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The incision of DNA at apurinic/apyrimidinic sites (AP-sites) by chloro-6-methoxy-2 [(adenyl-9)-11)-4,8 diazadecyl]amino-9 acridine (Ade-Z-Acr), a 9-aminoacridine linked to an adenine, at nanomolar concentrations is described. Moreover, this drug, Ade-Z-Acr, is one of the most efficient drugs which cleaves DNA at AP-sites. The high activity is the result of the composition of the drug, since the individual components have no incising activity in the concentration range studied. The termini left by the Ade-Z-Acr molecule are a 3'deoxyribose and a 5'nucleotide. The termini and the inability of the Ade-Z-Acr to incise DNA with reduced AP-sites suggest that the mechanism of cleavage is beta-elimination.  相似文献   
We have isolated a clone from a C57BL/6 genomic library that contains both part of the Y Chromosome-specific 8.7 kbp MuRVY genome (Hutchinson and Eicher, J. Virol. 63, 4043, 1989) and a full-length 8.3 kbp Intracisternal A Particle genome (IAPE-Y), in a tail-to-tail organization. Although IAPs are encoded by a disperse multigene family (∼1000 copies per haploid genome), we present evidence that a significant proportion of the IAP-related sequences are present on the Y Chromosome (Chr) and that a >25 kbp genomic sequence, which contains the two proviral genomes, has been amplified on the Y Chr. Two discrete amplified families of MuRVY retroviral genomes distinguishable by a polymorphic restriction site were detected, suggestive that amplification occurred in incremental stages. The presence of MuRVY-related DNA sequences, but absence of IAPE-Y-related DNA sequences in Mus spretus suggests that the IAPE-Y retrotransposition event occurred after the evolutionary divergence of the lineages leading to Mus musculus and Mus spretus, and that the amplification of MuRVY occurred independently in the two lineages. Received: 28 July 1995 / Accepted: 1 September 1995  相似文献   
Aziridine (ethyleneimine) reacts with DNA in vitro, mainly at the N7 position of guanine and N3 of adenine, then imidazole ring opening of the modified guanine results in formation of formamidopyrimidine (FaPy) residues. The Escherichia coli fpg gene encodes a DNA glycosylase that removes FaPy residues from DNA. To determine whether aziridine produces FaPy lesions in mammalian cells we have expressed the E.coli fpg gene in CHO cells. The transfected cells, expressing high levels of the bacterial protein, are more resistant to the toxic and mutagenic effects of aziridine than the control population. Less DNA damage was measured by quantitative PCR analysis in transfected than in control cells treated with equimolar concentrations of aziridine. The results suggest that aziridine produces in vivo FaPy residues that could account for the deleterious effects of this compound.  相似文献   
pBR322 plasmid DNA was treated with methylene blue plus visible light (MB-light) and tested for transformation efficiency in Escherichia coli mutants defective in either formamidopyrimidine-DNA glycosylase (Fpg protein) and/or UvrABC endonuclease. The survival of pBR322 DNA treated with MB-light was not significantly reduced when transformed into either fpg-1 or uvrA single mutants compared with that in the wild-type strain. In contrast, the survival of MB-light-treated pBR322 DNA was greatly reduced in the fpg-1 uvrA double mutant. The synergistic effect of these two mutations was not observed in transformation experiments using pBR322 DNA treated with methyl methanesulfonate, UV light at 254 nm, or ionizing radiation. In vitro experiments showed that MB-light-treated pBR322 DNA is a substrate for the Fpg protein and UvrABC endonuclease. The number of sites sensitive to cleavage by either Fpg protein or UvrABC endonuclease was 10-fold greater than the number of apurinic-apyrimidinic sites indicated as Nfo protein (endonuclease IR)-sensitive sites. Seven Fpg protein-sensitive sites per PBR322 molecule were required to produce a lethal hit when transformed into the uvrA fpg-1 mutant. These results suggest that MB-light induces DNA base modifications which are lethal and that these modifications are repaired by Fpg protein and UvrABC endonuclease in vivo and in vitro. Therefore, one of the physiological functions of Fpg protein might be to repair DNA base damage induced by photosensitizers and light.  相似文献   
Electrochemical regeneration of NAD was performed at a laboratory preparative scale to illustrate both the efficiency and intrinsic simplicity of the electrochemical method. A powerful plug-flow reactor was realized with a flow through graphite felt electrode, the ratio of the effective area of electrode/volume of reactor increased to 380 cm(2)/cm(3). This graphite-felt electrode was able to oxidize NADH coenzyme at a very low overvoltage. On the example of the gluconic acid production catalyzed by glucose dehydrogenase, current as high as 0.1 A was obtained in experience where enzymatic activity was the main limitation. In confirmation of our previous work, the results show that the yield of NADH electrochemical oxidation is better than 99.95%.  相似文献   
Prior studies have documented a trigeminal (V) mandibular primary afferent projection to the dorsomedial portion of the contralateral medullary and cervical dorsal horns in cat, hamster, and rat. We now report the existence of a much more substantial V ophthalmic primary afferent projection to the ventrolateral portion of contralateral medullary and cervical dorsal horns in rat. Horseradish peroxidase (HRP) injections into the V ganglion or V brainstem complex anterogradely labeled a fascicle of primary afferent axons that exited the caudal ventrolateral V spinal tract to form a rostrocaudally continuous, transversely oriented, V primary afferent decussation. These fibers terminated most heavily in laminae III-V of the ventrolateral dorsal horn in contralateral caudal medulla and the first and second cervical segments. Retrograde tracing with diamidino yellow (DY) or fluorogold and anterograde tracing with Phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin also demonstrated a substantial commissural projection of central origin in medullary dorsal horn laminae I-VII. The latter projection had a more diffuse trajectory and termination pattern than that of the V primary afferent decussation. Unilateral HRP injections into medullary and cervical dorsal horns also retrogradely labeled V primary afferent collaterals contralateral to the injection site in corresponding regions of dorsal horn, and also in ventromedial interpolaris, oralis, and principalis, rostral to their decussation. Axons (1.5 +/- 0.8 microns mean diameter; 0.4-3.9 microns range) therefore terminated both ipsi- and contralateral to their cells of origin. These HRP injections also labeled an average of 40.4 +/- 13.0 V ganglion cells (mean +/- SD, corrected for split somata) in dorsomedial, ophthalmic regions of the contralateral ganglion. Their mean diameter was slightly larger than that of cells labeled ipsilaterally (29.9 vs. 26.3 microns). Double-labeling studies assessed possible ophthalmic receptor surfaces innervated by centrally crossing primary afferents. DY was injected into right medullary and cervical dorsal horns, and HRP was applied to either the left cornea, the ethmoid nerve, or the dura overlying cerebral cortex. Though DY labeled from 75 to 125 left ganglion cells per animal, no cells were double-labeled. All of these findings suggest that nociceptive-specific ganglion cells are not a source of the crossed ophthalmic primary afferent projection. Unilateral transection of the infraorbital nerve on the day of birth did not alter the crossed primary afferent projection to the partially deafferented side of the brainstem. This is further evidence of an absence of central sprouting in spared V primary afferents following neonatal V deafferentation.  相似文献   
The most abundant lesion formed in DNA upon modification with methylating agents 7-methylguanine, under alkaline conditions is converted into 2,6-diamino-4-hydroxy-5N-methyl-formamidopyrimidine (Fapy-7MeGua). We have previously shown that treatment of dimethylsulfate methylated DNA with NaOH creates mutagenic base derivatives leading to a 60-fold increase in the frequency of A-->G transitions and a 2-3-fold increase of G-->T and G-->C transversions. We have analyzed which lesions lead to these mutations. We compared mutagenic spectra in the lacZ gene of M13mp18 phage DNA modified with dimethylsulfate and NaOH after selective elimination of damaged bases from molecules used for transfection into SOS-induced E. coli. Partial elimination of Fapy-7MeGua from phage DNA performed by its digestion with formamidopyrimidine-DNA glycosylase resulted in a 2-3-fold decrease of G-->T and G-->C transversions. Selective depurination of methylated bases (9 h, 37 degrees C, pH 7.0) resulting in almost complete loss of 7MeAde as demonstrated by HPLC analysis of [3H]MNU alkylated phage DNA used as a probe, caused a dramatic, 9-fold decrease of A-->G transitions. Alkali-catalysed rearrangement of 7MeAde was followed by HPLC analysis of [3H]MNU alkylated poly(A) and poly(dA). After incubation of these oligonucleotides in NaOH, 7MeAde disappeared from both chromatograms, but only in polyA, 2 new peaks migrating with retention time different from that of 1MeAde, 3MeAde or 7MeAde were detected, suggesting formation of two rotameric forms of Fapy-7MeAde as observed for Fapy-7MeGua. Thus the miscoding lesion, giving rise to A-->G transitions derived from 7MeAde was Fapy-7MeAde. Fapy-7MeGua was at least an order of magnitude less mutagenic, but in SOS-induced cells it gave rise to G-->T and G-->C transversions.  相似文献   
A new allergen from horse dander, Equ c 5 has been purified. Its biochemical and biophysical properties have been characterized and compared with those of Equ c 1, Equ c 2 and Equ c 4. Their molecular masses, determined by mass spectrometry, were 22 kDa for Equ c 1, 16 kDa for Equ c 2, 18.7 kDa for Equ c 4 and 16.7 kDa for Equ c 5. Their pI values were between 3.8 and 5.25. Equ c 2 and Equ c 5 are not glycosylated, while Equ c 4 contains a tri-antennary tri-sialylated N-linked glycan. Linkages of terminal N-acetylneuraminic acid to galactose were: alpha-(2-->6) in Equ c 4, and both alpha-(2-->3) and alpha-(2-->6) in Equ c 1. Oligosaccharide portions of Equ c 1 or Equ c 4 were barely involved in IgE-immunoreactivity. Partial N-terminal sequence of Equ c 4 shares a significant sequence homology with the rat submandibular gland protein A. No matching was found for two internal peptides of Equ c 5. Surfactant properties of horse allergens as well as other proteins were investigated. In contrast to Equ c 2 and Equ c 3, solutions of Equ c 1, Equ c 4 and Equ c 5 significantly lowered the surface tension. Relationship between a property such as this, involving oriented hydrophobic patches of a molecule and allergenicity, is addressed.  相似文献   
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