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Animal studies have shown that sequenced patterns of neuronal activity may be replayed during sleep. However, the existence of such replay in humans has not yet been directly demonstrated. Here we studied patients who exhibit overt behaviors during sleep to test whether sequences of movements trained during the day may be spontaneously reenacted by the patients during sleep. We recruited 19 sleepwalkers (who displayed complex and purposeful behaviors emerging from non REM sleep), 20 patients with REM sleep behavior disorder (who enacted their dreams in REM sleep) and 18 healthy controls. Continuous video sleep recordings were performed during sleep following intensive training on a sequence of large movements (learned during a variant of the serial reaction time task). Both patient groups showed learning of the intensively trained motor sequence after sleep. We report the re-enactment of a fragment of the recently trained motor behavior during one sleepwalking episode. This study provides, to our knowledge, the first evidence of a temporally-structured replay of a learned behavior during sleep in humans. Our observation also suggests that the study of such sleep disorders may provide unique and critical information about cognitive functions operating during sleep.  相似文献   
To assess the burden of neurocysticercosis (NCC) in California we examined statewide hospital discharge data for 2009. There were 304 cases hospitalized with NCC identified (incidence = 0.8 per 100,000). Cases were mostly Latino (84.9%), slightly more likely to be male than female (men 57.6%, women 42.4%) with an average age of 43.5 years. A majority of cases were hospitalized in Southern California (72.1%) and many were hospitalized in Los Angeles County (44.7%). Men were more likely than women to have severe disease including hydrocephalus (29.7% vs. 18.6%, p = 0.027), resulting in longer hospitalizations (>4 days, 48.0% vs. 32.6%, p = 0.007) that were more costly (charge>$40 thousand men = 46.9% vs. woman = 4.1%, p = 0.026). Six deaths were recorded (2.0%). The total of NCC-related hospital charges exceeded $17 million; estimated hospital costs exceeded $5 million. Neurocysticercosis causes appreciable disease and exacts a considerable economic burden in California.  相似文献   
Locating appropriate settlement habitat is a crucial step in the life cycle of most benthic marine animals. In marine fish, this step involves the use of multiple senses, including audition, olfaction and vision. To date, most investigations of larval fish audition focus on the hearing thresholds to various frequencies of sounds without testing an ecological response to such sounds. Identifying responses to biologically relevant sounds at the development stage in which orientation is most relevant is fundamental. We tested for the existence of ontogenetic windows of reception to sounds that could act as orientation cues with a focus on vulnerability to alteration by human impacts. Here we show that larvae of a catadromous fish species (barramundi, Lates calcarifer) were attracted towards sounds from settlement habitat during a surprisingly short ontogenetic window of approximately 3 days. Yet, this auditory preference was reversed in larvae reared under end-of-century levels of elevated CO2, such that larvae are repelled from cues of settlement habitat. These future conditions also reduced the swimming speeds and heightened the anxiety levels of barramundi. Unexpectedly, an acceleration of development and onset of metamorphosis caused by elevated CO2 were not accompanied by the earlier onset of attraction towards habitat sounds. This mismatch between ontogenetic development and the timing of orientation behaviour may reduce the ability of larvae to locate habitat or lead to settlement in unsuitable habitats. The misinterpretation of key orientation cues can have implications for population replenishment, which are only exacerbated when ontogenetic development decouples from the specific behaviours required for location of settlement habitats.  相似文献   
Estimating the genetic variance available for traits informs us about a population’s ability to evolve in response to novel selective challenges. In selfing species, theory predicts a loss of genetic diversity that could lead to an evolutionary dead-end, but empirical support remains scarce. Genetic variability in a trait is estimated by correlating the phenotypic resemblance with the proportion of the genome that two relatives share identical by descent (‘realized relatedness’). The latter is traditionally predicted from pedigrees (ΦA: expected value) but can also be estimated using molecular markers (average number of alleles shared). Nevertheless, evolutionary biologists, unlike animal breeders, remain cautious about using marker-based relatedness coefficients to study complex phenotypic traits in populations. In this paper, we review published results comparing five different pedigree-free methods and use simulations to test individual-based models (hereafter called animal models) using marker-based relatedness coefficients, with a special focus on the influence of mating systems. Our literature review confirms that Ritland’s regression method is unreliable, but suggests that animal models with marker-based estimates of relatedness and genomic selection are promising and that more testing is required. Our simulations show that using molecular markers instead of pedigrees in animal models seriously worsens the estimation of heritability in outcrossing populations, unless a very large number of loci is available. In selfing populations the results are less biased. More generally, populations with high identity disequilibrium (consanguineous or bottlenecked populations) could be propitious for using marker-based animal models, but are also more likely to deviate from the standard assumptions of quantitative genetics models (non-additive variance).  相似文献   
The spatial structure of populations determines the relative importance of reproduction, survival and movement on population dynamics. However, the mechanisms by which local individuals and immigrants interact and the subsequent effects of immigrants on productivity are poorly known. We developed an integrated population model (IPM) to study the extent and consequences of immigration on the dynamics of a neotropical migrant (American redstart, Setophaga ruticilla) over an 11-year period in Ontario, Canada. New immigrants represented the majority of the study population each year with higher immigration rates for males than females and for first-year breeders than breeders in their second year or older. Immigration was negatively density dependent, with immigrants replacing previously established breeders in a compensatory manner following their death or emigration. Because of the tradeoff between immigration and apparent survival, neither had a strong influence on population growth and reproductive output was most strongly correlated with a change in abundance between years. However, if immigration ceased, the study population would become locally extinct within 7 years and thus immigrants were essential for local population persistence. We found no evidence for reduced breeding success when immigrants represented a higher proportion of the study population. Our research highlights the importance of movement in the stability of open populations and the strong correlation between the fates of local breeders and the number of immigrants entering the population. We recommend the use of IPMs to address the spatial scale over which immigration occurs and how different scales influence its contribution to population dynamics.  相似文献   
The successful use of stable isotopes to track migratory animals between different seasons of the annual cycle depends, in part, on the turnover rate of isotopes in sample tissue. We examined whether stable-carbon isotopes in the blood of a long-distance migratory bird, the American redstart Setophaga ruticilla , sampled upon arrival to the temperate breeding grounds could be used to track the quality of habitat used the previous season on the tropical wintering grounds. Stable-carbon isotopes in red-blood cells sampled upon arrival (δ13CRBC) were significantly less negative relative to: 1) plasma sampled upon arrival from the same individuals, 2) red-blood cells of redstarts recaptured more than a month later on the breeding grounds, and 3) nestling feathers grown at the same breeding location. δ13CRBC was also significantly different between sexes, consistent with findings from the wintering grounds where sex-biased habitat use is known to occur. Although individuals likely integrate some isotopic signatures during migration, we provide evidence that cellular blood can be used to track the relative habitat use of migratory birds during the wintering period. Non-destructive methods of sampling stable-isotopes, such as this, are particularly useful because it provides a technique for tracking the patterns of habitat use and/or geographic location of migratory animals. Such approaches allow researchers to understand how events throughout the annual cycle interact to influence population dynamics.  相似文献   
Many species of birds exhibit brilliant ornamental plumage, yet most research on the function and evolution of plumage has been confined to the breeding season. In the American redstart Setophaga ruticilla , a long-distance Neotropical-Nearctic migratory bird, the acquisition of a winter territory in high-quality habitat advances spring departure and subsequent arrival on breeding areas, and increases reproductive success and annual survival. Here, we show that males holding winter territories in high-quality, black mangrove habitats in Jamaica have brighter yellow-orange tail feathers than males occupying territories in poor-quality second-growth scrub habitats. Moreover, males arriving on the breeding grounds from higher-quality winter habitats (inferred by stable-carbon isotopes) also had brighter tail feathers. Because behavioral dominance plays an important role in the acquisition of winter territories, plumage brightness may also be related to fighting ability and the acquisition and maintenance of territories in high-quality habitat. These results highlight the need for further research on the relationships between plumage coloration, behavior, and the ecology of over-wintering migratory birds.  相似文献   
Birds that arrive and breed early often have higher reproductive success than late individuals, either as a consequence of timing‐specific advantages (the timing hypothesis) or because these individuals and/or their resources are of higher quality (the quality hypothesis). In this study, we examined the potential influence of several factors affecting reproductive success by experimentally delaying breeding of early‐arriving male American redstarts Setophaga ruticilla, a species for which early male arrival is strongly related to increased reproductive success. Our manipulation involved the capture, holding, and release of males following pairing and territory establishment, resulting in the majority of subjects (67%) losing their initial mate (47%) or mate and territory (20%) and forcing them to start over approximately 12 d after their initial arrival. Males forced to start over (i.e. those losing their first territory and/or mate) did not experience any decrease in body condition, nor did their reproductive behaviour differ from that of early‐arriving control males. We found that naturally early‐arriving but experimentally manipulated males suffered reduced fledging success in comparison to early‐arriving males that bred early or late, but equivalent success in comparison to males that arrived and bred late. Based on our results, we propose that the relationship between early arrival and higher reproductive success in this species is mediated not simply by individual male quality or absolute arrival timing alone, but rather some other aspect of resource quality is likely important. We discuss and present evidence for two alternative explanations under the quality hypothesis: female quality and territory quality. To our knowledge, our study is the first to investigate the effects of experimentally delaying male breeding time, strengthening previous correlational evidence for resource quality as a potentially important selective agent driving early arrival in migratory birds.  相似文献   
Transmigration of leukocytes across blood vessels walls is a critical step of the immune response. Transwell assays examine transmigration properties in vitro by counting cells passages through a membrane; however, the difficulty of in situ imaging hampers a clear disentanglement of the roles of adhesion, chemokinesis, and chemotaxis. We used here microfluidic Transwells to image the cells’ transition from 2D migration on a surface to 3D migration in a confining microchannel and measure cells longitudinal forward-thrusting force in microchannels. Primary human effector T lymphocytes adhering with integrins LFA-1 (αLβ2) had a marked propensity to transmigrate in Transwells without chemotactic cue. Both adhesion and contractility were important to overcome the critical step of nucleus penetration but were remarkably dispensable for 3D migration in smooth microchannels deprived of topographic features. Transmigration in smooth channels was qualitatively consistent with a propulsion by treadmilling of cell envelope and squeezing of cell trailing edge. Stalling conditions of 3D migration were then assessed by imposing pressure drops across microchannels. Without specific adhesion, the cells slid backward with subnanonewton forces, showing that 3D migration under stress is strongly limited by a lack of adhesion and friction with channels. With specific LFA-1 mediated adhesion, stalling occurred at around 3 and 6 nN in 2 × 4 and 4 × 4 μm2 channels, respectively, supporting that stalling of adherent cells was under pressure control rather than force control. The stall pressure of 4 mbar is consistent with the pressure of actin filament polymerization that mediates lamellipod growth. The arrest of adherent cells under stress therefore seems controlled by the compression of the cell leading edge, which perturbs cells front-rear polarization and triggers adhesion failure or polarization reversal. Although stalling assays in microfluidic Transwells do not mimic in vivo transmigration, they provide a powerful tool to scrutinize 2D and 3D migration, barotaxis, and chemotaxis.  相似文献   
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