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Relapsing C. difficile disease in humans is linked to a pathological imbalance within the intestinal microbiota, termed dysbiosis, which remains poorly understood. We show that mice infected with epidemic C. difficile (genotype 027/BI) develop highly contagious, chronic intestinal disease and persistent dysbiosis characterized by a distinct, simplified microbiota containing opportunistic pathogens and altered metabolite production. Chronic C. difficile 027/BI infection was refractory to vancomycin treatment leading to relapsing disease. In contrast, treatment of C. difficile 027/BI infected mice with feces from healthy mice rapidly restored a diverse, healthy microbiota and resolved C. difficile disease and contagiousness. We used this model to identify a simple mixture of six phylogenetically diverse intestinal bacteria, including novel species, which can re-establish a health-associated microbiota and clear C. difficile 027/BI infection from mice. Thus, targeting a dysbiotic microbiota with a defined mixture of phylogenetically diverse bacteria can trigger major shifts in the microbial community structure that displaces C. difficile and, as a result, resolves disease and contagiousness. Further, we demonstrate a rational approach to harness the therapeutic potential of health-associated microbial communities to treat C. difficile disease and potentially other forms of intestinal dysbiosis.  相似文献   
Although a large number of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers covering the entire genome are needed to enable molecular breeding efforts such as genome wide association studies, fine mapping, genomic selection and marker-assisted selection in peach [Prunus persica (L.) Batsch] and related Prunus species, only a limited number of genetic markers, including simple sequence repeats (SSRs), have been available to date. To address this need, an international consortium (The International Peach SNP Consortium; IPSC) has pursued a coordinated effort to perform genome-scale SNP discovery in peach using next generation sequencing platforms to develop and characterize a high-throughput Illumina Infinium® SNP genotyping array platform. We performed whole genome re-sequencing of 56 peach breeding accessions using the Illumina and Roche/454 sequencing technologies. Polymorphism detection algorithms identified a total of 1,022,354 SNPs. Validation with the Illumina GoldenGate® assay was performed on a subset of the predicted SNPs, verifying ∼75% of genic (exonic and intronic) SNPs, whereas only about a third of intergenic SNPs were verified. Conservative filtering was applied to arrive at a set of 8,144 SNPs that were included on the IPSC peach SNP array v1, distributed over all eight peach chromosomes with an average spacing of 26.7 kb between SNPs. Use of this platform to screen a total of 709 accessions of peach in two separate evaluation panels identified a total of 6,869 (84.3%) polymorphic SNPs.The almost 7,000 SNPs verified as polymorphic through extensive empirical evaluation represent an excellent source of markers for future studies in genetic relatedness, genetic mapping, and dissecting the genetic architecture of complex agricultural traits. The IPSC peach SNP array v1 is commercially available and we expect that it will be used worldwide for genetic studies in peach and related stone fruit and nut species.  相似文献   
The insertion sites of the conjugative transposon Tn916 in the anaerobic pathogen Clostridium difficile were determined using Illumina Solexa high-throughput DNA sequencing of Tn916 insertion libraries in two different clinical isolates: 630ΔE, an erythromycin-sensitive derivative of 630 (ribotype 012), and the ribotype 027 isolate R20291, which was responsible for a severe outbreak of C. difficile disease. A consensus 15-bp Tn916 insertion sequence was identified which was similar in both strains, although an extended consensus sequence was observed in R20291. A search of the C. difficile 630 genome showed that the Tn916 insertion motif was present 100,987 times, with approximately 63,000 of these motifs located in genes and 35,000 in intergenic regions. To test the usefulness of Tn916 as a mutagen, a functional screen allowed the isolation of a mutant. This mutant contained Tn916 inserted into a gene involved in flagellar biosynthesis.  相似文献   
The F sex factor of Escherichia coli is a paradigm for bacterial conjugation and its transfer (tra) region represents a subset of the type IV secretion system (T4SS) family. The F tra region encodes eight of the 10 highly conserved (core) gene products of T4SS including TraAF (pilin), the TraBF, -KF (secretin-like), -VF (lipoprotein) and TraCF (NTPase), -EF, -LF and TraGF (N-terminal region) which correspond to TrbCP, -IP, -GP, -HP, -EP, -JP, DP and TrbLP, respectively, of the P-type T4SS exemplified by the IncP plasmid RP4. F lacks homologs of TrbBP (NTPase) and TrbFP but contains a cluster of genes encoding proteins essential for F conjugation (TraFF, -HF, -UF, -WF, the C-terminal region of TraGF, and TrbCF) that are hallmarks of F-like T4SS. These extra genes have been implicated in phenotypes that are characteristic of F-like systems including pilus retraction and mating pair stabilization. F-like T4SS systems have been found on many conjugative plasmids and in genetic islands on bacterial chromosomes. Although few systems have been studied in detail, F-like T4SS appear to be involved in the transfer of DNA only whereas P- and I-type systems appear to transport protein or nucleoprotein complexes. This review examines the similarities and differences among the T4SS, especially F- and P-like systems, and summarizes the properties of the F transfer region gene products.  相似文献   
Loveless  RW; Yuen  CT; Tsuiji  H; Irimura  T; Feizi  T 《Glycobiology》1998,8(12):1237-1242
The IgG1hybridoma antibody, 91.9H, was originally raised against sulfated mucins isolated from normal human colonic mucosa. Previous studies have shown that the 91.9H antigen is expressed on normal colonic epithelial cells and the sulfomucins that they produce, but not in the normal small intestine and stomach. Tissue-specific changes occur in 91.9H antigen expression in disease: the antigen diminishes in colonic carcinomas, whereas in regions of gastric mucosa showing intestinal metaplasia and in gastric carcinomas, the antigen is expressed as a "neo-antigen." This report is concerned with elucidation, by the neoglycolipid technology, of the determinant recognized by antibody 91.9H using sulfated and sialyl oligosaccharides of Lewisa(Lea) and Lextypes, and analogs that lack sulfate, sialic acid, or fucose. Binding experiments with the lipid-linked oligosaccharides immobilized on chromatograms or on microwells, and inhibition of binding experiments with free oligosaccharides based on di-, tri- and tetrasaccharide backbones, show that the 91.9H antigenic determinant is based on a trisaccharide backbone, and consists of the 3'-sulfated Leatetrasaccharide sequence, which is a potent ligand for the E- and L-selectins. The antibody gives a relatively low signal with the 3'-sulfated non-fucosylated backbone, and has no detectable cross- reaction with the 3'-sulfated Lexisomer, nor with sialyl-Leaand - Lexanalogues. Antibody 91.9H is a valuable addition, therefore, to the repertoire of reagents for mapping details of the distribution, and determining the relative importance of sulfated and sialyl oligosaccharides as ligands for the selectins, in normal and pathological epithelia and endothelia.   相似文献   
Rats treated with di(2-chloroethyl)methylamine (HN2), N-methyl-N-nitrosourea (MNUA) and N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea (ENUA) excrete significantly larger amounts of deoxycytidine (dC) and thymidine in their urine 0-24 h after treatment. Ethyl methanesulphonate (EMS) and dimethylnitrosamine (DMN) gave negative results in this respect but all five alkylating agents increased the excretion of 1-methyl-nicotinamide (1-meNmd). In addition, a larger quantity of 7-methylguanine (7MG) and uric acid was excreted after DMN treatment. 1,4-Dimethanesulphonoxybutane (myleran), 2,2-dichlorovinyl dimethyl phosphate (dichlorvos), 5-fluorouracil (5FU), cytosine arabinoside (araC), 2-acetylaminofluorene (AAF) and 7-bromomethylbenz-[a]anthracene (7-BrMBA) gave negative results.  相似文献   
Rats treated with methyl methanesulphonate (MMS) excreted significantly higher quantities of deoxycytidine, thymidine, uracil, 1-methylnicotinamide (1-meNmd) and 1-methyl-6-pyridone-3-carboxylamide (6-pyr-1-meNmd) in their urine 0–24 h after MMS injection (100 mgkg). Excretion of thymidine, which was not detectable in untreated rats, was dose-dependent. No increase in urinary 7-methylguanine was found, and creatinine excretion was decreased by MMS treatment. Experiments with methyl-14C-labelled MMS showed transfer of 14C-label to 7-methylguanine and 1-meNmd. X-Irradiation (500 rad) caused increased excretion of pyrimidines, like MMS, but did not increase excretion of the nicotinamide derivatives.  相似文献   
1. The inactivation of an RNA-containing bacteriophage after reaction with four methylating agents was studied. Measurements of the extent of methylation of the RNA and of the nature and amounts of the various reaction products were made. In experiments with dimethyl sulphate and methyl methanesulphonate inactivation can be quantitatively accounted for by methylation at two of the positions involved in hydrogen bonding: N-1 of adenine and N-3 of cytosine. In experiments with N-methyl-N-nitrosourea and N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine methylation at N-1 of adenine and N-3 of cytosine accounts for only about one-half of the observed inactivation. Scission of the RNA chain during reaction accounts for a further 20% of the inactivation. To account for the remainder it seems necessary to postulate that formation of O(6)-methylguanine constitutes a lethal lesion. 2. Breaks in the RNA chain formed on reaction with the nitroso derivatives presumably result from methylation of the phosphate diester group followed by hydrolysis of the unstable triester thus formed.  相似文献   
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