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Articular cartilage is indispensable for joint function but has limited capacity for self-repair. Engineering of neocartilage in vitro is therefore a major target for autologous cartilage repair in arthritis. Previous analysis of neocartilage has targeted cellular organization and specific molecular components. However, the complexity of extracellular matrix (ECM) development in neocartilage has not been investigated by proteomics. To redress this, we developed a mouse neocartilage culture system that produces a cartilaginous ECM. Differential analysis of the tissue proteome of 3-week neocartilage and 3-day postnatal mouse cartilage using solubility-based protein fractionation targeted components involved in neocartilage development, including ECM maturation. Initially, SDS-PAGE analysis of sequential extracts revealed the transition in protein solubility from a high proportion of readily soluble (NaCl-extracted) proteins in juvenile cartilage to a high proportion of poorly soluble (guanidine hydrochloride-extracted) proteins in neocartilage. Label-free quantitative mass spectrometry (LTQ-Orbitrap) and statistical analysis were then used to filter three significant protein groups: proteins enriched according to extraction condition, proteins differentially abundant between juvenile cartilage and neocartilage, and proteins with differential solubility properties between the two tissue types. Classification of proteins differentially abundant between NaCl and guanidine hydrochloride extracts (n = 403) using bioinformatics revealed effective partitioning of readily soluble components from subunits of larger protein complexes. Proteins significantly enriched in neocartilage (n = 78) included proteins previously not reported or with unknown function in cartilage (integrin-binding protein DEL1; coiled-coil domain-containing protein 80; emilin-1 and pigment epithelium derived factor). Proteins with differential extractability between juvenile cartilage and neocartilage included ECM components (nidogen-2, perlecan, collagen VI, matrilin-3, tenascin and thrombospondin-1), and the relationship between protein extractability and ECM ultrastructural organization was supported by electron microscopy. Additionally, one guanidine extract-specific neocartilage protein, protease nexin-1, was confirmed by immunohistochemistry as a novel component of developing articular cartilage in vivo. The extraction profile and matrix-associated immunostaining implicates protease nexin-1 in cartilage development in vitro and in vivo.The cartilage of the mammalian skeletal system has two distinct roles. The epiphyseal cartilage of the growth plate drives endochondral bone growth, and the hyaline cartilage at the weight-bearing surfaces of bones facilitates joint articulation. In both environments, chondrocyte-regulated production, assembly, and turnover of the extracellular matrix (ECM)1 are essential for the tissue to withstand compressive forces and respond to mechanical loading. The major structural constituents of cartilage ECM are the heterotypic collagen II/IX/XI fibrils and proteoglycan-glycosaminoglycan networks of aggrecan and hyaluronan. Loss of joint function in osteoarthritis (OA) is strongly associated with net loss of aggrecan and collagen breakdown caused by an imbalance of ECM homeostasis (1). In addition, many inherited human chondrodysplasias involve disruption of cartilage matrix assembly or cell-matrix interactions, resulting in abnormal skeletal development and in some cases early onset cartilage degeneration (2, 3).The alterations in chondrocyte metabolism that occur during OA are complex and remain poorly understood (4). An early response to loss or fragmentation of ECM components is attempted tissue repair through secretion of anabolic factors, cell proliferation, and matrix remodeling (5). However, the resulting product is a fibrocartilage that does not recapitulate the composition or precise architecture of the original hyaline articular cartilage. This limited capacity of cartilage for regeneration has driven research into cartilage tissue engineering (6). Production of authentic hyaline cartilage in vitro remains challenging due to the dedifferentiation of primary chondrocytes upon removal from their three-dimensional matrix environment (7). However, improved “neocartilage” culture systems have been developed through evaluation of suitable chondroprogenitor or chondrocyte subpopulations and optimization of exogenous support matrices and growth factors (8, 9). The therapeutic target of neocartilage culture is autologous tissue repair. However, there is fundamental value in using neocartilage systems to elucidate mechanisms of protein integration into the ECM and the role of specific protein interactions during cartilage maturation.Cartilage profiling by 2-DE and mass spectrometry-based proteomics is generating important new insight into mechanisms of cartilage degeneration in vitro and in vivo (10). For example, anabolic factors with potential roles in cartilage repair, including connective tissue growth factor and inhibin βA (activin), were identified in the secretome of human OA cartilage explants (11). Comparison of cartilage protein extracts from normal donors and OA patients revealed significantly increased levels of the serine protease Htra1 in patient cartilage (12) and that Htra1-mediated proteolysis of aggrecan may significantly contribute to OA pathology (13). Targeted analysis of the chondrocyte mitochondrial proteome highlighted OA-related changes in energy production and protection against reactive oxygen species (14). Obtaining sufficient chondrocytes from human donors for proteomics unfortunately requires expansion of the cell population with potential loss of the chondrocyte phenotype during prolonged culture. Other drawbacks encountered with human samples include the clinical heterogeneity of OA, lack of matched controls, and inherent genetic variation of human subjects (15). Alternatively, animal models that recapitulate hallmarks of progressive cartilage degeneration, such as aggrecan loss and articular surface fibrillation, are emerging as a powerful resource, particularly in mice lacking specific proteases or protease target sites (16, 17). The development of techniques for analysis of murine cartilage using proteomics has paved the way for differential analysis of normal and pathological or genetically targeted cartilage (18, 19).Label-free methods for relative peptide quantitation, such as ion intensity measurement and spectral counting, are emerging as reliable and cost-effective alternatives to chemical modification or isotopic peptide labeling (20). Combining orthogonal protein and/or peptide fractionation with high resolution HPLC-MS can achieve proteome-wide coverage (21). Because extensive sample fractionation can introduce redundancy and variation, improved sequence/proteome coverage must be balanced against the cost of additional sample handling and lengthy LC-MS runs (22).Here we describe a novel platform for analysis of mouse cartilage using solubility-based protein fractionation (19) combined with label-free quantitative tandem MS (LTQ-Orbitrap). Sequential extraction of 3-day postnatal (P3) mouse epiphyseal cartilage and 3-week neocartilage cultures revealed a marked transition from a high proportion of readily soluble components in P3 extracts to a greater proportion of poorly soluble proteins in neocartilage. Principal component analysis and hierarchical clustering were used to globally assess the inter-relationships between P3 cartilage and neocartilage NaCl and guanidine hydrochloride (GdnHCl) extracts. At a p value cutoff of 0.05, 403 proteins were classified as extract-specific, whereas 125 proteins were classified as tissue sample-specific. Many of the proteins significantly enriched in neocartilage were annotated by the terms cell adhesion, extracellular matrix, and cytoskeletal remodeling. Further statistical analysis identified a third important protein category in which protein solubility was altered between the P3 and neocartilage. Identification of proteins involved in neocartilage maturation has generated novel insight into the fundamental process of cartilage matrix development with potential for further analysis of engineered cartilaginous tissues with biomedical applications.  相似文献   


Brain atrophy and cognitive dysfunction are neurodegenerative features of Multiple Sclerosis (MS). We used a candidate gene approach to address whether genetic variants implicated in susceptibility to late onset Alzheimer''s Disease (AD) influence brain volume and cognition in MS patients.

Methods/Principal Findings

MS subjects were genotyped for five single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) associated with susceptibility to AD: PICALM, CR1, CLU, PCK1, and ZNF224. We assessed brain volume using Brain Parenchymal Fraction (BPF) measurements obtained from Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) data and cognitive function using the Symbol Digit Modalities Test (SDMT). Genotypes were correlated with cross-sectional BPF and SDMT scores using linear regression after adjusting for sex, age at symptom onset, and disease duration. 722 MS patients with a mean (±SD) age at enrollment of 41 (±10) years were followed for 44 (±28) months. The AD risk-associated allele of a non-synonymous SNP in the PCK1 locus (rs8192708G) is associated with a smaller average brain volume (P = 0.0047) at the baseline MRI, but it does not impact our baseline estimate of cognition. PCK1 is additionally associated with higher baseline T2-hyperintense lesion volume (P = 0.0088). Finally, we provide technical validation of our observation in a subset of 641 subjects that have more than one MRI study, demonstrating the same association between PCK1 and smaller average brain volume (P = 0.0089) at the last MRI visit.


Our study provides suggestive evidence for greater brain atrophy in MS patients bearing the PCK1 allele associated with AD-susceptibility, yielding new insights into potentially shared neurodegenerative process between MS and late onset AD.  相似文献   


Hypoxia inducible factor-1α (HIF-1α) is responsible for the majority of HIF-1-induced gene expression changes under hypoxia and for the “angiogenic switch” during tumor progression. HIF-1α is often upregulated in tumors leading to more aggressive tumor growth and chemoresistance, therefore representing an important target for antitumor intervention. We previously reported that zinc downregulated HIF-1α levels. Here, we evaluated the molecular mechanisms of zinc-induced HIF-1α downregulation and whether zinc affected HIF-1α also in vivo.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Here we report that zinc downregulated HIF-1α protein levels in human prostate cancer and glioblastoma cells under hypoxia, whether induced or constitutive. Investigations into the molecular mechanisms showed that zinc induced HIF-1α proteasomal degradation that was prevented by treatment with proteasomal inhibitor MG132. HIF-1α downregulation induced by zinc was ineffective in human RCC4 VHL-null renal carcinoma cell line; likewise, the HIF-1αP402/P564A mutant was resistant to zinc treatment. Similarly to HIF-1α, zinc downregulated also hypoxia-induced HIF-2α whereas the HIF-1β subunit remained unchanged. Zinc inhibited HIF-1α recruitment onto VEGF promoter and the zinc-induced suppression of HIF-1-dependent activation of VEGF correlated with reduction of glioblastoma and prostate cancer cell invasiveness in vitro. Finally, zinc administration downregulated HIF-1α levels in vivo, by bioluminescence imaging, and suppressed intratumoral VEGF expression.


These findings, by demonstrating that zinc induces HIF-1α proteasomal degradation, indicate that zinc could be useful as an inhibitor of HIF-1α in human tumors to repress important pathways involved in tumor progression, such as those induced by VEGF, MDR1, and Bcl2 target genes, and hopefully potentiate the anticancer therapies.  相似文献   
Down syndrome is the most common autosomal aberration among liveborns, characterised by several clinical features and metabolic disturbances. Aminoacid pathways abnormalities and defective oxidative balance are the most common metabolic problems in Down Syndrome. To evaluate the biochemical responses of children with Down Syndrome to a nutritional regimen supplemented with aminoacids, vitamins and polyunsaturated fatty acids, we submitted 86 subjects divided in two groups (0-6 and 6-12 years) to the dosage of plasma levels of aminoacids, antioxidant enzymes activities and reactive oxygen species, before and after 12 months of such nutritional supplementation and in relation to normal controls. The results obtained showed a tendency towards the values of normal subjects with statistically significant differences. Although other studies must be performed to confirm and define such report, our experience supports the usefulness of a nutritional supplementation with aminoacids, vitamins and polyunsaturated fatty acids, also considering the absence of side effects.  相似文献   
Many endoplasmic reticulum (ER) proteins maintain their residence by dynamic retrieval from downstream compartments of the secretory pathway. In previous work we compared the retrieval process mediated by the two signals, KKMP and KDEL, by appending them to the same neutral reporter protein, CD8, and found that the two signals determine a different steady-state localization of the reporter. CD8-K (the KDEL-bearing form) was restricted mainly to the ER, whereas CD8-E19 (the KKMP-bearing form) was distributed also to the intermediate compartment and Golgi complex. To investigate whether this different steady-state distribution reflects a difference in exit rates from the ER and/or in retrieval, we have now followed the first steps of export of the two constructs from the ER and their trafficking between ER and Golgi complex. Contrary to expectation, we find that CD8-K is efficiently recruited into transport vesicles, whereas CD8-E19 is not. Thus, the more restricted ER localization of CD8-K must be explained by a more efficient retrieval to the ER. Moreover, because most of ER resident CD8-K is not O-glycosylated but almost all CD8-E19 is, the results suggest that CD8-K is retrieved from the intermediate compartment, before reaching the Golgi, where O-glycosylation begins. These results illustrate how different retrieval signals determine different trafficking patterns and pose novel questions on the underlying molecular mechanisms.  相似文献   
Two immunotoxins were prepared using monoclonal antibodies (mAb) directed towards two distinct epitopes of the gp185HER-2 extracellular domain, and the type I ribosome inactivating protein (RIP) plant toxin saporin 6. Cell protein synthesis inhibition assay reveals that the immunotoxins display a potent and specific cytotoxicity that is characterized by a slow rate, since the time required to inhibit incorporation of radiolabeled leucine completely ranges from 36 h to 60 h depending on the target cell line and the immunotoxin. Because this feature may hamper the immunotherapeutic use of these conjugates we analysed this further by studying the early phases of internalization of immunotoxins by immunoelectron microscopy. The results of this study have demonstrated that the distribution pattern of the immunotoxins and of the unconjugated mAb over the cell surface overlaps. Similarly the mAb and immunotoxins are internalized into the cell by two different pathways: via clathrin-coated pits or via smaller uncoated pits and vesicles. A higher degree of internalization is achieved when the two immunotoxins are used in combination. Unlike the slow kinetics of cell intoxication the process of immunotoxin endocytosis is characterized by a rapid rate of internalization (above 40% at 5 min in the SK-BR-3 cell line). Although these findings provide no clue to explain the mechanisms of the slow rate of cytotoxicity of the two immunotoxins their rapid internalization indicates that these reagents can be exploited in immunotherapeutic approches to gp185HER-2-expressing malignancies.  相似文献   
Sleep and Biological Rhythms - Non-sleep symptoms, as depression, anxiety and overweight, are often encountered in narcoleptic patients. The purposes of this study are to evaluate mood,...  相似文献   
Classical mathematical models of tumor growth have shaped our understanding of cancer and have broad practical implications for treatment scheduling and dosage. However, even the simplest textbook models have been barely validated in real world-data of human patients. In this study, we fitted a range of differential equation models to tumor volume measurements of patients undergoing chemotherapy or cancer immunotherapy for solid tumors. We used a large dataset of 1472 patients with three or more measurements per target lesion, of which 652 patients had six or more data points. We show that the early treatment response shows only moderate correlation with the final treatment response, demonstrating the need for nuanced models. We then perform a head-to-head comparison of six classical models which are widely used in the field: the Exponential, Logistic, Classic Bertalanffy, General Bertalanffy, Classic Gompertz and General Gompertz model. Several models provide a good fit to tumor volume measurements, with the Gompertz model providing the best balance between goodness of fit and number of parameters. Similarly, when fitting to early treatment data, the general Bertalanffy and Gompertz models yield the lowest mean absolute error to forecasted data, indicating that these models could potentially be effective at predicting treatment outcome. In summary, we provide a quantitative benchmark for classical textbook models and state-of-the art models of human tumor growth. We publicly release an anonymized version of our original data, providing the first benchmark set of human tumor growth data for evaluation of mathematical models.  相似文献   
In this paper we describe a reductive amination procedure that can be employed in the preparation of a novel class of pseudopeptides in which a specific amide bond is replaced by a CH(Ar)NH group. The developed methodology, performed using NaBH(3)CN and TiCl(4), is characterized by the formation of diastereomeric intermediates in a relative 1:1 ratio. It provides aryl aminomethin pseudopeptides in moderate but satisfactory yields and with definite stereochemistry on the asymmetric centres next to the modified peptide bond.  相似文献   
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