresh or frozen-thawed sperm was used.


Percutaneous testicular sperm extraction is a safe, well-tolerated and cost-effective procedure in the management of male-factor infertility related to azoospermia.  相似文献   
The neuromodulatory effects of dopamine on the central nervous system of craniates are mediated by two classes of G protein-coupled receptors (D1 and D2), each comprising several subtypes. A systematic isolation and characterization of the D1 and D2-like receptors was carried out in most of the Craniate groups. It revealed that two events of gene duplications took place during vertebrate evolution, before or simultaneously to the emergence of Gnathostomes. It led to the conservation of two-to-four paralogous receptors (subtypes), depending on the species. Additional duplication of dopamine receptor gene occurred independently in the teleost fish lineage. Duplicated genes were maintained in most of the vertebrate groups, certainly by the acquisition of a few functional characters, specific of each subtypes, as well as by discrete changes in their expression territories in the brain. The evolutionary scenario elaborated from these data suggests that receptor gene duplications were the necessary conditions for the expansion of vertebrate forebrain to occur, allowing dopamine systems to exert their fundamental role as modulator of the adaptive capabilities acquired by vertebrate species.  相似文献   
Current therapeutic vaccine trials in major chronic diseases including AIDS, cancer, allergy and autoimmunity, target antigenic pathogens but not the pathogenic stromal cytokines which can be major sources of histopathologic processes. Considering that the limited efficacy of these vaccines has been ascribed to local pathogen-induced cytokine dysfunction, we propose to antagonize pathogenic cytokine(s) by high affinity neutralizing auto-Abs triggered by specific anti-cytokine vaccines. As anticipated by theoretical considerations, animal experiments and initial clinical trials showed that anti-cytokine immunization was safe, well tolerated and triggered transient high titers Abs neutralizing pathogenic cytokines but, in contrast to conventional vaccines, no relevant cellular response was observed. Advantages of active versus passive anti-cytokine Ab therapy, particularly for long-term treatments, as those required in AIDS, cancer, allergy and autoimmunity include greater ease of maintaining high Ab titers, lack of anti-antibody responses and low cost.  相似文献   
AIMS: In vitro studies have suggested that fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS) and resistant starch (two fermentable non-digestible carbohydrates) display different fermentation kinetics. This study investigated whether these substrates affect the metabolic activity and bacterial composition of the intestinal microflora differently depending on the caecocolonic segment involved. METHODS AND RESULTS: Eighteen rats were fed a low-fibre diet (Basal) or the same diet containing raw potato starch (RPS) (9%) or short-chain FOS (9%) for 14 days. Changes in wet-content weights, bacterial populations and metabolites were investigated in the caecum, proximal and distal colon and faeces. Both substrates exerted a prebiotic effect compared with the Basal diet. However, FOS increased lactic acid-producing bacteria (LAPB) throughout the caecocolon and in faeces, whereas the effect of RPS was limited to the caecum and proximal colon. As compared with RPS, FOS doubled the pool of caecal fermentation products, while the situation was just the opposite distally. This difference was mainly because of the anatomical distribution of lactate, which accumulated in the caecum with FOS and in the distal colon with RPS. Faeces reflected these impacts only partly, showing the prebiotic effect of FOS and the metabolite increase induced by RPS. CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrates that FOS and RPS exert complementary caecocolonic effects. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The RPS and FOS combined ingestion could be beneficial by providing health-promoting effects throughout the caecocolon.  相似文献   
The structure of the hypothetical copper-metallochaperone CopZ from Bacillus subtilis and its predicted partner CopA have been studied but their respective contributions to copper export, -import, -sequestration and -supply are unknown. DeltacopA was hypersensitive to copper and contained more copper atoms cell(-1) than wild-type. Expression from the copA operator-promoter increased in elevated copper (not other metals), consistent with a role in copper export. A bacterial two-hybrid assay revealed in vivo interaction between CopZ and the N-terminal domain of CopA but not that of a related transporter, YvgW, involved in cadmium-resistance. Activity of copper-requiring cytochrome caa(3) oxidase was retained in deltacopZ and deltacopA. DeltacopZ was only slightly copper-hypersensitive but deltacopZ/deltacopA was more sensitive than deltacopA, implying some action of CopZ that is independent of CopA. Significantly, deltacopZ contained fewer copper atoms cell(-1) than wild-type under these conditions. CopZ makes a net contribution to copper sequestration and/or recycling exceeding any donation to CopA for export.  相似文献   
This paper reviews in detail Francisco Varela's work on subjectivity and consciousness in the biological sciences. His original approach to this "hard problem" presents a subjectivity that is radically intertwined with its biological and physical roots. It must be understood within the framework of his theory of a concrete, embodied dynamics, grounded in his general theory of autonomous systems. Through concepts and paradigms such as biological autonomy, embodiment and neurophenomenology, the article explores the multiple levels of circular causality assumed by Varela to play a fundamental role in the emergence of human experience. The concept of biological autonomy provides the necessary and sufficient conditions for characterizing biological life and identity as an emergent and circular self-producing process. Embodiment provides a systemic and dynamical framework for understanding how a cognitive self--a mind--can arise in an organism in the midst of its operational cycles of internal regulation and ongoing sensorimotor coupling. Global subjective properties can emerge at different levels from the interactions of components and can reciprocally constrain local processes through an ongoing, recursive morphodynamics. Neurophenomenology is a supplementary step in the study of consciousness. Through a rigorous method, it advocates the careful examination of experience with first-person methodologies. It attempts to create heuristic mutual constraints between biophysical data and data produced by accounts of subjective experience. The aim is to explicitly ground the active and disciplined insight the subject has about his/her experience in a biophysical emergent process. Finally, we discuss Varela's essential contribution to our understanding of the generation of consciousness in the framework of what we call his "biophysics of being."  相似文献   
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