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Der Einfluß des Zeugungsalters auf die Mutationen zu Hämophilie A   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Assuming that in sibships with sporadic hemophilia the mothers of the patients are already carriers the relationship between the age of the mother's father at birth of the mother and frequency of hemophilia among his grandsons was examined.The ages of the mother's father at birth of the mother of 40 patients with sporadic hemophilia A was compared with that of a control-group as well as with the ages of the mother's fathers at birth of the mothers of patients from families where hemophilia A is inherited. The mean age of these grandfathers was found to be increased. Using the Mann-Whitney-U-test for comparing the ages of grandfathers of sporadic cases with the control-group there is to be found P=.0025, which is highly significant statistically. Comparing data from sibships with sporadic hemophilia with data from sibships where hemophilia is inherited there is no significant difference — perhaps according to the small number of inherited cases (19, P=0.065) —, but the deviation is in the same direction. Comparison of data both from the inherited cases and the control-group with data of sporadic cases gives P=.0087.There is perhaps a connection between parental age and number of children, but it is shown to have no important influence in our material. On the other hand fathers with a higher number of children are significant more frequent among the grandfathers than among the controls. This difference cannot be explained sufficiently. Between cases of sporadic and inherited hemophilia there is no clear cut difference.Certainly there exists a relationship between parental age and birth-rank. Therefore the mothers of sporadic cases — unlike to carriers of sibships with inherited hemophilia — take clearly higher ranks in birth-order than it is theoretically to be expected. Penrose published a method of separating the relative aetiological effects of birth-order and parental age. Using this method an influence of birth-order cannot be found after excluding the influence of parental age. Hence, paternal age seems to be the determining factor.It is discussed which model of mutation the hemophilia-mutation belongs to because of this relationship. We would count it to No. 2 of the classification given by Vogel where mutations are due to copy errors. So cases of sporadic hemophilia seem equal to those of sporadic achondroplasia.

Diese Arbeit wurde der Medizinischen Fakultät der Universität Hamburg als Inaugural-dissertation vorgelegt.

Herrn Prof. Dr. F. Vogel danke ich für wertvolle Hinweise, insbesondere zur statistischen Methodik.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung An männlichen weißen Ratten wurde das Verhalten des Enzymmusters der Leber 72 Std nach Verbrühung untersucht. Es fanden sich Veränderungen im Sinne einer Aktivitätsverminderung bei der NAD-Cytochrom-c-Reduktase, Isocitronensäuredehydrogenase, ATPase und den PJS-positiven Substanzen. Eine Zunahme der Aktivität wurde bei der alkalischen Phosphatase und einigen Esterasen beobachtet, ebenso traten auch die scharlachrotfärbbaren Substanzen auf. Uneinheitliche Reaktionen zeigten die Succinodehydrogenase sowie die Leucinaminopeptidase, unverändert blieben Glukose-6-phosphat-dehydrogenase, -Glucuronidase, saure Phosphatase, die o-Diacetylbenzol- und die DDD-Reaktion.  相似文献   
To investigate the mechanism by which the large T antigen (T-Ag) of polyomavirus and simian virus 40 can promote recombination in mammalian cells, we analyzed homologous recombination events occurring between two defective copies of the polyomavirus middle T (pmt) oncogene lying in close proximity on the same chromosome in a rat cell line. Reconstitution of a functional pmt gene by spontaneous recombination occurred at a rate of about 2 x 10(-7) per cell generation. Introduction of the polyomavirus large T (plt) oncogene into the cell line by DNA transfection promoted recombination very efficiently, with rates in the range of 10(-1) to 10(-2) per cell generation. Recombination was independent of any amplification of viral sequences and could even be promoted by the large T-Ag from simian virus 40, which cannot activate polyomavirus DNA replication. To explain the role of large T-Ag, we propose a novel mechanism of nonconservative recombination involving slipped-strand mispairing between the two viral repeats followed by gap repair synthesis.  相似文献   
Ferritin H gene polymorphism in idiopathic hemochromatosis   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Summary We have analysed karyotypes and DNA from three patients with aniridia (congenital absence of irises) and Wilms' tumour. All three had constitutional deletions from the short arm of chromosome 11. The minimum region of overlap of the deletion involves a small region of band 11p13 presumed to contain the genetic loci responsible for both phenotypic abnormalities. Using cells from these patients, somatic cell hybrids with transformed mouse cells have been prepared. Individual subclones retaining either the deletion-11 chromosome or the normal chromosome 11, in addition to a variety of other human chromosomes, have been identified. The relative position of these breakpoints have been determined and the panel of hybrids has been used to map randomly-isolated 11p13 DNA sequences. The characterisation of these deletions has provided a useful panel of hybrids for random mapping strategies designed to identify the Wilms' and aniridia genes.  相似文献   
The differentiation of T Lymphocytes within the thymus is an important biological phenomenon during wich these cell acquire their functions to further control the immune system. Numerous experiments under various conditions have been devised to understand the different mechanisms involved in this complex process. Nevertheless, interpretation of these experiments lead to still contradictory debatable hypotheses. Modelisation of this process through classical simulation methods cannot be envisaged because they are not adapted to modifications of the model structure, which is the point of interest. For these reasons, we proposed a new approach of automatic search for model. The program consists of four independent connected modules : The generator produces model, based on the rationale of formal grammars. Protocol and experimental data are stored in a set of experiments. The simulator using a protocol and a model provides simulated results. Finally, the supervisor by comparing simulated results and experimental data, adapts the model parameters to increase their fit and either chooses a new experiment to explore, or modifies the model structure. Change of the model structure is performed among still unexplored models according to their promise level, which is iteratively evaluated relatively to previously explored models through a proposed model distance. The generator is written in Prolog and the other modules in C++. The architecture of the program allows us to modify or complete a module without changing anything in the other modules. As a consequence, the proposed modeling approach conceived to study T lymphocyte differentiation within the thymus remains independent of this biological phenomenon and can be applied to other biological problems.  相似文献   
The mass transfer in a hemodialyser in the presence of combined dialysis and ultrafiltration has been calculated by integration of mass fluxes across the boundary layers in blood and dialysate phase taking into account the partial rejection of solute as well as changes in local blood flow and ultrafiltration flux along the membrane. Clearances of creatinin, vitamin B12, and myoglobin have been calculated as a function of blood and ultrafiltrate flow rate and were found to be in good agreement with in vitro measurements. The data suggest the following empirical correlation for the hemodiafiltration clearance.  相似文献   
Capsids of polyomaviruses--small, nonenveloped DNA viruses--consist of the major structural protein VP1 and the minor structural proteins VP2 and VP3. The contributions of the individual capsid proteins to functions of the viral particle, such as DNA encapsidation, cell receptor attachment, entry, and uncoating, are still not clear. Here we show that viruslike particles assembled in nuclei of insect cells from VP1 of the monkey B-lymphotropic papovavirus (LPV) are sufficient to unspecifically encapsidate DNA. LPV VP1 expressed in large amounts in insect cells by a baculovirus vector assembled spontaneously in the nuclei to form viruslike particles. After metrizamide equilibrium density gradient purification and nuclease digestion, a fraction of these particles was shown to contain VP1-associated linear, double-stranded DNA with a predominant size of 4.5 kb. The fraction of DNA-containing VP1 particles increased with time and dose of baculovirus vector infection. The DNA-containing particles, further purified by sucrose gradient centrifugation, appeared as "full" particles in negative-staining electron microscopy. As shown by DNA hybridization, the encapsidated DNA consisted of insect cell and baculoviral sequences with no apparent strong homology to LPV sequences. Three non-LPV VP1-derived host proteins with apparent molecular masses of approximately 14, 15, and 16 kDa copurified with the DNA-containing particles and may represent insect cell histones encapsidated together with the DNA. A similar species of host DNA was also found in purified LPV wild-type virions. These data suggest that LPV VP1 alone can be sufficient to encapsidate linear DNA in a sequence-independent manner.  相似文献   
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