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胰腺是一个重要的内外分泌混合腺, 胰腺发生损伤后能够再生。为了探讨胰腺活体细胞世系追踪的方法和胰腺损伤后再生细胞的来源,分别通过胰腺伤口涂抹并胰内注射、尾静脉注射及腹腔注射三种方法, 利用假型反转录病毒对成体小鼠大部分切除后胰腺的细胞进行世系追踪。结果发现在活体条件下, 与尾静脉注射及腹腔注射法相比, 胰腺伤口涂抹并胰腺内注射反转录病毒的方法能够更有效的标记胰腺细胞; 而且, 通过对标记细胞的世系追踪研究证明, 在胰腺损伤后, 胰腺腺泡细胞能够接受损伤信号刺激发生再生。为今后进一步利用反转录假病毒对活体胰腺进行细胞命运追踪研究奠定基础, 为利用反转录病毒载体进行胰腺疾病的基因治疗提供线索。  相似文献   
目的:研究猫扣带回前部内脏大神经刺激相关神经元的膜电生理特性,以便从神经元水平进一步了解大脑皮质内脏伤害感受的特性及机制,为痛觉理论“特异性学说”提供新的实验依据。方法:应用在体玻璃微电极细胞内电位记录技术及细胞内注入极化电流的方法,测量和计算神经元的膜电学参数。结果:将20只猫扣带回前部176个内脏大神经刺激相关神经元,分为内脏伤害(148个)和非伤害(28个)感受神经元。发现它们在膜电阻、时间常数、膜电容及I—V曲线等方面存在差异。注入去极化电流引发的放电幅值及频率也存在差异。结论:扣带回前部内脏伤害与非伤害感受神经元可能在细胞膜结构、细胞大小等形态学方面存有差别。  相似文献   
葉跳蝉的为害,不但普遍而且严重。普通对于莊稼、果树、蔬菜等都能直接为害,还可以传染植物病菌。世界上各农业科学先进国家都久已注意到这类害虫,但在我国还没有能详细研究。在华北一带,葉跳蟬的种类很多,据我们已经採到的标杆標本、已经有一百数十种。其中最普遍而为数也特别显得多的,要算青葉跳蟬。  相似文献   
草地利用移动性的丧失导致生态系统退化,是草地放牧生态学领域兴起的主导性学说.在我国,草地利用移动性的丧失不仅是政策变化导致的,更是众多自然和社会因素叠加演进的结果.草地利用移动性的重建对于中国草地恢复和可持续性管理具有重要意义,但是很难通过恢复传统或季节性轮牧的途径实现.我们可以依托智能围栏、牲畜智能可穿戴设备以及草地...  相似文献   
Several yeast strains have been engineered to express different cellulases to achieve simultaneous saccharification and fermentation of lignocellulosic materials. However, successes in these endeavors were modest, as demonstrated by the relatively low ethanol titers and the limited ability of the engineered yeast strains to grow using cellulosic materials as the sole carbon source. Recently, substantial enhancements to the breakdown of cellulosic substrates have been observed when lytic polysaccharide monooxygenases (LPMOs) were added to traditional cellulase cocktails. LPMOs are reported to cleave cellulose oxidatively in the presence of enzymatic electron donors such as cellobiose dehydrogenases. In this study, we coexpressed LPMOs and cellobiose dehydrogenases with cellobiohydrolases, endoglucanases, and β-glucosidases in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. These enzymes were secreted and docked onto surface-displayed miniscaffoldins through cohesin-dockerin interaction to generate pentafunctional minicellulosomes. The enzymes on the miniscaffoldins acted synergistically to boost the degradation of phosphoric acid swollen cellulose and increased the ethanol titers from our previously achieved levels of 1.8 to 2.7 g/liter. In addition, the newly developed recombinant yeast strain was also able to grow using phosphoric acid swollen cellulose as the sole carbon source. The results demonstrate the promise of the pentafunctional minicellulosomes for consolidated bioprocessing by yeast.  相似文献   
Classically, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor β/δ (PPARβ/δ) function was thought to be restricted to enhancing adipocyte differentiation and development of adipose-like cells from other lineages. However, recent studies have revealed a critical role for PPARβ/δ during skeletal muscle growth and regeneration. Although PPARβ/δ has been implicated in regulating myogenesis, little is presently known about the role and, for that matter, the mechanism(s) of action of PPARβ/δ in regulating postnatal myogenesis. Here we report for the first time, using a PPARβ/δ-specific ligand (L165041) and the PPARβ/δ-null mouse model, that PPARβ/δ enhances postnatal myogenesis through increasing both myoblast proliferation and differentiation. In addition, we have identified Gasp-1 (growth and differentiation factor-associated serum protein-1) as a novel downstream target of PPARβ/δ in skeletal muscle. In agreement, reduced Gasp-1 expression was detected in PPARβ/δ-null mice muscle tissue. We further report that a functional PPAR-responsive element within the 1.5-kb proximal Gasp-1 promoter region is critical for PPARβ/δ regulation of Gasp-1. Gasp-1 has been reported to bind to and inhibit the activity of myostatin; consistent with this, we found that enhanced secretion of Gasp-1, increased Gasp-1 myostatin interaction and significantly reduced myostatin activity upon L165041-mediated activation of PPARβ/δ. Moreover, we analyzed the ability of hGASP-1 to regulate myogenesis independently of PPARβ/δ activation. The results revealed that hGASP-1 protein treatment enhances myoblast proliferation and differentiation, whereas silencing of hGASP-1 results in defective myogenesis. Taken together these data revealed that PPARβ/δ is a positive regulator of skeletal muscle myogenesis, which functions through negatively modulating myostatin activity via a mechanism involving Gasp-1.  相似文献   
鱼类分批繁殖力和繁殖频率的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
繁殖潜力是决定鱼类的繁殖补充及制定种群评估生物学假设的关键机制,由此分批繁殖力和繁殖频率对评估分批繁殖鱼类的繁殖潜力就十分必要.分批繁殖力和繁殖频率的研究均开始于20世纪80年代,在过去的30年中,评估分批繁殖力最为广泛使用的方法是水化卵法,而繁殖频率使用最多的方法是产后滤泡法.这两种方法虽然都存在一定的不足,但无可否认是现在最为实用和成熟的方法.  相似文献   
温特曲霉延胡索酸酶的提纯及性质研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道经硫酸鱼精蛋白沉淀、硫酸铵分级沉淀和葡聚糖凝胶G-200柱层析,再经冰冻干燥后从温特曲霉F-871菌体中获得延胡索酸酶,纯化倍数为31.70,回收率为36.64%,酶比活性为24.6U/mg。酶学性质研究表明:酶作用最适pH和温度分别为8.0和30℃,稳定pH范围为6.0~8.5,酶在35℃下保温30min后仍残留约90%以上的活力。  相似文献   
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