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Abstract. From 1980–1989, fires burned 32 440 km2 of boreal forest, 200 km south of the forest-tundra border in northern Québec, Canada. An assessment of the impact of fire on tree population densities was carried out by comparing the number of Pinus banksiana and Picea mariana in 83 sites before and after the sites burned in 1981, 1983, 1988 or 1989. Age structure analysis of post-fire populations burned in 1972, 1976 and 1983, along with the rapid exhaustion of the seed bank from burned trees, suggest that the majority of seedlings were established within 3 to 10 yr after fire. Consequently, given the absence of nearby living seed bearers, little (if any) further recruitment can be expected in the even-aged, regenerating populations. According to the tree density comparison (pre-fire vs post-fire), a shift from Picea- to Pinus-dominated communities occurred in most of the sites burned in 1981 or 1983, and in some of the sites burned in 1988 or 1989. The 1988 fire reduced the tree population density by 95% in 10 of the 15 sites; total tree density decreased by at least 75% in 28 out of 40 sites burned in 1989. This suggests that the areas burned in 1988 and 1989 will mainly regenerate as very open forests or lichen-heath communities that are more commonly found in the forest-tundra zone, north of the study area. Fire intensity, short fire interval, and unfavorable climate during and after fires are three plausible mechanisms associated with these post-fire vegetation changes.  相似文献   
The purpose of the present experiment was to compare 13CO2 recovery at the mouth, and the corresponding exogenous glucose oxidation computed, during a 100-min exercise at 63 +/- 3% maximal O2 uptake with ingestion of glucose (1.75 g/kg) in six active male subjects, by use of [U-13C] and [1,2-13C]glucose. We hypothesized that 13C recovery and exogenous glucose oxidation could be lower with [1,2-13C] than [U-13C]glucose because both tracers provide [13C]acetate, with possible loss of 13C in the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle, but decarboxylation of pyruvate from [U-13C]glucose also provides 13CO2, which is entirely recovered at the mouth during exercise. The recovery of 13C (25.8 +/- 2.3 and 27.4 +/- 1.2% over the exercise period) and the amounts of exogenous glucose oxidized computed were not significantly different with [1,2-13C] and [U-13C]glucose (28.9 +/- 2.6 and 30.7 +/- 1.3 g, between minutes 40 and 100), suggesting that no significant loss of 13C occurred in the TCA cycle. This stems from the fact that, during exercise, the rate of exogenous glucose oxidation is probably much larger than the flux of the metabolic pathways fueled from TCA cycle intermediates. It is thus unlikely that a significant portion of the 13C entering the TCA cycle could be diverted to these pathways. From a methodological standpoint, this result indicates that when a large amount of [13C]glucose is ingested and oxidized during exercise, 13CO2 production at the mouth accurately reflects the rate of glucose entry in the TCA cycle and that no correction factor is needed to compute the oxidative flux of exogenous glucose.  相似文献   
Noradrenaline spillover from skeletal muscle vascular areas increases during exercise but the underlying mechanisms are not well understood. Muscle contraction itself causes changes in many factors that could affect noradrenaline spillover. For instance, it has been reported that bradykinin is synthesized in skeletal muscle areas during contraction. Because the B2 bradykinin receptor facilitates noradrenaline spillover, it may be involved in the increase associated with contraction. In this experiment, we studied the effect of bradykinin on noradrenaline spillover in the in situ canine gracilis muscle, using the specific B2 antagonist HOE 140. The drug did not modify noradrenaline spillover at rest, but did cause a significant decrease during muscle contraction, from 558 to 181 pg min(-1). As reported previously in the literature, fractional extraction of noradrenaline decreased during muscle contraction. This effect was independent of HOE 140 treatment. In light of our results, it seems that bradykinin formation during muscle contraction may play an important part in the observed increase in noradrenaline spillover but does not affect fractional extraction.  相似文献   
The role of hsp27, one of Drosophila melanogaster's small heat shock proteins, in the process of thermotolerance was investigated. The coding sequence of hsp27 was subcloned downstream of the human hsp27 promoter which has been shown to be constitutively expressed in Chinese hamster O23 cells. Cellular resistance to a thermal stress was measured two days after transfection by a survival assay following a 3.5 h heat treatment at 44 degrees C. Expression of Drosophila hsp27 was shown to confer thermal resistance to O23 cells in a manner which was dependent on the level of expression of this hsp. Immunoblot analysis confirmed that the thermal resistance was related to the expression of Drosophila hsp27 as none of the endogeneous hsps showed an increased level under these conditions.  相似文献   
Aim To reconstruct the spread of common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.; Asteraceae) using herbarium specimens to document whether the habitat preferences of this plant have shifted through time. Location Southern Québec. Methods Herbarium specimens stored in the main herbaria of southern Québec were used to reconstruct the spread of common ragweed. All data (sampling location, year of sampling, habitat characteristics, etc.) were incorporated into a geographical information system. Maps indicating the spatial distribution of common ragweed were produced for four time periods. The cumulative number of locations was plotted against time to construct invasion curves. The sequence of habitats where herbarium specimens were collected was also reconstructed. Results A data base incorporating 707 common ragweed herbarium specimens was constructed for this study. The spread of common ragweed in most regions of southern Québec was initiated at the beginning of the 20th century. Herbarium specimens suggest that common ragweed first spread along river corridors. Specimens of common ragweed were not collected in agricultural fields before the mid‐1920s, nor along roads and railways before the mid‐1930s. The colonization of a large number of agricultural fields by common ragweed probably began with seed‐contaminated crops, but was certainly accelerated by the dispersal of seeds from populations growing along nearby roads. Main conclusions Herbarium specimens suggest that common ragweed has been present in southern Québec for at least 200 years, but the species was probably restricted to the Montréal area during the 19th century. It is likely that the development of the road network in Québec since the mid‐1930s significantly contributed to the spread of common ragweed. Controlling common ragweed solely in agricultural fields would not prevent the re‐infestation of crops, because roadsides would act as refuges for the weed.  相似文献   
A strain‐specific vaccine represents the best possible response to the threat of an influenza pandemic. Rapid delivery of such a vaccine to the world's population before the peak of the first infection wave seems to be an unattainable goal with the current influenza vaccine manufacturing capacity. Plant‐based transient expression is one of the few production systems that can meet the anticipated surge requirement. To assess the capability of plant agroinfiltration to produce an influenza vaccine, we expressed haemagglutinin (HA) from strains A/Indonesia/5/05 (H5N1) and A/New Caledonia/20/99 (H1N1) by agroinfiltration of Nicotiana benthamiana plants. Size distribution analysis of protein content in infiltrated leaves revealed that HA was predominantly assembled into high‐molecular‐weight structures. H5‐containing structures were purified and examination by transmission electron microscopy confirmed virus‐like particle (VLP) assembly. High‐performance thin layer chromatography analysis of VLP lipid composition highlighted polar and neutral lipid contents comparable with those of purified plasma membranes from tobacco plants. Electron microscopy of VLP‐producing cells in N. benthamiana leaves confirmed that VLPs accumulated in apoplastic indentations of the plasma membrane. Finally, immunization of mice with two doses of as little as 0.1 µg of purified influenza H5‐VLPs triggered a strong immune response against the homologous virus, whereas two doses of 0.5 µg of H5‐VLPs conferred complete protection against a lethal challenge with the heterologous A/Vietnam/1194/04 (H5N1) strain. These results show, for the first time, that plants are capable of producing enveloped influenza VLPs budding from the plasma membrane; such VLPs represent very promising candidates for vaccination against influenza pandemic strains.  相似文献   
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