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Pea (Pisum sativum L.), a major pulse crop grown for its protein-rich seeds, is an important component of agroecological cropping systems in diverse regions of the world. New breeding challenges imposed by global climate change and new regulations urge pea breeders to undertake more efficient methods of selection and better take advantage of the large genetic diversity present in the Pisum sativum genepool. Diversity studies conducted so far in pea used Simple Sequence Repeat (SSR) and Retrotransposon Based Insertion Polymorphism (RBIP) markers. Recently, SNP marker panels have been developed that will be useful for genetic diversity assessment and marker-assisted selection.


A collection of diverse pea accessions, including landraces and cultivars of garden, field or fodder peas as well as wild peas was characterised at the molecular level using newly developed SNP markers, as well as SSR markers and RBIP markers. The three types of markers were used to describe the structure of the collection and revealed different pictures of the genetic diversity among the collection. SSR showed the fastest rate of evolution and RBIP the slowest rate of evolution, pointing to their contrasted mode of evolution. SNP markers were then used to predict phenotypes -the date of flowering (BegFlo), the number of seeds per plant (Nseed) and thousand seed weight (TSW)- that were recorded for the collection. Different statistical methods were tested including the LASSO (Least Absolute Shrinkage ans Selection Operator), PLS (Partial Least Squares), SPLS (Sparse Partial Least Squares), Bayes A, Bayes B and GBLUP (Genomic Best Linear Unbiased Prediction) methods and the structure of the collection was taken into account in the prediction. Despite a limited number of 331 markers used for prediction, TSW was reliably predicted.


The development of marker assisted selection has not reached its full potential in pea until now. This paper shows that the high-throughput SNP arrays that are being developed will most probably allow for a more efficient selection in this species.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1266-1) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
Quantitative tools for deciphering the environment of microbialite formation are relatively limited. For example, the oxygen isotope carbonate‐water geothermometer requires assumptions about the isotopic composition of the water of formation. We explored the utility of using ‘clumped’ isotope thermometry as a tool to study the temperatures of microbialite formation. We studied microbialites recovered from water depths of 10–55 m in Pavilion Lake, and 10–25 m in Kelly Lake, spanning the thermocline in both lakes. We determined the temperature of carbonate growth and the 18O/16O ratio of the waters that microbialites grew in. Results were then compared to current limnological data from the lakes to reconstruct the history of microbialite formation. Modern microbialites collected at shallow depths (11.7 m) in both lakes yield clumped isotope‐based temperatures of formation that are within error of summer water temperatures, suggesting that clumped isotope analyses may be used to reconstruct past climates and to probe the environments in which microbialites formed. The deepest microbialites (21.7–55 m) were recovered from below the present‐day thermoclines in both lakes and yield radioisotope ages indicating they primarily formed earlier in the Holocene. During this time, pollen data and our reconstructed water 18O/16O ratios indicate a period of aridity, with lower lake levels. At present, there is a close association between both photosynthetic and heterotrophic communities, and carbonate precipitation/microbialite formation, with biosignatures of photosynthetic influences on carbonate detected in microbialites from the photic zone and above the thermocline (i.e., depths of generally <20 m). Given the deeper microbialites are receiving <1% of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), it is likely these microbialites primarily formed when lower lake levels resulted in microbialites being located higher in the photic zone, in warm surface waters.  相似文献   
Legume seeds are a major source of dietary proteins for humans and animals. Deciphering the genetic control of their accumulation is thus of primary significance towards their improvement. At first, we analysed the genetic variability of the pea seed proteome of three genotypes over 3 years of cultivation. This revealed that seed protein composition variability was under predominant genetic control, with as much as 60% of the spots varying quantitatively among the three genotypes. Then, by combining proteomic and quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping approaches, we uncovered the genetic architecture of seed proteome variability. Protein quantity loci (PQL) were searched for 525 spots detected on 2-D gels obtained for 157 recombinant inbred lines. Most protein quantity loci mapped in clusters, suggesting that the accumulation of the major storage protein families was under the control of a limited number of loci. While convicilin accumulation was mainly under the control of cis-regulatory regions, vicilins and legumins were controlled by both cis- and trans-regulatory regions. Some loci controlled both seed protein composition and protein content and a locus on LGIIa appears to be a major regulator of protein composition and of protein in vitro digestibility.  相似文献   
The induction of SOS and adaptive responses by alkylating agents was studied in Escherichia coli mutants tagA and alkA deficient in 3-methyladenine-DNA glycosylase activities. The SOS response was measured using an sfiA::lacZ operon fusion. The sfiA operon, in the double mutant tagA alkA, is induced at 5-50-fold lower concentrations of all tested methylating and ethylating compounds, as compared to the wild-type strain. In all cases, the tagA mutation, which inactivates the constitutive and specific 3-alkyladenine-DNA glycosylase I (TagI), sensitizes the strain to the SOS response. The sensitization effect of alkA mutation, which inactivates the inducible 3-alkyladenine-DNA glycosylase II (TagII), is observed under conditions which allow the induction of the adaptive response. We conclude that the persistence of 3-methyladenine and 3-ethyladenine residues in DNA most likely leads to the induction of the SOS functions. In contrast, the adaptive response, evaluated by O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase activity in cell extracts, was not affected by either tagA or alkA mutations. The results suggest that the SOS and adaptive responses use different alkylation products as an inducing "signal". However, adaptation protein TagII inhibits the induction of the SOS response to some extent, due to its action at the level of signal production. Finally, we provide conditions to improve short-term bacterial tests for the detection of genotoxic alkylating agents.  相似文献   
Lipid peroxidation generates aldehydes, which react with DNA bases, forming genotoxic exocyclic etheno(epsilon)-adducts. E-bases have been implicated in vinyl chloride-induced carcinogenesis, and increased levels of these DNA lesions formed by endogenous processes are found in human degenerative disorders. E-adducts are repaired by the base excision repair pathway. Here, we report the efficient biological hijacking of the human alkyl-N-purine-DNA glycosylase (ANPG) by 3,N(4)-ethenocytosine (epsilonC) when present in DNA. Unlike the ethenopurines, ANPG does not excise, but binds to epsilonC when present in either double-stranded or single-stranded DNA. We developed a direct assay, based on the fluorescence quenching mechanism of molecular beacons, to measure a DNA glycosylase activity. Molecular beacons containing modified residues have been used to demonstrate that the epsilonC.ANPG interaction inhibits excision repair both in reconstituted systems and in cultured human cells. Furthermore, we show that the epsilonC.ANPG complex blocks primer extension by the Klenow fragment of DNA polymerase I. These results suggest that epsilonC could be more genotoxic than 1,N(6)-ethenoadenine (epsilonA) residues in vivo. The proposed model of ANPG-mediated genotoxicity of epsilonC provides a new insight in the molecular basis of lipid peroxidation-induced cell death and genome instability in cancer.  相似文献   
Saccharomyces cerevisiae Scc2 binds Scc4 to form an essential complex that loads cohesin onto chromosomes. The prevalence of Scc2 orthologs in eukaryotes emphasizes a conserved role in regulating sister chromatid cohesion, but homologs of Scc4 have not hitherto been identified outside certain fungi. Some metazoan orthologs of Scc2 were initially identified as developmental gene regulators, such as Drosophila Nipped-B, a regulator of cut and Ultrabithorax, and delangin, a protein mutant in Cornelia de Lange syndrome. We show that delangin and Nipped-B bind previously unstudied human and fly orthologs of Caenorhabditis elegans MAU-2, a non-axis-specific guidance factor for migrating cells and axons. PSI-BLAST shows that Scc4 is evolutionarily related to metazoan MAU-2 sequences, with the greatest homology evident in a short N-terminal domain, and protein–protein interaction studies map the site of interaction between delangin and human MAU-2 to the N-terminal regions of both proteins. Short interfering RNA knockdown of human MAU-2 in HeLa cells resulted in precocious sister chromatid separation and in impaired loading of cohesin onto chromatin, indicating that it is functionally related to Scc4, and RNAi analyses show that MAU-2 regulates chromosome segregation in C. elegans embryos. Using antisense morpholino oligonucleotides to knock down Xenopus tropicalis delangin or MAU-2 in early embryos produced similar patterns of retarded growth and developmental defects. Our data show that sister chromatid cohesion in metazoans involves the formation of a complex similar to the Scc2-Scc4 interaction in the budding yeast. The very high degree of sequence conservation between Scc4 homologs in complex metazoans is consistent with increased selection pressure to conserve additional essential functions, such as regulation of cell and axon migration during development.  相似文献   
MSMEG_0220 from Mycobacterium smegmatis, the ortholog of the Rv0183 gene from M. tuberculosis, recently identified and characterized as encoding a monoacylglycerol lipase, was cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli. The recombinant protein (rMSMEG_0220), which exhibits 68% amino acid sequence identity with Rv0183, showed the same substrate specificity and similar patterns of pH-dependent activity and stability as the M. tuberculosis enzyme. rMSMEG_0220 was found to hydrolyze long-chain monoacylglycerol with a specific activity of 143 ± 6 U mg−1. Like Rv0183 in M. tuberculosis, MSMEG_0220 was found to be located in the cell wall. To assess the in vivo role of the homologous proteins, an MSMEG_0220 disrupted mutant of M. smegmatis (MsΔ0220) was produced. An intriguing change in the colony morphology and in the cell interaction, which were partly restored in the complemented mutant containing either an active (ComMsΔ0220) or an inactive (ComMsΔ0220S111A) enzyme, was observed. Growth studies performed in media supplemented with monoolein showed that the ability of both MsΔ0220 and ComMsΔ0220S111A to grow in the presence of this lipid was impaired. Moreover, studies of the antimicrobial susceptibility of the MsΔ0220 strain showed that this mutant is more sensitive to rifampin and more resistant to isoniazid than the wild-type strain, pointing to a critical structural role of this enzyme in mycobacterial physiology, in addition to its function in the hydrolysis of exogenous lipids.Tuberculosis, which is caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, is a major public health issue worldwide. Because of the emergence of multidrug-resistant (MDR) and extensively drug-resistant (XDR) strains and the high incidence of HIV and tuberculosis coinfection (16), it is becoming increasingly difficult to combat the spread of this disease, and the global health burden of tuberculosis is extremely heavy. The reasons for the persistence of the tubercle bacillus include not only its ability to enter into a state of dormancy in its host for decades, evading the immune system by forming structures called granulomas (17), but also its unique and complex cell wall composed of specific lipids (8). These characteristics are thought to be good focus points for drug development. In granulomas, during the nonreplicative stage, the bacteria have been found to accumulate lipids in the form of intracellular lipid inclusion bodies (LIBs) (13). These lipids are composed mainly of triacylglycerols (TAG) (9, 13) and may originate from the lipolysis of host lipids and/or fatty acid uptake. In fact, M. tuberculosis in the granuloma center can even accumulate lipids originating from the degradation of immune cells (20). In addition, it has been reported that M. tuberculosis internalized by foamy macrophages accumulated LIBs when it joined cell lipid droplets composed of neutral lipids (32). Lipid storage may provide the bacillus with energy via the β-oxidation pathway followed by the glyoxylate cycle, during the chronic phase and the reactivation step (3, 17). These lipids may also supply precursors for the synthesis of bacterial cell membrane lipids, which play a key role in the pathogenicity of M. tuberculosis (4, 23). To investigate the molecular basis of the virulence and pathogenicity of M. tuberculosis, it was therefore proposed to study the lipid metabolism and cell wall remodeling processes in this bacterium.The enzymes involved in the lipid degradation processes induced by this bacterium have attracted considerable attention during the last few years. Based on the complete M. tuberculosis H37Rv genome sequence (6), several open reading frames (ORFs) encoding proteins potentially involved in the lipid metabolism of this strain have been identified, among which are the two lipases from M. tuberculosis that have been purified and characterized so far. Deb et al. identified an enzyme, Rv3097c (LipY), belonging to the hormone-sensitive lipase family, which is able to hydrolyze long-chain TAG (10). A study of LIB mobilization in a lipY-deficient mutant has shown that LipY was involved in TAG hydrolysis under nutriment-deprived conditions (10). LipY may therefore be involved in the degradation of TAG stored during the dormant stage and the subsequent reactivation of the pathogen. In addition, electron microscopy immunolabeling studies of LipY clearly showed that the enzyme had a cell surface localization, thus in direct contact with the host immune system (28). The last identified lipase to date is a monoacylglycerol lipase annotated Rv0183 (7). Like LipY, Rv0183 is located in the cell wall, but its exact physiological function has not yet been elucidated. One hypothesis could be that, like some mammalian cells (e.g., adipocytes), M. tuberculosis expresses several lipolytic enzymes sequentially involved in the lipolysis of TAG (37). The Rv0183 enzyme is conserved in M. bovis (Mb0189) and M. leprae (ML2603), as well as in M. smegmatis (MSMEG_0220), a nonpathogenic mycobacterium which provides a useful model organism and a surrogate host for molecular analysis of M. tuberculosis (19). In order to decipher the cellular role of Rv0183 in M. tuberculosis H37Rv and its contribution to the lipid metabolism of this bacterium, biochemical studies were performed on the homologue MSMEG_0220. For this purpose, the MSMEG_0220 gene from M. smegmatis, encoding a protein showing 68% amino acid sequence identity with Rv0183, was cloned, and the recombinant MSMEG_0220 enzyme (rMSMEG_0220) was produced in Escherichia coli, purified, and biochemically characterized. An M. smegmatis mutant with an MSMEG_0220 disrupted gene was produced to investigate the physiological role of MSMEG_0220.  相似文献   
Peroxynitrite induces DNA base damage predominantly at guanine (G) and 8-oxoguanine (8-oxoG) nucleobases via oxidation reactions. Nitration products are also observed, consistent with the generation of radical intermediates that can recombine with the (.)NO(2) formed during peroxynitrite degradation. The neutral G radical, G(.), reacts with (.)NO(2) to yield 8-nitroguanine (8-nitroG) and 5-nitro-4-guanidinohydantoin (NI), while for 8-oxoG we have proposed a reactive guanidinylidene radical intermediate. The products generated during peroxynitrite-mediated 8-oxoG oxidation depend on oxidant flux, with dehydroguanidinohydantoin (DGh), 2,4,6-trioxo-[1,3,5]triazinane-1-carboxamidine (CAC) and NO(2)-DGh predominating at high fluxes and spiroiminodihydantoin (Sp), guanidinohydantoin (Gh) and 4-hydroxy-2,5-dioxo-imidazolidine-4-carboxylic acid (HICA) predominating at low fluxes. Both product sets are observed at intermediate fluxes. It is therefore important in model systems to ensure that the relative concentrations are well controlled to minimize competing reactions that may not be relevant in vivo. Increasingly sophisticated systems for modeling peroxynitrite production in vivo are being developed and these should help with predicting the products most likely to be formed in vivo. Together with the emerging information on the genotoxic and mutational characteristics of the individual oxidation products, it may be found that the extent of tissue damage, mutational spectra and, hence, cancer risk may change as a function of peroxynitrite fluxes as different product combinations predominate.  相似文献   
The evolution of fungicide resistance within populations of plant pathogens must be monitored to develop management strategies. Such monitoring often is based on microbiological tests, such as microtiter plate assays. Molecular monitoring methods can be considered if the mutations responsible for resistance have been identified. Allele-specific real-time PCR approaches, such as amplification refractory mutation system (ARMS) PCR and mismatch amplification mutation assay (MAMA) PCR, are, despite their moderate efficacy, among the most precise methods for refining SNP quantification. We describe here a new real-time PCR method, the allele-specific probe and primer amplification assay (ASPPAA PCR). This method makes use of mixtures of allele-specific minor groove binder (MGB) TaqMan probes and allele-specific primers for the fine quantification of SNPs from a pool of DNA extracted from a mixture of conidia. It was developed for a single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) that is responsible for resistance to the sterol biosynthesis inhibitor fungicide fenhexamid, resulting in the replacement of the phenylalanine residue (encoded by the TTC codon) in position 412 of the enzymatic target (3-ketoreductase) by a serine (TCC), valine (GTC), or isoleucine (ATC) residue. The levels of nonspecific amplification with the ASPPAA PCR were reduced at least four times below the level of currently available allele-specific real-time PCR approaches due to strong allele specificity in amplification cycles, including two allele selectors. This new method can be used to quantify a complex quadriallelic SNP in a DNA pool with a false discovery rate of less than 1%.  相似文献   
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