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Summary The colonizing potential ofEscherichia coli K12 containing a vector coding for somidobove (bovine somatotropin) was determined. Treated male and female Fischer-344 rats were given a single oral gavage inoculum of sucrose with/without tetracycline (15 g/ml). Untreated control animals received similar drinking water regimes. All animals survived until termination. There were no clinical signs of toxicity observed and no treatment-related effect upon body weight, food consumption, or efficiency of food utilization. Fresh fecal samples were collected from each rat every 24 h following inoculation and the population of the marked strain was quantitated until no bacterial colonies were observed for two consecutive days. While all inoculated rats were positive at 24 h, by 72 and 96 h all had become negative for the test (marked) strain, as were the corresponding control group throughout the test. The frozen stock of the marked strain used as the positive control demonstrated that the agar plates were selective for the test strain. Fourteen days following inoculation, all groups of rats were killed and the gastrointestinal tracts removed and treated to recover the marked strain. There was no evidence of the marked strain in the gastrointestinal tract of any rat from any group. Thus, theE. coli K12 host/vector system used in this experiment does not colonize the gastrointestinal tract of Fischer-344 rats.  相似文献   
The ecdysoneless locus in Drosophila melanogaster has been defined previously by a single conditional mutation, I(3)ecd1, that causes an ecdysteroid deficit and larval death at the restrictive temperature, 29°C, although the primary role of the mutation in developmental processes has been unclear. Gene dosage and complementation studies reported here for ecd1 and five nonconditional lethal alleles indicate that the ecd locus plays prezygotic and postzygotic roles essential for normal embryonic development, the successful completion of each larval molt, adult eclosion, and female fertility. The ecd locus is also required for normal macrochaete differentiation. For each observed phenotype, the severity of mutational effects was correlated with ecd mutant genotypes. In all cases, ecd1 homozygotes were least affected. Mutants heteroallelic for ecd1 and any one of four nonconditional recessive mutations were more severely affected than ecd1 homozy-gotes, revealing these as hypomorphic alleles. For all phenotypic effects, mutants heteroallelic for ecd1 and a dominant mutation (ecd3D) were most severely affected. These individuals died during embryogenesis at 29°C and developed no macrochaetes on the dorsal thorax when transferred to 29°C during the white prepupal stage. The ecd3D mutation also caused female semisterility in heterozygotes. Ecdysteroid regulation has been implicated previously in all the developmental processes disrupted by these ecd mutations except for macrochaete differentiation. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
本文描述了采自山西榆社盆地上第三系竹鼠类化石的一新种。新种与Rhizomys(Brachyrhizomyr)rhanriur相似,但个体较小,臼齿相对狭长,M,保留有连接下次尖和下次脊的齿襞(mure)及短的下中脊。这两种化石竹鼠在榆社的出现,超越了现生竹鼠类分布的北界,说明该科的情况要比以前知道的更为复杂,也表明榆社地区在晚第三纪时比近代湿润。  相似文献   
The N-glylycans have been removed by peptide-N-glycosidase F(PNGase F) from purified human non-secretory RNases derivedfrom kidney, liver and spleen. The spleen RNase was purifiedby two procedures, one of which did not include the usual acidtreatment step (0.25 M H2SO4, 45 min, 4C), to determine ifacid treatment alters the carbohydrate moieties. TheN-glycansof the RNases were fractionated by Bio-Gel P-4 chromatographyand analysed by 600 MHz 1H-NMR spectroscopy and electrospraymass spectrometry. All four non-secretory RNase preparationscontained the following structures: The relative amounts of the trisaccharide, pentasaccharide andhexasaccharide appeared to vary slightly in the different tissueRNases. The overall results indicate: (i) that acid treatmentduring purification does not alter the N-glycans of non-secretoryRNases; (ii) that the N-glycans from kidney, liver and spleennon-secretory RNases are very similar, if not identical, toone another, but different from the N-glycan structures reportedfor secretory RNase. N-glycans non-secretory RNases  相似文献   
A pair of -cyano analogues of decarboxylated S-adenosylmethionine (2a and 2b) were synthesized as potential enzyme activated, irreversible inhibitors of the[pyruvoyl enzyme S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase (AdoMet-DC). Each of these analogues acts as an irreversible inactivator for ADoMet-DC from Escherichia coli (IC50 values of 9 and 50 μM, respectively). These analogues also inactivate human AdoMet-DC, with KI values of 246.6 and 7.2 μM, and kinact values of 0.29 and 0.03 min−1, respectively.  相似文献   
In this paper we present a new residue contact potantial derived by statistical analysis of protein crystal structures. This gives mean hydrophobic and pairwise contact energies as a function of residue type and distance interval. To test the accuracy of this potential we generate model structures by “threading” different sequences through backbone folding motifs found in the structural data base. We find that conformational energies calculated by summing contact potentials show perfect specificity in matching the correct sequences with each globular folding motif in a 161-protcin data set. They also identify correct models with the core folding motifs of heme-rythrin and immunoglobulin McPC603 V1-do- main, among millions of alternatives possible when we align subsequences with α-helices and β-strands, and allow for variation in the lengths of intervening loops. We suggest that contact potentials reflect important constraints on nonbonded interaction in native proteins, and that “threading” may be useful for structure prediction by recognition of folding motif. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
This article focuses on the development of a computer control system for a flexible manufacturing cell. The paper outlines the various modules that are required for a computer control system and elaborates on the development of some of these modules. This is part of an ongoing research project at the University of the Witwatersrand. The aim of the project is to demonstrate the viability of flexible manufacturing systems to South African industry. Thus the main constraints of the project were cost, ease of implementation, and ease of maintainability. This necessitated the use of existing machinery and of computer systems and software that were readily available and already familiar to industry.  相似文献   
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