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Aceria guerreronis Keifer can cause severe damage to coconuts in several countries around the world. Rare studies have been conducted to determine the predatory mites associated with A. guerreronis in Brazil. The study evaluated the prevalence of A. guerreronis and associated predators on the bracts and on the surface of the fruits underneath the bracts, for 12 months, on coconut palms grown along the coast of the States of Alagoas, Paraíba and Pernambuco, Northeastern Brazil. Mites of 10 families were found, but by far the most abundant species was A. guerreronis, corresponding to 99.5% of the mites collected. The prevailing species amongst the predators were the Phytoseiidae mites Neoseiulus baraki (Athias-Henriot) and Neoseiulus paspalivorus (De Leon). These are flat mites that have short limbs, characteristics that allow them to invade the main habitat occupied by A. guerreronis. Other predators were found, but in low numbers, due mainly to their difficulty in reaching the fruit areas most inhabited by A. guerreronis. However, these mites could prey on that pest when it leaves its preferred habitat to disperse. No significant correlations were observed between the levels of abiotic factors and the population levels of A. guerreronis or of the phytoseiids associated with it. This probably occurred due to the simultaneous and conflicting effects of those factors on the mites in the field, or to significant differences between the climatic factors measured in the environment and those prevailing in the habitat occupied by A. guerreronis.  相似文献   
应越南国家植物保护研究院的邀请 ,受我国科技部的委派 ,我们于 2 0 0 1年 1 1~ 1 2月赴越进行“小菜蛾化学信息素的分离鉴定及应用研究”。河内地处热带 ,光照充足 ,雨量充沛 ,气候湿润 ,郊区拥有数百平方公里的蔬菜基地 ,种植着各式各样的蔬菜 ,长势旺盛 ,所产各类蔬菜主要用于出口 ,但虫害较重。在进行小菜蛾PlutellaxylostellaL .化学信息素研究[1] 的同时 ,我们对主要蔬菜品种上的昆虫群落的组成及优势种昆虫进行了考查和分析。1 材料与方法选取 1 0多种蔬菜作为调查对象 ,每种蔬菜样地面积≥ 6 6 6× 2m2 ,以五点取样法选取 5个样…  相似文献   
The giant hogweed ( Heracleum mantegazzianum ) has successfully invaded 19 European countries as well as parts of North America. It has become a problematic species due to its ability to displace native flora and to cause public health hazards. Applying population genetics to species invasion can help reconstruct invasion history and may promote more efficient management practice. We thus analysed levels of genetic variation and population genetic structure of H. mantegazzianum in an invaded area of the western Swiss Alps as well as in its native range (the Caucasus), using eight nuclear microsatellite loci together with plastid DNA markers and sequences. On both nuclear and plastid genomes, native populations exhibited significantly higher levels of genetic diversity compared to invasive populations, confirming an important founder event during the invasion process. Invasive populations were also significantly more differentiated than native populations. Bayesian clustering analysis identified five clusters in the native range that corresponded to geographically and ecologically separated groups. In the invaded range, 10 clusters occurred. Unlike native populations, invasive clusters were characterized by a mosaic pattern in the landscape, possibly caused by anthropogenic dispersal of the species via roads and direct collection for ornamental purposes. Lastly, our analyses revealed four main divergent groups in the western Swiss Alps, likely as a consequence of multiple independent establishments of H. mantegazzianum .  相似文献   
马鹿茸血酶解肽体内免疫功能及抗氧化功能关系的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文分别选用由木瓜蛋白酶水解天山马鹿茸血获得的肽Ⅰ、肽Ⅱ以及原血为受试样品,研究天山马鹿茸血及其酶解肽对小鼠免疫功能和抗氧化功能的影响,其中肽Ⅰ、肽ⅡDH分别为18.1%、12.2%时,清除OH·能力最强,清除率为50.8%。分别测定了脏器指数,脾细胞增殖实验,血清中溶血素和抗体生成细胞的含量以及小鼠血清总抗氧化能力、SOD活力和MDA含量。结果表明:与对照组相比较,肽Ⅱ组能极显著提高小鼠体液和细胞免疫功能,加强小鼠的抗氧化功能(P〈0.01或P〈0.05)。此外,具有较强抗氧化活性的肽显示出了很强的免疫活性(P〈0.05)。  相似文献   
The capacity of Lettuce mosaic virus to overcome the lettuce resistance conferred by the mo11 and mo12 alleles of the gene for eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E (eIF4E) was analysed using reverse genetics. Mutations in the virus genome-linked protein (VPg) allowed mo11 only to be overcome, but mutations in the C-terminal portion of the cylindrical inclusion (CI) protein allowed both alleles to be overcome. Site-directed mutagenesis pinpointed a key role of the amino acid at position 621 in the virulence. This is the first example of the involvement of a potyviral CI protein in the breaking of an eIF4E-mediated resistance.  相似文献   
A unique feature of the shrimp, Rimicaris exoculata , from the Rainbow hydrothermal vent field is the abundance of iron oxyhydroxides in its branchial chamber. These minerals accumulate throughout the molting cycle and are intimately associated with the shrimps' epibiotic microflora. In this study, an enhancement of the iron oxidation rate through shrimp swarms in the vicinity of vents is highlighted. This process is sustained by the high molting frequency of the shrimp, and potentially has large biogeochemical and ecological consequences for the associated hydrothermal ecosystem. The calculated rate for abiotic (homogeneous and heterogeneous) iron oxidation suggests that autocatalytic oxidation is the predominant reaction pathway leading to the accumulation of iron oxyhydroxides throughout the molting cycle. The occurrence of iron-oxidizing bacteria is not excluded, but their growth is most probably restricted to the first molting stage when competition with the abiotic iron oxidation is low. The influence of epibiont activity on local oxygen conditions and on the surface properties of the formed mineral, combined with the position of the shrimp in the hydrothermal mixing gradient, is expected to drive the relative contribution of abiogenic and biogenic iron oxidation.  相似文献   
Crepidula convexa, a calyptreid gastropod with direct embryonic development, changes sex from male to female in the course of its lifetime (protandry). Under sex-allocation theory, male reproductive success should be independent from age and size (a proxy used for age). However, this may be counterbalanced by female cryptic choice or gregarious behaviour. Eleven polymorphic microsatellite loci were thus developed to examine paternity of embryos and larvae. This set of loci appears suitable to carry out paternity analyses due to the high exclusion probability of unrelated males given the maternal genotype.  相似文献   
The major pest of maize in Mediterranean Europe, the stem borer Sesamia nonagrioides (Lefèbvre) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), has a fragmented distribution, north and south of the Sahara. The present study aimed: (1) to clarify the uncertain taxonomic status of the Palearctic and sub‐Saharan populations which were first considered as different species and later on as subspecies (Sesamia nonagrioides nonagrioides and Sesamia nonagrioides botanephaga) and (2) to investigate the origin of the Palearctic population which extends from Spain to Iran, outside what is considered typical for this mainly tropical genus. We reconstructed the evolutionary history of both populations using one nuclear and two mitochondrial genes. The sub‐Saharan taxon was fragmented in two isolated populations (West and East) whose mitochondrial genes were distant by 2.3%. The Palearctic population was included in the East African clade and its genes were close or identical to those of a population from Central Ethiopia, where the species was discovered for the first time. Similarly, in Africa, the alleles of the nuclear gene were distributed mainly in two West and East clades, whereas some Palearctic alleles belonged to the West clade. The Palearctic population originated therefore from East and West Africa and is the progeny of the cross between these two African populations. The main species concepts were in agreement, leading to the conclusion that the three populations are still conspecific. In the surveyed regions, the species therefore does not include two subspecies but three isolated populations. The Palearctic population suffered from severe bottlenecks that resulted in the fixation of one East African mitochondrial genome and the large reduction in its genetic diversity compared to the African populations. The data suggest that natural colonization of the Palearctic region was more plausible than human introduction. The allelic distribution of the Palearctic population was similar to that of species that survived the last glaciation. It is concluded that the African populations expanded during the last interglacial, crossed the Sahara and mixed in North Africa where fixation of the East mitochondrial genome occurred. The species then colonized Europe westward through only one eastern entrance. The coalescent‐based estimate of the time to the ancestor of the Palearctic population was 108 000 years, which is consistent with this scenario. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 103 , 904–922.  相似文献   
1. Concerns about climate change often trigger the question whether physiological and behavioural responses of species will enable them to persist. However, species do not exist alone and are largely dependent on interactions with others within communities. 2. In the present study, a mechanistic approach is used to test the hypothesis that inter‐specific differences in metabolic response to unpredictable short‐term thermal changes can change the outcome of host–parasitoid behavioural interactions. 3. The effect of a drop or a rise of 5 °C on resting metabolic rates (RMR) of the main aphid pest of cereal crops in Western Europe, the host Sitobion avenae Fabricius and its main natural enemy, the parasitoid Aphidius rhopalosiphi De Stefani‐Perez was measured. Also, defence and attack behaviours were measured for host and parasitoid separately as well as in interaction, since behavioural strategies of both species largely determine parasitism success. 4. The results showed that, when no change in temperature occurred, parasitoids had the highest oviposition rate. However, only with a rise of temperature behavioural interactions were disrupted: the parasitoid attack rate decreased whereas the aphid defence rate increased. This alteration in behaviour was associated with a stronger thermal response of RMR in hosts than in parasitoids, suggesting that species‐specific thermal responses of RMR could give valuable information on changes in the outcome of species interactions under warm spells but not under cold ones. 5. It was shown that relatively modest thermal changes with non‐lethal effects can have profound consequences for interacting co‐evolved species which may affect ecosystem services, such as biological control of pest populations.  相似文献   
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