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The current study focused on galectins (-1, -3, -4, -7, and –8) and deliberately performed immunohistochemical fingerprinting to explore their complexity in a context of experimental renal carcinogenesis. The diethylstilbestrol (DES)-induced renal tumors in male Syrian hamster kidney (SHKT) represent a unique animal model for the study of estrogen-dependent renal malignancies. Kidney sections of DES-treated hamsters (3 days to 11 months of DES exposure) were analyzed by immunohistochemistry using a panel of non-crossreactive antibodies raised against galectins-1, -3, -4, -7, and -8. Levels of expression were quantitatively determined by using computer-assisted microscopy on immunostained tissue sections. Except for galectin-4, all above mentioned galectins were expressed in kidney tumors. Small clusters of galectin-1-positive, most likely preneoplastic cells at the corticomedullary junction were already evident 1 week after DES administration. Galectin-1 and -3 expression was apparently associated with the first steps of the neoplastic transformation, because small tumorous buds were found to be positive after 1 month of treatment. In contrast, galectins-7 and -8 were detected in large tumors and medium-sized tumors, respectively, thereby indicating an involvement in later stages of DES-induced SHKT. Galectins-1, -3, -7, and -8 were also detected by immunofluorescence staining in the HKT-1097 cell line established from SHKT, thus illustrating the stability of galectin expression in tumor cells. Our data document the presence and differential regulation of galectins in the course of renal tumorigenesis in the model of DES-induced SHKT.  相似文献   
The stable C isotope composition (δ13C) of CO2 respired by trunks was examined in a mature temperate deciduous oak forest (Quercus petraea). Month-to-month, day-to-day and diurnal, measurements were made to determine the range of variations at different temporal scales. Trunk growth and respiration rates were assessed. Phloem tissue was sampled and was analysed for total organic matter and soluble sugar 13C composition. The CO2 respired by trunk was always enriched in 13C relative to the total organic matter, sometimes by as much as 5‰. The δ13C of respired CO2 exhibited a large seasonal variation (3.3‰), with a relative maximum at the beginning of the growth period. The lowest values occurred in summer when the respiration rates were maximal. After the cessation of radial trunk growth, the respired CO2 δ13C values showed a progressive increase, which was linked to a parallel increase in soluble sugar content in the phloem tissue (R = 0.95; P < 0.01). At the same time, the respiration rates declined. This limited use of the substrate pool might allow the discrimination during respiration to be more strongly expressed. The late-season increase in CO2 δ13C might also be linked to a shift from recently assimilated C to reserves. At the seasonal scale, CO2 δ13C was negatively correlated with air temperature (R = −0.80; P < 0.01). The diurnal variation sometimes reached 3‰, but the range and the pattern depended on the period within the growing season. Contrary to expectations, diurnal variations were maximal in winter and spring when the leaves were missing or not totally functional. By contrast to the seasonal scale, these diurnal variations were not related to air temperature or sugar content. Our study shows that seasonal and diurnal variations of respired 13C exhibited a similar large range but were probably explained by different mechanisms.  相似文献   
ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters are involved in the transport of multiple substrates across cellular membranes, including metabolites, proteins, and drugs. Employing a functional fluorochrome export assay, we found that UVB irradiation strongly inhibits the activity of ABC transporters. Specific inhibitors of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-1 (PARP-1) restored the function of ABC transporters in UVB-irradiated cells, and PARP-1-deficient cells did not undergo UVB-induced membrane transport inhibition. These data suggest that PARP-1 activation is necessary for ABC transporter functional downregulation. The hydrolysis of poly(ADP-ribose) by poly(ADP-ribose) glycohydrolase (PARG) was also required, since specific PARG inhibitors, which limit the production of ADP-ribose molecules, restored the function of ABC transporters. Furthermore, ADP-ribose molecules potently inhibited the activity of the ABC transporter P-glycoprotein. Hence, poly(ADP-ribose) metabolism appears to play a novel role in the regulation of ABC transporters.  相似文献   
Individual human health is determined by a complex interplay between genes, environment, diet, lifestyle, and symbiotic gut microbial activity. Here, we demonstrate a new "nutrimetabonomic" approach in which spectroscopically generated metabolic phenotypes are correlated with behavioral/psychological dietary preference, namely, "chocolate desiring" or "chocolate indifferent". Urinary and plasma metabolic phenotypes are characterized by differential metabolic biomarkers, measured using 1H NMR spectroscopy, including the postprandial lipoprotein profile and gut microbial co-metabolism. These data suggest that specific dietary preferences can influence basal metabolic state and gut microbiome activity that in turn may have long-term health consequences to the host. Nutrimetabonomics appears as a promising approach for the classification of dietary responses in populations and personalized nutritional management.  相似文献   
Ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun is widely considered as a major cause of human skin photoaging and skin cancer. Granzyme B (GrB) and perforin (PFN) are two proteins contained in granules and implicated in one of the mechanisms by which cytotoxic lymphocytes and natural killer cells exert their cytotoxicity against virus-infected, alloreactive, or transformed cells. The distribution of GrB and PFN in the skin has received little attention. However, Berthou and co-workers (Berthou, C., Michel, L., Soulie, A., Jean-Louis, F., Flageul, B., Dubertret, L., Sigaux, F., Zhang, Y., and Sasportes, M. (1997) J. Immunol. 159, 5293-5300) described that, whereas freshly isolated epidermal cells did not express GrB or PFN, keratinocyte growth to confluence was associated with GrB and PFN mRNA and protein synthesis. In this work, we have investigated the possible role of UV-B on GrB and PFN expression in keratinocytes. We found that UV-B induces GrB and PFN expression in these cells through redox-, epidermal growth factor receptor-, and mitogen-activated protein kinase-dependent signaling. Furthermore, under UV irradiation, keratinocytes acquire a significant cytotoxicity, which is GrB and PFN dependent, toward a variety of cellular targets including transformed T-lymphocytes, melanocytes, and keratinocytes. This phenomenon may have important functional consequences in the regulation of skin inflammatory response and in the emergence of cancer skin.  相似文献   
In acute promyelocytic leukaemia (APL), arsenic trioxide induces degradation of the fusion protein encoded by the PML-RARA oncogene, differentiation of leukaemic cells and produces clinical remissions. SUMOylation of its PML moiety was previously implicated, but the nature of the degradation pathway involved and the role of PML-RARalpha catabolism in the response to therapy have both remained elusive. Here, we demonstrate that arsenic-induced PML SUMOylation triggers its Lys 48-linked polyubiquitination and proteasome-dependent degradation. When exposed to arsenic, SUMOylated PML recruits RNF4, the human orthologue of the yeast SUMO-dependent E3 ubiquitin-ligase, as well as ubiquitin and proteasomes onto PML nuclear bodies. Arsenic-induced differentiation is impaired in cells transformed by a non-degradable PML-RARalpha SUMOylation mutant or in APL cells transduced with a dominant-negative RNF4, directly implicating PML-RARalpha catabolism in the therapeutic response. We thus identify PML as the first protein degraded by SUMO-dependent polyubiquitination. As PML SUMOylation recruits not only RNF4, ubiquitin and proteasomes, but also many SUMOylated proteins onto PML nuclear bodies, these domains could physically integrate the SUMOylation, ubiquitination and degradation pathways.  相似文献   
Mesothelial repair differs from that of other epithelial-like surfaces as healing does not occur solely by centripetal in-growth of cells as a sheet from the wound margins. Mesothelial cells lose their cell-cell junctions, divide, and adopt a fibroblast-like morphology while scattering across and covering the wound surface. These features are consistent with a cellular response to hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor (HGF/SF). In this study, we examined the ability of mesothelial cells to secrete HGF/SF and investigated its possible role as an autocrine regulator of mesothelial cell motility and proliferation. We found that human primary mesothelial cells expressed HGF/SF mRNA and secreted active HGF/SF into conditioned medium as determined by ELISA and in a scattering bioassay. These cells also expressed the HGF/SF receptor, Met, as shown by RT-PCR and by Western blot analysis and immunofluorescence. Incubation of mesothelial cells with neutralizing antibodies to HGF/SF decreased cell migration to 25% of controls, whereas addition of HGF/SF disrupted cell-cell junctions and induced scattering and enhanced mesothelial cell migration. Furthermore, HGF/SF showed a small but significant mitogenic effect on all mesothelial cell lines examined. In conclusion, HGF/SF is produced by mesothelial cells and induces both motility and proliferation of these cells. These data are consistent with HGF/SF playing an autocrine role in mesothelial healing.  相似文献   
The occipital cortex (OC) of early-blind humans is activated during various nonvisual perceptual and cognitive tasks, but little is known about its modular organization. Using functional MRI we tested whether processing of auditory versus tactile and spatial versus nonspatial information was dissociated in the OC of the early blind. No modality-specific OC activation was observed. However, the right middle occipital gyrus (MOG) showed a preference for spatial over nonspatial processing of both auditory and tactile stimuli. Furthermore, MOG activity was correlated with accuracy of individual sound localization performance. In sighted controls, most of extrastriate OC, including the MOG, was deactivated during auditory and tactile conditions, but the right MOG was more activated during spatial than nonspatial visual tasks. Thus, although the sensory modalities driving the neurons in the reorganized OC of blind individuals are altered, the functional specialization of extrastriate cortex is retained regardless of visual experience.  相似文献   
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