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Understanding the paleoecology of extinct subfossil lemurs requires reconstruction of dietary preferences. Tooth morphology is strongly correlated with diet in living primates and is appropriate for inferring dietary ecology. Recently, dental topographic analysis has shown great promise in reconstructing diet from molar tooth form. Compared with traditionally used shearing metrics, dental topography is better suited for the extraordinary diversity of tooth form among subfossil lemurs and has been shown to be less sensitive to phylogenetic sources of shape variation. Specifically, we computed orientation patch counts rotated (OPCR) and Dirichlet normal energy (DNE) of molar teeth belonging to 14 species of subfossil lemurs and compared these values to those of an extant lemur sample. The two metrics succeeded in separating species in a manner that provides insights into both food processing and diet. We used them to examine the changes in lemur community ecology in Southern and Southwestern Madagascar that accompanied the extinction of giant lemurs. We show that the poverty of Madagascar's frugivore community is a long-standing phenomenon and that extinction of large-bodied lemurs in the South and Southwest resulted not merely in a loss of guild elements but also, most likely, in changes in the ecology of extant lemurs.  相似文献   
Reading comprehension is a foundational academic skill and significant attention has focused on reading development. This report is the first to examine the stability and change in genetic and environmental influences on reading comprehension across Grades 1 to 6. This developmental range is particularly important because it encompasses the timespan in which most children move from learning how to read to using reading for learning. Longitudinal simplex models were fitted separately for two independent twin samples (N = 706; N = 976). Results suggested that the shared environment contributed to variance in early but not later reading. Instead, stability in reading development was largely mediated by continuous genetic influences. Thus, although reading is clearly a learned skill and the environment remains important for reading development, individual differences in reading comprehension appear to be also influenced by a core of genetic stability that persists through the developmental course of reading.  相似文献   
Optimal escape theory seeks to explain variation in the distanceto an approaching predator at which the prey initiates escape(flight initiation distance). Flight initiation distance increaseswhen predators pose a greater threat and decreases when escapecosts increase. Although optimal escape theory has been highlysuccessful, its predictions have been tested primarily for speciesthat escape to discrete refuges, and most studies have focusedon single risk or cost factors. We present data from two experimentsin which two risks or a risk and a cost varied in Bonaire whiptaillizards (Cnemidophorus murinus) that escaped without enteringrefuges. Our data verify several predictions about optimal escapefor nonrefuging lizard prey. Two risk factors, speed and directnessof approach by the predator, interacted. Directly approachedlizards had greater flight initiation distances than did indirectlyapproached lizards when approached rapidly, but shorter flightinitiation distances when approached slowly. Flight initiationdistance was shorter in the presence of food and during slowversus rapid approaches, but contrary to expectation, food presenceand approach speed did not interact. This would be explainedif cost curves are nonlinear or if they are parallel ratherthan intersecting when the predator reaches the prey. More empiricalwork is needed to determine which risk and cost factors actadditively and which act synergistically. The absence of interactionbetween the risk and cost factors suggests that cost curveswere nonlinear.  相似文献   
3-methylglutaconic aciduria (3-MGA-uria) is a nonspecific finding associated with mitochondrial dysfunction, including defects of oxidative phosphorylation. 3-MGA-uria is classified into five groups, of which one, type IV, is genetically heterogeneous. Here we report five children with a form of type IV 3-MGA-uria characterized by cataracts, severe psychomotor regression during febrile episodes, epilepsy, neutropenia with frequent infections, and death in early childhood. Four of the individuals were of Greenlandic descent, and one was North American, of Northern European and Asian descent. Through a combination of homozygosity mapping in the Greenlandic individuals and exome sequencing in the North American, we identified biallelic variants in the caseinolytic peptidase B homolog (CLPB). The causative variants included one missense variant, c.803C>T (p.Thr268Met), and two nonsense variants, c.961A>T (p.Lys321) and c.1249C>T (p.Arg417). The level of CLPB protein was markedly decreased in fibroblasts and liver of affected individuals. CLPB is proposed to function as a mitochondrial chaperone involved in disaggregation of misfolded proteins, resulting from stress such as heat denaturation.  相似文献   
E. coli Integration host factor (IHF) condenses the bacterial nucleoid by wrapping DNA. Previously, we showed that DNA flexibility compensates for structural characteristics of the four consensus recognition elements associated with specific binding (Aeling et al., J. Biol. Chem. 281, 39236–39248, 2006). If elements are missing, high-affinity binding occurs only if DNA deformation energy is low. In contrast, if all elements are present, net binding energy is unaffected by deformation energy. We tested two hypotheses for this observation: in complexes containing all elements, (1) stiff DNA sequences are less bent upon binding IHF than flexible ones; or (2) DNA sequences with differing flexibility have interactions with IHF that compensate for unfavorable deformation energy. Time-resolved Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) shows that global topologies are indistinguishable for three complexes with oligonucleotides of different flexibility. However, pressure perturbation shows that the volume change upon binding is smaller with increasing flexibility. We interpret these results in the context of Record and coworker's model for IHF binding (J. Mol. Biol. 310, 379–401, 2001). We propose that the volume changes reflect differences in hydration that arise from structural variation at IHF–DNA interfaces while the resulting energetic compensation maintains the same net binding energy.  相似文献   
In northcentral Namibia, Waterberg Plateau Park (WPP) is a protected area that acts as a refuge for rare and endangered species, while the farmlands surrounding the Park are managed for livestock production, but support populations of wildlife for game farming, trophy hunting, and conservation. During June–October 2006, camera-traps were set within and surrounding WPP to assess leopard (Panthera pardus) density (n = 19 camera stations and 946 camera-trap-nights). Fortuitously, photographic results (2,265 photos of identifiable mammal (n = 37) and bird (n = 25) species) allowed us to assess aspects of species diversity and differences among the Park, the farmland areas along the Waterberg Plateau escarpment, and the flatlands surrounding the escarpment. Species composition among the three areas was markedly different, and made sense with respect to differences in habitat and management features. Camera-trapping efforts, although intended for a narrow purpose, may also provide a rather robust record of differences in mammal and bird diversity in adjacent habitats and can be incorporated into long-term monitoring programs.  相似文献   
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