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The effects of the naturally occurring polyamines spermine and spermidine on phosphorylation promoted by cyclic AMP (cAMP)-dependent protein kinase (PK) (cAMP-PK; EC were studied using the brain of the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta. Four particulate-associated peptides (280, 34, 21, and 19 kilodaltons) in day 1 pupal brains are endogenous substrates for a particulate type II cAMP-PK. These phosphoproteins are present in brain synaptosomal, as well as microsomal, particulate fractions but are not present in the cytosol. They are distributed throughout the CNS and PNS and are present in several nonneuronal tissues as well. Phosphorylation of these proteins via cAMP-PK was inhibited markedly by micromolar concentrations of spermine and spermidine. Other particulate-associated peptides phosphorylated via a Ca2+/calmodulin-PK or Ca2+ and cAMP-independent PKs were unaffected by polyamines, whereas the phosphorylation of a 260-kilodalton peptide was markedly enhanced. Spermine did not exert its inhibitory effect indirectly by enhancement of cAMP or ATP hydrolysis or via proteolysis, but its action appears to involve a substrate-directed inhibition of cAMP-PK-promoted phosphorylation as well as enhanced dephosphorylation. Although addition of spermine resulted in marked ribosome aggregation in synaptosomal and microsomal particulate fractions, this phenomenon was not involved in the inhibition of cAMP-PK-promoted phosphorylation.  相似文献   
The behavior of marker proteins of glial cells [alpha-enolase, beta-S100 protein, and glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP)] was investigated quantitatively by using enzyme immunoassay systems during the development of cerebellar hypoplasia in jaundiced Gunn rats. A neuronal marker protein, gamma-enolase, was also measured as a reference. At postnatal day 8 corresponding to the early stage of cerebellar damage, the amount of beta-S100 on a protein basis was significantly higher in jaundiced homozygotes (jj) than in control nonjaundiced heterozygotes (j+), whereas no differences in alpha- and gamma-enolases and GFAP were observed between the two groups of rats. At days 15 and 30, which correspond, respectively, to the advanced and late stages of cerebellar damage, the three glial proteins, especially GFAP, were higher and the neuronal protein was lower in the jj rat cerebellum than in the control. These results are consistent with the reported histological observations that neuronal cells are vulnerable and damaged by bilirubin, whereas glial cells seem to be less sensitive. On the other hand, the amounts of beta-S100 and alpha-enolase per cerebellum were significantly lower in jj rats at days 15 and 30, as in the case of gamma-enolase, whereas that of GFAP remained at the same level as the control at day 15 and showed a slight but significant decrease at day 30. The possibility is suggested that beta-S100 and GFAP may be available as biochemical indicators of glial cells, especially in the early and advanced stages of cerebellar damage, respectively, but that alpha-enolase is less available.  相似文献   
We have investigated the effects of insulin and motor denervation on the phosphorylation of glycogen synthase in skeletal muscle. Rat epitrochlearis muscles were denervated in vivo 3 days before the contralateral and denervated muscles were incubated in vitro with 32Pi to label sites in glycogen synthase. The 32P-labeled synthase was rapidly immunoprecipitated from extracts under conditions which prevented changes in the phosphorylation state of the enzyme. When 32P-labeled synthase from contralateral muscles was cleaved with CNBr, essentially all of the 32P was recovered in two fragments, denoted CB-1 and CB-2. Incubating these muscles with insulin decreased the 32P content of each fragment by approximately 25%, indicating that the hormone stimulated dephosphorylation of at least two sites. Peptide mapping by reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography was performed to resolve phosphorylation sites more completely. The results suggest that the enzyme was phosphorylated in sites 1a, 1b, 2, 3(a+b+c), and 5. Insulin stimulated dephosphorylation of sites in peptides presumed to contain sites 1b, 2, and 3(a+b+c). Synthase from denervated muscles appeared to contain the same amount of phosphate as enzyme from contralateral muscles, and denervation did not detectably affect the distribution of 32P within the subunit. However, denervation abolished the effect of insulin on decreasing the 32P content of synthase. The results indicate that the insulin resistance induced by denervation involves a loss in the ability of insulin to stimulate dephosphorylation of glycogen synthase.  相似文献   
To explore the role of the glutathione oxidation-reduction cycle in altering the sensitivity of rats to the effects of hyperbaric hyperoxia, we administered N,N-bis(2-chloroethyl)-N-nitrosourea (BCNU) to decrease tissue glutathione reductase activity. We then exposed these animals and their matched vehicle-treated controls to 100% O2 at 4 ATA. Animals that received BCNU and were immediately exposed to hyperbaric O2 showed enhanced toxicity by seizing earlier in the exposure than controls. Animals that received BCNU 18 h before the hyperbaric O2 exposure were paradoxically protected from the effects of the exposure with a prolongation of their time to initial seizure and a marked increase in their survival time during the exposure. Tissue glutathione concentrations were also measured in the various groups and the hyperbaric O2 exposure produced marked decreases in hepatic glutathione levels in all control animals. In animals treated with BCNU 18 h before exposure, hepatic glutathione concentrations also decreased, but the concentrations had significantly increased during the 18-h waiting period, allowing these animals to maintain hepatic levels in the normal range even during their hyperbaric exposures. We conclude that treatment of rats with BCNU 18 h before exposure to hyperbaric hyperoxia results in enhanced protection of the animals during the exposure.  相似文献   
Definition and identification of homology domains   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A method is described for identifying and evaluating regionsof significant similarity between two sequences. The notionof a ‘homology domain’ is employed which definesthe boundaries of a region of sequence homology containing noinsertions or deletions. The relative significance of differentpotential homology domains is evaluated using a non-linear similarityscore related to the probability of finding the observed levelof similarity in the region by chance. The sensitivity of themethod is demonstrated by simulating the evolution of homologydomains and applying the method to their detection. Severalexamples of the use of homology domain identification are given. Received on July 29, 1987; accepted on November 15, 1987  相似文献   
Collagen gene expression during volume overload-induced cardiac hypertrophy was investigated in adult male rats. Hypertrophy of the left ventricle (22%) and right ventricle (37%) occurred following 27 days continuous exposure to 700 ppm carbon monoxide; hematocrit increased nearly 47%. To examine potential cellular and molecular control of restructuring in the heart, we investigated the expression of two specific procollagen mRNAs for collagen types which have different structural-functional roles [Type I (alpha-1) & Type IV]. Type I (interstitial) mRNA levels increased at least 100% relative to controls within 3 days of initial exposure to 700ppm CO, then declined afterwards; type IV(basement membrane) mRNA levels increased more modestly at first, and increased further afterwards. The ratio of type I/type IV RNA's also increased initially, then later declined, with the greatest differences in the relative responses of type I and IV mRNAs seen in the right ventricle. These data suggest that types I and IV collagen mRNA expression is not coordinately expressed during this type of volume overload-induced hypertrophy in rat heart.  相似文献   
Synopsis Brachygobius sabanus move less often and spend less time swimming when they detect chemicals released from injured conspecifics. This resembles the alarm response found in ostariophysan fishes, darters, and at least one other gobiid. Chemicals from injured Poecilia reticulata do not induce an alarm response in B. sabanus.  相似文献   
Human homologues of mouse t-complex genes have been cloned and localized physically to chromosome 6p or 6q. TCP1, TCP10, and PLG are human homologues of genes located in the proximal portion of the t-complex on mouse chromosome 17. We present here results of genetic mapping of these human t-complex homologues previously localized to 6q25-q27, 6q21-q27, and 6q26-q27, respectively, by physical techniques. TCP1 and PLG do not recombine with each other and are separated from TCP10 by about 15 cM, while the corresponding mouse genes are no more than 4 cM apart. Genetic mapping with markers well localized cytogenetically places TCP1 and PLG proximal to TCP10 and localizes the latter to the cytogenetic band 6q27. It is likely that the organization of human t-complex homologues on 6q is similar to that of t haplotypes rather than that of wildtype murine chromosome 17.  相似文献   
The lipophilic antioxidant Trolox C, a vitamin E analog, was administered to isolated, buffer-perfused rabbit hearts subjected to 25 min of global stop-flow ischemia and 30 min of reperfusion. In six hearts, Trolox C (200 microM) was infused for 15 min immediately prior to ischemia and for the first 15 min of reperfusion. Six control hearts received only vehicle. Gas chromatography analysis confirmed that effective myocardial levels of Trolox were attained. At 30 min reperfusion, the recovery of left ventricular developed pressure was 56 +/- 3% of baseline in control hearts versus 70 +/- 4% in Trolox-treated hearts (p < .01). There was also significant improvement in recovery of Trolox-treated hearts in diastolic pressure and both maximum and minimum values of the first derivative of left ventricular pressure (dP/dt). Creatine phosphokinase release into the coronary effluent at 30 min of reperfusion was 16.5 +/- 8.4 IU/min in untreated and 6.3 +/- 1.0 IU/min (p < .05) in Trolox-treated hearts. Thus Trolox C, a lipophilic antioxidant, attenuated myocardial injury during stop-flow ischemia and reperfusion.  相似文献   
In this study we used Gardella gel analysis of intact DNA, Southern blotting of digested DNA, and fluorescence in situ hybridization to provide complementary and unequivocal information on the state of the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) genome in persistently infected cells. The fluorescence in situ hybridization technique allowed us to directly visualize both integrated and episomal EBV DNA at the single-cell level. We show here that circularization of the EBV genome is rarely detected upon infecting activated normal B cells. The virus can persist upon infection of a different proliferating B-cell target, EBV-negative Burkitt's lymphoma tumor cell lines. Analysis of 16 such lines reveal again, that the virus infrequently persists as covalently closed episomes; rather, the virus preferentially persists by integrating into the host DNA (10 of 16 clones). The integrated virus is linear and usually intact, although 3 of 10 isolates have deletions from the left-hand end including the latent origin of replication. At the level of our analysis, no obvious relationship was seen between the integration sites. These studies provide, for the first time, a reproducible in vitro model system to study integration by EBV.  相似文献   
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